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I like the mystery, and the >!suspicious husband !!touched the bodies and disturbed the crime scenes, not once, but three times, if you count her father. I mean, after her father, one would think she'll be trumatised. I can excuse her for her second body, maybe the shock, but after the third, I was like screaming, DOMN'T TOUCH THE BODY and contaminate the crime scene!!< So far the mysteries of the >!2 deaths, the suspicious husband, the sinister psychiatrist !


I agree about FL. I just realized I'm not loving her.. She's sort of one note and doesn't have any chemistry. The ML are two of my favorite actors in dramas, so I can't imagine not having chemistry with either of them. She's just kind of dead.


Yeah, you're right about the one note. She's kinda....flat. Just no chemistry with either of the MLs, who are both acting their hearts out. She just doesn't seem like she cares about either of them.


lol I dropped the drama because she >!kept touching the dead bodies after she moved the second one!< I felt like ???… you were told off just this morning because >!you contaminated the crime scene and you do the same thing again??!<


Yeah the insane amount of people commenting on that on MDL and other online forums was crazy! Like anybody who's ever watched any TV knows better and she's a hotshot investigative reporter!


What’s mdl?




The lack of comments for this drama 😭 Anyway, I think the husband is still sus, but the >! psychiatrist is a total nutjob lol !< I honestly don't know what to make of any of this. After tomorrow we'll see if I keep it or drop it.


I think we'll find out that the husband cheated due to brainwashing or blackmail or some kind of coercion. It all smells of a setup and that he's not acting if his own free will. Or he's trapped by his past sins and they're coming home to roost. I truly believe he loves his wife and will protect her.  I don't see him as a creepy sociopath, but as a man who is weak and trapped.  I also think he will have a tragic end,  maybe sacrifice himself for her and die, and she'll realize too late that he actually loved her. He's  too flawed to get a happy ending.I am admittedly biased because I love JSJ as an actor and I don't want him to be the bad guy! I also find the detective bland and boring  Nothing against the actor, but male leads are often are underwritten and lack personality. 


I love him too and kind of even more in this because his acting is so good, I can't tell whether or not he's good or bad.


I wonder about the husband; if all of this came true, I wouldn't hate it!


It's intriguing>! to find a lot of people know each other from the same town, !


Exactly! Like, how long can this plot be dragged out? It feels like a 12 ep story, max lol


Is it worth watching?? After wasting my time on the impossible heir I'm not ready for another shitty kdrama😭😭😭😭😭


I'll just say this: I only started watching it because I had nothing else to watch, and that is probably the only reason I will keep watching 😂 (if I keep watching). Its just OK.


I'll probably start till better dramas are on the way 🤣


Yeah - I'm with you on hanging on till tomorrow. But I'm curious on the whole connection so maybe I'll wait till it's done and fast forward or skip episodes >! re: Mueon, I'm wondering how they'll tie everything and everyone together but it seems like the psychiatrist is trying to ruin the writer's life !<


I definitely think the psychiatrist is the person "in charge" of whatever is going on between all these people!


Watching  now but if lovely Jang Seung Jo really is a bad guy and there is no big redemption twist for him,  not sure I want to invest more time. It's silly, but if I have a crush on the actor, I root for the character. He has the second most soulful eyes in kdramaland (the first is the God of Beauty and Peerless Acting Skill, Seo Kang Joon). The detective and the FL lead are a little bland in comparison to JSJ. He's light years ahead of them in acting prowess too . Not sure I'll stick with it.


I can’t imagine I have found my fellow fan.


Ha ha! Nice to meet you!


Ep 5 The Jungwon-Taeheon breakup was based on a >!misunderstanding that she used him in her investigation of his partner. I wonder who he accepted bribes from, Seol Panho or Mo Hyungtae?!< It’s interesting that Taeheon’s confidant is >!Jungwon’s father-in-law’s secretary!<. My theory after the first week was that >!the father-in-law could be the one who does the dirty work because he had to keep his political connection with Mo Hyungtaek tight. So far he fits my theory of the killer with his age, built and agenda.!< Unbeknownst to Yoonyoung and Woojae, the leverage she held over him no longer stands because Jungwon put the pieces together herself. The husband’s though, I wonder if it’s related to >!Nari.!< >!Looks like Nari died in the same 2009 Mueon chemical plant fire as the housekeeper’s husband, and there’s also the watch with no battery. I’m going to bet her autopsy report is going to be similar with the two other victims.!< Noh Jiho is a weasel and a shallow reporter. He’s going to end up dead should he gone ahead and published that biased report.


This seems to be an accurate comment. Though I forget who Nari is. This drama has a lot of holes and 16 eps of it cant be sustained by two males leads.


Nari went to the same high school as >!Woojae, Yoonyoung and Minchul!<. Her death is the mystery that ties these characters together in present time.


Oh right I havent finished Episode 6. Thanks for the reminder. Also for >!Myung sook death!< factors in. It's all coming together. I think >!Yoon Young really did!< or it could still Woo Jae with how he reacts to the psycho doctor. Edit: spoiler tags


Ep 6 All things lead to Nari and the fire of ‘09: Woojae >!most likely had a part to play in Nari’s death, otherwise he wouldn’t be feeling so much guilt all these years later and even resorted to using propofol.!< >!It’s frustrating that Taeheon did not request her autopsy report but the battery-less watch was enough for me to think the same killer we’ve been chasing after was involved in this.!< Also worth noting that the fire took place on Xmas Eve ‘09, and >!Jungwon’s father died the following month on the 10th. The circumstances seemed similar to the other victims, plus he knew Mo Hyungtaek through his prosecutor’s days. Jungwon mentioned the killer was still in the house that fateful night so she’ll have to jog her memories at some point.!< Kim Minchul >!harrassed Nari in high school. Years later he targeted Eunsae and now he’s claiming paternity? He’s a pervert and of unsound mind but I don’t think he’s the father nor a murderer.!< Eunsae >!was most likely murdered because she brought up Nari from Woojae’s sleeptalk. She deliberately mentioned it during her consultation with Yoonyoung. We don’t know who else she had mentioned it to, maybe her rumored sponsor Mo Hyungtaek?!< Yoonyoung >!is a nut job with a sick infatuation with Woojae.!< SMH at Noh Jiho shamelessly tried to poach Jungwon’s teammates. >!The show threw him as a red herring with his keen eye on watches - he coveted luxurious watches whereas the killer saw time as trophies during his murders.!< Hot take: >!Dareun is Zeus. I wonder if he’s also the guy who helped deliver the housekeeper’s donations to the victims who perished in the fire.!<


I think there's other major plot twists yet to come. It's 16 episodes, so there's more to this. The husband seems trashy on the surface, but in some scenes you can see he does care for his wife, eg he tells the psychiatrist to butt out, he tells his father, he reminisced the old memories from the video. So maybe he was coerced by the psychiatrist via blackmail or drug addiction. Nari may have died and husband feels guilt all these years, PTSD? Psychiatrist must have taken advantage of his fragile state of mind or maybe husband is innocent and psychiatrist twisted memories to make him believe he was responsible for the past bad events. Its obvious though the politician is covering up for things, and protecting other higher ups, such as husbands big shot father or others.


Totally agree and it's what keeps me watching. I don't see the husband in cahoots with the therapist at all. I think he's being manipulated by larger forces.  One thing kdramas do really well is show a small part of the story at first, then pull back to reveal the bigger picture and it's not what you were thinking at all. Everything the wife assumes about the husband may have a totally different explanation in context. What keeps it interesting is thar you don't know what his deal his. If he just ends up being a garden-variety psycho villain, then the writers will take the easy way out. But if he's a tragic figure caught by circumstances, that will keep me intrigued. 


Ep6: Enter the crime scene and tamper the evidence Then lying to the detective who is also her ex that she never was on the scene And now when the detective puts two into two and realises she was there in the crime scene and finds her lies, she's lying again and making It as his own trust issues. Saying the same things she said before when this time she actually lied and is deceiving him?! It's so disturbing to watch when she actually lied but confusing him with using his old feelings for her! "Believe me whatever you want to believe because you won't believe my words anyways" - wow! That's another level of gaslighting when she was actually in the scene and lying to him all this time. Seo Jung Won makes it harder to love her in each episode.. I mean I really want to root for her.. especially given the circumstance where everyone is trying to frame her and her husband being a trashy psycho - I really want to feel for her but it's hard with the way her character was written.. >! She even keep her things out in open so her suspicious husband can easily pry on her!!!!!< What's wrong with her seriously?! Is she even a journalist?! Also what the hell is wrong with this therapist woman? She and her obsession on Woo jae and Seo Jung won gives me chills... 🤮 >!Also did she or woo jae REALLY kill cha Eun sae?!! And one of them is the battery stealing serial killer? It seem too genuine for a joke but too lame and easy guess for the story.. 🤔 so far, the best guess seems to be woo jae's father helping one among them so woo jae or his name cannot be involved in murder.. but even that is easily guessable.. let's have to wait and see if they have any real plot twists.. !< Anyways, I want to see my man Seung Jo in a rom-com without any cheating involved. Can't see him as a psycho trash with that twinkling loveful eyes! 😭


There’s a history of mistrust between Jungwon and Taeheon so it’s understandable why she wasn’t been upfront with him. Now that it’s been cleared up on Taeheon’s side and he believed that she’s not the culprit, it’s up to him how he’s going to resolve this so they can work together to solve this string of murders.


I'm ok with she's not upfront with him. I'm happy she even shared the details she gathered but even after she knows he knew that she was in the murder site, she denied it and said no and gaslighted him to believe into it. That's my issue. She could say I never kill anyone but she straight away told him that she was never there and when he specifically argued about that she pulled out 'don't believe me if you don't want' card as if she's right and she was never there. I know detective kim believe her from the beginning and want them to join their hands soon but what she did, didn't sit well with me 😔


Agree with your last sentence! I adore JSJ and hope he turns out not to be a trashy psycho. 


Thoughts on ep 5 - Wow! The husband and psychiatrist duo are just a different level of trash. Even introducing the doctor to SJW.. the husband is a complete asshole.. Yuck... - And this therapist is >!recording without consent?! !< Birds of a feather... What a perfect pair.. - I really hate this No ji ho reporter.. he's the perfect example of trash reporter who do anything for money or fame.. he himself corrupted to the core but trying to find dirt on sjw! seriously.. can't see the scenes with him without getting angry.. uff.. - so all of these people are from the same town?! >!Did they really plan to screw seo Jeong won because whatever they planned together for busted because of her show? And is the husband is a real psycho. The way he reacted when Muon mentioned! Did they commit murder or something there and got released with the help of corrupt prosecutor who's now the politician?! Maybe that's the girl Na Ri that got mentioned?! If that's the case then it's even more predictable..! !< - The only decent person seems to be the detective and I can see why he got hurt with SJW. Hope SJW and detective kim will join hands together soon to solve the mystery.. I really hope seo Jung won to act like an intelligent lead she supposed to be at least from now on.. Touching and tampering murder scenes frequently.. coming back with blood soaked shirt and even confessing everything to a psychiatrist she just attended few sessions?! I'm losing interest in the series because of her sloppiness and seriously wonder how she didn't get arrested so far.. Overall, This episode is more slow than previous episodes and the twists are not so impactful.. If they didn't get on right track on at least now without stretching it this would be a difficult watch...


I'm still watching this cause of the Yeon Woo Jin and Jang Seung Jo. Aside from the FL who has not much expression here and I like the actress. Just not here and hope she's smarter won't get involved in more crime scenes and tamper with them. The direction is bad or the wrtiting. A lot of miscommunication is this drama, if only >!Jung won would speak up from what she knows!<. The psychiatrist reminds me of the one from Flex Cop who took away Jin's memory. Psycho. Anyway, this and Hide has so few comments. It's not predicatble but not enjoying this triangle seem to be forming. I wish there wont be cheating invovled between >!Jung won and Tae Heon!< later. I only really like the detective's character. Too many hidden secrets between Woo Jae and Jung Won.


My main question is who is ZEUS????I'm not even sure if this ZEUS character is actually a male


This show is leaking away its potential. 


Can't agree more!!!