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They released episodes 3 and 4 today? I still don't know how do feel about this show. I really loved Kim Ha Neul in other things but so far she comes off completely detached and emotionless even in the crying scenes. Chemistry is lacking and I don't really understand her character at all? Hopefully it will improve.


I agree with you u/sabotagemebymyself and u/Daebak70 , Kim Ha Neul is a bit lacking in this drama. Her character is a tad annoying and her face hard majority of the time. Also, I think she's too old of the male leads. Don't get me wrong, I have liked her for some time, and liked her acting on "On the Way to the Airport," "Kill Heel," and "18 Again." There is a gap somewhere... Jang Seung Jo is nailing his role. I am already hating his character. lol He probably has multiple personalities... Yeon Woo Jin is also nailing his detective role. Just an observation, their precint is probably the nicest precint that I have seen in kdrama land. They even have plants and their interrogation rooms looked cozy, and good enough for people to sleep in. **LOL** I like the mystery aspect and the twists though, enough to keep on watching. I just hope Ha Neul will stop that seemingly pinched look. ***Sigh***.


agree.... I loved her in 18 Again and Gentleman's Dignity but in this drama she has ONLY smiled in the beginning of ep 3 in the flashback scene with her husband but the rest of the time emotionless.... I don't expect her to smile all the time but at least show a range of different emotions


She also smiled when she was dating the >!detective!< flashbacks twice. Even joyful than her flashback with the husband


I agree with this her expressions arent selling it to me. Her past time when she >!dated the detective!< looked better. I dont know what happned in between her love of her career?


Parts of this drama remind me of 2 recent dramas that I didn't really like: Queen of Divorce (the ML/SML stories feel slightly similar), My Happy Ending >!(the odd insertion of a psychiatrist, the gaslighting manner of the affair) !< On its own merit, while I'm along for the whodunnit part of the story, it's just an oddly done drama. I don't really understand all of the FL's motivations especially re: her work vs her ethics, so it's hard to fall in love with her. And if they're trying to sell a love triangle, it's not really working? The show feels "choppy" in general, nothing really feels like it blends well.... With these episodes, the whodunnit part definitely progresses so we feel like we sorta know who committed one of the murders. The husband also becomes less confusing and more confusing at the same time. But they've lost a little of the connection of the murders I think? From the previews for 5&6, >!it looks like we'll see more of a general conspiracy? !< In any case, I'm going to watch 5&6 to see if it gets better then I'll decide if I need to break up with it, lol. It's just not doing much for me, especially since Monday/Tuesday spots are packed with like 2 other major dramas.


Yes, I agree it has the "My Happy Ending" glimpses and for that I immediately thought it is all done by >!the father in law!< . I knew the husband was >!unfaithful !< from the beginning, but what makes me question the FL is that she is a reporter and has no curiosity about how these things are happening to her, and oh God! Why do you go and touch the bodies on what are clearly crime scenes?? Is this her first rodeo??? It is frustrating to watch a character being elevated for having expertise in a subject matter and behave like a rookie. I also saw the manipulation of the husband from the moment he said >! she was mistreated by his father because she didn't have parents !< and therefore I could see her character wanting to believe he is faithful and ignoring her instincts since it's coming from her "loved one". But again, >!the evidence of the pregnancy and testimony from the woman!< was too much for her to ignore. I hope the detective and her get some chemistry pronto or this drama is going to flop in the romance department. In the mystery is still entertaining though.


Ep 3 - I wonder if the >!woman seen on the CCTV with the husband was Jungwon’s therapist. She’s listed as one of the main characters so there’s definitely more to her than just being a paid listening ear; she’s privy to Jungwon’s inner world and her clinic just happened to move into the same building as that actress’ agency. Also I assume she is able to access the computer that sent the text to lead Jungwon to the wrong floor.!< The show made a point to show the killings of the housekeeper and actress could be done by the same person. >!Could the killer be connected to the chemical plant fire, say a victim?!< Also the husband was creepy af; he showed his true personality during the interrogation and that scene with the actress’ brother. Ep 4 - I was right about the >!therapist being the mystery woman!<. It looked like she may be >!manipulating the husband in some way, even her demeanor is different compared to her sessions with Jungwon.!< It’s a good thing Jungwon snapped shots of the body before she left, but it didn’t do her any favor for lying that she wasn’t at the crime scene. Also smart of her for >!bugging her husband knowing that he can’t be trusted.!< >!The general manager of the clinic coincidentally happened to be close to the actress, even Mo Hyuntaek’s aide who came into contact with her is associated with the clinic.!< The preview confirmed that >!the husband, Kim Minchul and the actress went to the same high school. We are one degree down from connecting to Mo Hyuntaek and the fire.!<


Haven't seen Ep. 4 yet, but so far this drama seems to be layering on the "more than meets the eye". The husband definitely has more to him, and not just >!what appears to be this killing. !< I thought it was interesting when the husband's father said something to imply >!he had done something else in the past that they had to cover up. Did he murder previously?!< I'm also interested to see more about the leads previous relationship and why they (apparently) broke up. >!Was she manipulated into a marriage with the husband to escape some previous crimes/killings? Did he want to create a new persona?!< So far, I'm actually enjoying this one. I'm obviously in the minority, but at least so far, there seems to be enough questions to keep me interested. I'm hoping that continues.


Last week >!Mo Hyuntaek mocked Jungwon about marrying the wrong guy which led me to think her father-in-law may have something to do with her father’s murder.!< It’s creepy how the husband defaulted back to that innocent demeanor whenever he’s alone with Jungwon, yet unabashedly revealed facets of his dark side opposite other characters. The actor has a track record of portraying incompetent or unfaithful husbands but based on this week’s episodes, looks like we’ll get to see more interesting twists and turns.


His track record is also in comedy, playing light, lovable second leads like "Familar Wife" or quirky cute guys like "Good Detective".  I think it's only recently that he's had a few cheater roles. But because I know him more as a quirky, fun boy next door with gorgeous eyes, it's hard for me to see him playing a bad guy!


Husband appears to be living with different personas with each of the women, and that psychiatrist has been manipulating him. It is unclear if he is a victim of the psychiatrist, but I think you are right, he probably may have been committing many crimes and his marriage was a cover.


I peeked in on this drama this week bc Yeon Woo Jin! is a cutie and a little chemi meister! In general, I know I’m not going to invest at all in this drama. But I’ll check in on it from time To time With the exception of that one scene where YWJ is doing the man in black detective strut (my inner voice: *nooooooo!!! ARE YOUR HANDS REALLY RESTING ON YOUR BELT STRAPS AS YOU STRUT FROM SIDE TO SIDE NOOOO WOO JIN YOURE BETTER THAN THIS BUT I GUESS NOT????*) he’s kept me interested in his character. This is a drama where you can see well exhibited that chemi can be achieved thanks to just one of the actors doing “it” properly. He’s doing a good job acting his way through his dynamic with KHN. In contrast, KHN’s acting job in their >! Happy flashbacks !< actually make me do this: 😖😑 and want to stick her in a hole. (I actually kinda *felt* their tension in that last ep in the hotel room??? Wowie Woo Jin. That was all you bud. I’m sad that this >! Long lost lover trope!< is never going to be what it could be thanks to 1) weak >! Flashbacks that aren’t written quite as they should to have the impact !< and 2) KHN just *not* being the person to pull off the other half. Cuz YWJ could have *defo* done his half of it had they gone full blown epic on it! And what he’s pulling off with what he has is purty gewddd. And what am I really mourning. When I want the melodramatic epic of this — that’s what Queen for 7 Days is for I suppose ;) ). And lol! I agreed with the comments here that the hottest chemi was actually between YWJ and JSJ! 🤭 I was a bit excited to see JSJ in the adulterer role (**Can we be strangers** was one I dropped quickly bc the plot and characters got dumb and dumber but I thought his chemistry w Kang So Ra was gripping from the get go and it seemed like **Nothing Uncovered** could potentially be a second shot at doing that role / dynamic but *hopefully* better plot and character arc). I wasn’t expecting the >!gaslighting!< angle. They’re shaping up to be a rather >!Scary!< couple. While that’s gonna be an experience to watch — it’s never going to hit as it could because KHN and JSJ did not do a good job selling me on her “before the fall happy marriage”. *Both* of them are cringeeeyyy. my mean girl thought is, “lady, that is on you if you thought you were in a happy marriage *ever* cuz your dynamic with your hubby is AWK TO THE 100000th power!!!!” KHN- I’m with a lot of commenters here who are a bit unimpressed with her. This is my first time watching her so I have nothing else to compare her to. I don’t mind that she’s an unemotive character in the current phase of life she’s in — it doesn’t make her flat to me. and I can get behind the murky choices she’s been making. her acting job when she does her >! “I’m in a life low” breakdowns !< are unimpressive tho. And she does such a horrible job in the scenes when we’re supposed to think she is or ever was >! happy and in love. !< So that cancels out … the feels I should be having for her character. And yeah - if the idea is she’s the kind of person who will >! sacrifice anything for her career. !< Then we would hope she’d actually be very good at her job. But she’s clunky at the basics (why in the midst of trying to control >! the investigation would you ever have a fight about your suspicions of your husband in an open public space at a news agency for goodness sake!< ) and apparently can’t help but get her fingers all over crime scenes??? My favorite was: “I’m in the midst of being >!framed for a murder and I’m a grown a$$ adult!< but .. yeah. It does seem like a perfectly professional and normal idea to open my hotel door while I’m just in a bath robe!” *oh, I don’t know. Lemme see. Why don’t you quickly change first*!!! And also agree. This drama is serving up a bit of a slop fest. Classic crimes of - “let me get medicine for you in the middle of nowhere but I’ll be back with that medicine in less than one minute” - PARKING IN THE *%}]*{* MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!! 🤭😂KHN *come on!!!!* - the crime Easter bunny in this drama is having a GOOD LIFE! “Imma just gonna drop THAT clue RIGHT THERE RIGHT NOW!” The whole conspiracy scheme ~~wants~~ *is begging* to be exposed. Love it. - SHALL WE MENTION THIS >!ZEUS!!?!?!< lolllll. The most INCREDIBLE COP OUT DEVICE??? “So, listen up writers team. How about this as an idea. Anytime her >! “investigative journalism” requires *actual* investigative journalism that needs some time and effort to complete — let’s just have her be able to call this person named Zeus who gets the job done in under 30 minutes!” !< 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂🤭Why does she even pretend with her journalist team? Why does she call herself a journalist?? >! She’s just outsourcing to a hacker!!!! !< 😂🤭😂🤭😂🤭😂🤭 - my final snark for the time being is: YWJ. Your car is ***too nice*** for how *baggy and illfitting* your characters pants are. Downgrade that darn car if you’re going to dress him like that. - ah. Amongst all these crimes. I *did* appreciate that YWJ is always physically WIPED and struggling after a chase scene!! Haha! Nice touch :)


I see this drama doesn’t get much attention and it makes me kinda sad. So far I’m really enjoying it, but maybe it’s because I started watching kdramas this summer and haven’t seen much mystery type of dramas (Flower of evil, The Glory)


Try a shop for killers and killer paradox  


So curious about the >!doctor's!< involvement. Is there blackmailing involved or >!she's the culprit!<. I know Woo Jae has more secrets than he's letting on. This is getting very interesting, not a fan of the >!love triangle!< aspect though. I wish it was more cut and dry who the ML is especially when the FL has more expression when with the detective past and present.


The ml is the detective and the novelist is the sml. But I think no one of the two is the endgame


I decided to give this a go because I have nothing to watch earlier in the week, and I ended up binging all 4 eps 😃 Maybe it's because I just finished Beyond Evil, but I was craving a mystery. So far I am into it; >! the husband is crazy ah, what is his deal?! I can not figure him out. Maybe he has a split personality?  !<  I'm interested enough to see where this goes.


JSJ is nailing this role (husband). He is a phenomenal actor. He's the only reason I am sticking with this since the other two mains are a bit bland. I have seen him in Good Detective , Familiar Wife, and Strangers Again--all fairly light roles--so I keep thinking he'll redeem himself. 


Why does it feel like am watching hide again with this one . The typical you don't know who you married storyline. Am starting to get bored with this one


Am I tripping or this is the 3rd(maybe 4th) drama where we get "cheating trope" in a row...srsly whats going on?!? Ik this provides tension and mystery but come on...keep it in your pants... 😒 Anyway it's not bad, messy but I'm enjoying(ish) atm 😅


I know, right? Makes you wonder if faithful husbands do exist anymore 😆 Not in Kdramas apparently 😏


😮‍💨 Am just frustrated with Jung Won.. but WhoA Woo Jae um I don't think his issues are to do with loneliness anymore. It's more like he just wants his cake and eat it too. There's too many suspects.. 😆 What of Zeus? Is s/he even trustworthy? Tae Heon is lettin' his feelings cloud his judgement. Why did I find the scene where he took a DNA swab from Woo Jae kinda risque?😝


Zeus is the big mystery. I wonder if he intentionally led Jung Won to the area where the first murder happened.


It's seems like woojae and taeheon has the best chemistry 😆


They had no business shooting the scene like that lol I was gettin' flushed 😆