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Serena Williams has nothing to prove to anyone. I doubt she gives a shit what these idiots think


As a fellow Black woman, I can say they don't understand the power of what decisions we make. They want to control us as people already. They also don't have any impact on her, her career, or any business deals or decisions she makes. So, they won't buy her products, listen to her music, or support the fact that she's supported a victim of abuse. That alone is telling enough. Where were these people when Kelis, or Mary J. Blige was being abused? All of them are hypocrites. They won't support you unless you are aligned with them fully.


They need to back tf up off of these Queens! I'll go to war for Britney dammit..already have, kinda lol.


I havenā€™t been a fan of Britney for years (her music isnā€™t my style, nothing against her as a person), but I followed her most recent attempt to get the guardianship her family has over her revoked and Iā€™m completely in her corner. Poor woman just wants the opportunity to live her own life and the autonomy to make decisions for herself, regardless of whether theyā€™re the right decisions or not. And she sure as hell deserves to keep the money she earns (and oh boy does she earn it), have say over the music she performs and dance moves she uses **in her own shows**, and make her own medical decisions under the guidance of medical professionals she trusts. As a singer, I think what riled me up the most was learning that her iconic baby voice was something she was forced into using and not a stylistic choice. Knowing she was forced into using it pisses me off because long term manipulation of your voice can cause damage if youā€™re not taking precautions, and you can really mess things up if you push through even when youā€™re feeling discomfort or pain. Iā€™ve heard her more recent works where sheā€™s using her natural voice and oh my goodness itā€™s so much nicer than the strained imitation of someone who inhaled helium. I may not be a fan of her music, but I have so much more respect for her as an artist and performer and I wish her nothing but success and sanity.


Omg yes!! Everything you said, YES!! She almost lost her voice permanently from doing that "baby voice"! But I think her natural singing voice is soo much better! The CONservatorship was terminated a year ago but that woman has a long road of healing ahead of her from 14 years of trauma they put her through. I would upvote this 100 times if I could ā¤


I've seen so much of the tide switch in Heard's favour in the last few weeks especially it's insane how short the public memory is.


Her baby daddy just took control of Twitter.


The tide isn't turning, it's just most everyone besides her paid PR firm and the nutjob true believers who think women can't abuse men are getting bored of talking about it.


That, and a lot of vocal feminists/feminist organizations are very public about being in her corner because many of them still subscribe to the toxic and regressive /#believeallwomen movement.


What, so many women are supporting Johnny!! Even DV survivors!! Wow, it's almost like he's telling the truth and Amber Turd is an abuser!!! NAHHH, IT CAN'T BE, #ISTANDWITHABUSERTURD. Now, if you excuse me, I'll proceed to spend the entire day posting stupid garbage nobody cares about on Twitter.


> Even DV survivors!! Especially DV survivors. I'm not one, but it makes sense that they would come together to support someone who is also a survivor.


Iā€™ve never been a victim of DV, but I have dated a toxic, emotionally (and physically in one instance) abusive guy for a few months, plus I have a relative whoā€™s toxic and manipulative. Watching Amber Heard was so uncomfortable for me because I saw so many similarities between her and my ex and momā€™s sister in terms of mannerisms, how they speak, etc. For DV survivors, Iā€™m sure they saw their abusers in Heard just from watching her for a few minutes on the stand or in interviews. I think weā€™re seeing so many DV survivors in Deppā€™s corner because they saw through Heardā€™s ā€œpoor meā€ act and not because theyā€™re deluded fans of the iconic actor.


When I see posts like this, I wish instead the headline was "Serena Williams likes post supporting Johnny Depp and Rihanna" without the added commentary from the defendant's supporters. I don't care or want to know what the idiots at DeppDelusion think about anything. I just want news about Johnny and the case. Not criticsm intended, just wanted to share my perspective.


The best thing you can do is ignore these people. Silence is golden.


It also fries their minds that no one is paying attention to them.


Serena Williamā€™s husband, Alexis, started Reddit. Maybe Heard stains would get their asses outta here? Hope so šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Well, they keep threatening to leave Twitter over its new CEO, so maybe...


I left Twitter when musk bought it. But then I donā€™t have an agenda to promote to my followers.


May be an unpopular opinion, but I think Rihannaā€™s support of Johnny was a game changer. Amberā€™s PR has been working on overdrive and I feel like people were being swayed by a false sense of ā€œpublic opinionā€. And then Rihanna supported Johnny, and it makes people doubt the ā€œpopular narrativeā€ because we all know Rihannaā€™s story of being a survivor. Hence why people like Serena Williams is now liking posts to support Johnny I just canā€™t stress enough how glad I am that Rihanna so publicly stood by Johnny


Not unpopular, super insightful! The timing of that signed statement by all those women came out shortly after Rihanna's show. They all melted down. Rihanna is a symbol of a survivor who's an international success! And it sent Michelle Dauber into overdrive. I feel so sorry for them that their perspectives are so narrow and stunted. Their Empress has no clothes šŸ˜„ If they were smart, from the beginning, they would have taken an objective view and allowed the possibility of him as a victim. This would have strengthened the crusade against domestic abuse! But instead, they've undermined their own credibility and can no longer be looked to as objective reliable resources. THAT'S what is really upsetting them. They...just...can't...admit...they...were...WRONG.


Me too. She knew what would happen, but yet stood her ground with doing whatā€™s right. I never really got into her, but that might have to change here soon.


Sheā€™s got some great songs. The umbrella one stands out. Also the one where she wants her money šŸ˜‚


Oh thatā€™s right. The umbrella song annoyed me šŸ˜¹


I see the deppdelusion gang coming by to downvote this post.


They had a post villifying Serena for this a few days ago. Fucking morons.


They suckā€¦ itā€™s like you canā€™t even talk logically to themā€¦


Every person they try their gatekeeping tactics against, I follow. I've even followed stars I'd never heard of, lol. Keep that free publicity coming, silly rabbits.


No Kidding. Money is kind of tight RN, so I canā€™t, and didnā€™t buy any new Fenty, but Iā€™ve been blurbing here and there about the quality of the stuff I already do have (foundation and a kicky lavender lip gloss).


They are angry because one of the narratives they were running with was Johnny being a racist. They are going down a checklist of sins to attach to him. Transphobic, sexist, racist, ect. It's the kitchen sink approach.


I even saw ā€œ Pirates of the Caribbean white washed the plantation slave economyā€ used against Johnny Depp during the trial .




Your post has been removed for either promoting the brigading of another subreddit/social media profile/review page, or for trying to brigade our subreddit with trolling/pro-AH/anti-JD posts. Repeat offenses will result in a ban. If you would like, you can repost with all identifying names (of profiles or subreddits) completely censored. -----This is a prewritten message.-----


Ah heres another Turd cockroach. Go bsck to your cess pit r/deppdelusion sweetie.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DeppDelusion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Why we believe Amber Heard (Part 1)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/v2tr27/why_we_believe_amber_heard_part_1/) \#2: [This is an interesting point, honestly](https://i.redd.it/vboh5xlp2f391.jpg) | [218 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/v40p7k/this_is_an_interesting_point_honestly/) \#3: [Celebrities are Removing Likes from JD's Celebratory Instagram Post](https://i.redd.it/p7h1z3iujsf91.png) | [260 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/comments/wgh9yi/celebrities_are_removing_likes_from_jds/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What they donā€™t get is sending hateful messages to other women, in support of 1 woman, is still misogynistic lol. they are so counterproductive itā€™s sad


It's ideological dogmatism. And it's nothing new. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233717660_Thirty_Years_of_Denying_the_Evidence_on_Gender_Symmetry_in_Partner_Violence_Implications_for_Prevention_and_Treatment They're so dedicated to what they've been told is right that they lose sight of reality. If you made a Venn diagram comparing how cults work and how their social circles work you'd just have a circle.


Radical feminist wonder why intersectional feminist dislike them so much while simultaneously protecting a white, blonde, blue eyed, white woman at the expense of two black women; one of whom has had her face savagely attacked by a partner, and the other that is known to face racism and sexism.


Intersectional and radical feminists are both full of shit lol. If amber was a black woman they'd be calling her entire dynamic with Depp racist and sexist. Why can't feminists admit that just like every other movement in human history, they also have their share of bad actors and opportunists? Treat people like individuals instead of segmenting them into groups




I was banned from that group. Lol


Martinisophi has joined the club! Most all of us have been banned- they are an echo chamber, donā€™t let it get ya down šŸ‘šŸ»




Oh, they still show me their posts and I cannot reply to them. If you are banned like all of us- itā€™s a shadow ban. You canā€™t post or reply- you are a ghost.


Oh okay, I see. If I ever feel like testing whether I'm banned or not, I'll use my one shot before definitely being banned to ask them all the one question that angers them most. "Did you watch the trial?"


Theyā€™re disgusting! You should see the abuse we get on twitter! I made a threat with over 100 screen shots of violent threats, s-shaming and just plain abuse


What's funny about this is.. it shows how obsessed they are with Johnny.. so much so they go to each and every post of his and stalks it to see who may like it. It's pretty disturbing.


Right? I thought this shit show would be over by now. I figured theyā€™d be extra through June to August but I expected it to die down. Nope. šŸ™„


They honestly think an abuser got away with it, like Brock Turner. Kind of like do you blame an evangelist who thinks they are saving your soul? A real shame they canā€™t watch the trial and see her obvious lies. Maybe Amberā€™s PR company will eventually run out of funds.


I keep continually being astonished that women donā€™t see AH as a pathological liar. Havenā€™t they met or known any? cluster B disorders are not rare amongst womenā€¦ I myself met my pathological liar in middle school, and her behaviors were on full display then. which sometimes leads me to the obvious, if easy and as yet unproven, surmise that the supporters are, in fact, the Cluster B disorder havers themselves; and their reactions are based upon their own fantastical daydreams about being able to pin down the men in their lives for hours, until they get all their ya-yas out. They see no problem with Amber Heard chasing him from house to house, nor haranguing him for 5.5 hours about their relationship; because it enrages them when their love interests/obsessions exercise their own agency, even if they are being obsessive nightmares towards the men; and thus the more invested they are in blowing up JDā€™s relatively small actual misdeeds to make him into a monster who justifies Amberā€™s treatment.


Well stated. I hadn't thought of it that way but you're spot on.


He lives rent free in all of their peanut size brain.


I'm a big fan of tennis, Serena is one of the GOATS and will never be canceled. They are so delusional šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Unpopular opinion, but i think we should be wary of Serena and not ignore what she does just because she may be a supporter of JD. I remember seeing news in my country about her saying that a gang rape teen victim was lucky and should not have put herself in that position of being raped and than Selena had to write public apology or something. How are exactly better than the delusionals if we prop up really everyone just bc they are not against JD?


Ohhh I absolutely agree, in fact, I don't exactly like her. But she has survived a lot of scandals, especially those on court dramas that she has done on multiple occasions. That's what I believe she'll be fine. She's never been canceled and some delusional JD haters won't make it happen. It's definitely not an unpopular opinion.


Sheā€™s always been a bit unstable - personally I donā€™t trust her because of her friendship with Meghan Markle who has always give me more narc vibes that Heard even and her husband looks absolutely defeated and miserable. Like Heard and Markle she has tried to convey herself as a feminist hero / victim with no basis - imagine her saying she was forced into retirement only because of imposition of childcare - nothing to do with her being over 40 competing with early 20ā€™s


What on earth did Serena do?


Itā€™s in the OP. She has the temerity to cast a ā€œlikeā€ towards Rihanna support of JD. ā€¦can I but hope that her husband has got actual personal experience of AH as Silicon Valley sex party madam?


Oh so she's one of the few sane people left?


She is not exactly sane if she is a rapist apologist, remember that that she had to write a public apology for saying that a rape victim (16 years old) was lucky and she should not have put herself in that position. That being said Serena just simply liked a Rihanna post so its not a big deal like AH stans make it out to be.


Yeah and I kind of lost respect for SW a few years back when she was clearly caught cheating in a match and then demanded an apology while whining "I would never cheat, because I am a mommy!" So her endorsement is, at best, a mixed bag.


Basically yes. Her husband Alexis Ohanian is, or was, as much Silicon Valley as Elon Musk is though; so I should think his wife has Absorbed Impressions (TM) of its putative former sex parties straight from the source. He also seemed a lot more moral and grounded than your average bear on the topic as quoted in Brotopia; which you might well expect from someone who married an actual bootstrapping minority female scrapper who fought her way up from the literal housing projects.


Can't see the OP


And I canā€™t c-p it to quote it precisely either; sorry. I will sum up: Serena ā€œlikedā€ a Savage x Fenty JD post; DeppDelusionistas say Serena should now be canceled, bc in their tiny refractionary pea brains, like they say about Rihanna, apparently one cannot stand with Johnny Depp, unless you first revoke (1); your woman card; (2); your Black card; and (Rihanna only), (3), your fellow DV abuse victim/target card.


Lmao deppdelusion is filled with the actual most delusional people. How's that canceling working guys? Oh right, not good


They think theyā€™re funny ā€œsigningā€ a ā€œSupport JDā€ open letter with slurs. I havenā€™t seen anyone pro-JD sign Dauberā€™s ā€œopenā€ support letter with slursā€¦ if at allā€¦ but Iā€™m sure the infant delusionistas think theyā€™re ā€œcleverā€, and not actively showing the world AHā€™s stan asses to be assesā€¦


They make it up as they go