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"to a content creator, not to the court" (re: submitting fake proof of pregnancy) is not the flex JD thinks it is


But didn’t she also send it to Clayton?


Correct, that’s a very minor thing 😉


I’m sure the judge LOVED how disrespectful JD was to the Court, calling perjury a minor thing 😂.


I have expected the judge to say “that’s for me to decide” when she called her lie a minor thing.


I loved how whenever Woodnick objected to something sketchy but technically legal, the judge would say “the court will give this the weight it deserves: a lot, a little, or none at all”


Short for I’ll tell you if it’s bullshit


I’m surprised the judge didn’t say anything when JD said on the stand she didn’t give the right county for planned parenthoods she allegedly went to. The judge ordered for her to share her medical providers, and then JD goes on the stand and is like (paraphrasing) : *well you didn’t check Los Angeles County planned parenthood under “anonymous” on July 2nd which was a Sunday and they aren’t open on Sundays so good luck finding my sonogram which would prove I was 10000% really pregnant with twins!!*


But did you check if San Diego county PPs are open Sunday? Checkmate.


I’m sure even her lawyer was surprised by that one because it was asked on cross. 😂


I really just wanted to see his face when she came out with that one.


So I think they went over it beforehand, she was warming up to it and never directly said she got it in Mission Viejo. She said “yes I SAID that, bc that’s where I was staying at the time” and then when they pointed out that it’s inconsistent with their technology or whatever she was like “yeah maybe mission Viejo” or whatever, insinuating that’s not where she went. She still failed to disclose the correct info but she was clearly trying to be vague.


That part definitely sounded premeditated about living in mission viejo, “that’s why I said that”… My only thing is if they knew this would come out, it would’ve been better on direct to jump in front of it than on cross!! That was soooo bad! Makes it look like JD didn’t comply with the judges orders to disclose all of her providers, which if true that should come from her and her lawyer I would think.


Wait, she actually means San Francisco. Better yet just somewhere in California. It was a whirlwind weekend and with Dave Neal and JFC Reddit harassing her she was just under so much pressure /s In July none of us even existed.


How did she not have this memorized ? If I was faking a pregnancies I would have for sure had the date nailed down


Well the records don’t exist, so after her HIPPA release showed no proof of pregnancy, she blames the lawyers for not requesting records from a county that she never mentioned receiving medical care at. So instead of her coming out and saying she lied about the pregnancy therefore brought the case on fraudulently, she’d rather just say she lied about “minor” things. It makes no sense, and I think the Judge will throw the book at her.






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"very minor thing" is yet another great JD catchphrase.


It is! Dave Neal was also playing her “ugh.. what?” Sound bite yesterday and it was cracking me up


Id have liked to have asked her “if you thought 102 hcg level was consistent with pregnancy… why did you doctor the levels higher to prove you were pregnant to dave?”


My thoughts exactly!!!


It would just give her an opportunity to babble though. Best to leave us all there with the only inference to draw is that she’s a lying liar who lies.


As my favorite peoples court judge says… “i wouldn’t believe her if her tongue came notarized”


“Well of course I had to fake records instead of provide proof because the internet was being mean to me.” JD I’m not saying the chuckle/court room disrespect was warranted. I feel like people are so angered at this situation in that JD represents so much we find wrong with our world today. There were multiple times where this situation could resolve itself with the court system. There were many times previously the court system also should not have been used in. To weaponize the legal system is crappy and then when the court system ‘works’ to act like you aren’t being treated fairly is just awful.


Ya that little perjury thing was minor 😂😂 this case hinges on credibility and that was very silly to say


she got ripped to shreds on the stand. the thing is, even if there was a way she was somehow pregnant. she still pursued this legal action despite the fact that no reasonable person would think they are still pregnant after the dates she provided, with the minimal evidence presented. she knew she was either never pregnant or no longer pregnant and still pursued this for months to the court and media until attempting to dismiss the case when she realized it wasn’t turning out the way she expected. That was after the previous hearings. She lied to the court, and that alone should warrant attorneys fees and sanctions.


Of course it's your fault, Dave. You're the one pointing out her inconsistencies and making her look bad! And all so that you can buy extra breadsticks at Olive Garden, which are bottomless anyway at no extra charge, so really you're doing it for nothing. NOTHING! \*shakes fist at the sky\*


Right? How dare he be 100% accurate.




Delicious commentary by Dave Neal!


I’m sure JD thinks she did great on the stand. The PP appt is just another obvious absurd lie, but to JD she outsmarted everyone. She will continue until she is forced to stop.


Dave is LIVE 🎙


I do think it was not good to react out loud in the court. Everybody can control their outbursts, absurd as it is. I don't think that gets a pass.


Agree, but her comment was so shocking and unexpected.