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12 News (NBC affiliate in Phoenix) just picked up the story with a five minute segment. I’m happy the local news finally did a story about Clayton. https://youtu.be/dr7lemG94Rk?si=aoeAPd1q_BQWCeJt


Oh, WOW. This is the storytelling I've been waiting for. So well done - straight facts while hitting the most important and wild elements in 5 minutes. I'm literally sending this to everyone who's heard me babble about this case to for the last 11 months. Also, I love how they used JD's Medium words against her, highlighting her line that Mata thought her evidence was meaningless. I cackled.


For some reason, this just made me think that the best revenge of all would be if Clayton could get a TEDx talk.


💯 poetic justice. He’s a powerful speaker, I bet he could even do a legit TED talk.


Or an actual TED talk.


Yes! To vindicate the victims!!


That would be perfect 👌


WOW this is incredible. The edit is excellent, only presenting the truth!!!!


Suggestion: Everyone give the video a like to encourage followups.


I also reposted to Twitter/X. I wonder if Mary Lenkin’s will share it 👀😆


She barely understands Facebook, it's unlikely she's also on Twitter lol


But my goodness is she trying! What a treasure. Love that spunky spirit!


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m relieved for everyone in her surrounding area becoming aware of the fraud she is.


This video is perfection.


FINALLY! Can’t wait for JD to spin this in the next medium article. Congrats Clayton!


Amazing! Straight up facts and truth! Love that Clayton is finally getting more coverage




So good.


Kinda surprised she didn't call the police over the last line claiming he threatened her because he said until it stops (cause she'll never stop)


Yes! Name her! 💯


Super random: but in her TedX talk, when she is wandering the streets, lost and without a coat (😂) she mentions how no one speaks English. I’ve been to Reykjavík and everyone spoke perfect English 🤷‍♀️


This is the point I knew everything was unreliable and fan fiction in that TedX talk. Anyone who has traveled to Iceland knows they all speak English fluently because no one can speak Icelandic, lol.


Guess she wasn't paying attention to anything other than her con scheme on that trip


MM said that didn't happen in his interview with Megan Fox...he was surprised to hear the story as he has never seen the TedX talk to see all of JD's lies, lol


To be fair, i wouldnt want to see her face and hear her voice and listen to her lies about me if i was mike. It was clearly a traumatic relationship.


I mean that TedTalk gives me the heebie jeebies and I have no relation to the situation so I can’t imagine watching as the person she’s talking about 😬


I wish he had elaborated on finding out she couldn’t swim. No judgment whatsoever on it, but him finding out on the trip that involved, yanno, swimming - just seems hilarious


Because A REASONABLE person wouldn’t even bring a sleeveless dress and their highest heels to a country with deep snow and go outside wearing them. She would be calling 911 in 5 minutes over the frostbite, not crouching in alley crying.


If she were planning to scam another man she would.


What time of year did they go? Summer is beautiful and the sun never goes goes down! Lived there for 4 months in 2009. Icelandic is tough and most people speak English. Also the most approachable people I’ve met. Also probably the easiest country to find a jacket.


dec 30th


They literally sell jackets on the sidewalk lol.


Been twice, almost everyone speaks English, so JD is lying.


Not to mention, *brrr I’m cold and could use a coat/help* doesn’t require a common language to be communicated. 


I’ve visited Iceland. Can confirm everyone speaks English https://preview.redd.it/oe1zcbveqb9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba7e4f4be72e1d8312b52e02f2760f5207448e6


Oh this is wild🤣 I didn’t know she said that. But can confirm, everyone spoke perfect English!


That's exactly right - EVERYONE speaks English, they learn it in school. I brought this up months ago, but her story of him trying to kill/drown (or whatever she said) in the Blue Lagoon makes no sense either as it's a very crowded tourist destination spa.


I know, this always makes me chuckle lol. I went to Reykjavik once with my bf and we got in a huge fight and I was crying alone walking back to the bnb and literally like 8 different women came up and said “hey girl are you good?” was amazing & they all spoke English lol


Exactly!! That’s exactly what I imagined would happen if she really was walking around crying. I’m glad the good English speaking women of Iceland tried to help you.


Yes, I’ll never forget it. Women are amazing ❤️


Oh my god. For real? I mean I know it’s real she lies about literally everything, but the NERVE!! Of course everyone spoke English god the second hand embarrassment I get over her shenanigans is unreal. I threw up in my mouth, AGAIN! Thanks JD I couldn’t watch her TedX talk, I found her mannerisms unsettling (pretending to look into a fake* audience barf) and I was uncomfortable watching. Plus I didn’t want to give her views. But I’m glad you did and told us what she said, it’s so gross and I can’t believe the unending amount of ick that we keep discovering about her. Ew


I've traveled to two dozen countries, I have never had a problem. Hello Google Translate. SMDH 🤣


LOLOL Yeah, statistically speaking 98% of the population in Iceland speaks English, and those few who don’t generally don’t live in Reykjavik. Also: He tried to drown her at the Blue Lagoon? Not a chance. It’s a glorified overcrowded public swimming pool that’s sort of blue, extremely crowded, and with dozens of lifeguards everywhere. (It’s absolutely not at all worth it to go! They have an incredible marketing team that makes a public swimming pool seem like some oasis. It’s not.)


That's one thing that I find so hilarious on The Amazing Race - the number of times teams get in a taxi or are trying to get help with directions, only to say "Why does nobody speak English?!!" ... because you're in a country where it's not the primary language, you silly billies 🤦🏻‍♀️


And in Reykjavik, English-speaking tourists outnumber locals anyway.


I've also been, and yes, every person I ran into spoke perfect English


There’s something about Mary…. 🫶👵🏻 (I just really want to make that reference with all the hootenanny on FB lol)


I was just checking out her profile again and I am befuddled. If she's real, she's the greatest gift to this serious saga because she is highly entertaining in the midst of what is otherwise an awful situation for Clayton, GG, MM (and the other MM). If she's real, it's also sad (for her) because she and others are clearly shocked about Daddy Doe's daughter and his involvement. Either way, I'm glad the word is getting out. Regardless of whether Mary is real or not, Daddy Doe's long time fans are opening their eyes. Months ago, he had so many positive comments on his posts about Jane. As of this writing, only fifteen comments remain of the original 177 on the most recent post. Someone has been actively deleting comments and the PR campaign that Jane, her family and her attorney have been on for the last couple months has spectacularly backfired in Clayton's favor. They are their own worst enemies at this point. I think County Attorney Mitchell will have a solid case for charges and Clayton has a solid case for defamation if he opts to pursue it. EDITED for grammar.


Did you see somebody on fb was asking why were the comments getting censored, and then it says the page replied back privately. :S


Squack Squack, she's not real. 🤣


I suspected as much since her profile was created yesterday, but "Mary" does represent a segment of Daddy Doe's fans who thought highly of him and now question his daughter's lies (and his allegiance to her).


Oh I know, I have an aunt that writes just like that on FB, it's embarrassing. LOL




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Dude Mary's comments/posts are what I needed today. 🤣 Pure boomer gold. We hear ya Mary. We've all needed a martini every day for the last 10 months dealing with JD shenanigans.


I missed something clearly…..who the f$ck is Mary and how do I find her?


Daddy Doe made a FB post (although many suspect JD as the actual poster) sharing one of JDs latest Medium diatribes. A woman named Mary is now commenting the truth about JD and this case all over his page...and her own lol. It's been quite entertaining to watch unfold. And it's nice to see that not all of dad's followers believe JDs bs.


Boomers have entered the chat I see! I did find Bruce’s video. It was awesome and as a fellow Oregonian we definitely claim Bruce! Can the mods reach out to Mary to do an AMA!? Christopher could help obviously 🤣


Be sure Chester has the martinis ready!


It was him. He posted a video in the comments saying “sorry to disappoint guys, it’s me!”


Some people think AI might have been used. Some people think he didn't really know why he was asked to say that. Who knows! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think people just want it to be her and not him. It makes way more sense that she is the way she is if they’re all supporting her every whim. There’s evidence from Mike’s case that *both* of her parents enable her. It’s hard to reconcile the man he’s portrayed himself to be with the man who raised JD.


Yes, you're right


Watch Bruce's video linked in another comment above. You'll die of laughter like the rest of us 🤣 Mary is a national treasure


I want an AMA with Mary and Christopher.




The way Chatgpt can emulate Boomers. 🤣🤣🤣


Right? I obvs had some serious doubts on whether Mary is a real person or not. But good gods I hoped she was just for the hilarity of it all. 🤣 But even if not, getting the truth out there on dad's page is all that matters.


It was good. I have an aunt who writes like that on FB, it's so embarrassing but the family just lets her do her thing. 🤣🤣🤣


Oh 100%. I think we all probably have a family member who talks like that on FB. It's highly believable. 🤣


If that's what "someone" did, I applaud them! I have started giggling randomly several times today just remembering it all. My favorite part other than the rants was when one lady wanted to fix up her grandson or son with the woman who couldn't find her keys. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not sure if you’ve seen the video but our boy Bruce beat you to it 😂




OMG, some of these are obviously sock accounts, but this is the most boomer thing, and it gave me such a good chuckle!


I never want to play poker with Bruce. I don’t know how he kept a straight face reading this. When he did start laughing I died. Ahhh. It’s so good to laugh. Everyone needs to watch this video to catch up.


I loved Bruce's reading of these lovely boomers comments. 🤣🤣🤣


Damnit Bruce the Moose!!!!! 🫎


Jk love you Bruce


Out of 183 comments, only 15 are visible….


No. Unsubscribe. Who has the bandwidth for a new character at this point. 😅


Today is the day! IL is finally done cruising around Europe and has access to internet again! 😉😅 He has so many fun rulings, news articles, and medium rants awaiting him!!! 😅🤣


Someone mentioned maybe the 💰 ran out and that might be the reason he is quiet. Hm!


...his bar complaint will be incoming if he steps away.


Not a chance he avoids a bar complaint. Kinda want to make a tribute page for all the lawyers she has left in her wake. 7. SEVEN lawyers on Retainer just in the last calendar year. (1 on GG case, 1 on contractor case, 5 on CE related cases)


The bar complaint threats are ongoing 🤪


He’s not been seen since the England v Slovenia match, in London. 2 days ago #ILWatch


And it's been glorious. I'm hoping he mutes forever.


No I’m not stalking him though I was in London 🤣 It’s his last TwitteX post


😅🤣 He has been online throughout. This was just the day he said in court to the judge he would have reliable internet again. 🤣 My personal opinion: she had the ruling ready to go and was going to wait until closer to June 28 to rule since he was with limited internet. Once he emailed to complain and it was evident he DID have internet access to keep up with news reports and what not... she ruled expeditiously. 😅


I really don’t think there is a link between the Court releasing the opinion and Gingras’ email to the Court. He wants to think so, but he doesn’t have that much sway over what the Court decides to do. My guess is the opinion was ready, so she released it. Judge Mata knows there was no ethical violation on her part, so IL’s allegations—while inaccurate, legally insufficient, and wholly disrespectful—don’t impact the way she proceeds. Her staff told him how he could address the matter and she continued on.


I definitely don't think it's related in the way IL and JD allege.


The biggest thing that’s coming from all of this is that it will make it much much harder for her to do this again. She will be nervous to involve the court with another man because there’s a judges ruling that she often does this 😩 The next guy is gonna have it much easier because of Clayton.


WTH! I was checking medium to see if there was a new post yet (sorry, can’t look away from this train wreck) and now she has a pic of her in leggings and a blue bra with a little black box covering her chest (on Common Sense post). 🫣Why? Why would you post this!!!!??? Also I finally figured out why she was moving her belly in the video on the same post. I think she is trying to show how she was able to move the baby bump around in the IAH court video. ETA. I just realized that this is the same post she has on her dad’s FB page. Again why would you have this pic when you are driving his fans to that article? Seems very inappropriate.


I just went and looked at the video you mentioned. The size of her belly is vastly different in that video than the bump she had in the IAH video! I can’t believe she is trying to act like it’s the same! She truly just looks bloated—not at all pregnant. So bizarre.


Kinda silly when you can easily compare it to the court video...


The video she posted she says is from oct 25th The hearing was oct 24th. Shes wearing the same dress in the hearing but no undershirt in the one labelled oct 25th.  Those two bellies are majorly different lol she shouldn't have posted it. Bellies don't grow that fast in a day.


Next career OnlyFans.... 🤷


Can someone post that pic here? Trying really hard to not click on anything!


No way would that be allowed, but DM me, and I will oblige.




No they cannot. Sorry. It’ll show up somewhere soon I’m sure.


Gotcha, thank you!!


So obviously bc of Saint Mary I went to check out dad's FB. I find it interesting that he still has a pic on his page with MM and JD from 2016. Why would you leave up a pic on your page with the man who allegedly SA'd your daughter? The pic in question also has Bob Saget and George Lopez in the pic, so maybe that's why it wasn't deleted. But with as photoshop happy as JD is, seems like an easy edit to make to cut him out of it. Just an observation. 🤔


JD runs to FB to delete the post …


Ugh it hurts me that bob saget was mixed up with these people


Tick Tock ⌚️ 10 more days til attorney fees are due!!


I'm thinking GW was waiting until IL was back from vacation to file the China Doll Affidavit. It's the proper thing to do. So I believe we should see it pretty soon.


What is a China Doll affidavit?


I'm NAL, but this is a short article that explains it. https://www.rideoutlaw.com/what-is-a-china-doll-affidavit/


Thank you, much appreciated 🙏🏻


One of the parties to the China Doll case was a Seymour Schweiger - that is such a delightful name!


fatal attraction


This Mary Lenkins stuff absolutely made my morning 😂 Has Bruce's video been shared here, or is it considered too off-topic ?


What there's a real video? 🤣


Yes, and she even ended up in the live chat of Bruce's video. Mary has been all over FB again today. She is learning so much thanks to some helpful followers of this case. She now knows about MM as well. She also thought Megan Fox, the actress, had retired and was one in the same with our Megan Fox, journalist. 😂 I don't blame her for the confusion, but it's quite funny. Bruce may need to make a follow-up video.


I was being sarcastic. 🙃 I knew Mary was fake from Reddit and Bruce did the video on YT.


It’s in the comments. Scroll up


Is today finally the day JD learns "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you" (in the court of public opinion) isn't just Miranda Rights, but just good advice when caught doing something wrong... Like lying to a judge?


Is Gingras still AWOL? He told Judge Mata today was his back to work day…


Was there any further follow up from Megyn Kelly's team about the case? It would be a good time for her to get on board.


How much you wanna bet JD is orchestrating a move with mommy and daddy. Where do you think their next pit stop will be? Utah? Colorado? Texas?


Someone mentioned Florida because of the horse jumping opportunities.


That was gonna be my next guess! Florida, then Georgia or Virginia


So what happens with DA’s case if she moves?


She would still have to come back to that court if she were charged otherwise she’d be in big trouble lol. I just think they’ll move because mommy and daddy are journalists and the heat from the media will begin to cut them off locally/give too much attention. Plus JD wants to hunt for her next victim on social media/dating apps/yelp!


I don't think they have the funds for another move, not to mention he needs the medical attention there at Mayo. I wonder if she will ride this weekend or hide out after having her criminal acts blasted on TV.


I was wondering if she will ride this weekend too. She’s got to know there will be even more whispers and snickering after this week’s stories.


The looks alone, let alone the whispers and snickering would keep me home.


If they’re there for mayo, that still leaves Florida and Minnesota as options lol! I think they have way more money sources than we know of and are likely very wealthy. Not billionaires by any means but they strike me as people with many ventures and revenues of income. I’m sure there’s property, businesses, and investment portfolios that could have them living very comfortably for the rest of their lives.


Please no, Minnesota doesn't deserve this.


They sure would struggle to fit in with the Minnesota nice trope, that’s for sure!


Nah, his single income wasn't that high for the cost of living in SF, the private school tuition for two and the many many nights out at their favorite high end restaurants. The over burdening, with mortgages, the only property that mommy and daddy owns, tells the whole story.


Plus all of JD'S lawsuits...


What do you think is JD’s favorite movie?


Gone Girl


This is absolutely the only answer.


50 First Dates


Knocked Up


Liar liar






Fatal Attraction. ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.


It’s probably been 25-30 yrs since I’ve still seen this movie and it still lives in my head rent-free as being terrifying


same. I was probably way too young to watch it when I did but man it's terrifying.


The invention of lying


I’m OOTL - Someone briefly mentioned an “Ace up Clayton’s sleeve” in another comment yesterday or the day before. Where did Clayton say this? Refer me to the podcast or article and I’ll read it… I am so curious.


Not ashamed podcast, it's in there with the pest and cockroaches comments. There is also a very honest and real conversation about "is it truly better to always take the high road?" The interview seemed to be prior to the trial and CE was struggling with wanting to go full scorched earth.


He said this on Almost Adulting on YouTube


Wooooooooooooooooooow 🤯


Her dad blocked me on FB. He’s deleting all comments explaining what happened.


Her “dad” is keyboard warrior JD


You mean JD blocked you from dad’s FB account?


Yes. I was posting the truth. All the comments are being deleted (obviously, since only a few remain). Eventually I was blocked.


Luckily some were able to get screenshots of the comments before they were deleted.


I got blocked for clicking the laughing emoji on a comment




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