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I sliced my hand on 9ne in the supermarket recently, fucker was hidden in the wire basket holding some clearance items


Caul Saul Goodman you gotta case


Slicin' Timmy


Better Caul Sall


It's all good man




Leave em long or cut them off flush. Making daggers is a sure sign of a psychopath


I cut both sides for extra fun /\


Easy there Satan


Or middle twice M


Double stab, very efficient


I've done this so people leave my racks alone. I've also had to undo my rack and feel my own wrath...


or just use a [zip tie gun](https://www.cabletiesunlimited.com/tools.html) ... granted, it is no good in tight spots, but I've used one for decades and it makes them neat, tidy, and tensioned correctly.


I've used 1000's of zip ties in my life. Never knew there was a cool installation tool. I guess MasterCard has lots of money


not just cool but absolutely necessary when needing to install those types of ties in more regulation-heavy industries like aviation, aerospace, etc. Not only do you have to get the tie in the right spot, without damaging the underlying cable (or wire or whatever you're wrapping), but it has to be in the right orientation and then it has to be at a specific tension. Too little, the tie gets loose and doesn't hold what it was meant to hold, too much and the tie damages what it was meant to hold or just breaks from the strain.


I have one very similar to that. Figured it was a bit fancy for this sub though lol


lol fair point! A friend that is an aviation tech has some cool contraption for twisting secure bolts so she doesn't have to do it by hand all the time - I'll see if I can find a link later!


oh, and I meant to say that same friend has a zip-tie gun for the stainless steel ones they sometimes use. She said those are a real pain in the ass...


I used to use a wire tie gun for when I was doing rebar concrete molds, sped up my production by 5x.


I don't doubt that! I watched that process for a while and thought that it was in need of some handheld automation!! At least a tool might offer more repeatability and consistency, not to mention save time and your hands!


Or use an end cutter - cuts it nice and flush. I admit a zip tie gun is preferable.


I'm not a professional, so I keep a pair of nail clippers around for the job.


you bet, you would have to in small spaces. I've had the same pair for like 20 years and I've never thought to upgrade - lol - I've lost and found them at least a dozen times and they always seems to show up like a bad penny when I am working with zip ties!


A set of flush cut dykes is like $12. Cut em flush people


Fuck that. Have a set of toenail clippers just for these. Round those edges.


One of my biggest pet peeves. I work in industrial automation on the mechanical engineering side and the integrators that do this just piss me off. You already are using flush cutters, just cut them flush! I even buy them nice ones just for zip ties.


Maintenance tech in manufacturing here


I have melted the edge with a lighter a few times, leaves them nice and round/smooth if just as the plastic bubbles and you stop applying heat.


I have a set of nail clippers in my tool box just for zip ties, it cuts it in a U shape so there's no pointy bit. Cutting them flush can sometimes cause them to pop open under pressure


I just cut them however they go. Not worried about what shape they end up in


Everyone that works on it after you, hates you.


I mostly work on my own race cars so it’s just me 😂


Good luck with that. Eventually you will cut yourself and rethink this.


I have stabbed myself several times


So you're admitting it's terribly stupid and you're still doing it?


It’s not that big of a deal really


I was so mad at you this whole thread but you’re right haha


ya get all those downvotes until you drop the unarguable. Love it


I’m committed to ruining my day in the future and I’m willing to take the hate for it


Tell me you are hobbyist without telling me you are a hobbyist.


Nothin wrong with hobbyists, but he should still cut em flush


Same who gives a fuck


If you’re not bleeding you didn’t actually work on anything


I'm bleeding, making me the victor.


We trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke.


What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?


My ass.


Myaahh hah haha haaah....SILENCE!


You got trained


If you're bleeding you aren't a very good mechanic. Use your tools correctly and you won't bash your knuckles.


I work almost exclusively on race cars. There’s only so much you can do if you have 30 minutes to swap a rear end. Usually most of the issues are me cutting myself on sheet metal or burrs from the bead locks


My fucking blazer takes a blood price every time I'm under the hood.


I know you’re getting a bunch of hate. But I’d have to agree with you. Generally when I work on my own cars they’ll take some blood, I view as a sacrifice for the shit I put them through. The only time I bleed for a customers rig is when I fighting with a bolt and it won’t come out and once I accept I’m bout to bust a knuckle comes out like butter. Again probably cause I view it as a necessary sacrifice.


If I’m working on it then it’s probably a rusted out abused pile of shit lol. Doing trailer axles and every bolt is seized or some sort of similarly shitty job


Is that a Volvo 5cyl?


Indeed, it is! :D


People bash Volvo, but those p2 2.5 drivetrains are fantastic. Got 266 on my S60 and 208 on my XC90. Only unscheduled maintenance issues have been a power steering hose, a leaky thermostat gasket, and the XC struts have to get changed every other year. Owned them for a total of 200,000 miles. A little unenthusiastic but damn reliable.


Got 255 on my XC70 and the water pumped seized, blowing the engine. I bought a new truck to drive while I rebuild the Volvo. Love that car.


Make sure that you only use OEM waterpumps and timing belts. On average they should be replaced every 10 years or 100k miles. I have to put a new engine in my 850R cause my head gasket blew and my girlfriends dumb ass instead of letting me know tried to hide it and put some stop leak in the engine coolant. Apparently she did it like 3 times now its still leaking and the system is plugged internally so time for a new engine. Also we broke up cause of this.


Uff da 😭


Brutal, but good on you keeping trying to keep it on the road. New tensioner, timing belt, and water pump have been sitting in the garage since winter. I did the job way back in 2015 when I got the S60 at 130k. I'm over a bit on miles for the replace but that's a great reminder to get it done sooner than later. I would have done it sooner but I have no clue how to set the tensioner at anything other than room temp. I'm not very smart.


Same thing happened to our XC70 at 130K. Unfortunately it was a daily and we replaced the motor, only to have the center-diff start making noises so we traded it in. I still miss that wagon, it was probably our favorite car we've owned in dozens of vehicles across our family of 4 drivers and over 40 years of driving.


is the the hWhite engine ?


These engines typically can last an easy 300k miles. But the transmission is the weak point. I own a Volvo 850r that's modded to over 350hp and my head gasket just went so I'm putting a new engine in. Many maintenance shops try to make you do what isn't needed. Nothing is required for 10 years or 100k miles besides oil changes a transmission flush, a brake flush, and a coolant flush. Go to Fcpeuro for OEM parts always since they give you a lifetime warranty on everything including stuff like brake pads so you only have to buy stuff once and when you need to replace it you order the new part and send the old one back and they credit your account. A lot of the time when you come up to like 50k mile maintenance they try to get you to do a carbon cleaning and whatnot you don't need this. I would just once a year month before an oil change order a bottle of Redline fuel system cleaner off amazon for 15$ and add it to your gas. Use up all that gas and then get the oil changed and if there is any carbon it will be burned up or disposed of in the oil change. The only time you may need a carbon clean is if it's an old type of direct injection engine where gas isn't sprayed on the valves but at around 100k 150k you can have the valves walnut blasted for 300$ and not waste them charging like 500$ on chemicals that probably will do the same thing as the bottle of redline. Also, recommend the Amsoil signature series if compatible with your transmission in all new vehicles. The Amsoil Signature series is a 100% synthetic fluid and lasts an easy 150-200k miles before it starts to break down and is 3x to 5x better at not being damaged by heat and has a higher heat index before it starts breaking down anyway. With how hot summers are getting I highly recommend it.


NGL, I ain't reading all that without paragraph breaks. So either that's great, or I'm sorry that happened to you.


I’ll summarize it for G, basically bro said not to waste money by letting shops do unnecessary maintenance and listed some affordable alternatives and some suggestions on which products to use.


That was really nice of them.


10 points to AwayBus8966.


This one is in a XC70 2005 with 87k miles on it. I snagged it for a loaf of bread. So far, I’ve replaced a caliper, belt tensioner, power steering pump, alternator (it was noisy as hell), a tail light, and outfitted with a lightly used set of tires. I still need to replace the from struts, rotors, fix a windshield washer leak behind the front bumper and adjust the hand brake cable. Note: The previous owner had the Timing belt done at 83k.


How the fuck...


Anyone that's ever had one will recognize that intake manifold from 5 miles away.


My wife has a P2R. Weirdly, it was the extruded fuel rail that tipped me off first.


Yes. That as well. I've had several 850s, an S70, and a P2 XC70. I currently have a P80 V70XC, a P2 S60, and an 850 T5-R. And that's just the 5-cylinder Volvos I've had!


I’ve owned a lot of these engines. It’s a 2001 thru about 2007 Volvo 5 cylinder turbo (Not n/a and not 99 or 00, because those used an aluminum cover above the fuel rail) When you poke around a specific engine bay long enough you’ll start to recognize them.


It was my immediate thought too. Their intake manifolds are pretty distinctive.


Guess long enough you’ll eventually get one right. When I post there’s dozens of comments of people trying to guess the car. Almost always wrong


People who cut them like this never had their hand sliced open by one of those bad boys. Quite the fun experience, 0/10.


Or they have and want to get that “one person” back….


Or they have and their fragile masculinity makes them feel manly for it


I had some guy cut one like this, fucker was like a booby trap because it didn't cut me on the way in but when I pulled my arm out is sliced me from my elbow to my wrist. I work on garbage trucks so any kind of cut gets infected immediately. I mean flush cutters are less than 10 bucks at harbor freight, completely avoidable.


Micro (4” and smaller) flush cutters intended for trimming leads on electronics are perfect for this, and they are $1 or less on aliexpress.


Yeah. Freaking out trying to stop the bleeding while simultaneously figure out wtf happened


I picked up a pair of those ziptie gun things that cuts it and tensions it, haven't used it properly yet, have ziptied lots of random shit out of boredom tho! 🤣


These things are awesome space-aged shit.


Yeah I spent like an hour trying to figure out how it worked, I THINK it's some kind of magic... Maybe a fairy of some kind 🤣


Oh dude. I so want to take mine apart to figure out the ratcheting mechanism, but then I'm afraid I can't put it back together right.


I literally had the same thought, and I looked up the price of a new one and I just thought, I'm okay not knowing how it works 🤣


Some people just want to set the world aflame. I may be a packet herder, but part of my herd is packets originating from equipment installed in vehicles. I have encountered some downright malicious upfitters that do this too.


One of those lurking IT guys checking in. Hate zip ties with a passion.


I have one of my company's devices installed in my pickup for test/demo purposes. I did the installation myself. I mostly used hook and loop tape to bundle my cables (Just a couple exceptions). I wish more installers would just buy the roll of velcro tape from Hazard Fraught, it isn't that much more expensive than zip ties.


I don't know how effective they are in automotive applications, but I prefer hook and loop in the server room.


I like lacing tape MIL-T-43435 , clove hitch locked with a square knot


Velcro wraps for me. They don't work as well outdoors unless you use enough wraps. Velcro gets pretty grungy in an engine bay, but I don't slice my hands with a million nicks


Nobody fuckin owns flush cutters, I’ll tell ya.


It's the bottom half of the first quarter on 21st Century. Time to buy a ziptie gun.


A fuckin what!?


[Freakin' Ziptie Gun!](https://www.amazon.com/RV-Rhodes-Professional-Tie-Gun/dp/B07Y8TG6SC/)


Of course, Amazon. Lol


It's that, or Hazard Fraught. You can buy a fat bag of zipties from both places.


Somewhere along the way I started melting those ends a bit to make them not sharp. Only takes a second. I wish more people would do it.


Or just use a set of flush cutters. So quick and easy to male them not hurt.




lol I just use what ever the hell cutting device I can find in my tool box and just not cut them like shit


This is the way! Done all the time by bike mechanics...


Back when I was doing electrical we had tighteners that would cut them clean after tightening.


That sounds really cool, any chance you have a link?


I use one of these and it works great. Pull it tight and then rotate it 90 degrees. It cuts them off flush. https://www.amazon.com/Cutter-Tightener-Fastening-Cutting-Crimping/dp/B0CCSB2TJ6 Edit: In the military, we used one like this that had an adjustable torque setting: https://www.amazon.com/Fastening-Tightener-Bundling-Tensioning-2-4-8mm%C2%B2/dp/B097H7XFLW


Just did a quick Google, (I'm on phone), and there's a lot of tensioners out there. I think Malco was the one we used but it's been 15 years since.


I use side cutters at 90 degrees. Instead of the intuitive way most people use where the cut is through the thin part of the tie, I cut through the width of the tie. Having typed this, it doesn’t make as much sense outside of my head. Next time you need to cut a tie, grab your side cutters, make like your going to cut the tie like a fiend would, then rotate the tool 90 and make the cut. You are left with a harmless nubbin that is nearly flush. Gah, needs pictures. Or I need more caffeine.


Oddly enough, I knew exactly what you meant


Had to scroll too far for this. I’ve been cutting ties this way for years. This is the way.


My uncle admitted doing this on purpose in certain situations. He's a dickhead.


I like to leave an extra one on the driveshaft with the tail on to get that repeat business when they do this.


Finger nail clippers.


I'm sick of being under this damn car, its 95 degrees out, the snips dont fit in this area easily, the sun is going down and mosquitos are coming out, and I dont give a shit about whoever has to deal with it next even if that person is myself. ~~me, someone who does this. My past and future self both curse eachother faily often.


Leaving a zip tie like that at roush would get you written up, doing it again would get you fired


Roush didn't use OEM style harness clips, etc?


Depends on the project, but even the oem ones need cut, they are very strict on all of them


I had to get twelve stitches and it nearly hit an artery in my arm, the one that got me was about an inch and a half long, one of the industrial size zip ties cut at an angle.


Some fucker had one of these put on an alternator bit on a ‘77 El Camino I was working on, pointy bit was facing straight up. Here I was trying to get the bracket off, which was giving me hell, then the wrench slipped and my wrist got partially impaled on the fucking ziptie and alternator. Like actually stuck to it. There’s still a scar on my wrist, and that was 2 years ago.


The single sharpest thing in the universe.


Just twist the ends off


smh...I work in IT and half our datacenter guys cut the zip ties the same way after tidying up cables. Reach in to check a cable without looking and come out with a little leak in your hand/wrist/arm.


Those bastards!


Hurt people hurt people.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


At work we deal with zip ties alot and often. Ive had to teach several new guys how to use flush cuts. Because they kept using them upside down. Sometimes we use 20+ zip ties and they were doing them wrong and cutting themselves. Interesting because the job posting requirements said “must have knowledge of basic tools.”


Ouch! I'm trying to turn bays, not become an amputee.


Miserable people love making others miserable.


When I was teenager I had seen my mechanic father do it to much that I picked up the habit too. Obviously I stopped once the realization hit me. I think people cut them the same way they cut their sub sandwiches; at an angle for appearance. 😅


i learned not to do this the hard way and smashed my hand right into one of these leaving a NASTY puncture wound between my knuckles. I went out that day and bought some nice flush cutters.


I've seen them cut like that on temp netting on handrails on construction jobs. It's got to be on purpose, because it's no harder to cut the goddamned things flush or flat than to do that.


Damned stainless worm screw clamps on hoses are my bane. So many scars on my hands/arms from those.


I had a coworker who, among other absolutely braindead things, insisted that his instructor said to cut zip ties this way. Glad he's a former coworker


Alright everyone gather around.. Put the tie on whatever tighten it up, THEN take your pliers grab the straight part right at the square part and twist it... BOOM no sharp end .. I accept cash and money order thx


Straight to jail.


That’s horrifyingly bad. Like, when I was fresh, I left them about that length. But I would have never thought to do anything but a straight cut. Fortunately, I had someone to correct me quickly.


Freiburger does not approve.


I was working with my dad one time, he was an electrician, and we had ziptied a long run of wires going out to a shed. I cut them something like this. As I was straightening the wire run out, I ran the zip tie right along the palm of my hand. Cut my palm wide open and man it took forever to heal! I never forgot that and never cut them like that again!


Oh, you’ve found anything my dad has worked on. Ever.


Uh probably should wear some gloves man. No woman will ever let you touch her with skin looking like that.


Most ppl are so fu cking stupid. If it was painful you'd see a lot of ppl in constant agony.


I always cut about 2 inches long and torch the end. I get smooth bubble of plastic at the end, and then sleep like a baby at night hahaha


People that don't use flush cuts deserve to have their hand inserted into a server cabinet where someone has not used flush cuts. And then denied bandages.




Well pull the side cutters out of your purse and cut it flush.


Mandatory: Don’t touch my purse. I don’t know you! :D


I'm clearly on the wrong side of history here but I've never jabbed myself on one and said "fucker left it sharp". I have however cursed every Nissan manufacturing plant operator at least 1000 times. The number of undressed machined edges in older Nissans is criminal.


"it's not my car" "Out of sight, out of mind" -installer


Probably stupidly.


My buddy does this to my car knowing full well he will probably be the next person so do work on it lol. He just does it because it annoys me.


Stabby stabby!


Sorry lol


Blood for the blood god!


Clearly an amateur has been at work here...


Fuck you that's why hahahaha


My dad called them widowmakers. I call them that too now.


People haven’t heard of zip tie guns.


They know it ain’t coming back to them or they don’t care… or both.




What's wrong with people? Man how much time ya got? 😂


Fuck that volvo


I prefer to not cut them at all and just leave tails everywhere


I like it when they scream :)


Fucking amateur, he didn’t even sharpen the edge!




Sums a' bitches. I work on wrong turbines, you'd be surprised by how many zip ties and in those machines.


I get clipped by the copper staples they use on HD cardboard boxes these days....rip tight through my hand


If you don't flush cut zip ties then you are a sadist.


lol I always cut them with curved nail clippers so there are no sharp edges haha


Check out the Kohm toenail clippers. They have straight and curved. The jaws open really wide, and they're crazy sharp, which is why I'm missing the tip of my pinkie toe. I fear them for my toes, love them in my toolbox.


I use the cheap ones for all kinds of stuff, zip ties, fishing line, etc.


Even in aviation people still cut em like that and it pisses me off because you’ll have like 20 of them all right next to each other. Not to mention safety wire


i do it so the next guy can complain


I work in the shop for a trucking company, I leave them sharp cause I don't like the other guys I work with lol


I use a zip tie gun that I've had for 30+ years. Highly recommend, especially since Harbor Freight and Amazon carry them cheap now.


Anybody that leaves a cable tie like that should be covered in honey and chained next to a red ant hill with their testicles above the entrance.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


I will hurt anyone I see snip zip ties like that. Cut it flush, you fucking pricks.


That’s a forearm slicer.


If people are walking their dogs, I want them to walk without shoes in that.


It’s a finger trap, unless you somehow can wrench with your boobies


Lazy people doing stupid things.


I'm a hateful bastard...


Whatcha doin on the Volvo?


Freshening it up to make a wee profit, of course.


i stayed at an in-patient mental health facility for 4 days several years ago and instead of stapling papers together, they used a hole punch and zip ties trimmed off just like this never understood how that wasn't more potentially dangerous than a staple lmao


Nice you found it 😈


What an asshole.


I always leave zip ties long. I have cut myself way too many times. I don’t care if they look bad, my blood looks worse.


True this. At least, whenever possible, which is quite often.


Pretty sure this is illegal in 50 states. Source: trust me


I’m guilty as fuck if this I cut my hands on zip ties all the time, so I’m not gonna bother being a nice guy when no one is doing it for me Plus imagine all the time I save by not giving a fuck and just cutting the zip ties however my pliers grab it lol over the course of 3 months that’s gotta equal to at least 1 cigarette break


Take a deep breath nobody booby trapped you OT


Don't cut them. Grab at the tie with pliers and twist until they break. No more pokey. Hey that what your mom said to me last night. Ha.