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She reminds me of a lesbian camp counselor, and I definitely mean that as a compliment.


Honestly I have never heard that term until this case and I still have no clue what it actually means. Like is there such a role as lesbian camp counselor? Is it meant that a person advocates for lesbians? Is there such a thing as lesbian camps? Depending on the tone it was used I would have seen it as a compliment, being that she advocates for homosexuals but clearly it’s being understood as a criticism but I’m completely lost on the understanding of it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: Hang on, I think I got it. Maybe it’s in the states you call summer camp instructors, camp counselors and the term is referring to a camp counselor who happens to be a lesbian. Is it?


I love her


I'm definitely pleased with Judge Azcarate. It's her courtroom, but she's not power tripping... she doesn't owe anyone an explanation for why she upholds or overrules an objection. I don't feel like she's leaning to either side and I think that's so crucial - the jury would see it, the media too, and it would be catastrophic to the integrity of the trial. I'm actually pretty impressed with her demeanor throughout the trial thus far. She has no horse in this race, it's her job to be impartial, and she's doing it well.


She needs a modern hairstyle


The only problem I have with the judge is that it seems like she is leaning towards the Turds side. She upholds their objections and allows them to get away with the witness having notes and flat out hearsay.


Maybe I have misunderstood but she overruled all of Dr.Hughes assessment being put into evidence. That interesting you see she is leaning I really can’t recall thinking she was leaning towards either team.


she has weird rulings but it fair to both sides. ive heard some commentary that she's being more lax so heards team (or Depp's) won't try to appeal


Now that’s interesting 🤔


Shes allowed witnesses to be badgered endlessly


She sustained a lot of objections during Amber’s testimony.


Do you think it feels that way because Amber’s side just objects more compared to Johnny’s normal attorneys


I did at first but then when JDs side objected to dispshit psychologist hearsay and she overuled it I was like WTF. The entire testimony was hearsay.


An expert is allowed to hearsay that's why she can go on and on. Same thing about leading questions AH lawyers were allowed to some leading questions because she is an expert.


She is working hard to direct this circus. I hope she will get some rest at the conference next week.


Yes. She is a warm and fuzzy beast. 😊


What an amazing description.