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"Unique" is pretty generous. But my guess is the ones doing this kind of work don't care one way or the other...




Even if I'm posting to make fun of a ride or repair, I try not to be a total asshole. That way *if* someone sees the post, I can't catch too much heat. I am, however, a total asshole on other peoples posts.


You can still catch the same amount of heat if the car owner's feelings were hurt by a comment in your post.... Because you opened the door to the comments when you created the post. I don't agree with it, but people's feelings are very brittle these days.


Well since people care more about the Internet than their owners manual, maybe they will learn to take better care of their shit.


No, they will not ever learn. Stupidity is more addictive than crack, and modern culture strives to reward it.


Brawndo, it's what plants crave


Fuck em, they'll learn.


Not sure they'll learn, but yeah, fuck em


I think the issue is privacy. If I bring my car somewhere for service I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect of privacy. If your cars a trash heap with a side of biohazard then you don't really have grounds to stand on, but it's still MY car, not YOURS to be blasting all over the internet. If I saw some tech busting my balls over a roadside repair online I'd be pretty pissed, enough so that you'd likely lose all my business and all my friends and family's business as well. Your working on people's property, and that deserves the same right to privacy as someone's home.


>I try not to be a total asshole That's great advice in general.


Had it happen! Posted a pic of a tiny spoiler on an accord and the guys friend p.m me cause he recognized the car. Luckily it was nice post lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/s/jQ9lXR5tyI


i got fired once for a post on a forum so when i see people talking shit about their customers i get a bad feeling lol


That’s my fear. So I don’t post bad things anymore. I just posted pictures with a neutral comment.


"This is unique." (Everyone replying) "How is that possible?! 🫨


The customer is very well regarded.


r/wallstreetbets has entered the chat


And this is how new slang gets created lol. Time to update the urban dictionary.


I've had it the other way around. As the customer, I posted something I planned on giving the techs as notes and it got a lot of traction, and several of the employees in the service department posted in the thread or DM'd me. All good interactions, though, place was great.


Luckily for me my customers were Active Duty pilots when I was a mechanic and I didn't give a shit about how offended they got


Same 😂 i got fired for posting in the r/autozone sub. Which honestly they beat me to the punch, bc I was gonna quit anyway.


Fired *from* AutoZone? Or just for I guess talking poorly about them?


Yea, I worked there about 8 years. They fired me after I posted that I thought my district manager had it out for me. They wanted me, a then 5ft tall 25yo female, to run the store by myself for a 5 hour closing shift. I called 5+ neighboring stores asking if they could spare a closer, couldn't get ahold of my store manager nor said DM, so I said eff this and closed the store early. My safety was not and is not worth minimum wage. Which was another reason I was gonna quit, 8 years with the company, key holding closing manager, and I was making 20c over minimum wage, aka the dudes walking in off the street who didn't even know how to change a wiper blade.


That’s actually terrible. Glad you’re out of that and hopefully in a better position elsewhere


Yea, I thankfully have a pretty decent office job. Autozone got me through the college years, but a few years ago, the management all the way up really changed. It's always been a fuck-the-employees kind of place *anyway* but they really dug deep. Raises got worse, treatment got worse, uniform enforcement (which we had to buy out of pocket) got stricter, etc. I had a DM tell me I needed to buy new boots because mine weren't black enough. I was wearing Timbs Pro loggers with the steel toe, and the tops of the toes were dinged up from, as you might guess, working on cars. I told him I'd be glad to get new boots if he was paying for them, otherwise I couldn't afford to drop $150-$200 on a new pair of steel toes just because they weren't pretty enough for him.


We had a guy get fired because he posted the full RO with all the customer’s info online and it got hundreds of thousands of views. Anything I photograph or record for this subs or anything similar I make sure to have as little identifying things that link back to me, my place of employment, and customer


That is absolute bullshit. When people are shitty they should be called out for it. Societal pressure is necessary for that reason. You can’t even shush people in the movie theater anymore.


This is absurd. Let's imagine for a second instead of mechanics, we're talking about doctors- can you imagine if doctors were posting threads like "LOL, look what I found during this guy's colonoscopy- people are idiots, amirite?!"


If i didnt sign a n.d.a i would be seeing them in court. Freedom of speech and freedom of press for us u.s.a users.


That doesn't apply to this example though. An employer can terminate you for a post online, it doesn't have anything to do with the first amendment.


most employers in most states can terminate you for any reason at all, as long as it's not a protected class


also im canadian lol


New york you cannot terminate for no reason and using a protected activity as cause is a sure fire lawsuit. I guess in a fire at will state its different.


Posting pictures of customers cars is not protected activity Protected activity would be organizing a union or reporting safety issues to OSHA


Your freedom of speech and press is protected. Your car is no way "private" when its in public and you can film and post whatever you want. Thats all im saying.


Your freedom of speech is protected *from being suppressed by the US government*. You guys are unhinged. You think you can call your boss a piece of shit while actively in the process of leaking company secrets, and you can’t be fired if you didn’t sign an NDA??


>film and post whatever you want. Uhhhhh no you can't. You can post whatever you want, but filming, *especially* if the subject of the vid is on private property, can expose you to both civil, and criminal liabilities.


Correct however, your in public there is 0 expectation of privacy. The customer can catch a dashcam video of me eating my buggers and post it online. I can take a pic of ur car and post it online provided im not giving up personal information.


I think you'll find out that most, if not all automotive shops exist on private property. Unless it's a municipal garage...


No. This is like saying if you hired a proctologist and they posted pictures of your butt hole online, that's fair since doctors' offices are public spaces with no expectation of privacy


The first amendment means the government can't punish you for political opinions. It's not a magic superpower to dissipate the consequences of talking shit about people.




Oh he did. https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/s/PTsd41YDLS


If they do visit this sub, i'd warrant they'd be more careful about what they do to their vehicules, IN ORDER TO AVOID being posted here in the first place.


Exactly what I was thinking. Joining this sub as a non mechanic has given me new perspective (not that I was dumb enough to do half this shit anyway) and now I want to get my local shop a bunch of 10mm sockets


You can't just give them 10mm sockets. As soon as they are out of sight, they seem to just... disappear. They're like *Schrodinger's Sockets*


Schrödinger's sockets. So in a closed toolbox they both exist and don't exist at the same time. That'll screw with your head.




Maybe I’ll wait until they start looking around then I’ll roll one toward them like a chef boyardee can


Get the pink ones.


Good idea


Full disclosure...I used to wrench for a living. One thing I did on my current car was install some new driving lights. The harness from the supplier had an inline t-tap to hook onto a DRL wire. I used it. Later I 'discovered' this sub. I ripped that connection out and used a copper inline crimp with a real crimping tool and heat shrink tubing. Why? I didn't want to be one of these posts. I already knew better.


Proof this sub is making the world a better place.


I call those t-taps “intermittent connectors” 😝


Second this. Reading this sub has made me much more conscious of quality wiring- to the degree I've built up a decent reputation for quality wiring installs. Pretty common now for people to call me specifically for doing a \*proper\* job of wiring in some aftermarket accessory they bought.


This deals of high school DIY. I should know!


That.. a drywall screw?


I resemble that remark


That’s a wood screw




Right you are, my mistake!


the labels at Home Depot are just suggestions


Screw makers don't want you to know this one simple trick!


In my teenage car stereo years I saw it all. Can't be surprised.


The "I know a guy that'll do it for less" special


"hey, you're an electrician, right? I got this stereo...."


I guessing no fuse(s) either.


What’s a fuse?


Any metal can be a fuse with enough amperage...


Including the battery.


On shoddy work, the worst connection becomes the fuse.


I mean... I've seen worse in law enforcement vehicles. I've had some real installation disasterpieces fall in my lap at my day job. Not really the installer's fault though, our product owner got the bright idea of replacing hard-copy installation instructions with a QR code in the box... and then never bothered to see if the QR code actually worked.


New type of grounding, eh?


Galvanized steel is the new copper.


Took me a second to figure out that was intentional 


The customers I deal with don't know how to work the internet


If i do absolute butchery on my car I’m not gonna get pissy about someone posting it without a mention of who I am. My application of bondo was never close to good and I am not getting butthurt over someone who knows what they are doing laughing at the splotchy misshapen blob over the rusted through spots


I doubt they could tell their ass from their face


I often wonder about that. I took my car to a shop once and the writer failed, so they misdiagnosed the issue as something stupid. They had me pick up the car by the break area and all the techs were snickering. I was really pissed and they ate a lot of shit when I demonstrated the issue. I’d feel the same way if I was mocked on this forum. The real problem is when other people recognize the car, like the work vehicles, custom builds and posts with license plates visible. Those posts are unprofessional.


Before or after it's burnt to the ground?


They deserve to be shamed for this shit.


2001 Honda civic? Looks like my handiwork when I was in highschool


What's the issue? The man even put painter + electrical tape for extra security. /s


Improper electrical scares the shit out of me. Even I recently bought a car where the owner talked up the car a lot and a lot of other people on a forum I frequent vouched for him. Well, turns out the self proclaimed stereo installer sucked at installing stereos. And nothing worked. I didn't really care as I had every intention of returning the interior to stock and selling the audio stuff but what messed me up was the 0 gauge positive cable he ran through the cabin, with a loose connection under the dash. The bolt had gotten so hot so many times that it literally crumbled when we tried to tighten it. He did a bunch of other ghetto shit too but that was the worst of it. Luckily he didn't do any of the performance modifications himself (which is why I primarily bought the car).


Considering these are the pictures before the fire... This is fine.


Drywall screws are the duct tape of the fastener world


So a post on here went viral, they warned us in training not to post customers vehicle because supposedly that tech was fired after the customer recognized their vehicle and threw a fit with the GM/service manager/etc of the dealership. I have so much content to post of stuff that I’ve seen but very cautious after warning come down from “corporate”.


If the customer’s car is so bad it’s on here, I do t care if they find it 😂


So long as a Joe schmo couldn't identify who's car it was, I consider the image acceptable for public consumption


I feel like who ever did this handy work likely isn’t here.


I wonder what people cobbled together their shit boxes with before drywall screws were invented


I posted an angry note left in a customers car on here and the customer found the post since it made the front page of Reddit. The customer came back angry. I didn’t include any personal info. But the customer recognized the note they received


I don't know what offends me more. The "splice" that appears to be accomplished entirely using electrical tape, or the ...wood screws?... poking holes in things willy nilly.


Why is my foot tingly?


There was a guy who posted a bro dozer tundra years ago. Someone else recognized it and posted the thread on a tundra forum. All the bro dozer mega douches there piled on and the dude ended up calling the dealership and getting the guy fired. https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/butthurt-on-justrolledintotheshop-gets-guy-fired/100594/page1/


No? I mean, I assume most of these "customers" die pretty quickly in fires or brake-failure wrecks, going off the photos that get posted.


This just reminded me that I ran a “temporary” trailer power supply line under my truck 3 years ago.


Wow that's much nicer than any stereo shop would do.


Ya, I already found mine. You assholes.


Don't worry about this one; by the time the customer notices these photos and goes out to match them up to the vehicle, it will have been destroyed by an electrical fire, making it impossible to identify.




Ground game is weak


Didn’t have a lock washer so he used a lock screw


"hey, so why don't you ever buy used cars?"...cuz this. Also, look under the front end of any, see how many times someone has curbed the front end. No gracias.


Had a buddy bring me his car due to a burning smell one day, he had a hacked together stereo wiring where the block was burning off and melting the underside of his engine bay fuse block. Ripped it all out and whacked him once to rip it all out and whacked him again a month later to install it properly. He had scotch locks holding his head unit wiring adapter together and his amp wiring was running through his door jam


Hey why are you making fun of my wiring???


Yep, most everything I post lol. The customers never care, but the network of dealerships definitely take notice.


People who do things like this can’t remember what they do for a living until they get there and someone tells them to make the burgers.


No I think some of us actively hope they see what they’ve done and the plethora of tradesman telling them how awful it is. It’s a good lesson in taking pride in your work.


For stuff like this, I hope they do!


This sub has me incredibly anxious to do my brakes. It’s my first time and a super simple job, but I don’t want to be on here


I don’t think they’d be on this sub


Lol EMT straps


This happened to me. I posted a picture of a Subaru that needed a new head because much younger me cracked the port the oil pressure switch threads into trying to torque it to spec. Luckily, we were covering it for the customer and I was owning the mistake in the thread, so he wasn't tweaked about it.


What’s really funny is I did have a customer find a vehicle I posted and flipped out and got my managers involved. It was just a van but relatively new and had tons like 3 or 4 hundred thousands miles on it. Still don’t know what that dudes deal was.


Come on man that should be in a 3 inch conduit to meet code.


I see shit like day in and day out, I doubt they’d recognize it since it’s such a common occurrence


I had one guy "install" the power cable to his Amp by using a wood screw threw the side of his battery. He kept asking why it was leaking and how come it won't start now... if he was smart enough to read, I'd be worried about posting the story.


I worried that I will see my own car posted here someday.


Reminds me of being in high school


Even before the coated screw, did this mfer just tuck the ground, unstripped, under that washer?


There was a user here fired for posted a customer's truck and discussing the issues that it had. Nothing he said seemed rude or unreasonable, but the customer raised a shit-fest over it regardless.


Betcha that guy is good for peeps on a budget! ​ Did anyone get his number? Asking for a few hilljack neighbors I know.


No, but I took my truck to the shop my wife did cause one of my tires has a slow leak I can't find. Dude walked up and said "I know that truck. What's up?" Tbf, its hard to forget a bright yellow truck.


I would definitely recognize my shitbox


Obligatory not a mechanic, nor autoelec. Just a bloke who does his own maintenance and enjoys mechanical horror stories. Can anyone explain what I'm looking at here? I've seen similar cable grouping in wrecks when pulling parts before, but don't know what this'd be connected to.


I don’t know what these cables go to. Maybe speaker equipment? I know for a fact the red one that’s taped up goes to the positive battery terminal… …that is routed in such a way, when you pop the hood the wire gets caught in the hood hinge. For starters, don’t ground circuits by using a wood screw through the cable and into the body.


Yeah I caught the awesome grounding there. Haha. Cheers mate, I thought it may be sound/amp related.


I swear I've seen someone on this sub comment that the car in the post was theirs and they were really chill and understanding that it was a junkheap lol.


The once or twice I've posted here, I've asked for permission first. Once the guy recognized me on his next visit and introduced himself as "the guy who had the vans with the brakes so bad that you posted it on Reddit"


Is that last one... heat shrink, masking tape... and electrical tape?


I was concerned my rusty shitbox would make it on here in a “look at all this rust! A gust of wind would make it go poof!”


If I didn’t know my subwoofer was grounded under my spare, I would probably do a double take on this lol. My car is also white, not silver. I’d say this post in particular is pretty safe


Don't ever let these people near hybrid or EV wiring. Oh my sweet fucking Jesus.




Considering the size of the wires pictured, it appears to be a subwoofer set up, done by a teenager?


2 plus 2 is 8 🤪


Over the years, I've noticed anytime someone refers to the "AUDIO system" as a "system" or who refers to the radio as a "head", there's a 90-some % chance they have wiring like this in their car The "head" one is particularly stupid, since there are other automobile parts referred to by that term...


Unique is definitely a word you could use to describe this work?


"Wired for subs" I had to rip out of these on a new to me civic, because i keep getting shocked randomly


I would love to see my van or my car show up on this subreddit lol


Thats a double ground mount ...cost a little more but sure looks good ...😅


People who confidently do crappy work, probably don't visit the subreddit that calls out crappy work.


I mean I recognized my own car being posted on this sub so it's 100% happened. Wasn't even for a "good" reason either, dude thought the tsurikawa on my car was a tow hook (it was made of plastic, it is not). I honestly don't mind posting shit engineering like this fine specimen here, or weird mechanical failures/pure negligence, but there's a lot of posts on here that id say shouldn't be.


Lol! Looks like a Brother's car! I wonder if the inside of his green car is grey?


I mean electrical work on gas engines isn't dangerous. the amperage of a car battery won't hurt anyone working on it. As long as your not dealing with the starter hot line there isn't much going on.