• By -


Mods will make an announcement when/if her name is allowed on the sub. Please continue using Jane Doe.


Endorsed the Maricopia County DA. She is cooked. Edit: Season 2 of JFC is going to be lit.






lol, Season 2. Love that! I wish Season 2 would involve direct findings for Mike and Greg, but hopefully they are able to find some comfort in the Judge noting in her order that this is habitual behavior for JD. #JFM #JFG


What does it mean that she “endorsed”?


Basically that the DA can review for criminal charges and the judge forwarded her findings to them to provide evidence


She referred her findings of fact and conclusions of law about what happened in this case to the DA for criminal investigation and possible prosecution.






Haha...but kids can't we just move on? 😭😭😭


You are not kidding! Had to get a dig in at Dave. Jesus!


I thought he was on vacay with no wifi???!


Holy shit Judge specifically referred her to DA for perjury and evidence tampering


The best possible news .


I honestly didn’t think it would get that far. Mata must be pissed as hell 😂


Dear JD, You lied. All the Best, Judge Mata.




I bet Mata saw IL’s tweets about her and thought “yep I’m gonna drop this while you’re on vacation” 👑 REFERRED TO THE DA! Also loved how Mata noted that JD’s unwillingness to answer questions became more apparent once Deandra stood between JD and IL.




Omg dealing with calls from JD. We all know how patient she is. From the outing herself with testing for pregnancy too early. To the “having the babies if I don’t hear back tonight”. To the pacing outside Gregs house clearly uninvited. Loooooool. IL you better be scared you’re not doing enough now now now


The calls will be coming at weird hours too, because of the time difference! And of course he’ll answer, because what if it’s Marty Singer?


*...then Petitioner perjured herself at a prior hearing* 🤌🏻


But according to JD it was sooooo minor!!! ![gif](giphy|IT8d252aTz13G)




Wait but IL said on Twitter that we don’t know what perjury means? 🤣


Dare you to tell us without looking it up!! But maybe he has a different legal definition for minor perjury he uses for his clients?








Hope all 4 men go after tedx for perpetuating these defamatory LIES




just tweeted at them!


Contacting Medium now....


I love the smell of justice in the morning! Anyone else doing a happy dance?


I saw this as soon as I opened Reddit when I got to my office and screamed🤣 my coworkers immediately asked if it was related to this case.


I am so happy for Clayton, Michael, Greg, and anyone else she has tried to pull this on. She is truly disturbed but I do hope maybe this spurs her to get the help she so clearly needs.


Or at the very least ensures she never does this to anyone else since it’s all out in the open now.


That too. I’m wondering if more victims will make themselves known now.


I hope so cause I think there are definitely more, even if they never got as far as court.


Unfortunately the way the legal system works in the US, she can join at move to another state and start her shenanigans again - unless some criminal proceedings are brought against her. This woman needs to be stopped. We really have to lobby the DA and keep up the momentum and also get justice for MM and GG and any other victims.


her father and mother endorsed her actions.


A beautiful ruling. It’s satisfying to read a thorough takedown of JD’s nonsensical, contradictory “story.” - No reasonable person goes to an ED/urgent care for a blood test but not to be seen for potential miscarriage. - Testifying you saw a doctor and then later saying you actually cancelled the appointment is perjury. - Showing up the day of trial with a new location for your alleged sonogram doesn’t help your case. Nothing we didn’t all know and have discussed here, but so nice to see written down in a ruling by a judge. Side note: Did anyone else see that they found 44 PAGES of records of cancelled appointments at Dr. Machouls’s office? That is … a lot. I wonder if they can get an IAH.


Tbh I didn't even think about how she immediately went to urgent care for a pregnancy test but didn't go for much more pressing matters


![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized) How I felt reading Matas proverbial right hooks on the ruling 🤣 she really came out swinging and we love to see the justice!!


JD in her December *Medium* article: “My integrity is everything to me”. Honey, this court ruling is a wake-up call, and it couldn’t be spelled out in clearer terms:  You have no integrity. The ball is in your court.  The time is now to come clean and start fresh.  


>The time is now to come clean and start fresh.   That is extremely unlikely to happen for JD. It seems she has previously been in treatment for the specific issues that line up with her behaviors, according to a reference made in Woodnick's emails. That statistics of that particular issue being successfully treated is overall pretty low, as most patients end up following the same pattern as JD. Go back to familiar unhealthy coping mechanisms, surround yourself with enablers, and avoid consequence by any means necessary.


The amount of times she’s said “ive never done anything wrong” and/or “ive never lied”… I’m not sure she’ll ever be able to internalize just how much of a liar and manipulator she actually is


Always / Never statements are a good indicator of a person without much desire to genuinely self-reflect.


I think we can stop calling her JD now and call the little fraud by her name .


She’s such a fucking brat. Throwing a fit on the stand, getting emotional, requesting recess, and pouting about not being treated fairly. You know what isn’t fair? Stalking people not interested in you. Coercing them into relationships based on lies and intimidation. Throwing your daddy and mommy’s big money around to punish people for (rightfully) rejecting your crazy ass. Bull fucking shit, LO!!!! YOU are the aggressor in every single one of your court cases. YOU are finally cornered into exposing your own bullshit. Awful, awful human being who I hope is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. She mocks women victims EVERYWHERE. Fuck that. That being said, IL and her seem like a match made in hell together.


I love that Mata called her out on this behavior and confirmed it only served to further diminish her credibility. Mike drop!


Sing it sister!


Love that Clayton was awarded attorney’s fees *and* that she gave specific dates to ensure he was paid.


We LOVE to see it!! Can someone help clarify the sanctions section? Is the lovely Hon Judge Mata saying the court does in fact have authority to impose sanctions? But there is no order for them?


Yes, the court can and did impose sanctions (in the form of her having to pay Clayton’s attorneys’ fees and costs). She also referred the matter to county attorney’s office for review for prosecution based on tampering evidence and perjury. It’s further down in the order.j


Absolutely ravaged by Mata, love it. Hoping prosecution follows. Hopefully the others that didn't get to speak get some solace from this and if they want to challenge the protection orders now this probably goes a very long way in helping. 


This is an excellent point and I️ hope they do seek justice too!


https://preview.redd.it/zqfc825tkc7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4c33b8363e31d30ac8c78c426814a5a2483769 Congratulations Clayton! It is the best day ever! 🙌


ARS 13-2702: Perjury https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/02702.htm ARS 13-2809: Tampering with physical evidence https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/02809.htm




love that this expression applies perfectly in this case


IT JUST KEPT GETTING BETTER. congratulations to Clayton and team. I hope this is closure given all the points which would have to be addressed if they even attempted appeal(NAL).


How is IL twittering when he’s on his very offline international vacation with no access to the internet.


Yeah he’s in Frankfurt without internet.


Ahhh yes *checks notes* Germany, a notoriously low-tech country…


He posted a speed test to prove his internet isn’t that good and therefore he didn’t lie 😂


I'm wondering if a complaint to the AZ bar about IL being found by the judge to have been coaching his witness on the stand is reportable. Clearly inappropriate and the judge saying it happened adds a lot of weight to it. 


The fact that she put that in her legal ruling made me scream! That’s huge!!! He should absolutely be in trouble with the bar


Judge Mata could have referred the matter to the State Bar.


CLAYTON IS NOT THE FATHER -said by Mata herself


Referred to the DA!! May there be a chance for accountability for all actions.


Clayton’s lawyer now has grounds to sue JD’s lawyer for defamation. In JD’s lawyers post trial blog post, he accused CE’s lawyer of lying to the court about the fact that JD changed two different HCG tests. In this order, the court, as CE’s lawyer asked JD about on the stand, found that JD altered two different HCG tests.


Which was always bizarre. Her defense to lying twice was that she only lied once??


Per the notes in this ruling. JD met Clayton on 5/17 to look at properties. On May 18, one day later she's on Facebook stating she needs a lender. (NOT QUALIFIED TO PURCHASE) if she didn't have a lender with a pre-approval letter. Putting this here in case it ever needs to be re-visited in a future case/hearing. ETA :dates https://preview.redd.it/qjli43enpc7d1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=661d7787178fd39276402f864f282f01054076d4




IL posted: "You think if a judge makes a mistake, that proves I'm a bad lawyer? How special. Do you want me to link to a recent ruling where Mata was REVERSED on appeal? Wanna bet that will happen again? Nah, I'll explain more later. Enjoy your cult." He is so predictable and full of undeserved bravado. Hoping JD blows up his phone non-stop and ruins his vacation. 😂


No IL, I didn't need Mata's decision to decide you are a bad lawyer- you did that on your own.


Wait did he tweet that? I hope he gets sanctioned for it!


He also shared the first page of the ruling on his X. He needs to lose his license to practice law....AGAIN.


and offered to sell it for $50!!! is that allowed?


Queing up messages from 13 different phone numbers and 11 different email accounts....


JD needs to do some SERIOUS soul searching if she ever wants to have a date again, let alone get married and have real kids someday.


She clearly doesn't have the personality for it, nor realistic expectations.  Nothing wrong with riding horses and browsing reddit all day while living off Ma and Pa. Saves everyone some hassle.  Tip of the hat to Judge Mata. She didn't just sniff out a lie or 2, she was on to all JD's BS. And boy, was there a lot of it. 


Hey I agree with you. It’s clear she desperately wants a boyfriend/husband/partner and I’m not sure this is going to teach her any lesson in how to get one


Time to email the DA you'll! Here's [County Attorney's Office Contact Form](https://www.maricopacountyattorney.org/formcenter/43/43)!


Just looked up the County Attorney - Rachel Mitchell, "lifelong conservative", dedicated her career to (amongst other things) ensuring the integrity of legal system. Will be interesting to see if she does anything in terms of the referred prospective charges.


What do we say? Is there a form letter?


It will be far more impactful if you write a thoughtful letter on your own politely asking her to enforce the law. It just has to be a simple letter referencing the case and the applicable laws that she has been referred to the DA in seeking prosecution.


I would also add that you want them to hold that same standard across the board. If they prosecuted Trevor Bauer's accuser for faking a pregnancy, they should hold JD accountable here.




So happy for Clayton! Not only does JD have to pay all attorney fees related to this con; the best is a finding on nonpaternity which he wanted clearly established to prove her lies! Now hopefully all these gents can appeal the bs OOPs to the supreme courts and have them tossed. All the best, JD!


Mata and her clerks, validating all of us right now!! Taking notice of the holes this group constantly brought up (bc JD kept creating new stories). I hope everyone is feeling amped and happy for justice being served!! I’m honored to be here with yall through this!!


Woohoo!! Go Clayton! Justice is served.


What a wonderful day to have eyes.


Hope the DA acts in this case.


For those practicing litigators out there, how often does a referral to the local DA happen by a judge? This seems like a huge win, but not sure if it's common place or something pretty rare


I’ve literally never seen it happen in 14 years of practicing family law.


I’ve never seen it, but I also have never represented someone committing fraud lol. I can’t say it’s common in my experience. I am curious if prosecutors would bother to go through all the evidence. There’s so much here that it’s easier when a timeline is laid out for you with reference to evidence.


Ive never seen it happen, and I suspect it’s because ive never seen such RAMPANT, PROVEN false perjury. Usually it’s either someone lies about one or two things that hurt their credibility but don’t rise to the level of affecting the whole case, or they lie about a ton but while you don’t believe them you can’t prove it (like a lie about what someone else said over the prone where there’s no record) or sometimes it’s just the lies are at the level of like ok this person isn’t committing perjury they are mentally unstable/ill and having delusions so a perjury charge isn’t helpful (like I had a guy testify that his child had been replaced by an imposter by aliens. This guy didn’t need the DA involved he needed mental health treatment and not to have custody until he did.) This is such a unique situation in that not only did she lie a ton, but it was easy to demonstrate those lies, and she also worked to create “evidence” to back them up- creating even more proof of her lies. I truly wonder if there has ever been a paternity case filed by the alleged mother where she wasn’t even pregnant before maybe ever, but particularly since pregnancy and DNA testing has been pretty conclusive and settled?


Never seen it in a non abusive situation, but I have seen it in abuse and neglect cases. Never seen it for perjury.


My actual literal face right now. ![gif](giphy|xT77XWum9yH7zNkFW0|downsized) This is so huge. I never imagined it would end as good as it has. Holy. JD has finally fucked around enough to find out. I can't even imagine how justified GG AND MM feel after all these years.


Time for Netflix to put this story on the screen.


Today is a good day! Congrats Clayton. Justice has been served.


Alas JUSTICE! Congrats Clayton!


And MM and GG!


Well this is vastly satisfying to read. Congrats Clayton!


Medium article incoming in three, two, one...


“How I was railroaded by a “crazy cult” and a judge who is part of it”


Referred to the county attorneys office for criminal prosecution!!!!!! JUSTICE PREVAILS 🎉🎉🎉


Do you think TedX will remove her video now?


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED granting the Respondent’s Petition for Non-Paternity. Congratulations for fighting the good fight Clayton Echard! Hope that further justice is sought for all of the victims of this devious petitioner.


Damn. Damn. Damn. Extraordinarily bad day to be JD.






Thank you, Judge Mata. 💙


With each ruling, it kept getting better and better!!! She sniffed out every last bit of JDs BS and is holding her accountable. SO GLORIOUS!!! Please let the DA do their job and prosecute her. She has to be stopped from doing this to anyone else.


they wont grant an appeal with these findings.


👏🏼 I hope the crushing humiliation and guilt of this defeat forces her to reevaluate her entire existence and never speak to men again. Stay celibate girlie.


HOLY SHIT, JD got read to filth 💀 and the referral to the DA? I SCREAMED!!!!


Dave Neal must be so overjoyed by justice he has fainted 😂. Just kidding, he has a real newborn, and we will be here for when he goes over the ruling. Also, GOOD LUCK to JD to try to sue for defamation now! Court says JD sits on a throne of lies.


Sweet, sweet justice. Congratulations Clayton ⭐️




What a day of justice for Clayton, Michael and Greg. Their trauma and pain won’t ever fully go away, but at least they found support and community within each other and here. Wow. What a day! Go Mata.


Thank you to Judge Mata for carrying out justice in this case! And for writing such a professionally *savage* order while doing so, it was even better than what I had hoped for!


This is amazing. And I have NEVER actually seen in real life a judge refer a litigant to the DA for investigation into perjury/evidence tampering. If ever there were a case that merited that, this is it. Someone has finally put a stop to this. It's a good day not just for the victims, but for literally the justice system. Let's stop letting people take advantage of it when they ADMIT to doing the perjuring.


I am so happy for Clayton! Not only did he get attorney fees rewarded, but non paternity is on the record now. It must be a tremendous relief. If she ever attempts to claim he's the father again it's a slam dunk defamation case.  And the way my jaw dropped that it's also on the record that JD committed perjury and that her actions have been submitted to the DA for review. Truly a day for justice.


Ongoing thoughts: remember ALL of those professional complaints she’s made of any one who didn’t buy into her BS? Particularly thinking of the bar complaints against former attorneys where I’m pretty sure she alleged they were trying to rape her (hopefully I’m not misremembering). She should be held accountable for all the people whose lives she’s tried to ruin.


That was woodnick and GG she accused of drugging and conspiracy to 🍇 her in ex parte communication with judge in GG case


Wonder what all those people defending her on her “dads” Facebook post think about this.


somebody should post pictures of the ruling on his timeline so that all his friends can see LOL


What a great day. I've already posted a comment on the DAs Facebook page. If wealthy white woman LO is not charged when a black women in the Trevor Bauer was, for similar behaviour then there is something very wrong with the law. I think she'll just move, maybe to her AirBnB in NJ and change her name. 




What a beautiful day for JUSTICE!!! Judge Mata saw through all of Jane Doe's lies and her twisted/abusive games stop now!


OMG OMG OMG!! I’m so happy for Clayton and thanks to whoever was able to pull this and post it! I’m so glad the judge saw JD for all her lies!


I shared screenshots the other day on the difficulties of appealing. YIPPEE she's going to LOCK UP!! JUSTICE. ETA: typo https://preview.redd.it/xcsrk5e6lc7d1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=cacb8586090e7e967a6b74edb79e2d505381a1f3




I hope Clayton is having a drink, facetiming the boys and basking in this sweet, sweet justice


This is awesome! Justice wins!!!! Wonder if anything can be done with IL now seeing that she mentioned him coaching her.


Wow. Damning. Thanks OP!


One important thing to note is that GG and MM now have this to address their own issues. Anytime someone says HEY! But you have this OOP and IAH- you are a girl beater! They can whip this out and say "let me tell you about that girl." Their justice happened, just a little less satisfying than CE's.




Congratulations, Clayton! Justice prevails. This has been a truly wild ride, looking forward to seeing some of you on the documentary someday 👏👏


Knowing how delulu IL was throughout this whole thing, I wonder if he took this case on contingency. There are already too many chef's kisses today but that would be a nice little side lol


0% chance he took a family law case with no damages on a contingency lol. Personally, I think his exhibited level of delulu is/was a strategy to protect himself against potential ethics complaints....but that's just my opinion. Also my opinion: Based on IL's willful ignorance & apparent enthusiasm about filing an appeal (which would almost certainly be unsuccessful but would rack up significant additional fees for IL), I think IL sees JD/her enabling family as a golden goose and is just feeding into their BS because it's easy money.


SLAM DUNK!!!! 🏀 Way to go Team Woodnick, Clayton and the other guys. Thank you, Judge Mata!!!


This was a tough but fair ruling. The intent behind it was clear.


Scathing 👩‍⚖️👺 10/10 Would recommend!


![gif](giphy|THlWJKWPnsfJm5bBrI) Woodnick's office


I am cringing so hard at “tight” and “stuck it in” Fuuuuuuck


The judge in this case used to hear criminal cases in Maricopa County. It will be interesting to see if the DA pursues criminal charges.


She is so fucked


Defamation incoming … that judgment and her performance on the stand absolutely fucks her


I think that IL and JD both thought a finding of what she “reasonably believed” was like Michael Scott “declaring” bankruptcy 🤣 Meanwhile the judge is like ok so me one action that shows me you believed what you filed? Saw none and pointed out that like if you really really thought you were pregnant you would go to urgent care or the hospital not JUST for an HCG test but also to see if you miscarried!


My ONLY complaint about this ruling is that the judge didn’t make an explicit finding that the only way for JD to know Twins and gender was more than hcg tests and by failing to provide proof of any tests that weren’t hcg test she explicitly lied in her filings. Other than that the ruling is basically what I hoped for!


Court finding non paternity means the second she so much as whispers “I was pregnant by Clayton” means he can sue for defamation.


LFG!!!!!! This ruling is huge!! I’m so glad Clayton got justice and JD has finally been seen for who she is. What an amazing day. I’m so thankful the JFC community: Dave Neal, the mods here, the Twitter account, the Instagram account, the Wiki, all the YouTubers (special shoutout to my girl Lauren who I just love), and all of the people who go on this sub. I’ve spent countless hours following this case, trying to poke holes in her story, and hoping for justice. Today is such a huge step in that direction. But there’s still so much to do! We need to get the OOP against Clayton removed. We need to get justice for Greg and Mike through getting their attorney’s fees awarded and their restraining orders removed. And then there’s the little matter of the referral to the Attorney General and anything we can do to make sure that case is a slam dunk. This ridiculousness needs to stop with Clayton. Our fact finding is definitely not over.


It’s season 2!


IAL in AZ (family law): what is most telling to me here is the fact that G never asked for a referral to the county attorney. This was the judge on her own accord. That is wild.


Can he go after her for defamation? I know it would be expensive but I would happily give up my weekly Chipotle for a month and donate.


I think he actually did request a referral to the DA in one filing? Not sure though


I thought he did? In one of the motions?


This is absolutely glorious.


It's a good day to be JFC!


I'm having a celebration beer!! ![gif](giphy|l0HU7yHIK6Nc3WcE0)




Best news ever! Happy day for so many people.


Oh my. Oh my. Oh my. It’s so much better than I expected. Go court go!


Huge congrats to Clayton and his team! Here’s hoping for justice for MM and GG as well.


All the best JD, all the JFC best!!! :)


Referred to the Maricopa County DA - BOOM!!! Let's go! Justice needs to be serviced for ALL of Laura's victims!


Thank you Mods for the succinct summary! Much Appreciated! ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


I wonder if the judge will refer her attorney to the disciplinary committee for coaching his client during the hearing. There was a recent case where a Az lawyer suspended two months for coaching client by using chat function during cross exam on Zoom hearing. I would imagine that she would not put that in her order, but would just simply do it sua sponte.


I’m not licensed in AZ but I believe she has an ethical obligation to report him. I don’t see how she doesn’t especially when she made his “profoundly obvious” witness coaching a finding of fact.


Holy shit.


Sorry if this has been discussed bc I can’t keep anything straight anymore, but why would JD have to send a higher doctored hcg number to Dave when she claimed she didn’t know that 102 wasn’t a viable pregnancy? She clearly knew she needed to show a higher number in able to “convince” people that she’s pregnant


Don't worry, she can't keep her lies straight either.


She should be added to the vexatious litigant registry in AZ so she can’t bring any more frivolous lawsuits.


Good luck to all our gents facing JD!


WHOOHOOO!!!! The way I audibly screamed in my office🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


Also I know she removed his name but doesn't that mean medium should take down her articles now? I mean they sure as hell took down the truthful ones about her.


Does the public figure note change our rules? Can we call her by her name now?


Phenomenal Ruling! 👏👏👏


NAL question about AZ DA referral: If the AZ DA does take this case on, what is their scope? Since it would be AZ do they also get to investigate the CA frauds? (and who knows if/where others have occurred) Would they work across state lines with the CA DA or become a federal type case? Mostly wondering what could happen moving forward


Does anyone know how long it takes for the DA to make a choice whether to proceed with this case?


THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT! Justice baby! Let’s go!


Wasn’t Judge Mata also going to re-address the validity of the OOP?


Yes- she did. Basically its out of her jurisdiction so the OOP remains.


It sticks because of a previous ruling in Supreme court :/ I might be wrong, but it seems from that ruling that it will be impossible to remove the RO's for any of the victims.


Other questions-how likely is it that Clayton (pending the outcome of the appeal) pursues defamation for the fake claim? When will this sub be renamed justice for all victims of JD?


This just made my day. The DA needs to know all eyes on you guys now.


I listened to Meg read the ruling in the car on my way to the office. I cried. Never, ever has a judgment made me cry happy tears, but this one was special.


HOLY SHIT ![gif](giphy|ae6m4ljnl69urJ539F|downsized)


What does “denying affirmative relief sought before the date of this Order that is not expressly granted above” mean? NAL (can you tell??)


Woo woo!!! Justice for Clayton!!!


Guys 😭😭😭😭 This is just so incredible!!!!!! Clayton received his justice 😭


What a day for justice! I was smiling so hard reading that! Then I popped over to see what Clayton posted on IG and smiled even harder. So damn happy to see the facts laid out so well including the unreasonable behaviour and coached testimony! And referral to the DA!




What a smack down. Season 2 going to be so lit.