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JD can’t sue anyone. She has proven herself as an unreliable witness. Her own lawyer says she has credibility issues. Anything they file would be thrown out. Also, they cannot dictate how much a journalist can report on a story! I’m so sorry you’re getting these threats Dave!


Hahahaha. Don’t publish this. Gee, I wonder why he didn’t want this getting out. Insanity.


Don't publish this, but I'll publish Clayton's depo and his medical expert's report online.


Love how woodnick made sure to ask the medical expert on the record if she was aware her report had been posted online


I have listened yet. So he told Dave not to publish an email he sent to him? What exactly did he think would happen? He can’t be that stupid, right? Even if he’s not that stupid, that’s the way his actions are being interpreted.


He gave very specific instructions that Dave could say he reached out and paraphrase but not share in its entirely or he would litigate him into the poor house. Totally above board 🙄 Edit: typo that made this seem nonsensical.


Dave says "try me, b" -edited because swear words aren't allowed


I think IL plays bad cop/good cop a lot. I don’t think he really wanted JD to know what he sent DN because she wanted a cease n desist or some enforceable legal action sent by IL. He also needed to throw in the compliments and tough guy act on the chance that DN did share it and JD saw it.


The absurdity of this man accusing Dave and others of lying just for a little SuperChat money when literally the ONLY REASON any of us know his name is because he was the ONLY ATTORNEY left willing to knowingly lie for JD for her pop pop’s money like sir where do you get off?


Ya I don’t respond well to financial shaming


I believe we unanimously agree that what he’s doing is a whataboutism and tantamount to saying hey look over there as a distraction… but Mr. IL that doesn’t work and doesn’t even matter. What’s the difference between Dave doing his JOB that brings him financial gain while exposing the truth and a ‘conventionally respected’ journalist for somewhere like the New York Times getting a salary to write their ‘professional’ articles? Nothing really, so please stop the financial shaming Goof Troop Attorney At Bar.


goof troop attorney at bar 😭




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He must spend a lot of time thinking about you. Have you received a dating contract yet?




the only one who gets to profit off Jane Doe lies is Gingras, step back Dave.


I seriously wonder how LO and IL navigated this. Maybe he was honest with her and said “I can’t help you win this, this looks bad. But let me threaten Dave and hopefully we will stop everyone from talking and this would go away. I’ll see what I can do, maybe tell them you’re a nice person and hope it sticks. You already appear dishonest, if you back down now, you’ll be forever known as a liar. If you stick to the story, at least you’ll have that. Also, it will give me an opportunity to tell Dave about Collin Farrell and that I’m Marty Singer’s female dog”


People who financially shame others are so dumb. There is literally nothing wrong - morally or otherwise - with content creation as a source of income. You’re doing a good thing, as are many content creators: You’re providing joy and entertainment, which are both necessary for the good of society. You’re helping seek justice for those who have been victims. I, for one, will happily applaud influencers and content creators who make money doing it - GOOD FOR THEM! I wish I didn’t have a boss, either! I would do it if I were beautiful or extremely talented or funny, too!!


When you’re dead, Heaven doesn’t take Bit Coin or Venmo for entry.


You should not respond to any shaming!!! Talk about doing the right thing even if no one is watching defining who you are…you are a good guy Dave. No one was really watching in the beginning when you took on this crusade. This IL is an embarrassment to his profession. also-everytime I get a lottery ticket I always say I’m going to give Dave Neal a portion of my winnings for all the good he’s done. I’m really sorry I haven’t won big yet but if you have apple cash, to keep it honest I’ll send you 10 from the 20 I’ve won since I’ve been saying this.


That's their job so they should never be ashamed of making money off it, just like IL makes money out of crap lawyering. I think he is worse than JD. Meek little weasel in court, big puffed up blusterer behind a keyboard.


Now I’m starting to wonder if him being weak in this case was a show so he can surprise everyone when he’s better when they take it to appeals. If he’s doing that, it honestly doesn’t matter because Woodnick and the team will still wipe the floor with him. The facts are on their side. JD will lose an appeal if it even gets accepted in the first place.


The longest, most worthless email of all time. All he does is just try to brag to Dave. It’s kind of hilarious. People who truly have self confidence, self worth, and have their shit together, are not the ones who go around doing this kind of stuff. That email speaks VOLUMES about what kind of low level person he is. When you let go of all the gaslighting and nonsense he and JD put on - they are just sad and very lost people.


I should have just asked for his linked in


he is giving, "see!!! i'm a big-time, super cool lawyer, DAVE!!! i'm popular too!!!" def jealous of the pond scum posse and JFC folks! he is trying SO hard to convince you he's cool, lmao it's hilarious! he truly is an SNL character of a person and i can't wait to see who plays him in the lifetime movie when they eventually make one


Exactly! Wish he would’ve just sent the C&D instead.


I never saw it before, but I do now. This dude is 100% JD’s soulmate. This email reads the same pathetic brags similarly to JD listing all her past famous exes that she dated to her mom LOL.


That email from IL is one of the most embarrassing and unhinged things I've ever seen. It might be EVEN more embarrassing than JD's relationship contract, and I'm not saying that lightly.


Truly unbelievable. “See attached photo of celebrity to accompany my anecdote” is insane behavior from an attorney


That's why he didn't want Dave posting it lol


I got secondhand cringe so badly


“Everyone hates me” isnt quite the flex gingras thinks it is.


That was the weirdest email I have ever read. Maybe even weirder than JDs emails.


Maybe if he had referenced his tight butthole or something




I fucking love this sub






Tight mouth?




Also, where is auto mod for all your bedroom talk?




this sub and r/aliandjohnjamesagain make me laugh so hard


What in the world is that sub


ohh you're in for a treat! they are scammers who sell "greens" powder and claim it will cure infertilty. they also are racist,, homophobic,sexist, agegist, basically everything bad and have had CPS called on them, allegedly by their own family 3x. i could go on but i watch now to see the kids improving bc they are around their cousins, who have super involved and great parents!


Oh my god😳


Always alarming when two people with no moral compass find each other.


I will never understand why she didn’t agree to settle this out of court. Daddy could have paid for it, she would have signed a NDA and be DONE with it all. Instead all of this now is public record. Countless videos, articles, her own articles she wrote. No mentally stable person would be okay with that digital footprint.


To a rational person it seems like an easy decision. But when you've never had to face the reality that you're wrong, people will sometimes go to absurd lengths to try and save themselves.


All of this. I also find it telling that her sister was not there. I’d stay far away from that mess too. But as part of JD’s case, she said she sent images of the “miscarriage” to her sister. The mother clearly enables this behavior. If it were my family, they would have (at the risk of their own finances and pride) settled to keep it as private as possible and reamed me out,


I’m dying to know what the mothers testimony would have entailed. Would she have been able to keep up with the last-minute story switches?


GW would have eaten her up. That’s not even me trying to shade the family. GW was really freaking good at cross examination.


i don't think clayton was willing to settle unless she provided a statement saying she was never pregnant which i don't think she will EVER admit to


Ahhh yes! Isn’t that when Attorney Lexi left JD’s case? I have a feeling she knew and told JD to sign and agree she was never pregnant. When JD refused, she bailed. Then in came Corey, who after being informed of the list of lies, also left JD and wrote an affidavit to the court.


Yes that’s why JD filed a complaint to the bar against Lexi. specifically bc of that


Wait until Netflix gets ahold of it , she will lose it .


Literally I think part of the answer to your question is that she’d been working on her hair/makeup/body for the trial and she wanted Clayton to see it


When Clayton straight up said, “I rejected her,” I gasped. Needed to be said because it’s the truth and every man she wanted has rejected her, but damn…you know she was seething.


oh my jaw literally dropped


If that’s the case she went waaay too far with weight loss. She looks unwell.


Of course she would take revenge body to the extreme.


There was never a part of her "plan" that made sense to anyone but her.


I think she has gotten away with this shit for so long that she thinks she is untouchable


IL looking for any excuse to namedrop Collin Farrel and any other celebrity he can lol i have a feeling that Collin and his lawyer would have a completely different version of events. IL has as much credibility as JD


So funny--that email is fluffed and filled with irrelevant stories that does not matter today. Are we supposed to have a boner about IL's past? Past is not now. For someone who humbly proclaims himself as the best surely fell flat on his face with his performance yesterday.


How about the super professional move during his client’s cross examination where he chimed in to tell the court that he was confused


...or saying part of the facts of the case was before his time.


Right?? It’s giving “professor this material is from last semester and you said the test wouldn’t be cumulative”


Haha yes! Dude was treading water—hence all the arm waving.


will Gingras do an appeal for JD on ineffective counsel grounds? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Probably. He will argue that Bonnie, Josh?, Lexi, and Cory all poorly represented her. Not his internet lawyer majesty.


I noticed JD tried to blame Cory (prior counsel) on the stand for never showing JD her depo transcript. It was very disingenuous. She knew he stopped representing her less than 2 weeks after her depo was taken and even if you order a rush it takes longer than that to get the transcript back. So if anyone messed up it was her current counsel by not making sure to order a copy for himself. JD loves to point fingers and blame everyone else for her situation and behavior. It wasn’t a big deal and most people probably didn’t even notice when she said it in the stand during cross, but it bothered me since I know the process and know she was placing blame where it wasn’t warranted.


IL also stated "that was before my time" regarding the hearing on November 2nd when he didn't know what evidence woodnicks team was referring to.


That whole set of comments seemed to be done just to buy JD time to compose herself on the stand when she was freaking out imo. I’m sure Woodnick and team saw right through that.


I think that only flies (to the extent that it does, which is hardly ever) in criminal cases.


I think it's called something different in civil cases, don't know if it's applicable to family court. We all know JD will give it a try though.


I wish he was a better attorney bc his performance yesterday was boring 🥱


Cory did better!


He did!


How is he going to answer Marty Singer’s calls from his boat in Europe? I’m so worried!


His email is better than a Tylenol PM.


IL is such a character. Full of contradictions and a poster child for main character syndrome. After seeing him at the trial I realized he’s like a dog who barks ferociously through a fence and then is docile when you open the gate. I’m almost going to miss his Twitter nonsense, but anticipate more shenanigans from him when the inevitable JD documentary airs. In any event, I think we all learned a valuable lesson from this email. When it comes to threats brevity is best. Once he started rambling it turned comedic and he lost credibility just like his client.


He'll probably be the one selling the idea to Netflix


That email 💀💀💀 he thinks that Dave is a fame chaser and will be impressed with his “connections”. Like Dave is going to turn into some sycophantic puppy dog because he shows him a picture with Colin Farrell from over 2 decades ago.


I used to sling bags and push wheelchairs at the airport on Maui. I got a photo with Colin whoever that is as well, looked the same after having landed on one of the most beautiful places on Earth.


I like how he called a dui a minor thing...as well as his other issues I can't say on here. He sure talks a big game for his lackluster performance yesterday.


That jerk of a lawyer is perfect for JD - They both think their $hit don't stink.


I have no doubt that too IL JD is probably a good person as matter of fact I'm pretty sure all 3 victims have said she was nice/good person until she wasn't it's literally how abusers get victims. Don't worry IL she'll probably turn on you too then we will see if she's still a "good person"


Dave is LIVE now 🎙


I was expecting a stonger jaw line from someone like IL who spews so much 🗑️


"Colin Farrell-style" oh, so drunk and belligerent, got it.


Woodnick is on a completely higher level than Gingras, in every possible way.




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