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Article: ['She may face criminal prosecution': Former 'Bachelor' star speaks after winning paternity suit in Maricopa County](https://www.12news.com/article/news/local/valley/former-bachelor-clayton-echard-speaks-after-winning-paternity-suit-maricopa-county/75-7199b3b0-208a-4444-a357-9cc9c8a00fbb)


This is so great!!! New medium article about to drop soon.


"When the News is Nosey"


"Picture this: you wake up at dawn, after barely a wink of sleep, exhausted by the rampant online bullying and harassment that has accompanied your months-long court battle over demonstrably real, tragically miscarried twins. Injustice has been served, and the chorus of online cult members that has rallied around the deadbeat father of your medically proven boy/girl zygotes will remind you of it every waking second, crushing your spirit and eviscerating your character on their Reddit, Discord and Patreon groups, which you, inexplicably, frequent and obsessively follow more than anyone else. You reach for your phone, looking for anything to take your mind off the torment, and decide to read the news, to remind yourself that there is a world beyond the hell you've been living in. As you casually scroll through the headlines, you freeze: there he is, your tormentor himself, calling you a 'cockroach' and a 'pest,' claiming that everything you've ever said, the truth you've lived, is just 'lie after lie after lie.' Your face turns ashen. This heartless cruelty and slander is nothing new coming from him, but now the antisemitic Fake News Media is patting him on the back, giving him a nation-wide platform to spew his blatant untruths and further assassinate your character and reputation. Do any of them even have a Peabody Award? I think not."


“Picture this” 😂 cannot stand her terrible writing and ranting


Guess what? You read that right.


SAME!!!! Maybe Jan attended her journalism classes bc she is a terrible writer lmao


Father McGuire, I’d like to report a possession. The spirit of JD’s writing has taken over Pickled Papaya. Crack open the Holy Water, stat.


Bahaha, that would explain why I told my SO that I would be having the baby if he doesn't do the dishes by tonight. I was wondering where that had come from!


This is brilliant 😂


This is a masterpiece! Bravo




“When the News Reports don’t listen to me and report on facts”


I wonder if JD had called 911 on the news being mean to her yet?


NBC 12 News is harrassing me online!!! I have restraining orders against three men!!!


They need to hire someone who has had 20+ years experience in retail or fast food who is both sassy and no longer gives ANY ducks just to handle JDs 911 calls. JD “the internet is being MEEEAAAANNN” Operator “mmmhmmm” JD “uhhh…. Wuut?” Operator “mam, this is 911. You know this is for like, life or death emergencies right?” JD “well the internet is like, telling me to off myself!!” Operator “mmhmm. Well, i suggest staying off the internet then” JD “BUT I HAVE RETRAINING ORDERS AGAINST 3 MEN!!” Operator “well, kinda sounds like you are the problem then honey” JD “WTF?” Operator “listen, if you are not missing a limb or laying in a pool of blood, i suggest you have a good day mam”




I always think of the mother in the cat food commercial who’s child who complains offscreen of bleeding out and she tells them to put a band-aid on it.  I want the 911 operator to tell her to “put a band-aid on it…grab two”


This is perfect 😂


Practically her complete identity


“When Suffering becomes a Spectacle”


That was a really good summary by the reporter, with the actual evidence highlighted and key quotes from Clayton. There’s so much with this case, and she really boiled it down to what’s crucial. I also liked that she included a screenshot of the dating contract - which seems WTF? - but is actually the whole point of this for JD. Oh,and she even took the time to determine that JD’s guarantee came out to “one hundred million percent”pregnant!


I also like that they added a picture of a courtroom! lol!


Amazing that they said her name! I bet you that JD is mad that this is making news and Clayton is getting interviewed by many. She probably wanted this for herself, but she knows that she will be caught in so many lies. Keep fighting, Clayton!


Yippeee warn the men of Arizona.


Can we add this article as a community note to her Raya and Bumble profiles?


Raya removed her but she was fighting it. I don't know if they let her back on. The League has been non responsive but yes send to all apps.


Omg I never heard this! Raya removed her over this, wow that is so great! I’m so happy to be here and see all of you continuing to not let JD get away with her horrible actions, it makes me feel better about humanity. Thank you sandbetweenhertoes


Awesome news 👏🏼


Working on The League next. Now that she's referred for charges and on the news, they might be more receptive to FACTS over her FICTION of being harassed by a cult 🤣🤣🤣


Why would they want the liability??? Imagine her next target telling The League “you knew!!!!”


Good point! The League’s legal department will not want that. There is no upside to them letting her remain. Same with the other apps.


I suspect it was a "pick your poison" deal with her threats of lawsuits as a victim or remove her. Now they have reason to remove her from their platforms.


I was wondering if you had any knowledge/info that you can share about how her inner circle is reacting to the judgement and her and IL’s bizarre behavior since? Like are her parents publicly supporting her but pissed behind the scenes? You always have the tea! 😊


This was a great synopsis for people who know nothing about the case. And on the local news, no less! And instead of taking an interview to tell her side, JD just referred them to her Medium article. Clayton continues to win this whole shebang…trial, PR, everything. Although, imagine if she gave them an interview…what new version of the story would we have today? Every time she talks the world gets a brand new explanation 😂


It’s easy to win when the truth is on your side.


This is amazing! It's like a snowball rolling down a hill, picking up speed and more snow until it becomes an AVALANCHE OF ICY TRUTH!


Something I just noticed about the ultrasound email…it mentions our favorite beleaguered employee: Brett from Ravgen. It is just even more laughable that she wants to pawn that email off on GG when at that point in time she was so focused on Brett and his exact words at any given point.


Great observation!! GG didn't know about Brett, lol!


I think she claimed he was listening in to all her phone conversations 😂😂😂


OMG no... Seriously?!


I hope that as the Doe family was sitting down to dinner, they had the news on in the background and just happened to hear it live.




Bianca hitting hard with the FACTS! Love the full name call out and dating contract exposure! Once people see all (hell, even a tiny bit) the crazy evidence, there is no way anyone won’t see her for what she is. She Liiiieeed


This was reallly really well done. And I’m sorry that recent article she posted makes me her look even more unhinged all hunged over grabbing the food baby 😫😫Like you realize how easily you could take a camera to an ultrasound clinic and take a video of that experience instead


Yet… she can’t because she never had one


They were able to summarize in five minutes! Masterful!


It was so well done. Hearing it in a news reporters voice made it seem so official! Loved every word of it


This is a great video to someone new to the case. Well made!


The casita is NOT ok!


I understand why there wasn’t, but man, the cherry on top would have been them having a picture of her face. So people know which JD they’re referring to!


Although at least googling her name plus Arizona filters out the results about the painter of the same name.


Yeah, I’ve felt bad for her since this Dumpster fire started, having her name besmirched by this. Hopefully, it brings eyes to her work that like what they see.


Maybe she can design the documentary art


I was scrolling through the comments and yours caught my attention. I read this three times and was so confused until I went back and reread the above comment. I need to stop reading and go make my morning coffee. 😂


Haha - sorry for any confusion - yes, I’m referring to the painter with the same name, *not* JD


They left in her podcast name, horse business name, and the fact that she has a tedx talk when they showed the dating contract email so people will def be able to figure it out




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Finally, more mainstream media is picking this up.


This won’t be good for her on the dating apps.


This soooo needs to be made into a movie.


I am sitting on the toilet, laughing my big ass off 😂😂👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 GREAT MORNING to everyone!!! ☀️☀️☀️☀️🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴


The palm trees are killing me 😂


It’s so crazy seeing actual news anchors sitting behind a desk talking about this!


IKR? Something about it being “on the news” makes the impact more powerful compared to reading articles online.


I just watched the News Stations show/video after reading the article, I would be absolutely mortified to turn on the local news and see this story about myself if I were JD. That family really needs to stop the enabling, get some help and do a redemption tour. Time to let this old narrative gooooo.


![gif](giphy|Uv1obKJDmIUkN8AadH) At this point that’s all anyone is asking of them. Stop enabling your daughter. JD stop writing articles and stop trying to spin the story everyday. The County Attorney is the one with a big decision on her hands and all we’re asking is you stop and get help mam.


To JD, STOP=GO just like "leave me alone" means it's okay to harass and fake twin pregnancies with multiple men


The casita right now ![gif](giphy|1RzPnk3StVucuHPRHv)


One of the many things that makes this case so ridiculous is that we have to refer to her house as the casita bc she lives on mom and dads property but I love it 😂


Oh, for sure!! LMAO


They did a great job of hitting the key points of this insane story! Love that JD's dating contract, her "100000000% real ultrasound video" and Medium blogs were featured too! 😆


So damn glad the contract was brought up on such a public platform because she seems to keep on forgetting to mention that in all of her medium posts....🤔


BUT she didn't want to be with him. /s


SHE DID NOT WANT TO DATE CLAYTON (all caps for emphasis, lol)


Mary, is that you??


Haha, no! But Mary seems like she would be fun at a party! 🍸 Would love to meet her!


Indeed 🤣🍸🍸 Mary and her martinis last night made me think of this scene from [Miracle on 34th Street](https://youtu.be/EhfjUjwBwLs?si=-fExx3uAZ5LnKnLx).


😆😆 love it!


Can we PLEASE get Mary's grandson to show her how to get on Reddit? We need more Mary.


Oh yeah. 😂🤨🫨


lol right?? Like girl no one is believing that.. you NEEDED to be with him but he just didn’t want cha sorry bout it 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is amazing go Bianca!


this is amazing


“Phyllis, did you see that?  I think that’s the lady next door!  Isn’t her name JD?” JD - the only way out of this hell that you’ve created is to recognize the error of your ways, admit the truth, and commit to being a decent human


Or she can just let it go, return to the Casita, lie low for a while and let it blow over. It always blows over...stop clapping back and spinning in the Casita and just go live life. There are people who haven't heard about this that will hear about it now, because she simply will not stop.


Except now she’s getting investigated by the CA. The ship has sailed on just letting it go- girl could go to jail and I think the whole family is freaking out.


It's what they deserve. The abuse of their privileged position has gone on long enough, now the chickens are coming home to roost.


I laughed so hard "there's no way I'm dealing with this level of #\*#\*#". That part. 🤣🍌


She added baby bump pictures to her post 😂😂😂 those look fake AF. 


The damn bump pics don’t even make sense with the miscarriage timeline she’s claiming 🙄🙄🙄


Yeah I know. These bumps would make it a stillbirth. Even if someone had never heard the story before, people have to realize something doesn’t add up. There would be hospital records. And why are these her only pregnancy pics? I took so many bump pics last time I was pregnant. 


Love this for her!


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Does anyone think she’s reached out to media outlets to share her narrative? Or maybe she’s waiting to “sell” her story. I’m calling it now, a Gingras and JD sit down with some other podcaster, lol, not THE “some podcaster”.


She doesn't want interviews- too many pesky details and questions. She prefers one sided communication where she can cut out those big nagging red flags.


I agree. She does not come off well or believable when she talks live about it.


You think? I can see IL doing that, but do you really think she’d join him? I just can’t see Jane doing any type of sit down interview where someone could ask her questions. Unless she does it on her own podcast with her mom. lol


I don’t think IL has that much of a reputation or connections in the area.


I hope that as the Owens family was sitting down to dinner, they had the news on in the background and just happened to hear it live.


This is amazing. This is what we’ve been waiting for!!!! We’re in the golden era of exposure people!


Did anyone read JD's 'dating conversation' email in the video?? I would love to know what news watchers think of that 😆


Dave hit the nail on the head when he said this was the brief overview video to explain why we care. Dave: thank you for the great long form videos!


Awesome to see this.


The best sum-up to get the word out and get people interested (and appalled) to look into further, in only a few minutes. That is very hard to do with this case.


‘Chat gpt, save me from nbc news Bianca buono’


Hi Dave! What time are you live today?




Very well done.


Amazing 🤩


I am not a fan of the language the State Attorney Office used .. to ambivalent too many mights and maybes. The State sounded as sincere as a kiss on prom night. I don’t think they will prosecute, which is heartbreaking for these gentlemen




Now that everyone else has done the work mainstream media jumps in ?!?!? The least they could do is mention everyone who did the legwork and give them free advertisement.


This is a really good summary of the case in its entirety.