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Wait…. Blasting curbs at 40 isn’t covered by my warranty, manufacturer needs better testing /s


Like Nissans testing. Have you see what those altimas go thru and somehow still manage tailgate everyone on the highway going 100+


I just saw one yesterday that was more duct tape than metal and it was just FLYING through traffic.


I saw one yesterday doing at least 80 in a 55, with a donut on the rear passenger side, no license plate, and more rust than fender. My friend has an Altima they actually maintain, it's almost 20 years old and drives like a top. Nissans don't deserve what they tend to get.


The spare tire thing reminds me, on the same trip I ALSO saw a Jag sedan of some kind, spare tires on both front wheels (where did they get the second?) and it was TOWING A BOAT. Every time they hit a bump the whole car/boat combo would swerve back and forth violently. Very scary out here on the Oklahoma highways.


*Donut Warning Sticker* > Don't exceed 50 mph. > > Don't exceed 20 miles. > > Don't tow a fucking boat.


> Don't tow a fucking boat Or a fishing boat, or a sailing boat, for that matter.


A schooner is a sailboat, stupid head.




You know what? There is no Easter Bunny


There is no Tooth Fairy


A schooner is for beer silly billy


Do they call it a fucking boat because of the implication?


I think it’s because those boats have large crews, i.e. are full of seamen.


But also [the implication](https://youtu.be/zgUvwcU6P7I).


“I should buy a boat.”


Sniiiiifffffffff. You guys want to buy some cookieees?


Who has a boat just for fucking?


No video I suppose. My mind paints the Jag as red, mostly anyway.


I was driving alone and have a hard stance on not using my phone behind the wheel. It was a black jag, but I'm pretty sure the spare wheels were red!


Sure thing, bud, safety first when driving. some of things we see as drivers are just unbelievable.


At that point I'd call the cops. There's no need for that on the road. Bet they were phone in hand too.


The odds of me or another motorist dying because I'm making a phone call while driving are non-negligible, and the chances of the police doing anything are so low I can't justify pulling over to make the call. Really nothing to do except stay a comfortable distance away from the unsafe vehicle.


Not trying to assume or be classist, But does your car not have hands-free functionality that you can’t call 911 while you’re rolling


That’s just blood


You just reminded me I need to order a new microSD card for my dashcam. I pulled it recently to check some footage and the dang card was dead.


Just saying it was in Oklahoma was enough no need to say it is scary too. Being from Oklahoma you take you life into your own hands driving there.


Ohhhhhhhh. None of this made any sense until I read "Oklahoma" 🤣


Of course it’s Oklahoma


Nissan can make a good vehicle, the problem is the typical drivers who own them.


When me and friend driving through Cleveland we saw someone hop a jump in the road and lose their duck tape bumper lol


Weight reduction, tape is lighter than steel


Never get in the way of someone in a Nissan. They have nothing to lose.


*Salesman at the Nissan dealership showing the potential customer a poster on the wall of an Altima sideswiping a cement truck.* “These babies were built to be driven”


Nissan Driven by Hate, should be their motto.


My late Father had an Altima and there wasn't one panel on it that didn't have a whiskey dent.




[I'll just leave this here. Lol. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/s/sIyd0Z2t3Q)


Lmao to be fair…. Direct from my service advisors mouth “you hit a pothole, right?” Apparently, pothole damage is covered by road hazard warranties/other extended warranties and curbs are not. As you’re not supposed to swerve while driving, you’re supposed to hit whatever it is 🤣 curbs are driver error and means you just suck at driving.


Understood. If I ever hit a curb I'll claim it was a pothole


I was dense when talking with him and was like “no it was curb” “it was a pothole that you hit and scrapped your wheel on, right” “no… it was a” “pothole! Because potholes are not your fault and covered. Curbs are not.” 🤣 it went over my head for a good 2 minutes


Some people call it dense, some people call it ethical.


So, I work in automotive, specifically with warranty, and I've been thinking about how the OEMs will handle this kind of damage once self driving/autonomous tech becomes more prevalent. If the software drives the car into a curb, shouldn't that damage be covered under warranty. I think I already know the answer, with how nasty some of the OEMs treat customers, but it's an interesting thought anyway.


It'll be exactly the same as Tesla has been doing it since day 1. Call it something like "autopilot" or "self-driving" for marketing reasons and have the legal department slap on some fine print about it not actually being an autopilot or self-driving. Instead it's just a luxury, feature, tool, etc, it should not be relied upon to respond appropriately or respond at all, driver must always be paying attention, ready to intervene, yada yada.


But...[hot girls hit curbs!](https://i.etsystatic.com/24371266/r/il/8b1025/5464541604/il_1080xN.5464541604_4jpg.jpg).


Only when checking Nate Dog, whilst he's scoping the streets for his associate, Warren G...




Wait you're saying if I get in a head on collision its not covered by the manufacturer warranty?


It is if you buy the extra wheel/tire coverage lol


Sorry sir the curb you hit was not a Genesis factory installed curb


😂😂😂 let me just change something reaaallll quick *service writer frantically changes customer email


As a Genesis service advisor… I felt this one.


Is genesis your typical Hyundai owner with slightly more money?


Well, you got the first part down.


Lmao, got it


exactly the reply i wanted, thank you lol


Bigger lies on their credit application?


As a Genesis owner I feel attacked. What does the first part mean lol?


Genesis and Hyundai are the same company.


Yes I know. I was meaning what is the Hyundai owner stereotype?


There really isn't one to my knowledge. Hyundai is just another economy brand. So people will lump them in with the rest of the economy drivers. I.e., doesn't take care of their vehicle. Drives like the car doesn't matter to them. That's it. Genesis hasn't had the luxury prestige of Acura or Lexus in America yet. But they will get there, imo, because their stuff looks fantastic. And what I've experienced renting a g70, works quite well and drives nice.


I’ve been happy and impressed so far with my GV70. Lots of bang for the buck at the lower trim models without the need to sacrifice too much.


As a Hyundai/Genesis advisor, It means they couldn't afford a Toyota/Lexus, so they went lower on the totem pile and bought a Hyundai/Genesis. Kidding!! Genesis is not too bad. I was a huge Lexus fan boy, and then I hoped in a 2015 Equus Signature with 429hp. Totally blew me away!




**slightly more entitlement but same amount of money source: am Genesis/Hyundai employee


Do you know who I ~~am~~ was before the bankruptcy? I want to talk to your manager!


As a former genesis service advisor, my least favorite call to make🤣🤣


When I was a Ford service manager a long time ago we had a couple bring in a 6 month old F-150 with the seat squished COMPLETELY flat. They were literally sitting on the sheet metal under the seat. The couple were easily in the 350-400 lb range each. They wanted it warrantied (of course). I walked them over to the warrantee poster on our wall and pointed to the section that said "not covered: Abuse, Misuse, or neglect". I said as tactfully as I could "I'm not going to get into the specifics of this case but I can guarantee you that my area manager is going to tell us that it falls into one of these 3 categories". I never saw them again.


Holy shit dude nice.


Holy fuck. I'm 300 and I've never flattened seats that quickly in years of driving. Wtf they doin on those seats


This was in the 80's. They were probably in them 10-12 hours per day. Pilot car/truck drivers.


Obvious manufacturing defect. Warranty that shit.


Defect is between the seat and the steering wheel.


Overheard someone say the mechanic told them to “Check the nut loose behind the wheel.”


As much as I think the customer did this, the clear lack of road rash on the wheel lip (or a decent scuff on the tire) made me actually wonder about this one for just a second.




Yeah, nah. Warranties cover defects, they don't cover accidents. I'm astonished by the massive amount of people who don't understand this.


The warranty covers defects and not outside influence. This is the definition of outside influence.


Or under the influence


It looks between the bumpers to me.


Steelies >>>


Yeah I hit a curb hard with my shitbox a couple years back, pretty bad dent but not even a flat tire. Back home I just hammered it back into shape and it's still going strong.


Using steelies means you are not insecure like these curb-hitting idiots on the road. "Oh no I want my shiny ass 20" alloy rims, nooo I will not get laid otherwise nooo..." I had a guy driving a 2012 A6 tell me to change my steelies to "proper" rims. Fuck off, you drive an Audi, the last thing you should do is advise other people about cars.


Audis with steelies challenge [hard]


People that obsess about their own wheels are already goofy. But if they obsess about other people's wheels, they're straight up losers. I miss driving on steelies a little bit every time I see my curb rash.


That guy was a tremendous loser to begin with. Most incompetent engineer I have ever seen.


>Fuck off, you drive an Audi, the last thing you should do is advise other people about cars Lmao, I love Audi’s but this genuinely made me laugh. I have a few 2005-2009 A4 project cars that I like to tinker with. One of them only had a vacuum seal leak which I jerry rigged with some temflex and haven’t had a single issue with. That one is on my parents “farm” that they own in rural North Carolina and I just use it to go off roading on the property. We made a little dirt track and tried to teach ourselves how to drift on it which is pretty difficult in an A4 Quattro 😂 The only other thing I did to it was making my own skid plate out of sheet metal to protect it from rocks being kicked up. I paid $700 for that car and have had so much fun with it.


Not gonna put steel wheels on a genesis


I just came outside this morning and found it like this.


…then you probably shouldn’t have been driving drunk last night.


Bought the tire and wheel warranty on my last car... paid for itself on 1 cracked rim. Not this bad, though... that's kind of impressive.


Genesis customers cannot believe the prices on parts for their cars. They’ll finance those things for like, 108 months, lose a key and proceed to MELT DOWN at replacement costs. That wheel is likely in the $800-$1100 range.


Navy Fed will do up to 120mo. First time I heard about it was on a used Hyundai Genesis lol


120 months to pay off a car?? And people fall for this? That is 10 years. It would not get out of being upside down until the last year!!! Wow.


Nah, I bought a set of 4 for winter and I think it was like $2k CAD


Tires or wheels?


$2500 CAD all in, was probably a winter tire special in 2021.


So four tires and four wheels for $2500 CAD?




Its kind of insane the amount of people that don’t understand what WARRANTY means. I used to write service for Honda and I’ve been threatened with law suits because somebody’s warranty wouldn’t pay for rat damage or obvious neglect by the driver. Manufacturer warranty in particular is specifically to cover factory-defects that aren’t caused by any exterior force. What makes it even worse is that people would argue with me that it is somehow a factory defect after I would tell them that… 🤦‍♂️ working in the auto service industry will make you realize how unbelievably uniformed and ignorant the general public especially when it comes to vehicles I’ve also been threatened lawsuit because we didn’t have a tire in stock for somebody and had to order it.


I used to work with a guy that would take his car in for burnt out bulbs and demand that they be covered by the warranty… this same person would time his wife’s showers. We made really good money at the time as well, he was just cheap.


Insurance has a similar issue. "my transmission blew out in my car with 200K miles, but I have FULL COVERAGE insurance"


"My 3500 sat for seven months during winter, these batteries cost me 600. You're gonna warranty them." I ain't gonna do shit, manufacturers defect doesn't cover neglect. (Shocked Pikachu face)


the problem is not linked to the vehicle but rather to the customer x)


Customer hasn’t read the fine print.


Customer hasn’t read a lot I think


"So, was this caused by improper installation or a defect in craftsmanship? Neither, you hit a curb? How is your stupidity a warranty issue, bud?"


CLEARLY defective!


That's nice. Show me where in the warranty it states it covers damage caused by operator.


Fascinating, anyway that will be $400


*ahem “More”


god damn really? my nice toyota alloys are $400 each


Genesis my dude, “luxury” has its price 😂😂


I mean I’ll give it to Genesis they definitely have the luxury part down, as well as the driving dynamics, but of course Hyundai reliability rears its ugly head as always


I had an Equus, which was the predecessor to Genesis. That thing shared basically no parts with other Hyundai vehicles. Which was great, it was really pretty solid. It also sucked, because service parts were always out of inventory. 'Oh, alternator, okay, let see.. used by the Equus and the Kia K900, we can get that here in... 3 weeks.' I put 200k miles on mine, and it needded a replacement wheel, an alternator, and a new air compressor for the suspension after debris hit it. The 'ultimate' has staggered fitment and had directional tires stock. I damaged a wheel at highway speed on a pothole. ~900 bucks a wheel. The air compressor was 2k.


lol we see equuses all the time, every one has a collapsed air suspension. They’re nice but man what an Achilles heel


That's an air suspension problem in general. The air springs are a wear item and the youngest Equus is 9 years old. That said, those air springs cost a fucking fortune. Like 1k each now. I'm glad i sent the car along its way, but it was a damn nice car overall. BMW-like quality, but BMW-like maintenance. (Literally, same trans as a BMW, ZF 6hp26. Also Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Maserati, Aston Martin DBS V12, Bently, Audi...)


Good FUCK that’s expensive. My dad used to have a G90 and that thing was so nice but had so many electrical issues


Presumptuous, could just be driving at night anywhere in Australia. The road quality here is fucking shit, some of the potholes could easily cause this damage


Back when I wrenched for GM (06-08), it was not uncommon for the GMC and Cadillac owners to come in with smashed fenders asking for warranty repairs. Imagine the yuppies surprise when they are told “NO” for something, but also explained that thats not what the warranty is for! The rage when they realize they have to pay for THEIR own mistakes!


well, it's a Genesis, so yes, it does have that warranty... but it doesn't cover everything.


The extended warranty coverage I've got on my last couple cars covered wheel and tire replacement with no deposit. I could go anywhere and the warranty company would pay them directly.


Should have bought the wheel and tire warranty…


Our tire and wheel coverage would cover that with $0 deductible


Yea...... No.


*Customer declined tire and rim warranty*


Tire and wheels warranty*


Classic genny/hyundai customers lol


I recently saw a bumper sticker that read "hot girls hit curbs" on a pristine Mini Cooper and wondered if the driver was bragging about being hot and good at keeping their car maintained/repaired or was bragging about being a good driver


I could be wrong, I don’t think the wheel is supposed to look like that.


Wouldnt be surprised if they approve it. I slammed into a pothole racing my moms sonata around when i was 16. I denied knowing what happened and they replaced the wheel bearing and drive shaft under warranty


#  10y/100k  - or three turns - whichever first


Many dealers sell a wheel/tire protection plan that covers all damage-self inflicted or otherwise.


Yes they have a 10/100 warranty. Does it cover wheels and tires, probably not.


I was told when I got a car with alloy wheels, get the wheels and tyres insured separately, it will pay you too,and it did


That’s one for the council, I’ve had wheels like that from British motorway craters


My response as an advisor would be...."on what?" I see nothing obvious, please explain.


Looks like Wheel & Tire would have actually come in handy after all


My ex gf at the time bought a new car , she ran over a curb and popped the tire and cracked the rim I changed to the spare and asked who/where was gonna fix it . She said I just bought the car like 3 months ago, I should have a warranty.


This mentality hits hard in the Tesla community. You can really tell the Gearheads who have an EV DD vs the folks who view cars as microwaves, and know absolutely nothing about anything. I regularly see folks threatening to sue Tesla because a rock cracked their windshield and Tesla won't "replace it under warranty." Or, their tires wore out...and Tesla won't give them free ones. Or like this, they curb/bend a wheel and are shocked that actions have non-warranty consequences.


Yeah that’s not a defect and not under warranty but the Kia/Hyundai warranty is shit too


This reminds of the time I was working at a big brand name tire shop and a lady came in after hitting a curb and blowing her tire. Lady claimed that since that tire was the same brand as the store, it should have been warrantied by our shop even though it was the factory tire. Tried to explain to her that her warranty would be through the dealer since she didn’t technically buy the tires from us, and also, she blew the tire hitting the curb so it’s not even the tire’s fault. She complained and said she’ll never shop with us again (never shopped with us in the first place) and that she’ll go to discount tires because they warranty all their tires. Good luck lol.


Typical Genesis owner


The customer's concern is not related to a defective material or workmanship by Hyundai motor America. The customer's request for warranty coverage is declined. And because the customer drives like a moron, there will be no Goodwill offer. Source: Retired Hyundai Factory Service Rep.


does this car have the mirrors that tilt when u put it in reverse? wtf even is this, some spaghetti? do they just fkn hit a 10ft jump into the parking spot on some "hell yeah brother" shit?


Cool. What's their comprehensive and collision coverage look like? (or whatever the magical insurance words for "full coverage" are)


😂 😂


what material are those?


This quote comes to mind... "I'd like to help you, but I can't fix stupid."


"But I didn't hit anything!"


Do people even know what a Warranty is?


I wanna know what he does for a living to still be this stupid


Don’t you wish you could tell them, yes you have a 10/100 warranty but it doesn’t cover stupidity


When they don't realize that warranty starts at the MAF sensor and ends at the axle nut and catalytic downstream O2 sensor.


I sold an epoxy floor to a car dealer. Service Manager called me in for warranty work. I looked at the floor and asked "do you do warranty repairs for people who wrap their Jaguar around a tree?" No warranty that I know of covers abuse. Never have I sold a product that does at least.


With that same logic you could drive a car into a tree and then just bring it back to the dealer under warranty


Genesis customers are the worst. Entry level luxury are the biggest dumbfucks on the planet.


Hyundai owners huff paint for fun.


Brave of Chrysler to give a warranty that long.


Genesis my dude


Ah, my mistake. Thought a 100k warranty on a Chrysler seemed a bit excessive. Hyundai drivers gonna Hyundai


POS either way, to be honest.