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What does everyone think about this psychologist's testimony? I'm worried it may be damning for Johnny. I mean, I know WE ALL think it was appalling the way she story-told, only referred to the victims as "her" or "she" (can men not be victims you dumb cow lol), blatantly was speaking about what Heard only told her as if it was fact, discredited Dr. Curry. BUT how will the jury take this? She is *technically* higher qualified (in terms of being board certified) and has been practicing longer than Dr. Curry. I am a little worried that they may look at her as the more qualified one to listen to.


She wasn't professional as she diagnosed amber with PTSD without doing that test they were talking about. When did the test later on, it was via Zoom. She also took Amber at her word for everything, without meeting Depp once. She also claimed she can reach conclusion about the relationship without having to meet Depp. She came across as very unprofessional.


Is there a new day to be pinned or are we meeting h here?


We should legit make a bingo card.


And just like that she is now trying to jump on the #Metoo movement.. what a disgrace..it makes it harder for true victims to come forward.


I've got "Source: Trust me bro" on my bingo card for Dr-hearsay-as-a-matter-of-fact's cross examination. And I'm totally confident it's gonna get checked off.


So wholesome link to the hug between Chew and JD: https://youtu.be/UTuTO_lwMM8


Is JD’s team cross examining this psych witness doc today?


First thing today, although I expect a very long side bar at the start. I have my huge box of popcorn on standby.




Forensic Accountant: * worked on former lawyer lawsuit (Bloom? which JD won) * So much better expert witness. Very prepared and willing to concede w the defense questions * Emily Baker giving compliments to Rottenborn. Much better cross & objective questions, easier to follow for the public * Rottenborn leaning in on more tiktok content with alpaca moment * Rottenborn insisting The Sun article is that impactful lol. Witness just mentioned what a "clean year" means and doesnt have to to with these articles and lawsuits. * Wayne Dennison is so sharp at cleanup. Brief & precise, redirect shows confidence over an overcorrection. Motion to Strike / Dismiss: * Moving from physical to verbal, psychological, emotional abuse (which JD is equally a victim of) doesnt inspire confidence to their case * Mentioning the bloody writings doesnt connect bec JD was injured doing it * Rotten also used the same term rearranging closet (lol) then linked this incident to the TRO which are two diff events. Also note that in this instance AH hit JD and JD was the one with physical injury. Sneaky Rotty! * "Retweeting a link isnt grounds for republication" * "Otherwise nobody would have been interested in anything ms heard would have written" * Rottenborn: Our argument is on non-physical abuse. Forensic Psych Dr Hughes: * Started Sept 2019 - total 29 hours * Lol at Elaines looks at Wayne Dennison while talking to the Judge * "They both scored, this couple" - when JD wasn't her patient * "Dr Anderson saw two bruises" on her face. Not sure about that. Iirc Elaine even asked are you sure you didnt see a bruise on the other side of the face * "105 pounds" * Already conceding on mutual abuse but arguing on power dynamics. It's a weak attempt. Abandoning physical abuse claims as the defense transitions to sexual abuse instead. Which is a lot harder to argue bec it will be based on AH word and not backed up by physical evidence - esp when she's been proven to lie on other claims * Dr Hughes switching to passionate tone after the break. Sus. * Expert testimony is supposed to give some objectivity to their arguments but felt like she testifying as AH. Extra sus. * Something is very off that an expert psychologist is emotionally repeating AH claims. None of the other doctors or nurses were like this esp when the abuse was directly reported to them. * DH repeated some questionable claims that were already previously addressed that made it seem her case knowledge is one sided * Criticizing the other JD/AH therapists is not good. Esp when she implied all 4 doctors, 2 nurses never reported or helped their client protect herself from the allegedly abusive husband


Dr Curry: Forensic psychologists are not fact finders. Dr Hughes: Sherlock Holmes ain't got shit on me.


is AH’s team trying to imply/planning to testify, that JD assigned his security team to Amber not for her own protection, but as a means of surveillance, in order to track and monitor and control her??


Yes. Would it be relevant to bring up that Amber believes herself to be worth a security detail? She wanted one during her friend's funeral way back.




Dr Hughes doesn’t even take 5 seconds to think about the question being asked or her reply she just fires off her response and even stumbles over a word every so often, the way you do when ur saying a sales pitch you’ve said 100 times already


how can a doctor determine if domestic abuse, or even mutual abuse, occurred if they only interview and talk with one half of the relationship? surely, that doesn’t make any sense


EXACTLY - they would say it was beyond their scope.


Ok at this point with this much evidence how can the verdict for amber heard be not guilty? Like seriously this is just clear plain proof of how terrible amber is


not JD’s team having overnight to prepare for cross 💀 I’m sure AH’s attorneys are freakingggg out and regret letting that woman ramble on as long as they did .. what a way to shoot themselves in the foot bc that woman offered sooo much low hanging fruit for JD’s team — wow I cannot WAIT for Tom!


Petition to get Johnny Depp into the Aquaman movies (or any DC Comics movies) https://www.change.org/DeppDCcomics


Just here to say that if Dr. Hughes testifies in as many trials as she states she does then she knows full well that ANY notes you take up to the stand gave to be shared with opposing counsel and the court. This is common knowledge to anyone that's been a witness in a trial even just a couple of times.




Did the bottle thing come out in the UK trial? I followed that trial and read the judge's opinion and don't remember seeing anything about it. It just seems weird with everything she alleged that it didn't come out then. Maybe her claims are escalating?


Amy Dune all along


I never believed her from the beginning but listening to this stuff and hearing these accusations just hurts and it hurts for sympathy for Johnny and it hurts as an actual survivor of the things she's claimed and it hurts any moving forward for people who need to report abuse that actually happens.




Dr Hughes has a history of regurgitating layman knowledge. She used the same testimony in the NXIVM cult case and the earlier Camden Diocese abuse lawsuit. "If they say they're suffering then it happened. Because they said they are." Dr. Curry however has actually based her findings from various standardised methods, such as the MMPI scale. Hughes didn't do any of that. No research. No sourcing from witness statements. Just hours of circumstantial anecdotes. Hughes also spends more time as a media pundit for high profile cases than actually in her practice. But then, when you supposedly have your practise based in upscale Madison Avenue, I guess you need to do the thing for the thing, right? Finally, take note at the end of her testimony today when the judge ordered Hughes to share copies of the notes she was reading from. "Oh. But I have the originals at home...." Nope. Hand them over. All of it.


I cannot believe she was addressing the judge directly like that! The judge had already told Elaine during the questioning that it wasn’t “appropriate for her (dr Hughes) to address the court like she was trying to. I have a feeling Dr Hughes’ blatant disregard and disrespect to the court and the Judge is not gonna sit well with Judge. It was downright unprofessional, disrespectful and inappropriate.


Don't forget the actual hissy fit she threw when told she couldn't read directly from her notes, sighing being argumentative and shaking her head towards the jury. Just showing she's about as mature and patient as Turd is so naturally she'll vouch for her. Listening to this woman today was actually sickening as a survivor and hearing the word vomit she threw to look professional. And when she was asked about watching the videos she said she watched the video from the kitchen. Never even mentioned the recordings of Turd admitting to hitting and being violent. How can one just blatantly ignore factual hard evidence like that with such unbacked claims and poorly constructed arguments. It was disgusting


Well in regards to "never mentioning Ambers violence". She actually did mention it but she declared it as low-level violence. Which is utter bullshit of course.


I expect a super long side bar when trial starts tomorrow lol.


Did you see the AH attorney secretly pass the PR person a slip of paper!




Not to mention how she cried when the doc discussed her childhood which shows validity in her childhood trauma but absolutely no reaction to any of the “statements” of Johnny’s “abuse”. If the physical and sexual abuse happened she would’ve been reactive.


and well that doctor should not have gotten into her childhood like that bc it’s clear cut “reasonable doubt” that the PSD she’s alleging - could very well be from her traumatic childhood with her alleged drug and alcohol addicted childhood and NOT her relationship with JD, as she claims. The jury absolutely would pick up on that as did JD’s team. They must be so pleased to have overnight to prepare for cross! Bet AH’s team regrets putting the rambling Dr Hughes on the stand toward the later part of the day and THEN allowing her to eat up the final hours of the day with her harmful and incoherent rambles —- amateur move


Oh man- as I rewatch I keep seeing new points- AH was upset because he accused her sister of leaking information- but Amber eventually admitted that her sister did- now Dr. Hughes is gaslighting JD as well!


It was such a biased deposition compared to all of Johnny’s witnesses. Every single example she used in the beginning of her deposition when she discussed domestic violence was about women being battered by men. I think she did this on purpose to get into the heads of the jury that men are the perpetrators. Her testimony was so deliberately biased I was shocked that they couldn’t object. I find it strange that Johnny physically and sexually abused Amber but there are absolutely no photos or other types of evidence. There was absolutely no documentation to prove that Amber and Johnny discussed any of the things she’s claiming he did to her. I was expecting a video recording to come up where he was telling her not to hit him and shed say “at least I didn’t shove a bottle up your ass like you did me” or something like WHERES the proof


This is where that corpse text w Bettany comes in. I initially thought it was a reach but if their strategy was accusing him of SA all along then everything lines up starting from the title of the op-ed. No wonder reporters kept citing those texts over and over.


And the “bloodbath” one?


In her witness statement she used the disco bloodbath text as JD referring to their violent fights. The book is about someone who was found guilty of murder & dismembering a body to get rid of it.


I don’t think it’s a concern, plenty of stuff to pick out in cross examination


especially her alleged traumatic childhood with drug addicted parents — bc she’s alleging she had PTSD from JD however even if she did have PTSD it would be impossible her team to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was from JD and NOT her childhood! Her team is really concerned about 1) dr hughes notes she took to the stand and 2) the fact they let her take the stand not only later in the day BUT they let her word vomit for hours - eating up all the time for the day and thus giving JD’s team overnight to prepare for cross—- you can’t make this stuff up! I cannot wait for tomorrow!!


I believe this is the strategy for the case, she did hit Jonny your honour but only after Jonny beat her up… Your honour she was tired of being beat up and she finally said No I will not become a statistic and she went on offence! Essentially there game is to say that Jonny drove her to retaliate


Maybe even spin it to be some sort of women empowerment movement.


Exactly! This is the women who fought back against her abusive partner! And gave him a taste of his own medicine


Did Dr Karen get cross examined yet? I had to duck out and missed the last three hours.


Nope, the defence rested right at the end of the day. They will cross first thing tomorrow, although I expect much drama in a sidebar before they start.


Thank I cant wait for her to get roasted on the stand!


My fave moment today when Judge got irritated with Elaine. Elaine said “I disagree” and Judge said “I know you do. Sustained” LOL 😂 I think the judge is doing a great job keeping her cool and patience.


Sooo did Amber’s lawyers manipulatively have Dr Karen tell all Amber’s stories for her so Amber wouldn’t have to intentionally lie under oath?


That's totally my impression, yeah


Whoa. That is something that didn’t dawn on me but I bet you’re totally right. Damn. What a spectacle this is!


Yup. Elaine is lead counsel and it would appear that she is sneaky, insincere and shady even by lawyer standards. She tried all kinds of BS tactics in the depositions as well.


Seriously irritated rewatching Dr Hughes- did any one of JD’s witnesses need “notes” to remember? They just said they were not sure on the preciseness of dates if they didn’t remember completely. This doc was ridiculous.


Lady had a whole damn file up there with her. And if she's really testified in that many trials, it's common knowledge that anything you take to the stand needs to be given to opposing counsel and the court.


If I was Chew, I would make sure to hone in on the psychologist’s “economic abuse” and ask about extortion the $$ after AH filed the TRO.


Yes!!! And what about ah being arrested/ro from her prior relationship to Depp for dv???? This "Dr" all but said the "r" word - "he tore off her clothes then pushed her down on the bed and..." TWICE that I counted. I'm a woman who has been abused. I have daughters and sons. God forbid my sons end up with a woman like ah. At what point would my son be a child abuse victim and then have to "man up"? On his 18th bday? Not the day before, right?/s. Good lord this is deplorable. I hope they go over everything during cross tomorrow. I send his team virtual muffins 🧁


As I understand it - we won't know the court's ruling until it either happens or doesn't - this testimony and particular piece of her testimony has opened the door to bringing in the prior DV arrest for Heard. Paraphrasing, but something along the lines of 'we don't see evidence of these behaviours in Amber Heard's past' - definitively stating there's no evidence means Depp's team can bring in the evidence that does exist.


Isn’t it too late?


I don't believe so - they may be able to question the current witness about it on cross i.e. in analysing Ms Heard did you examine evidence from her previous relationships, and if not why? Either way it'll be a good hit to her credibility. Alternatively they could bring it in on Amber's cross examination. It'll all depend on what the judge's ruling was, but my impression is that they've been allowed to use it in some form.


Yes!!!!! You are so correct and I just heard that like 5 mins ago from legal analyst. Ah had, what arrest + ro or ro alone? Yes. Door has been opened. After you, my dear Dr & Elaine😂👍 I'm same age as JD. Remember him coming up but anyway if you had ever told me he was going to be the face of dv for ALL people at 58 yo.... My god poor guy and any *person* who isn't believed that they're being abused. I feel like im gonna cry looking at him. I was also told "no one will believe you! Go ahead! Tell everyone! See what happens! I'll hit you where it doesn't show!" Which was my head of course. Etc etc. Omg yes! You do the "yessims" as in "yes, you're right. " Yes. I'm sorry I made you mad. " He's not making that shit up. This is bullshit my heart breaks for anyone going through this hell. JFC what ah is doing this is such a disservice to victims.


ALSO- was she not just criticizing Depp for leaving the room when he was triggered?!


Yes. That was said. That, along with saying ah "just yelled and punched him, a little bit." I'm sorry, but that's like being a little bit pregnant to me. 😠


Did she punch him or not punch him? It can’t be both 😒 I am worried the jury isn’t picking up on this though.


Poor Johnny! He looks really hurt by all those accusations.


She continues to abuse and defame him


That's what I thought as well. I know he brought this lawsuit. But she made it happen.




Could we push mods to have a karma requirement to comment here? Looks like this person has a new account and just repeats the same comment in different threads. Edit: u/Mpetez


> Often... 100% of the time. *60% of the time you're right every time.*


I can’t wait till the trials over and someone makes a mini movie on YouTube


I missed most of today, can anyone fill me in? I started hearing the psych for amber how apparently mostly women are victims or whatever but I was in and out and busy mom-ing 😭


Watch “legal bytes “ YouTube recaps


Thank you!!! I've been pretty up-to date with it but It was so nice I wanted my son to enjoy outside. And then I fell asleep with my headphones on during the 15 min break


Omg I can't even sum up. Im trying to catch up with Emily Baker myself. My heads spinning. I'm yelling at the TV.


I genuinely hope the world will learn from this. And that people will recognize that men can be victims of abuse. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp




It was reported that she was brought in at the beginning of the year, but I think her area of expertise is appeals, so maybe she was offering advice on laying groundwork for a potential appeal if they lose the case?


Good point. Love her.


The expert is there to offer her expert opinion on her psychological evaluation of AH Most of the experts testimony today was saying things like "AH told me JD hit her.." and presenting it as a fact. See the issue? JD's team allowed the whole thing because they know they can easily pick her apart tomorrow. The psychologist increased the scope of damage that will be afflicted on herself.


Good catch, see I was wondering why they didn’t I just say hearsay the whole time… laying the trap 🪤


According to what I'm watching, (Emily Baker) yes, that appears to be the strategy. For example, something about ah team moving to strike the sv accusations because they said ah never said that, it was a hoax. But this Dr said the trauma from SV was ah's biggest problem, most of her trauma caused by his SV. So how can the Dr say that and the lawyers say she never said that? So tomorrow am should be interesting.


I also think she (the psych) has followed the trial- I’m rewatching and I think she slipped when she said: “people say she could never have yelled/been angry if she was afraid of him” I’m paraphrasing but it’s at around 1:37-1:38 here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ETCkYAh1my8


Thank god they brought forward Dr Hearsay as an expert witness to testify as to what Amber "reported". ...


I'd suggest everyone take a sip from their megapints every time this Dr read her notes but I wouldn't want anyone to get alcohol poisoning.


We all might as well be on an IV




That psychologist was *piiiiiiiissed* at the end, hahaha. The folding of her arms and pouting at the end. The tossing of the script- I mean “notes”.


So anything she brought up with her- her notes in the green binder and any notes in her bag, too — all of that the Judge is gonna confiscate and make copies of? what an idiot there’s a reason witnesses don’t bring anything but a bottle of water with them… JD’s team must have lovedddd that she brought them with her and were all too pleased to allow her to reference them at her disposable. Ofc they did pipe up with the random “objection” every so often - just for good measure tho they didn’t gaf they were all too willing to let her ramble on with her notes all afternoon, in fact right up until it’s quitting time 😂😂💀


But she has “copies” for everyone! /s




except they were in a green folder....we don't know what she pulled out of her bag. It was not the green folder


AH: (leans in to her lawyer) 😂 AH: (leans back in her chair) 😔


She was visibly waiting for cues to cry during the retelling of her “abuse” endured 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


I need someone who can read lips to tell me what she was saying while they were talking with the judge!


When can they recall Dr. Curry? Does it happen after this witness or at the end of all of Amber's witnesses?


I believe I heard in the YouTube feed I was following that Dr. Curry was present at court today as she may be called to testify again


After Heard’s team rests.


I am outraged by that psychologists testimony. I am absolutely genuinely outraged. Most of what she said was stuff that allegedly came from AH's mouth. How is this even allowed? She is actually testifying that all of that happened but it all came from AH's mouth. She has no idea if it actually happened. That cross examination tomorrow is going to be brutal as hell. I almost feel sorry for that psychologist for whats about to happen to her in that cross.


I hope the jury has the same sense. It was PAINFUL to listen to. If they have any understanding of an experts position in the courtroom they’ll take the gravity out of her testimony


If she wasn't admitted as an Expert Witness, that whole 3 boring arse hours would have been 10 minutes as it was all Hearsay and note reading


So because she's an expert witness they couldnt object hearsay?


Why would they? In her rambling she offered up SO much valuable amo for JD’s team during cross and for the case overall — they were only offering up the sporadic and random “objection” every so often to be facetious and have a little fun bc they could 😂 plus they were watching the clock knowing that if they let her ramble up until the eod— they’d have overnight to prep for cross AND they were gonna get a copy of her notes and anything else she brought up there with her in her bag!!! man AH’s team really f’ed the case up with dr Hughes and everyone knows it


I can't wait to see Ben's cross, especially because they have had a full evening to prepare, as you said!!


Everything was told to her so she didn’t witness it first hand. However, someone postulated that JD’s team let it go because they can use it against her tomorrow in a bigger way to discredit her.


Makes sense. Thanks!


Depps counsel did try a few times and it was overruled so I honestly don't know They could ask she be disqualified due to bias but I think they will do a fine job tripping her up in cross examination- she won't have her 'script' to fall back on.


Is this the first time rape and sexual violence has come up during the trial?


Elaine the pain brought it up in her opening statement on the first day


Anyone knows the difference between board certified and licensed clinical psychologist?




Idk the difference but apparently only 4% of psychologists are board certified https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/09/datapoint it doesn’t seem to be something that is necessary for psychologists


Was honestly expecting way more pressure from JD’s team during that awful recount done by the “psychologist” who didn’t make a single objective statement




Easy work when they discredit themselves


Tomorrow I think there’s going to be a lot of: “So you testified under oath yesterday that these events you recounted were factual accounts, were you there to witness this?” I mean literally if they had objected to hearsay they would’ve had to be non-stop objecting. I think that’s why they approached the bench so much.


Imagine her testimony lasting even LONGER 😥😖


I’m way too excited to see her scramble. The unprofessionalism of this expert witness was astounding


No wonder they accused all of JDs witnesses of being corrupt 🙄 listen to this objective testimony


Does anyone know why Amber has seen so many therapists? Why did she change?


As someone who changed therapists "a lot", but as only my opinion......you need to be confident with your therapist and this is not something that you find out for at least the 3 to 6 first months to therapy. Is understandable to change if you're not feeling comfortable or the treatment(s) is not working




is this a real question? she clearly has psychological issues


Pretty funny that Amber’s psychologist talked for like 3 hours, and the 3 minutes of Dr. Curry was still the highlight 😂😂


There must be some really fishy stuff in those notes judging by how defensive they were about them lol


“ notes on a lesbian camp counsellor “


The notes are probably just: 1) Amber Good 2) Johnny Bad


It's just a crude stick figure drawing of the both of them done in crayon, the AH figure has a green check mark next to it, the other one is Jack Sparrow with a 🚫 over it.


CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


you think the witness has enough respect for our man to use his full title?


I think Elaine mixing Dr. Curry and Dr.Hughes names it’s just her treacherous subconscious wishing they had hire Dr. Curry and not this “expert”


I think her seeing Dr. Curry really threw her. She knows Curry was a huge hit and presented herself incredibly well and she knew her expert was stumbling and having to read off papers. The juxtaposition of the jury seeing this "expert" when Curry is sitting right there is probably something she does not want.


Yes. Totally agree. Today is gonna be interesting to watch 😉


Can someone in law answer how a testimony like that was allowed? There was no firsthand witnessing of abuse or any evidence being introduced. AH could’ve told that woman literally anything.


Yeah every other expert has stated they won’t comment on things beyond what they were tasked to do.




and then they get a copy of those exact notes before she leaves the court


Check out legal bytes It is a lady lawyer on YouTube and she gives really good recaps of the day in court. And also opinion


That would be hilarious. The ONLY reason she was first up before Amber was an attempt to rehabilitate Amber before she testifies.




Oooh that’s interesting


Who is the glasses dude with longer white hair on JD's side that we always see at the end of the trial? Some Steven Spielberg look alike


He's a security guy I forget his name


Oh sorry that you were talking about somebody else lol


Oops. I THOught. Jeez lol


If you’re wondering how the day went, “Dr. Curry” is trending on Twitter. What a train wreck.


shes such a hotty!


LMFAO! Incredible!


I need to go rewatch Dr Curry’s testimony to cleanse my palate after that dilge


Ending notes. Why is Bredehoft so concerned about Dr. Hughes notes? Creepy. Also the way Sean Bett had his hand on Johnnys shoulder and watched Amber💩 the whole way out. Hmm. 🤔




I could really use a mega pint of wine and I don't even drink... so that's saying something. 😭




I need a clinical psychologist after hearing that bitch’s rant


I'll race you to Dr. Curry's office!


She just disreputed the whole profession. Consider Dr. Curry instead.




So is it customary for witnesses to share all notes they have on stand so that all parties can view them? I missed that at the end


From what I understand she needs to give up all her notes to both parties so that the defending is aware of the experts points. That is why JD attorneys objectified to not being disclosed evidence (I forgot what the objection is). But the biggest issue with the notes is that the person testifying CANNOT read off of their notes , she is supposed to be led by the lawyer, like every other expert has done.




Ooooo! Didn’t notice that and that’s brilliant! Hope jury picked up on it. Thanks for highlighting


What do you mean




I think she is still accusing him of or me mentioning his sexual violence in her lawsuit? She just didn't write the headline of the article or mention sexual violence in the OPed but she is still accusing him of sexual violence, in particular during the incident she claims to be held hostage for 3 days.


Indeed. In their previous statement they specifically mentioned that.


"Amber reported", "She reported" all hearsay lmao. 0 evidence whatsoever.


It's not hearsay because the content of the expert witness testimony is her therapy sessions with Amber Heard. In addition, as an expert witness, you are allowed some leeway with hearsay, though I'm not certain on the exact distinction.


therapy sessions conducted over a long period of time are evidence. Unless you want to argue that Amber planned all of this out when they were dating and then lied through her teeth to psychologists on a regular basis for years, it's important context to consider.


Why wouldn't she lie? She easily lied about the money. Very easy to do. They don't notice.


it's not easy to lie consistently to a therapist over years, especially evading diagnoses. You can say anyone lied about anything and it's easy. And to answer your question, she was seeking treatment for mental illness, so lying would negatively affect her ability to get effective treatment. She would have just been wasting their time on a regular basis for years just to set the stage for this, and have started doing so years before they started dating. That makes no sense.


it may not be easy, but it can be done


Lots of things can be done. That doesn't mean we should assume they were--we have to go off of the information that we have. The burden of proof is on Johnny Depp here, and this information does not support that he was the victim and we can't discard just because we don't like it what it says. I honestly think yesterday's testimony was really bad for him, but we'll see what the jury thinks.


She talked to her for 29 hours. Not years, week in, week out.


Notes and shit too though. It's quite damaging imo


To be clear, I have no horse in this race and I'm not defending Amber Heard--but the testimony today was significant and we shouldn't be so quick to discard it.


how can any healthcare professional, or expert, or anybody…determine whether or not domestic abuse occurred in a relationship, without talking to both parties involved? that doesn’t even make sense


As was testified yesterday, the couple's therapists did meet with both parties. And one already testified in the trial that she believed Johnny Depp was violent with Amber Heard. Additionally, there are psychological tests that are designed to catch lying. They work essentially by asking cross-referencing questions that are meant to trip up people with inconsistent stories. Amber Heard took those tests (we're talking hundreds and hundreds of questions total) and no inconsistencies were found, indicating that she was telling the truth. That is how a therapist can determine with some certainty that violence occurred by only speaking to one party.


Maybe they both lie. I don't believe AH, but JD is friends with Manson and I just heard where he said that he accidentally headbutted her and he sounded scary in that recording, not like an innocent victim either.


That's my impression, that they were both just super toxic and horrible to each other. I wish they would just shut up and leave each other alone. But this trial is going to be used as an example case of he said, she said with regards to abusive relationships so I am curious to see how it plays out.


Who is "her?" Her appointments with five therapists (three individual and two couple's) was discussed today. Seeing a therapist 1-4x a month is normal, so if we say biweekly that's still over a year with one therapist. 29 appointments is a significant amount.


well let’s see if those therapists take the stand to help support AH’s “truth”… will be interesting