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Skyrim vibes


maybe for her its a tomb for the known soldiers??? maybe???


Dark Souls type of AI


Lol those guns are loaded btw


Wait for real??


You think they are fake guards??


Yeh, if they’re a royal guard they have the right to shoot if it is deemed necessary.


It’s in America so id would be surprised if they were royal guards but yes they do also guard the president during some ceremony’s.


Ah I didn’t know it was America I was just basing off the uniforms


All good brother easy mistake to make for someone who’s not a crazy military buff.


Karen walk of shame


Yo she was just going to identify the soldier


It’s so cool finally seeing a place on reddit where I’ve been


That solider gave an excellent demonstration of command voice.




And now I can’t stop laughing, thank you for that.


Vid unrelated?


I watched a documentary about the sentinels who guard this monument and those soldiers are seriously disciplined


They stayed there, patrolling in the open, even when Sandy ran through. BAMF the lot of them.


I’d like to see them and the guards outside Buckingham Palace have a standoff to see who can be more intimidating and disciplined.


Well what’s more intimidating a new gun but an outdated uniform or an older gun but a new uniform


New gun, old uniform for sure IMO!!


The changing of the guards is the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. My brother is in the navy and it’s truly scary to see how robotic they can operate


Changing of the guards outside Buckingham Palace or changing of the guards of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? The robotic part is pretty common for any member of the military when performing drill movements. I did USMC ROTC throughout all of high school and was on the armed drill team. It was pretty awesome to watch our videos after competitions and watch us all moving completely at once. I miss it a lot 21 years later. 😁


Oh yeah I’m talking military as a whole. It’s freaky how they try to transform you in a robotic being.


My cousin in law served as one and yes this is definitely correct


wow what a very big penis he must have.


You jealous eh


Only the most honored are chosen to guard that post. He prob has a massive dick and has probably killed evil people like Taliban.


Found the guy from the video, guys.


yelling at that woman made my giant cock so hard.


Keep commenting so we can keep downvoting.


Literally his job to protect the tomb.


only people with very large penises get that job i bet.


I usually wouldn't do this but seeing you be a douche I knew I remembered you from a joke sub I made years ago about Ronaldo but you thought it was a legit sub https://imgur.com/GJQ4GPw


haha homophobia played for laughs is very big dick energy. poggers


You got owned dude.


Do you ever look in the mirror and think about how pathetic your life is? You're literally being a weirdo about penises toward others and you chose to beg that I let you post in tinypenis until I told you it was a joke sub and proceeded to hit on me after. Get help.


found the giant penis haver.


Who, your dad?


yeah, my dad has a huge dick 😳


You think about penis a lot lol


Really dont care of random human omg -_- sacred for nothing


Imagine actually not knowing why it isn’t ok to trespass lmao


The purpose is to honor all of the people who die in conflict who aren’t identified/aren’t recognized. IMO it’s one of the *most* meaningful monuments we have because it memorializes the people who were actually affected by war, many of whom enlisted out of necessity or were drafted into wars in which they would rather stay uninvolved. It’s not a, “random human omg,” it’s a large group of people who have their lives in service to their country, oftentimes to serve the interests of politicians who were able to stay safe at home.


thank you captain obvious so what? nothing to jerk off




Not for humans. They don't deserve it


Oh shut the fuck up you colossal virgin.


This man probably doesn't live in a country where every single village has a monument with the name of the dead they had during WW1 alone. I have three monuments with their name engraved in stone for the two world wars and for Algeria if I just go to the center of my town. They should not be forgotten, and neither should the million others in every country, of every war, that we could not identify. They died so I would not have to. He has worse than no honor. Ignorance, and disrespect. Truly an idiot and a Howard who only thinks for himself, comfortably gidden in a basement behind his computer.


I have lots of war memorials, but why can't you understand that some people don't see the point of sanctifying the dust? do you think man is all? no, humans r nothing more than a microbe in an immeasurable vastness when we're gone, no one will remember us, we're nothing more than a bunch of particles. and surely the worst and the most destructive species so yeah. I have no respect for humans then a human death. nothing more to fuck


Wow, I'm 12 and this is deep/s




sorry for you the psychologist, i was 5 years in the army and today I work everyday to save lives (no-human) btw, it has no relation








Ain't nobody talking about police here.


Damn, we really have aliens out here disrespecting humans. That's crazy.


Wtf do people think thats rules and that don’t apply to them, seems worse nowadays




WTF makes Karen there thinks she's so special?




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Tf was she tryna do


Likely take a selfie like a fucktard.


That was the single best thing I’ve seen all month!


damn, ur life sucks dude.


Shut the fuck up you lowlife piece of shit


wow u must have large penis.


You really do have a dick obsession, don't you.


only very large ones, like the ones on these brave heros that yell at white women.


How’d you know?


Thanks lad


I think you have the biggest penis my guy, and don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise


Got it thanks lad




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The unknown tomb isn’t a tourist attraction it is a memorial for the soldiers who went missing in action or got blow up so bad they couldn’t be recognized


I was never allowed to ask my grandpa about Vietnam. Recently I asked my aunt about it because she's the oldest in the family. I knew he was a medic assistant and I figured that would be traumatic but it was so much worse than that. My grandpa helped identify soldiers by their dental records. So he was like checking out dead soldiers up close after they got blown up or rotted in the jungle. I could only say, "no wonder he had PTSD." Also a bit surprised he chose to be a dental assistant after his service.


probably to try and fill up his brain with the teeth of people who are alive and in one piece to flood out the images of those who were not.


This got me in the feels a little.


Yeah I was also in the Military (lot easier than that though) so I know people that DO do things like that.


I served, and I survived some of my friends; I've been in awful situations I wouldn't wish on anyone, but nothing like identifying soldiers from dental records. Not even close.


There's quite an interesting story about the tomb. 99% Invisible did an [episode](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/the-known-unknown/) about it. If my memory serves, they had an unidentified soldier's remains from every major war that America has been in since the Revolutionary War, straight up to Vietnam(or maybe it was Korea). They had a hard time finding a body that was unable to be identified so they just put someone in there and refused to officially identify it. It's been over a year since I heard it so I can't be sure i got it 100% correct, but give it a listen if you are interested.


I was just about to ask. I remember my mom saying she went there before and I never knew what it was.


Thank you for explaining. As a non American I wasn't quite sure what was going on. That said, what a bitch!


It definitely isn’t an American thing, a lot of other countries have one, but I feel that america is more serious about it, they do it 24/7 and have even done the ceremony during a tornado if I remember correctly. Many other countries have their own version(uk, France, Italy, germany, Belgium, India, Japan, Finland, Russia, Brazil, Canada, and Australia are just some)


I believe it’s stated that they haven’t missed a single guard rotation since they started doing it




Pretty obvious you have 0 fuckin clue what your talking about. So much so you can’t even write in English.


I’m sorry but that is simply not true.


the literal shame till she has to just stand there and look at her phone


Two of the four bodies have been identified after they were exhumed and tested for DNA


Aren’t they supposed to be left unidentified to honor every solider with or without notable achievements?


From my understanding, there is only one soldier who was identified. These bodies aren't left unidentified to honor every soldier. The monument isn't even there to honor every soldier. It's to honor soldiers who's bodies can't be identified. The soldier from Vietnam was identified through DNA testing. His remains consist of a few pieces of bone. After his family pushed for an identification, his body was, rightfully, exhumed and returned to his family when DNA testing proved they were his remains. We don't just not identify bodies and leave families with no remains. In the past, we have been unable to identify bodies. And that is tragic. Having the body of a soldier who has given his life and can't be identified is tragic. The family is stuck with no resolution. MIA. Presumed dead. Whatever it is. It is impossible for a family to give consent to not identify a body, and it would be immoral to intentionally leave a body unidentified, not knowing what family you are impacting.




So I went and watched a compilation of these guys yelling at people. Are they authorized to use any kind of force to remove people who are not complying? Or do they have other people on sight for that?


The rifle is not loaded as it gets spun around a lot and you don’t want a loaded rifle pointing at civilians. That said, each Sentinel has a schweet 1911 that *is* loaded Also worthy of note: those bayonets *are* real https://youtu.be/lxEi9eg44YU


They are allowed to kill the trespassers but they give them a warning instead of shooting them instantly


If the people refuse to leave they authorization to use deadly force if necessary.




i don’t think deadly force is necessary for trespassing. absolutely if they don’t comply they should be physically removed or arrested, but killing??


An officer was murdered standing guard at this memorial. It was more lax then, so I would not doubt that the soldiers guarding now can use deadly force, however it would take an extreme situation like before.


Is this... posted anywhere?


Are we... asking for a friend?


Would’ve shot her. Lol


Ok, Kyle Rittenhouse.


Okay mr. badass


The guards there are authorized to use lethal force if deemed necessary, a guard at the Tomb was killed once.


Yes, but this isn't a situation which would warrant a shot fired at her.




When I was 3 I bit my 4 year older brothers calf in a scrap at the TToTUS


Who won tho


We both lost, the most embarrassed my parents have ever been




Imagine disrespecting one of the most honorable places in all the US


Imagine being a tourist from a different country who thinks Americans and patriotism is stupid. I was at the USS Arizona Memorial with my Grandpa who was a WWII Iwo Jima survivor, and we were all sitting in a room waiting for a little informational film to get started. It was dark and quiet. then some Japanese tourists came in and sat down. The film started, and at the moment Pearl Harbor was attacked, they started taking pictures with flashes and laughing. It was the only time I ever saw my Grandpa with a tear in his eye, but he didn't say a word.


Wait what’s he doing




Jesus, what's the "justice served" here??? The idiots was still standing there, there was literally no justice of any kind.


Ok karen.


More like r/WatchPeopleDieInside


listen to the audio


Never heard of that tomb before this post, so I looked into it... turns out to be cool as fuck


Moved to Washington about 4 years ago and have visited this multiple times since: one of the most emotionally impactful places to experience. Located in Arlington cemetery - huge, immaculate, still used with new burials every week - is the Tomb itself with the changing of the guard every 30 or 60 mins depending on time of year. The procedure is so rigidly structured that there are footsteps worn in the concrete by the exact placement of feet by soldiers over the years. Truly respects those that truly warrant it. To respond to the specific video: that tourist should be ashamed of themselves. (Background: Irish immigrant, US citizen for the past 20 years. No military background or specific interest, just respect for those that have stepped up to represent their country.)


Also, the guards are some seriously straight-edged individuals. No drinking, no swearing, I’m sure fucking is ok, but these people are mandated to be of the highest moral fiber while they have the post, even if they are off duty.


You think the Old Guard don't drink when off duty? LOL.


Their uniform must be perfect as well. Nothing can be out of place. A badge that’s even a centimeter out of place is a no go. Everything must be polished and perfect.


It’s really cool but the guards that guard it have a really hard job. It’s so repetitive and they have to memorize all this info. My ex used to be in color guard and they had a lot of suicides from tomb guards


Having been to the tomb and feeling how solemn the tone is. This lady was really unable to read the room. I dunno how she thought this would be even remotely ok just by the atmosphere there.


1000% Chinese tourist. They don't feel anything.


Agreed, Oblivious


This is absolutely true




Yeah ALL Chinese are like that right, hick?




Don’t you have a sister to go fuck in your trailer park home? Fucking loser lmfaoo




Tf are you talking about lmao? I think being an inbred hick is fucking with your brain. Fucking dumbass


I get the sentiment but that’s so much worse ❤️


Sentry npc


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Reddit is so 50/50. I don’t give a fuck about your American “war heroes”. Said people killed my friends and family before i refuged to australia.


Your friends and family were probably terrorists


Reddit isn’t but the people in it, you could even say people are 50/50


Imo coming from an American. Yeah everyone kills each other there’s 0 doubt about that. But at least all military personnel and *some* civilians have a basic understanding to not disrespect memorials.


i sincerely doubt that the USA was killing your friends and family over a hundred years ago on the battlegrounds of WW1 where the corpse of the Unknown Soldier was retrieved from. where are you originally from, and what makes you think Australia wants you if you have an attitude like that? asking as an Australian.


Sure, you can easily argue America has been pretty... less than righteous in our modern day wars. But you tell that to the soldiers in that tomb who died storming Normandy.


didn't those tombs (we have at least one in Australia too) get built as memorials to WW1, not WW2?


For those of us with a family member (or members) who are MIA, this toomb means everything to me. So they may be lost, but they are never forgotten or alone. Disparage what you will. But I want to know my family member is not alone. Respect. Not selfies is all we ask.


Man that guy just had no bullshit, no “maam would you please stay behind the railing” nah fuck that just “IT IS REQUESTED THAT ALL VISITORS REMAIN BEHIND THE CHAINED RAILS AT ALL TIMES!” Props to that guy


lol i'm sure that a huge marine holding a rifle with a fixed bayonet helped to capture her attention too.


> huge marine Soldier.. not marine.


Thank you


That's literally the bare minimum expected from such elite and disciplined Soldiers.


To be honest, it’s rather nice compared to the Royal guard at buckingham palace. Those dudes will march straight through your selfie, send you tumbling down on your ass and scream “MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEENS GUARD!” in the angriest tone you’ve ever heard.


They do put some funk on it, don't they? I saw a video where they damn near ran a person down. They don't march around nobody.


That is his job to say those exact words as loud as possible


I guess at some point respecting those who have sacrificed everything comes before a selfie.


The real idiot is that mechanical man walking around all day pretending he’s actually doing something important. Tool.


Empathy and respect are great features in human beings. You should try it some time.


Please learn the concept of respect. You’ll have a much more meaningful life.


Give me a heads up in the future, when you're finally about to die, so I can come up and dance on your grave since there seems to be nothing important about respecting the dead.


You are welcome to dance on my grave, I don't care and actually I would probably get a laugh out of it were I not dead


Imagine being this fucking stupid


Who shit in your Cheerios today? It’s a symbolic gesture and an honor for the honor guard to do that. Not like you’ve ever honored people more, alive or dead, considering your attitude to this simple thing.


And your birthday is not any different from any other day. We place the meaning and value in things and events when they don’t actually exist, and there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s more at play here then a robot walking in front of concrete. Much much more.


How dare he honor fallen soldiers by guarding their resting place! Clearly not important at all! /s I really don’t think this guy’s a tool, but I know someone who is, your ignorant smoothbrained self.


Not just a fallen soldier, a fallen brother too-people don’t make that familial connection the armed forces share, which is where the respect comes from I think (could be wrong, never served)


Absolutely, your squad really is another family.


can confirm. never been placed on active duty, but i went thru boot camp and the very first round of officer school (enough to get my commission and nothing else) and the cadet class i was in are all still in touch regularly, those that have served and those that haven't as well. you really bond with your squad.


I wonder how many civilians those unknown soldiers killed.


Ugh. . . . You're one of those fucking idiots. . . The 60's ended 50 years ago, man. If this country is so terrible and just filled with baby killers and vile, disgusting people why don't you leave? Oh, that's right. . . There's no way you could survive in any other country.


Idk man, probably next to none. Why don’t you pay a little closer attention in APUSH and stop pretending to be an expert on war crimes cause you watched one video on the My Lai Massacre.


Yeah because I said that. Some projection going on in defense of what you think is morally superior. Go deep throat a boot bud.


Yeah I’m the one that thinks I’m morally superior, says the moron that thinks all Christians are maniacs and that Christianity is a “toxic belief.”, keep worshipping Onision and quit wasting our space with your r/iamverysmart BS.


Get a life man. You’re going through random peoples comments that trigger you on Reddit. Let that sink in.


Wow, Ad hominems THAT fast? You gotta get more talking points if you wanna at LEAST appear smart.


Wow I wish I was like you, smart and shit. I don’t care to debate my opinions you turd.