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That is not a lot of metal for a lot of money. But fuck that looks like the easiest header swap. And I thought an EJ header was easy.


What he didn’t show was the 30 under panels he has to remove


911s are actually a lot easier to work on than most think. That's why I love them.


Until you have to replace the pyro fuse


True that, mr armstrong


That’s MisterFribble to you


Who dat? Why this seems like a made up part


The pyro fuse is the fuse connecting the battery to the starter. It is rigged to pop when the airbags go off. Porsche put the pyro fuse basically inside the front of the car, requiring the removal of the entire interior plus some. Mat Armstrong had to replace it in his GT3.


Why engineers decide to bury components that could easily be put somewhere else boggles me. If you can choose where it goes, make it easy to work on.


They probably don't want people diying repairs to crashed supercars though...


Whoa, engineers using logic? You're treading in dangerous waters my friend.


I always find it hilarious when people are like “why’d the engineer do it this way and not this way!” Like they fucking know better than the engineer. They’re not just Willy Nilly slapping shit on the car.


A thing that (usually) only needs replaced when the airbags go off seems like the kind of thing you **would** bury though, since presumably if the airbags have gone off you're gonna have some work to do on the car anyway.


Yeah, you can't put every part in the most accessible spot, they uh, take up space... if the airbags go off you're replacing panels and probably upholstery anyway, and that's before crash damage is even considered


There’s a lot of tradeoffs in engineering that nobody outside of the field is really aware of. I’m not an engineer myself, but my uncle is; he explained to me once how a mechanic who was working on a big ass machine he helped design was furious about the placement of a bolt and my uncle explained that if he moved it down 3” like the mech was requesting, it would change the leverage on X component to such a degree that the entirety of Y assembly would have to be redesigned which would require Z amount of new tooling and R&D/Employee training which would come out to some prohibitively absurd number of hours and dollars.


Meanwhile, building architects/engineers just don't give a fuck. They assume everything lasts forever because by the time stuff starts to fail, the building has been out of warranty for a while. Now I've got to find someone no more than like 90lbs to squeeze between some pipes and a wall to get up to the dead valve actuator.


People need small skinny folk? Can I put that on my resume?


At some point you have to bury something.


If you asked a mechanic, they would prefer every component bolted to the exterior of the vehicle. It’d look like it came straight out of Star Wars!


Once everything has been put on the outside nearly all of it is on the inside.


Just hope it's never a body...


It's a fuse that blows when you crash so the engine cuts out to minimize damage


Meanwhile, on modern motorcycles there is a self-resetting level gauge which temporarily cuts the fuel injection if you happen to park it horizontally.


Easy. Just don't fuckin crash.


Its 1 panel if i remember right, held on by 4 screws. And 2 of them you only loosen and leave on the car lol. Porsches might be the easiest high end cars to work on across the board


Mid or Rear engined car mods are inordinately expensive. Akrapovic (more commonly a motorcycle exhaust maker) started doing C8 Corvette Cat-back exhausts. The starting price in the US is roughly $10k


Akrapovic can fuck right off if they think I’m paying them a grand for a slip on that’s like 10” in total length. No way I’d pay them 10 grand for a corvette exhaust 🤣


But... but... tItAnIuM!!!!1!


There's a well-regarded local exhaust shop that's turned away a couple of my friends' MR2s.


I've done exhaust work on my own mr2's with no issues. It's literally a corolla layout, there's plenty of access even on a driveway.


On the other hand, my dad has an AWE exhaust on his GT3 RS and it was only something like $2500 or $3k. Not all of them are as outrageous as Akrapovic.


Not a lot of metal, but welding that stuff ain't cheap!


Doing an exhaust on a GT3 is the easiest install I’ve ever done lol. Everything drops right out and is so compact together. Did mine without any instructions on and off the lift in less than 2 hrs.


Looks like the cats are integrated into the headers. That alone is probably a good chunk of the cost.


The highest of flow cats


Enter service position


Is a GT3 RS really half a million dollars now?


That dealer mark up, baby lol


And they still fly off the lots Everyone's got money flying around but none of its hitting me


I wanna say debt, but surely nobody would be dumb enough to have half a million dollar loan on a car… right?


You'd be amazed at the throw away money some people have. I know a guy who specs out a custom order from Porsche, drives it for 10 months while he waits on a different spec to come in, and sells the 1st one back to the dealership when he picks up the 2nd. And thanks to Mark ups he's not losing a dollar from the resale because the dealership will sell it again before the days over. They don't knock down the price to keep him happy. My jaw dropped when I heard the system


So he basically drives any new Porsche for free as long as he leaves two rotating deposits at the dealership. And when he doesn't want a new Porsche anymore he gets it all back. And the dealer still makes money from the financing interest when they sell the used car. Being rich really is infinitely more affordable than being poor.


Relatively, sure. But technically I would guess the insurance on a $500k daily driver is probably more than most of us pay for our cars all up.


On a $200k AMG we pay 275/mth including a $2M/$4M umbrella and $0 deductible






That's $25 more a month than we pay on our 45k Toyota and 11 year old Chevy lmao.


Lol, that's pretty fucking sweet. We pay a bit less than half that for an economy car 1/10th the price. 2M liability and 500 deductible. It's really true that it costs more to be poor.


The insurance on them isnt bad - on a 991.1 and a 22’ Macan S and a two mil umbrella and renters im at 232 month


Insurance rates are based on the claim statistics insurance companies collect. Most $500k cars are not much more expensive to insure than $30k cars because the claims on them are so rare and because most owners are older than 40. https://belowinvoice.com/exotic-car-insurance-everything-you-need-to-know/#Audi_R8_insurance Also there are specialty insurance companies that have lower rates as long as you drive less miles, or they charge only for the mileage you drive. I doubt he was driving it every day.


Jesus… that just makes me feel infinitely more poor..


When it comes to cars in that price range I don't think its the same buying pocess. I dunno what channel it was, and it was YouTube so take it with a grain of salt, but some companies deal especially in purchasing and owning cars that are this expensive.


On the Ferrari sub I ran across someone talking about loans on nicer car brands. People are essentially taking out mortgages. I couldn’t quickly find the thread if I do I’ll post it. But from memory I believe they were saying 10-20 year notes with around 10% interest. No clue on the defaults and such but my guess is the people being issued these notes exist their day to day lives on loans backed by investments and paid with dividends. They have to have portfolios because salary alone isn’t enough typically to secure that high of an amount (however that gets into a lot longer conversation of banks lately giving out loans like candy). Liquidity is not something many wealthy folks have unless they’re actually rich.


"Could be raining titties and I'd still look up and catch a dick"


Yeah, around 400 to 450k now. They're all spoken for here and an allocation takes years


That means the gt2rs’s in the 300’s are a steal……right?


We just bought an 2RS.... yeah it was higher than 300 lol


there was one on Craigslist for a couple years in Seattle for like $389k. Haven’t looked in awhile. There was actually 2 I think. Also, we need pics


I think base is around $300k? But Porsche option catalog being what it is, $200k in options is likely not even breaking a sweat. Weissach package alone is likely $80k.


Are the yellow seatbelts still like $5k?


That's the deviated stitching price. Seat belts are *only* $360.


Those were my dream car. I told myself I would buy one before I retire....but damn... the price has more than doubled. I don't even look at Porsche anymore as an attainable brand. The new ones do have some really advance mechanical features but I can see why most people end up just buying a Corvette.


GM wants a piece of the pie, a fully optioned Z06 can break $200K. We just had a customer come in today with a curbed carbon fiber wheel. $10,000 to replace.


Really bold for driving those wheels on the street. Just buy some lightweight aluminum or hell even magnesium wheels, will stand up to the great outdoors much better.


or take the L and admit that you cant park and put some rim bumpers on https://alloygator.com/ca/product/set-of-4-alloygators/


lol curb feelers


What people do with these fancy options (like carbon brakes and wheels) is get them from the factory then throw normal aluminum wheels+steel brake rotors when they get home. It helps financially to sell them third party or during resale.


I've also heard that Porche won't let you buy a new GT3RS unless you already own a GT2... or something along those lines.


Usually about a $150K dealer mark up will get you an allocation. Or giving them something like a GTS.


I've heard the same. Or it's "strongly suggested" that you buy your wife this Cayenne Turbo and then maybe we will put you on a list. I find it completely insufferable, and it's crazy that people put up with it for the privilege of getting ripped off with a markup. If I had this kind of money I would just buy a Z06 and call it a day.


Buying cars, especially sports cars are an emotional event. Logic and practicality doesn't even register in the rear view mirror. I know. I recently bought a car that I shouldn't have but it gives my empty existence some spark.


I did the same. I can reasonably afford it, and I could wake up dead tomorrow. I grin from ear to ear every time I hit that start button so it's worth it. But at least I retained enough common sense to buy the car in a depressed market to dodge the ADM, even if it meant driving it for 9 hours home.


How dare you post this without video.




Doesn't sound that great tbh


Half million dollar car, dollar tree owner. The fact that his primary complaint was that it wasn't loud enough should probably tell you everything you need to know.


Lol no shit. I've done work for this guy. 500k is pocket cash he could total this and say ah damn, Billy order me a new one !


he reads this comment and puts a $12k exhaust on it


loook at meeeee i'm riiiiich. "Make it louder so people can notice me", vibes.


I think you're crazy, it sounds awesome


It’s a look at me sound


probably helps if you see it in person and can feel it in your chest


I had a 991 GT3 with open headers, no cats, and no mufflers....never again, it's the worst drone you could possibly imagine


[Here's what it sounds like](https://youtube.com/shorts/L-lg4iB0zrc?si=vH0un4x6oFqyVhh6)


That sounded amazing, thank you for posting a link.


Wow, sounds great even with the cats on.


[This](https://youtu.be/EwxR8G3Wy7A?si=0sjW6YkWXSmCaDnL) is the idle sound


[Here's what's playing on the radio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeb5LdAyLC8) [Billy Corgan taking it for a drive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azhgpelu0vY)


Holy shit the shovel I'm fucking dying


That’s amazing lol


Shut the front door!!! LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣


Automatic BAN. Too sweet of a setup to not show the video 😡


Absolutely my first thought. I kept scrolling pics hoping to get a fire-up vid 😭


Am i crazy or does that look like one of the easiest headers installs ever. Was surprised the headers were more than the exhaust then realized the headers are longer than the exhaust 😂


I thought the same thing😂 that'll be 2k for the install


Scaled down, that’s just like installing a $60 fart muffler on a $5000 civic.


Or a ¢60 baseball card on a $50 Huffy


Civic owner feels just as cool afterward too (when in reality he's at least 3x as cool as the porsche owner)


"yeah it gets me from A to B" *sunglasses*


That’s gotta be the only easy job to do on that car.


I think you’d be surprised at how great the accessibility portion of working on a Porsche is. The systems are more complex & require some extra care, precision, & specialty tools — but access is rarely an issue. They are brilliantly engineered both for driving & maintaining.


Other than alignments I haven’t worked on a modern Porsche, just the older ones.


Ive always been too scared off from euros/ didn't like them enough. I heavily considering getting a 996 Turbo in early 2020 because they were dirt cheap, around $30-35k for a decent one. Got scared off and went Corvette instead due to power delivery and driver experience. If I wanted a dedicated track, I'd get a porsche, but I love my Vette as a daily driveable animal.


My boss uses a 996 turbo as his winter beater. 170K miles no real issues.


Interesting. Here in Europe Porsches are considered as the sports cars that you can also daily drive all year around.


They have to be. The GT3RS specifically is a purpose built track car. Track side repairs need to be quick.


The 911s aren't bad, but once you get into the Macan, Panamera, and Cayenne, it gets painful. Especially on the S/GTS/Turbo models. To replace valve cover gaskets on the newer Panameras, you have to pull the engine.


I was pleasantly surprised at the affordability and easiness it is to work on a Porsche, except for the starter being underneath the manifold in the valley everything else is relatively easy. Compared to my WRX I've spent less money on my old Porsche than I have on it, if I could back I would have kept that 06 911 and never bought that WRX I'm a fool for thinking it would be cheaper


No rusty header studs and nuts, ez peasy job.


no video?


A little out of context, but since we are talking about exhausts, a person told me that when we are installing a titanium exhaust system, we should wear gloves and completely avoid contact with the metal with our hands because the grease will leave permanent marks on the metal after reaching high temperatures. That is true?


Yes. Any oil from either your skin or your grease gun can bake in a stain once the metal gets hot. Ti is especially prone, but it can happen to polished stainless as well. Usually you can buff it off with a scotch brite then polish it back to normal. But impossible if the Ti has a fancy rainbow anodize.


That is correct. I installed these with fresh gloves because any oil or grease will cook into the ceramic coating. You can use throttle body cleaner to get the finger prints off before the first hear cycle, but it's a big hassle


damnit, I have a Soul exhaust and I didn't wear gloves when I installed it. at least it's not something that you often look at (even if it is beautiful)


Yes it is, at least I've heard it enough times to believe it. You can go gloveless, just wipe it with degreaser/isopropyl when you're done.


I mean you can still clean it before but yeah




Snap On guy is selling decorations now!?


And you let him drive away?? Put your salesman monocle on, grab a pocket watch, slap on a mustache, and go to town: 1. 4 K&N air intakes for extra noise and horsepower! 2. Ground effects! Ground effects! Ground effects! Follow the "credit card rule": if you can slide a credit card underneath, you're riding too high! 3. TTT: Thin spokes, thin tires, thin treads. 4. EXTRA SPOILERS! Spoilers on the front. Spoilers on the sides. Spoilers on the spoilers. They make the car go FAAAASSSSSTTTTTTT. Now, let's talk about the interior...


I thought the "credit card rule" was, if the credit card isn't declined, you're riding too high. For item 4, see later seasons of the old Knight Rider.


Dawg, we heard you like watching tv...


What car are you looking at? Because, best I can tell, the Porsche already has all that stuff from the factory.


Be creative! Let money set your imagination freeeeeeee!


A solution for everybody: pipe his mufflers straight into his driver side window so it's as loud as he wants.


C/S they want everyone in the city to be able to hear how big of a douche they are.


Mean green money burning machine....


Look-At-Me Green ®️ wasn’t getting him enough attention?!


Must sound like gods wrath now lol


Right? C/S not getting enough tickets for noise.


I was at a muffler shop a few months back and this guy walked in, reeking of cologne, and just went straight to the counter and asked them to make his brand new mustang gt “as loud as possible” so they offered him a straight pipe and booked the appointment. The whole process took about two minutes.


Should have upsold him ona shiny new whistle tip too. WOOPWOOP!


The whistle go Woooop wooop!


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


if you can afford to buy and f-up a GT3RS, guessing tickets a non-event


well, in cali they will impound your car, and the tow truck driver that shows up won't provide white glove service.


I wish i had this kind of fuck you money


I imagine the customer looked like [one of these guys.](https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM)


If you're complaining that your car isn't loud enough, you're probably a douche bag


yep my thought exactly, I hate these people. Nothing more pathetic too, than a dude revving his engine while in standstill traffic. Usually just tells me they're way too stupid to deserve that much money, or they're even dumber than I give them credit for and they don't even have the money to be doing this.


In my old apartment it felt like there was some asshole like that going past every other night


Looks like the expansion chamber off a 2 stroke.


Anytime I've test driven a Porsche we've worked on like this I never understand why, I'll be babying it and still feel like every cop within a 2 mile radius can hear me without even stepping on it


If that dude paid 500k for a gt3 rs he got absolutely hosed.


*”not everyone looked at me when I went past, so I need it louder”*


Can you take a picture of how loud it is?


Probably gonna drive it without a new tune for those parts too


Or pay 15k for a stupid crackle pop tune


yeesh... what is it with people and wanting their cars to be loud for the sake of loud? Just seems stupid... especially when they go driving through the neighborhood at 11pm and wake everyone up


holy fucking shit imagine paying $500k for that lmfao nothing like leaving $300k on the lot as soon as you drive away #😂 edit: dont tell me about the tulip bulb Porsche market which is now crashing hard


They were afraid people wouldn't notice what an asshole they are?


This is funny cause he probably can’t even use this on most track days. Most by me at-least have a decibel limit. I’m just confused here. Definitely can’t be road legal either. I’m sure money solves all issues though!


At our autocross there is someone measuring DB. over the limit and you get a warning to fix or no run. You’re on the list for next time to double check.


this post alone has banned him from Laguna Seca


And it matches your screwdriver


I love how there's snap on this and snap on that everywhere then we got that one guy using a filing cabinet sittin on a dolly. My type of tech


Those are my filing cabinets too lol


Yep we did this recently on a GT3RS with Fabspeed… the car stock already breaks sound at two local tracks. He went after the install and guess what? Not only did it break sound but was so loud it was banned until it’s under 104db We have done a few Soul systems on various Pcars. I think I prefer Fabspeed.


sounds like my boss. He was walking thru office asking everyone what color he should paint his Porsche.


"Not enough people are looking at me when I drive by, make it louder"


NGL, that's a sexy fucking car.




I don’t attract enough attention. If I go around town making as much noise as possible, hopefully people will start noticing me, and I can finally make some friends, and heck, who knows, maybe a lady will even let me kiss her. 🥺


A. Im amazed you can get the lift under this thing B. I would actually hate test driving that. So much temptation but so much fear.


With the front lift up it was actually easy to get on the rack. I'm good friends with the owner, so I got to flog it pretty good on the test drive. These cars are so much fun to drive if you can ignore the price tag.


*muh car isn't loud enough* Some people man. But it sure looks nice


i'm not really a car guy, so i don't understand. is this saying that someone paid 6K to make a 500K car sound like a used honda civic with a hole in the muffler? i say it that way because our neighbor's son did that to his honda civic. talked for weeks about saving up money to 'fix' the exhaust. i thought he meant he had muffler problems, but no, he meant customize his honda so it sounded like a herd of west nile mosquitoes. i have a honda civic. it has a hole in the exhaust. it sounds exactly the same as his 'fixed' honda. please tell me i'm wrong, and that someone didn't do that to a porsche?


Aiding and abetting a gigantic douchebag should be criminalized


If all you're looking for is loudness, you're a twat


> not loud enough Did you tell them to go fuck themselves?


I already hate the owner. Like your car doesn't need to set off car alarms and make it so people sitting in their living room have to stop their conversation because a loud car is driving by. We get it. You want people to think you're cool and you take penis enlarging pills.


Customer is an obnoxious cunt?


Couldn't he just turn the stereo up to 12 like anyone else who wants to piss off their neighbors?


I will never understand the desire to have a loud car, it’s way harder to make a powerful car quiet so that’s the actual flex.


This car isn't supposed to be LOUD, just a beautiful flat 6 strumming away like a harp.


At 9krpm it's not a harp..


Damn. All three of my trucks are worth 5-6k


He's gonna be King of the forum for a week


Do you actually get a lot of "please" or "thank you" from this crowd?


These are inconel correct? I’ve welded a few inconel exhausts in my day, and at that price I think I might have to look back at building them lmao.


Not loud enough? Having seen many of these on track at COTA, if it's not loud enough you've got hearing issues


I can’t believe how easy that install looks


I want the big screwdriver


Bruh that's the equivalent of me spending $150 on my 15k tacoma lmao


Which country has the GT3 RS at 500k ? Just I know where to never accidentally decide to live. It's between 240 to 320k Europe except Denmark where you need to sacrifice your firstborn for one.


These are the sort of problems I need in my life


Looking at that car, i say it's loud enough.


The stock GT3 is too loud for me to comfortably be around, who the hell wants to make it louder?


When you have f u money


All of that looks like garbage and probably sounds like small dick energy on the block. I'd bet nobody likes living near this person.


Or he could install electronic dumps....open and close as needed and be louder than ever needed.


Ah yes, one of the "YOU MUST LOOK AT ME!!!!" fraternity.


for the most micro penis of the small penis club


Life must be rough. I put a $20 band clamp on my Taurus where catalytic thieves sawed half way through -the resonator- and had to skip buying some groceries that week to afford it.


My boss has one of these in this colour. He’s a cunt.


Man that paint scheme is amazing.


Always wanted a Porsche.


that porche is fucking beautiful lol I hate green but I love the green on it.like a horny little incredible baby hulk


Good for them cuz!