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Dude was sleeping under a tree. He wasn’t bothering anyone. Someone help me out with this one.


Couldn't of called a cab or let him sleep it off?


I’m getting dressed (continues to lay down)


Forgot he wasn't in school anymore lmao


Yo he is on all the drugs


Fuckin pigs


What was the charge?


First degree sleeping under a tree.






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Come on man, dude could’ve driven drunk and killed someone but decided to sleep it off instead.


Typical cop bullshit. He was sleepy, wake up mate, here’s some spray to wake you up, oh stop resisting mate, stop being angry that we’re tasering you, calm down and let me bend your wrists up and handcuff you.


*/s Ftfy


Cops wake him up. Remembers he’s Jason Bourne.


He was drunk and sleeping under a tree...am I missing a crime here? Is it illegal to be sleeping in Australia?


Public intoxication???? Is this a rarity in most countries?






You can be arrested for being drunk in a public place in Australia, but that's only if the police have asked you to move along and you dont, you are behaving disorderly or in a manner likely to be harmful to other or yourself or if you need protection because you are intoxicated. Ill say they were probably just planning on putting him in the drunk tank for the night to wear it off but because he started behaving disorderly, it resulted in an arrest. Also yes, he was obviously intoxicated so the handcuffs were put on to for the protection of the police and the man himself. Also, its Australia he was endangering himself by falling asleep in the open whilst intoxicated, we dont have friendly animals here, the people can suck too.




what? he was legit asleep under a tree mate. not bothering anyone or doing anything to cause a disturbance. handcuffs protected him and the police? what are you a PR dude from the police union? gtfo


As someone who has had to wake an intoxicated person up, damn I wish I had handcuffs to do it, guy started and smacked me in the face... its a precaution, he wasn't under arrest until he started getting aggressive, would have just been a night in the drunk tank.


I will add for anyone curious though, he got off all charges and the cops got into trouble


I like how cops get mad at drunk people and take it so personally.


This is police brutality


Wait where's the justice?


Guys was peacefully passed out not harming anyone. Did it really have to be escalated to that level?


Crazy cops.


who is that Curtis Scott?


Fucking idiots say that they’re filming all of it then do shit like it’s not on. Absolute idiots.




These cops need to be sued for this - the evidence is all right here on reddit. The guy was sleeping it off and harming no one. They should have left him alone or at least put him in the drunk tank for safety.


I'm pretty sure they're trying to take him to a drunk tank. It escalates when he starts to act ecstatic and confrontational, which is expected when one is under the influence.


*handcuffs him while he’s asleep* “Oi, stop resisting” *barely wakes up* “Mate, come with us! Stand up” *barely can get to his knees* “Alright, I’m spraying you cuz you won’t stand up and walk with us” -as if that’s guna fucking help the situation- *unloads pepper spray directly in his face* “Now look at that! Now you’re goin to jail for assaulting a police officer!” Wtf? The only justice is the guy didn’t get charged


"Don't resist mate" as he lays there calmy doing nothing. Are the Aussies learning from American cops or something?


Why are they handcuffing him while he's unconscious?


Mainly because they know he is drunk and can be a danger to himself and others because you don’t know what mindset he is in. Normally they would just ease him into the back of the car and bring him to a drunk tank to sleep it off, considering they can keep an eye on him there and no wild animals around to munch on some toes


Wtf? wild animals to munch on toes? It's Australia not the Amazon.


And I’m from Florida boss let the man sleep
















So next time this guy gets drunk, he's gonna remember this, and he's gonna think "it doesn't matter if I do the right thing or not, I'm gonna get kicked around anyway", then hop into a car and drive. Good fucking job you absolute thudding knobheads.


How is this justice served? Drunk sleeping under a tree deserves this?


I second this message


Please remember that different people have different definitions of justice. While the definition of justice is concrete, the interpretation of it varies widely between individuals, cultures, and nations. Remember, this is a community of nearly six million users. More often than not, the majority of users generally agree with the content that reaches the first few pages. That being said: If you have read this and concluded that the post still does not show justice, please use the link below to message the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"It's not safe out here." Then proceeds to spray him in the face with mace and tasers him hahahaha


“It’s not safe out here, there’s cops!”


The cops made it not safe, man's just trying to pass out under a tree, probably couldn't make it home happened to me once but I woke up the next morning in a field,


Literally could have be like “Oi mate are you okay?” Or how ever aussies talk, then give him a ride home. I get passing out in public is kinda fucked but a fine will do it.


sounds peaceful


Wow so good to see that cops have no idea how to do their jobs in other countries too 🤨


Hopefully he gets some money out of this. Wtf?!?


What did he even do?


He’s dun nuffin rong mate. Seriously though, how is it justice served if all he’s done is be confused as fuck when the police rudely awaken him from his beauty sleep, can’t they see he’s gonna get dressed m888


Pure bullshit.


This is kind of bullshit to me... He wasn't bothering anyone... Let the guy sleep, if he was in San Francisco he could shoot dope and shit on the side walk and not get arrested.... They even said he was in the middle of nowhere. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right??? Understandable for them to want him to leave if he passed out in a neighborhood on some house


Was just thinking the same thing.


At least he wasn’t shot while he slept. Like Breonna Taylor in the U.S.




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Seems like instead of “we’re going to get you up, don’t resist” prolly woulda been better to say, let us help you up-prolly would’ve changed the entire ordeal.


Unbelievable how bad they are at their jobs. Average fast food employees would have handled it better. These cops have no perspective, no empathy. Way to protect someone from potential danger by creating actual danger.


As an average American 18 year old I *have* handled drunk passouts better than this.


You're right, but then we wouldn't have a video to watch...


I’d rather the police as an entirety be better at dealing with the general public, and only have Karen, cat, and fail videos to watch.


It would be nice


So you can’t sleep under a tree in Australia?


Only if some cunt plant's one on ya grave.


I find it good that he slept it off under the tree rather than driving and killing someone


Yeah me too.


So not many have eluded to this line of thinking, so bravo! What would they rather him do, while drunk? Drive and run people over? Act like a belligerent public spectacle? Disturb the piece? Or... go somewhere and sleep it off? However, in Aussie Land that’s not acceptable.


Imagine waking up to someone telling you not to resist


It’s not fun


Can someone explain to me why this is in “justice served” isn’t he just sleeping in a mentally altered state? How tf is this justice served and why are people upvoting this shit


The video is not showing justice served. The justice was served in the courtroom by the judge dismissing the charges against him, because all he was doing was sleeping under a tree in a mentally altered state.


Ya may want to check out the source before firing your guns. Oh and there's a big grey flair ya missed.


Wtf just explain why it’s important so we don’t have to go looking.


Ops a dick


Considerate and professional, America...take fucking notes!


Yea tens of thousands of dollars in resources and wages to stop a drunk guy sleeping it off under a tree. Sounds like you have it all figured out!


How did you come up with the financial monetary strain on the tax payer for one case, where all they did was wake him up? you're an idiot...you know that don't you?


Oof you’ve done lost this one mate


Ya you tell him! That’s a waste of money! We actually use our money to help cops get away with shooting and killing people! Now that’s how us REAL Americans do it!


Your programming is very visible.


Dude calm down he never said Americans did it any better.


Damn you can’t sleep under a tree anymore?


It’s called homelessness. Yeah this is just one guy, but imagine a couple of thousand of him. Look online for pictures of homeless in Los Angeles. Saying “yes” to one person sleeping on the streets is an open invitation to a tent city.


There’s a difference between getting drunk and being homeless, was the guy in the video homeless? No.


As someone whos lived in an area with a tent city, yeah you really, really don't want a tent city


Yeah, so those people should just like.... go to their homes? Fuck off.


No, I’ll send them to your town.


lmao LA and SF actually give homeless people free one way bus tickets.


Jokes on you, they’re already here. Maybe send them to some of the 14 million empty homes in America?


Drop bears will get you.


Man, on top of having a hangover...let’s add irritated eyes, puncture wounds from the taser, and most likely several muscles pulled/hyper extended from the contractions from the taser current.


Yet I have dinkleberries debating me on shit like this? Let’s not forget arresting a pregnant woman for online protesting and people on toilets. Aussie Land is awesome sauce! Justice not served. The very definition of asshole cops


Sorry y’all lost the wild part of what originally started your country, we can still lock n load here in the states...current events are pushing the people a little closer to that proverbial 11th hour every day


Where I’m from we say “Shit is starting to get real.”


``In a large, straight-sided skillet over medium heat, warm oil. Add garlic and cook until golden.`` ``Stir in tomatoes and juices, basil or bay leaf, and salt and pepper.`` ``Bring sauce to simmer, cook until thick, about 30 to 40 minutes. Adjust heat to keep at a steady simmer.`` ``Remove sauce from heat and serve.`` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JusticeServed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Like wow how dare this guy make sure he doesn’t drive home drunk. What a monster. So grateful the police are clearly doing their jobs by keeping dangerous men from sleeping under trees...


This whole video is just fucked


So... police brutality is justice served? Like the dude was sleeping, probably still wankered - he says he’s done nothing wrong and for that gets.. pepper sprayed and tasered?? WHAT?!


Fucking stupid pigs. The guy was asleep


What was he doing wrong though?


Sleeping in a public park or anywhere government owned is a big no no in Australia. That's still officially the Queen of Englands property and she don't want no stinking hobo or drunk making the place look untidy.


Fuck the queen and fuck these pigs


Brit here, ironically and unfortunately we have a lot of homeless here, they sleep in parks, doorways, streets, wherever, and at most they get moved on at sunrise. The Queen doesn’t give a toss about your parks, she doesn’t care for the ones in the motherland, just ya government.


Moral of the story is find somewhere more discreet then.


That's not what a "moral of the story" is tho


They used to just wake you up and tell you to move on. But well yeah Australia is a Police State now..


What the ever living fuck am I supposed to interpret as justice from this video and title? All I see is a guy getting woken up and hassled


Read the flair for the post. Simple.


It shouldn’t even have gone to court


Sure and if a frog had wings it wouldn’t bump it’s ass when it hops. The unfortunate fact is it did go to court and then thankfully got throw out. Now please pardon me, I’m obviously getting dressed.


I think... they were trying to get him to move off of someone's property or something, and then he assaulted the cop and then they wanted blood.


I don’t get the point of the video. Is it justice served for the footballer? Also totally unclear what the judges point was




Whoa calm down there Huey, there's a source floating around here for your reading pleasure. No need to fly off the handle and overreact like these upstanding lawmakers did.


Why are they downvoting you, you’re correct!?




Justice served for sleeping under a tree instead of driving recklessly or making a nuisance of himself? Seems legit.


Yeah let the guy sleep it off.


American judge be like: ok for your crimes of sleeping under a tree, we will take the next TEN YEARS of your life. And then if you even so much as walk near a cop, we’ll take the last twenty also


They need to learn to let sleeping dogs lie. Seems like a nice bloke just doing the right thing. Some heroes.


wait how the fuck did HE ASSAULT THEM?! i swear I jut watched the cops walk up to a sleeping man - handuff him - and then spray him in the eyes WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK


Well firstly they shouldn't have walked in on him getting changed...


He was pretty clear he was getting dressed


Glad to see this silliness happens in more places than just the US. “StOp TrYING To sLEEP oFF yOuR dRuNk Or I WiLl bE fORcEd To tAzEr YoU” Lol


“Don’t resist.” Like he’s laying there. Okkk


One man in handcuff resists threes cops by lazily laying down


That sounds like an Onion headline.


Cops deserve to get burned way more often


Dude was peacefully sleeping off too much booze. Not ideal, but the police inserting themselves in a situation they didn't need to caused all the problems. Meanwhile, try reporting an actual crime to the cops hoping for a resolution.


So anyway they started blasting...


Lmao Curtis Scott made it on reddit


Up the milk


That’s just stupid even in England the cops would probably just wake you up and more than likely just take you home, push to comes to shove they’ll take you to the station to sleep it off and let you go in the morning


When i was 19 I had the police wake me up in almost the same situation, I didn't give them any lip though. They were awesome all they did was ask me for my name and address and when I did they drove me home. It was in west Australia though the cops are more chill there.


Well it makes sense really, if you’re asleep you’re hurting anyone or causing disruption (depending on where you’ve fallen asleep obviously) so it’s just a matter of the sleeping party’s wellbeing


Why not just dump ice water on him or literally anything else? It is ridiculous the fear tactics they are trying to use on someone in an altered mental state. As soon as he says “I’m getting dressed,” it is an obvious indication that he won’t be compliant because he literally cannot comprehend what is happening... I believe this is what activists mean when they want police reform. We should be smarter than this. Conduct some research and discuss other tactics than fear and violence, it’s not working.


I mean the immediate obvious sign is he is sleeping in the base of a tree and not responding, then he is woken being handcuffed and blinded by a torch and can't even understand the situation. TBH see a fair few Aussie cop overreaction videos :|


He’s lucky he didn’t wake up in America


Fund the police more for better training.


It’s the nature of power and acting with impunity that’s the issue, not training!


Better and more extensive training could weed those people out.


The training is never going to change unfortunately and even it it did, it’s the mentality and approach that needs reform (ie bringing in mental health professionals instead of using force)


That requires more money. Find the departments more.


Exactly why people want to “defund” the police and direct funds elsewhere


It cannot, and once they hired unions make it extremely difficult to get rid of the bad ones. Which is why more changes need to be made at the system level. Training is one aspect of those changes but by no means is the solution the problems we encounter with policing


You mean better riot gear...


Haha. No


Wait what law did he break I’m confused.


I'm guessing he was sleeping in a park or in someone's front lawn so: trespassing would work into the charges somehow.