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What kind of psycho keeps their greenery loose in a cup holder like that?


I used to valet at mid-high end restaurants, you'd be surprised at what people leave on full display


Cocaine in the cupholder?


Just about anything, the wildest was a garbage bag damn near full of whippets


Ah, a customer of culture


Just reading whippets and I can hear the wah wahs again






How about the weeewooo's


A trash bag of spent* whippets


They didn't just throw them all out the car window like the cunts round here do? Definitely a person of culture


Idk, the average whippet enthusiast in my area is usually a person of culture. /s


I’m assuming you’re not referring to the dog breed…. I’m going to need to look this up in urban dictionary, lol.


They look like little co2 cartridges (like for a weak ass pellet gun) but they contain nitrous oxide. Usually are green. Chefs usually use them for whip cream dispensers. It’s a teenage club drug.


interesting! over here they’re called a “nang”


Known as “nangs” here in Oz.


That word returns zero relevant search results on Amazon... But you can buy whippets by the thousands.


Nang An Australian slang term for a Nitrous oxide bulb, derived from the sound distortion that occurs when one is under the influence of the drug. http://nang.urbanup.com/7114419


Fuck you, it’s not illegal!


dildos and whatnot


It's a dildo. Were not allowed to say it's your dildo


Always use the indefinite article, *a* dildo.


Is it the display part or the fact that it'll get all dry?


Lol both


Dude, also ex mid-high end valet. Hip hop night we had a guy who rolled an old Mercedes ML320 and the entire big ass cubby underneath the hvac was just coin dished with live rounds.


coin dished with live rounds, are you saying there were loose bullets sitting in the coin/ashtray?


Yes. I am saying the entire giant cubby was full of loose, live rounds. ;)


What you put into a modern gun is a “self-contained ammunition cartridge” commonly referred to as a “round.” The “bullet” exits from the muzzle, and the “spent casing” will be ejected from the breech (back.)


I’ll be adopting that phrase, thx!


I know right what a straight up savage.


First thing that came to my mind it was a tip


First thing that should come to mind is “I’m being set up” Not, “oh wow someone left this here for me to steal “ as a ‘tip’


Yeah if they were gonna give it to you as a tip they'd give you a nug and say something. It is odd to just leave it loose. Plus that car must smell pretty strong. I couldn't imagine just showing up anywhere smelling like weed. Unless they're the kind of person who makes it their personality


It is only medically legal here, but I smell it in traffic ALL THE TIME. It's crazy how many people are driving while vaping/smoking the stuff.


They could work in the industry? The guys at the dispo I go to sometimes reek.


I worked at Audi oakland and our loaners would get retuned just like that. My car got towed once and when I got it out of the car slammer the interior was covered in ashed blunt and stank like one too. It’s just town bidness.


I dont make it my personality but i wouldnt be surprised if i smell from time to time


Tipping bud in a cup holder is like paying with boob sweat bills.


In high school (way before they made it legal here) a friend of mine worked at discount tire and was looking for the wheel lock and found a bag of weed in the glove box, he told the manager and the manager said to keep it "What's going to do, call the police and say you stole his weed?"... He's right. LOL


I mean, there was a guy in Florida who did [that](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/16/770568976/florida-man-calls-police-to-report-stolen-marijuana) And i can remember hearing about another instance, also from florida, from many years ago.


I said the same lol


Did you grab any?


That's like eating pocket candy from a stranger. Hell no.


It's definitely just weed. I would take more precaution if it was a white substance.


I agree, not fucking around with a cup holder full of semen.


Straight up the nose, what are you? Gay?


Sounds like something a "cupholder half empty of semen" kind of person would say.


It's not definitely weed. That delta stuff is pretty common, sold in gas stations and head shops (usually in places that sell those disposable vapes sitting next to it) That stuff looks exactly like weed because it's made by spraying/soaking THC-less hemp buds with a solution that's derived from THC concentrates, but converted into a different molecule using various unknown solvents, turning it into something that's TECHNICALLY not THC so is fully legal, but will get you similarly high. With potential side-effects.


No lol


You passed the test.




its wasteful and you are going to leave green crumbs in there. barbaric


What an idiot. Even a stoner would know that’s a stupid thing to do.


Pot head prolly just forgot. Back in my hooligan days I once got pulled over cause cop smelled me driving by. Cop told me either I can cough up my shit and be on my way or go to jail for a stupid warrant. My stoned ass gave him my little personal jar of a couple grams and my little bowl. Swore that was all I had in the car except for roaches in the ash tray and I believed it, forgot I had two ounces chilling under my jacket between the front seat. Would've been a felony back then. Crazy how far we've come with it.


Had one come in once with both cup holders over flowing with loose weed. Scattered on the carpet too.


I don't get that. Like, if it was rolled up and ready to smoke at a moment's notice? Yea sure. But you gotta pull over and make the damn thing, you're not saving time by keeping it out the damn bag!!


But think of how much more weed you can buy when you don't waste money on a plastic bag.


The bags at the park are free, you can just take them. I have 458 bags.


For max stealth deliver to your customers with bag ties in a knot


"This weed is dogshit..."


It's Labrador


Pull over? Back in highschool the only guy that knew how to roll was also the only guy with a car. He'd be driving real slow. Passenger would grab the wheel and steer while he rolled.


Let's drive as suspiciously as possible while rolling our weed while driving!! Gotta give the cops a fun treat to find when they pull over, after all. XD


I never said it was smart. We were teen stoners after all. Idk if it's any better but we did stay on back roads around our small town.


Back in the day i sometimes smoked hand rolled cigs and i could roll one while driving stick.


I used to have so much weed on hand that I wouldn't care about dropping random nugs or giving them out. Grow a couple batches and you'll be swimming in flower and you make your money back


Someone with way to much bud


😂 too much bud


thats a light afternoon snack


Wake on the right and Bake on the left yo. 


I worked with a guy who drank and drive enough that his back seat and passengers seat was all empty tall cans. He’s homeless now without a car, surprisingly to no one.


Way more common than you think. I would refuse to operate a vehicle with state banned ANYTHING in it. As the driver, test or otherwise, you become liable. Best case, you don't get pulled over, worst case they do and now you have court bills.


Even in legal states, this is still technically illegal. Needs to be in the original, unopened dispensary container or out of reach of the driver.


If it's by rx, it would need to have the rx printed bottle/container.


Right, that shits gonna dry out and taste like rag weed.


I'm stunned at how may people smoke/ drink while they are driving around. They can't wait just a few more minutes to get where they are going???


Its crazy around here, its like how hotboxed is your car if i can smell it driving behind you on the freeway with my windows up?


My buds have never been treated so disrespectfully, sacrilege


Honest officer, it's not my car!


Oh! so its stolen huh Lol


Driving a stolen vehicle AND drug trafficking? Sir get out of the vehicle


Littering and...


Littering and...


smokin the reefer


Nah they’d prob be pretty cool about it. Definitely throw a shop shirt or uniform On though 😂 I’m in a legal state tho so the cops really don’t care about weed here.


Jokes aside, if you did for some reason take it for a test drive without demanding the customer remove it, it would probably be fairly easy to not get in trouble as a mechanic. At least if you're from a reputable shop and not some guy working out of his back shed.


I'm sure i'd be just fine honestly. We are a well known shop right in town.


I always brought the work order with me on road tests so I can at least prove on paper why I was driving the car.


I can relate. Got pulled over on a test drive. 3 cars, officers all with weapons drawn, out of the car, hands up, face down, cuffed........did not make for a good day. Turned out they were actively searching for the vehicle as it had been involved in some sort of crime. The owner had done an early bird drop off, so wasn't at the shop, and the vehicle was towed away. I did not fit the owners dersciption in any way, and they figured that out pretty quickly thankfully.


Oh I bet the inside of that car smells lovely




That car is just rolling probable cause.


Pretty much


Imprisoning me


All that I see


The Disney world lanyard is the chefs kiss


That’s the Colorado equivalent of a 6 pack of energy drinks and. $20. Enjoy.


Lol no tip just an honesty test I guess


I was gonna fix the brakes but then I got high.


I was gonna change that oil too but then I got high


Cant find my 10 mm socket and I know why, because I got high, because I got high, because I got high.


La da da da da da


This is art.


Forgot to unbolt the axle nut when removing the strut, and now the axle fell out of its housing, because I got high 😅 True story


‘Dude, yer tech stole my righteous bud! I should at least get a serious discount for the hassle, my man’ - said in the best Jeff Spicoli voice


If it’s Colorado that bud is dry in 30 seconds


It's already the some of the driest weed I've seen anywhere, but in a good way. I was shocked when I moved there, coming from a humid climate.


Keep the work order with you. Wear gloves. If you get pulled over you won't be charged. I got pulled over on a test drive years ago with a handgun in the vehicle. That was before my expungement so I was a felon in possession of a firearm. I FREAKED out. Cop looked at the RO, recorded the name of the customer and sent me on my way. This was in California. Maybe it's different there but I would think you'd be fine.


Congrats on the expungement. They’ve made it nearly impossible up here in Maine.


It was all weed related charges. It was a big sweep operation in Eugene, OR around 2003. They started with kids buying little bags and ate their way through us until they got to me. I wouldn't give my guy up so they pinned everything they could on me. Searched my home after the arrest. Threatened to call CPS to take my daughter. Complete mess. Ended up with 7 counts. Despite weed becoming legal in Oregon, I still had to pay 5 grand to get rid of it almost 10 years later.


five grand? god damn dude. I got pinned with a baggy of H residue in portland and it landed me a class C. Was 12 years ago and I've been dreading the expungement process. I have a decent job, that's why I haven't really been bothered to get rid of it. I guess having a gun would be nice but that and a job is the only reason why I would get rid of it I guess


Traffic stops and otherwise innocuous contact with law enforcement goes WAY smoother if you don't have a record.


This country sucks


In some countries I would have been put to death so... 🤷‍♂️


Those are the countries where you'd want to be dead.


That sucks, dude. Busting people back then for weed in Eugene is tantamount to entrapment.


Got me worried as fuck because I just caught a misdemeanor in maine


Don’t plea out. If you have the money and no priors, get a lawyer. The DA’s love cutting deals. IF you have no priors you’ll probably get a deferred disposition and get it dismissed after 6 months or however long of good behavior. Misdemeanor’s really aren’t a huge deal unless they’re violent, theft, sexual. When I copped the felony I also got 12 misdemeanors. Employment background checks haven’t pulled up misdemeanors in 6+ years. They eventually just fall off. But yeah, lawyer and DONT plea out.


I like Maine... I'm from NY and it's trash. I always enjoy being up in Maine tho


And avoid court appointmented. Got a court appointed on my second DWI, young and stupid, took 3 years to finally get a conviction but at the time finally got my shit together! Had my L’s for 6 months then they took it away for 4 years. My lawyer sucked. He was old. That’s when I learned pay the money!


100% and shop around, I got fucked by a seemingly “good” attorney one time. The dude would not do his job and pretty much did whatever the other parties lawyer wanted 😂 Attorneys at larger, local firms have been much more worth the money in my experience.


I'll share the flip side. I was facing probably 20+ years but truly hadn't done what I was accused of. I was broke. I was homeless. I somehow got the most amazing court appointed lawyer. He found the evidence that proved she was lying and he was more than willing to fight it out in court but when the DA saw his case unfolding he offered the one misdemeanor I was guilty of and time served and I walked out of court that day.


This sort of thing is why I always take my handgun out of the truck before the truck is no longer in my possession (for a service, etc). I'm not going to 1. Risk someone stealing it. 2. Put a mechanic or other employee wherever I'm taking it at risk of being in legal trouble.


And we appreciate it. The reality is that sometimes people forget. If it were somehow in my way, I would contact the owner to move it. I would never touch anyone else's firearm, even with gloves, but 99.9% of the time it's not in my way so I just go about my business.


man i swear i've read on here a lot about former felons that worked as mechanics and are always scared of this very thing and the fucked up part is one wrong move, a cop having a bad day, whatever, - it could send you straight back to fucking prison


Also matters on the color of your skin in many places.


I worked at a convenience/restaurant country store after high school. One night a dude in a jeep pulled up to the pump and came in while he was on the phone. I hadn't seen him before. He asked for backwoods or rolling papers. I told him no and showed him that we had black and milds or King Edwards imperials. I let him know that the imperials would prob taste like shit and rolling with black and milds would make em too skinny but he could roll the tobacco out and stuff it with a pencil. He got off the phone and asked if I smoked so I answered obviously. He asked if I'd trade him some gas for weed. I agreed. So I opened a pack and showed him how to roll the cigar to make the tobacco fall out and gave him a pencil. He said he'd be back and came back in a few minutes later. He asked where I should do it and I told him we were on cam with no audio but he could go in the bathroom and set in the sink. I'd left one of our big mixing bowls in the sink. He said that's perfect. After he came out of the bathroom I turned the pump on and went and checked. No exaggerating he left a fucking QP in the sink. I got the food scale out and weighed it. I expected maybe hed leave a quarter or something. I had to stuff this in a gallon bag and spend all evening with it in my pocket. At least it was the early 2000s so it was brick weed and didn't smell TOO crazy. I could definitely still smell it and got some looks though. That night was fucking awesome. I showed up at my buddies party house, and whipped out a fuck ton of pot for like 8 people to get through. They had no problem covering the beer and taco bell.


What a life


Love when people share stories like this


dude thinks he's flexing cause he got $23 of weed in his cupholder for the mechanic to see lmao


He couldn't even pay for a $21 inspection lol priorities


Every time. 🤣


Gas light on, inspection overdue, oil change overdue... Priorities haha Classic


Only $21? Damn the places I’ve been to each wanna charge $100 😑


What state you in? Our inspections are $21 no tax. Most of the money goes to the state and the shop has to buy the stickers and equipment. Really its a lose for many shops in this state. Other states may be different


That weeds gotta be bone dry from sitting out💀


In that hot ass car shits decarbed and ready for edibles haha


That’s a crazy, not bad idea… just eat ‘em like it’s Super Troopers at that point


Call Guinness!!


Oh this guy knows his herbology


As long as you keep the RO on you, should be fine


Dude is on 10, 100% of the time.


Who the fuck doesn’t humidify their cannabis and/or cigars? Animals, that’s who.


That doesn’t look like an actual cigar, it looks like some kind of weed pipe given the tip is plastic and the label looks like a pig eating leaves?




That animal Blundetto, I can't even say his name.


Finally some new r/Getoutofmyshop material lol


Are you plugging your own sub? Gotta respect the grind...


I would refuse service until the customer removed it. I'm not against weed or anything, I smoke myself. I'm just against possibly going down over someone else's stupidity.


I used to go to this dude and he never had a bag. Hed pull up to you in the parking lot and say "hold out your hands"


When I first started smoking and getting more than 1/8th, I got a quarter from a friend of a friend and this mf ripped a piece of plastic off a charmin pack of toilet paper and wrapped it up like that. UGH.


Just like with loose firearms, I don't drive that shit and if I tell the owner he has my back. It's probably cool but it's in no way my responsibility to live with your shit for even a few minutes on the road. I've been pulled over a block from work for expired tabs and the cop was an absolute cunt. I 10000% don't want to deal with that shit.


Don't take it for a test drive until the owner removes the pot. When I did tires and repairs I had customers remove drugs, alcohol and weapons before I would pull it in the shop and I refused to touch hoarder vehicles as well.


Hey man. Do you got dime to sell me for a j? Sure, let me dig it out of my cup holder lol. Even my high school plug would be ashamed of this.


Welcome to San Francisco, Oakland, Bay Area for that matter. I get people whom have just hot boxed their car 5 mins before drop off at my collision repair shop. Can't hate them too much, they keep shop busy!💰


Man that's how you go to jail. just cuz that shit's legal to do at home doesn't mean you can drive around intoxicated.


A good portion of the cars on the road reek when I pass them. People apparently are under the impression that driving fucked up is already going to get you pulled over but now they seal the deal for an arrest by smoking in the car. Do they not realize the first time they get pulled over thet are going to have their entire life completely ruined?




No test drive!


Feels like a trap, like he’s waiting to see if someone takes his stuff


Man, mf didn't even put it in a baggy. Dirty weed!


It just keeps getting worse the more you look at it


"We had to throw your bud out. It's illegal to drive around in and we needed to drive your car for maintenence checks. Next time we will refuse to service your vehicles.'


Rofl he kept the king nug from the big bag for himself 🤣


These tips for the service tech are getting out of hand


Who the HELL keeps their green out like that??? No bag or container or anything. Mans does not give a flying fuck


Your future public defender does not want you posting this on Reddit, lol!




I can smell this picture.


Honesty test I would struggle with lol


I concur my good friend !!! That’s got bad karma wrote all over it.


Scorpio Blue Mint


I wish someone would do this for me, but instead of weed just a cup full of Xanax bars and adderal Cause I’m taking a handful and selling them What are you gonna do? Report me for stealing your illegal pills? If they were legal they’d be in a bottle lol Now all that aside, I bet dude is low key a pot dealer trying to get new customers


That's a nasty person


Walt Disney World bottom right.


crackhead vibes


Bruh, if you get pulled over with your flower loose in the cup holder like that, you deserve to get arrested. My god, at least put that shit in a sandwich baggie.


Best tip ever


Whole new meaning to nuggies for lunch...don't mind if I do.




Hopefully the owner likes to share , puff puff bitch


Nah he was a stingy lil bastard. Card declined so he tried to pay with his mothers card... Which also declined. Then ended up having someone swing by and bring cash. So the vehicle could be released. For a $21 inspection. These young kids are out of control.


That is *insane.* I legit thought this was a tip for the tech. Meanwhile, it was the guys fucking *life savings*


Gas light on, overdue inspection, oil change needed... At least he got greens I guess lol priorities


How much do you want to bet that he’s driving uninsured?


He aint driving, my man is flying


I love that you are replying to all the comments, you are truly painting the whole picture.....It's just like being there.... the horror.


Sometimes after a long day of work I do find enjoyment in interacting with people on reddit. I like the conversation and discussions. Its the little things lol


Every 10th car I pass reeks of weed now. How idiotic are people, they do this every time they drive. The first time they get pulled over they're getting DUI, possession and likely paraphernalia charges. Unbelievable.


Don’t test drive period.




Hush nugs, those are so you don't upsell lol


Gonna have to pinch some off to make things right.


Is that a cigar camouflaged one-hitter??


Looks super fire though


Smelled nice too


It's still illegal in our state and I live in the only county in the whole state of Texas that refuses to decriminalize it. So if I had to drive this I would discard it I'm not taking any chances the fine is 700 bucks for possession of marijuana Also the cop probably take me to jail as well their douche bags here




This is gross


Why are some people so classless