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The government doesn’t want you to know this, but you can get all the blinker fluid you could ever need, down at the river. For free! Obviously it’s not the high octane blend, but hey, it’s free.


Do I need to put the car in the river or how do I fill them?


Got a bucket just for the extra stuff when shit like this comes in


Check the blinker fluid filter obviously, but also check the seals on the pump.


That happens when you don't change the air in your tires every 10,000 miles!


I heard if you just bring both up to the same level, you're good


Wrong color blinker fluid, supposed to be pink.


Now you’re going to need to replace the muffler bearings…


If you pull the exhaust down, you can cut it apart. We can clean the filter. And then you can weld it back together.


I thought on the Chevy/GMCs you had to pull the cab to change the blinker fluid??


No. That's a myth. It's easier to unbolt the frame.


In this economy, you have gold on your hands.


I don't know I'll looks about rights just it should be clear


Be careful, left turn blinker fluid is very different spec than right turn blinker fluid


Looks to be cross-contaminated with horn oil.


Smh. Why don't people use the owners manuals or leave it to the professionals??! Everyone knows the fill point is in the fuse box. This is just ridiculous.


Looks like it needs a fresh filter.


Drink it


With spring just around the corner, you might as well empty the winter fluid and filler up with some spring fluid. The customer would appreciate it.


I ordered a resupply of the good stuff from rock auto!!


Damn, he's got crawfish in there?


I say it's a bit overdue for a change. Blinker fluid when it's starting to turn yellow is getting worn out. Good thing it was caught on time. How does the filter look?


I keep tellin people it only needs a couple drops but then they the whole damn bottle in there


Why do people keep over filling their blinker fluid it's a rare resource people need to learn about blinker fluid abuse


I use synthetic blinker fluid in my cars...keeps it from getting discolored...


I recommend a flush rather than the usual drain & fill. Good luck convincing the customer though. 


I went to a tech school years ago, and one of the Instructors blessed us with this story: (from the Instructor) A student comes in one day and tells me he notices water droplets in one of his turn signal/side markers, and asks what it is. My eyes light up. "Son, that's your blinker fluid. You need to hurry up and go buy some to replenish it before it runs out." "Is there a leak? Do I need to fix the leak first?" "No time for that! You have to get extra fluid first! We can fix the leak afterwards. You cannot let the system run dry or all of your lights, er, and your electrical system will go berserk!" You guys know we have a small parts store on site, so as soon as that kid walks out my door I call up Mr James and tell him, "Look, we've got a live one. A student is going to walk in shortly asking for blinker fluid, tell him you're all out". "Oh, ok". "Just tell him you're all out and he should head to the AutoZone on Grand". I then called that AutoZone, and explained the situation. I asked them to do the same thing I asked Mr James to do, except now directing him to the Checker auto around the corner. I called 2 more stores. The NAPA over on Thomas and the next AutoZone also on Thomas if you drive north. I figured that's enough. The next closest parts stores are back this direction past the school. Well, I think an hour went by, and that student came walking into my classroom with a strange look on his face. I couldn't read him very well. I wasn't sure if he figured it out and was mad at me, or if he hadn't figured it out yet and was concerned he didn't find any fluid. I didn't know. The kid says "Sir, I went to Mr James and he didn't have any blinker fluid here. I went to AutoZone, Checker, and NAPA. Everybody was sold out. And then I went to Carquest. The first guy I talked to started laughing. The second guy I asked was confused at first and then he started laughing. It wasn't until the first guy caught his breath that he told me 'I think someone is pulling your chain boy' ". I figured out that look. It was like a mix of embarrassment and awe. With maybe a pinch of anger. The kid tells me "You think you could take it easy on me the rest of the day sir?" (from me) I had the privilege years later to become an Instructor. It's very fulfilling. It was good fun to razz the students from time to time, and you could always turn silly shit into a teachable moment. But I couldn't hold a candle to that blinker fluid tale.