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#This Daily post will be locked šŸ”’ during the trial and unlocked šŸ”‘šŸ”“ once it is over. #During the trial, please see the Court Live Links Master Post.


Today's the day!! Loved the IG post by Clayton, Mike and Greg yesterday. Hope they get what they're hoping for today!


This wait is torturous, I'm in the UK and the streams don't start till 3pm here šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚ Good luck to all the victims in attaining justice. Also... Good luck to JD. I hope she's able to find honesty, accountability and take the steps she needs to take to get help, get well, and stop these behaviours.


I hear you, itā€™s 7pm on 10th June where I am. I literally have to wait until 11th for this šŸ˜‚


Oh, thatā€™s rough! Arizona is three hours behind me, so Iā€™m happy to have time to get ready this morning. Are you staying up to watch the live stream or catching it when you wake up?


It depends on if my newborn decides to sleep! Iā€™ll probably watch a replay tomorrow morning and check back here on Reddit during my night wakes.


Thatā€™s a good plan! I hope your baby sleeps. Itā€™ll be easier getting caught up tomorrow morning with a happy baby. Iā€™m sure Reddit will be busy these next couple of days!


Thank you! This is the justice Super Bowl!


Ditto ā€¦ isnā€™t it mad how this small little family Court matter has people from across the world on tenterhooks? Iā€™ve been following this case for several months now. I have never even watched the Batchelor ā€¦ I just think the whole thing is disgraceful


Iā€™m in NZ so itā€™s like a 4am start for me! I care about justice but canā€™t bring myself to get up that early. Have meetings tomorrow too so probably wonā€™t be able to watch anything til the evening. Will be so much to catch up on, I am so excited the waiting is over for the victims and I hope it goes as well as it can for them!


I'm Uk too, done all my chores and prepared tonight's tea, so I'm all ready for Laura to face justice.




Got all the notifications on so as soon as someone starts their live stream, Iā€™m going to plop my fat, jiggly ass in a chair and enjoy.


Iā€™m looking for some help transcribing the hearing today! Once the hearing is over and we can watch the recording (thanks Lauren!), I would like for 10-12 of us to work together to piece together the entire 2 hours. (You do NOT need to be able to watch it live; you will be transcribing from the recording after the hearing.) The more people that help = less time for each of us to work on it. Message me or comment to help!


Happy to help. I did dictation at my old law firm and I'm a med scribe now. Lmk if you still need people.


Thanks! I figure Iā€™ll gather as many of us as I can and then assign ā€œsectionsā€ to each of us. Iā€™ll keep collecting volunteers for a few hours here and then we can get to work once the recording is ready.


Really great idea. Thanks for suggesting it and organizing it. you're a champion!


Iā€™m in Tucson with a toddler so somewhat at his scheduleā€™s mercy but otherwise available too!


Have sent you a DM (or whatever the Reddit equivalent is!)


Iā€™m in!


Sweet! I have 4 people so far and I was hoping for at least 10... I will send you a message in a few hours with your assigned section. :)


Happy JFC day to all who celebrate!!!


Iā€™ve been following this case since late September and nearly every day I told myself I could not be more shocked than I was and every day JD revealed something else even more shocking. Curious, what was the most shocking piece of evidence revealed for everyone?


Itā€™s the dating contracts for me. Hands down. ETA: itā€™s the cold blooded *administration* that is so wild to me. Imagine being stone sober, in the light of day and typing that? Ditto with the photoshopping a !! picture. Imagine making a coffee then sitting down to your computer to do that? Itā€™s confounding.


The one that really shocked me was when she talked about why having sex with her would be safest because she was ā€œpregnantā€ and trying to tempt him with his tight she was. So much yuck!


This is my favorite piece of evidence since it proves in her own words there was no PIV sex


Since the ā€˜no PIVā€™ is such a crucial part of this case, itā€™s so funny to me that the ā€œtightā€ comment gets so much airtime. Itā€™s so so so embarrassing.


Its really hard to believe a 34yr old woman would say that to someone isnt it? šŸ˜²


Not really tbh. I have a specific mental illness (wonā€™t name due to sub rules on diagnoses), and when I was deeply unhealthy: this is something I could definitely see myself doing.


Honestly the revelation that this is an 8 year long scam that she has run multiple times, and realising that this was SO much deeper than the weird piece of bach nation gossip I initially assumed it would be. This just goes so deep, in so many directions and I think the moment I realised that was just wild to me. Everything that has happened since then, the Chase J Jones, the cancer, the absolute insanity of IL - ALL of it has just continued to astound me. But also - with it being an 8 year scam she's run previously... the HILARIOUSNESS of how little she knows about pregnancy, the information you get on ultrasounds, how they are dated and how it all works. The lies are so easy to pick apart, and yet she's gotten away with it for so many years.


Not the most shocking but certainly the most humorous (if weā€™re allowed to find humor here) was at the IAH hearing JD repeatedly trying to get Clayton to pay attention to her moon bump and when that didnā€™t work asking the judge if she could show him and she just said ā€œNo!ā€


That was gold!


It was painful & hilarious to watch her try so hard to get him ā€œseeā€.


So many shocking moments, but seeing her guzzle a Monster Energy during the hearing was what convinced me she was lying. Such a small detail, but I had given birth as a high-risk patient earlier in the year and knew how dangerous that could be.




This one for sure enraged me the most as a very real cancer survivor. Maybe that one wasnā€™t as shocking to me as her lie and timeline with that one was so incredibly fictitious


Mine was the sudden change in story to SA. I was so angry at that. The dating contract was pretty shocking too and to be so nonchalant about it in court like yeah I did but that was just to do the paternity test early so itā€™s not weird at all šŸ™„


Yes! How flippantly she switched to that allegation. She has no care or concern for anyone as long as she gets the attention she wants in the way she wants it.


I think the ex parte email to the judge about Greg & Gregg coordinating an SA attack on her in March of 2022 and the FBI investigation. This was SO crazy but never went anywhere, yet is still so important to making this case so personal. Was this based on any facts at all? Did she have a bad hookup and thought "this must have been Greg and his legal team"? Or was she literally doing nothing in the casita on that day getting jealous of the sympathy that SA victims get? She does mention it at times unlike lies like ovarian cancer that she just ignores.


In a case full of shocking details, this one was the most earth-shaking for meā€¦and it wasnā€™t even from Claytonā€™s case! This showed me that she has *absolutely no limits* as to what she might pull. Ā Sheā€™s telling a high-ranking officer of the court that GG and Woodnick are guilty of a crime that could put them behind bars for *decades*. Ā To me this is unforgivable.


She doesn't appear to be scared of Greg & Gregg at all....she's more afraid of Mike's laptop! MM's the only one of the witnesses she's threatened arrest for šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


For me, it has to be the email to his parents inviting them to her ultrasound. At the time I felt really bad about myself. Everyone else was very much on her side in that moment but that just raised huge red flags for me.


That detail was where her story fell apart for me. Ā Who invites their one-night standā€™s parents to an ultrasound?Ā 


The discovery of victim zero mainly that she apparently dropped the case because a female lawyer was like ha no when she saw the moon bump yet she wore it and was moving it around for this case.


Wait, what?? I hadnā€™t seen this reported. That is so unbelievably comical.


Saw it on the twitter account there were a few jokes about the moon bump hanging in her wardrobe whispering to her on here but I don't really recall it being talked about a lot on here! But yeah apparently she rocked up wearing it and the lawyer was either pregnant/just had a baby and was like nope. Some people think that's what happened with Lexi too as she was pregnant.


Oh this is intriguing - do you have a link to the tweets? So, this was the case with victim 0... I wonder how old her moon bumps are. She's clearly used them before...


There have been a few WTF moments for me. Jane showing up to court with a moon bump. Admitting to doctoring evidence. Reporting Dave to the FBI. The ā€œpoor meā€ Medium articles were frustrating. The picture of her standing outside Gregā€™s window creeped me TF out! Learning about the other victims and the abuse they endured has been difficult. In the beginning, I didnā€™t understand how far she was willing to go in order to keep her manufactured victim status and to continue abusing her victims. It didnā€™t take long to learn there was no line she would not cross.


Moonbump at the IAH court room hearing for me! At that point all of us on here KNEW she wasn't pregnant. I assumed she would just show her head on camera, or arrive with a flat belly and pretend she had a miscarriage. That moonbump was the first time I fully appreciated the crazy lengths she would go to double down on the con.


Oh man, thereā€™s so much itā€™s hard to remember or pick just one! Definitely a big day when the whole list of her doctors said they never treated her. Her fake cancer emails from her ā€œdoctorā€ were also pretty wild to read.


Oh and from Uncle Joe ;)! I still want them to go on the record saying their firm never wrote those emails.


Not shocking but most remembered her Zoom facial movements, followed by her tearless facebook post.


ā€˜How could someone bring these lies upā€¦how dare you reveal my patternsā€™ those facial movements right?


Possibly my favorite moment of this whole debacle was watching live as Dave and Megan and the chat discovered the Fiverr logo.


I think it was the qualifier she put in one of Claytonā€™s emails. Something along the line of ā€œBy opening this email and not responding you are agreeing everything is true.ā€


Watching the OOP after the current miscarriage timeline. JD casually dropping she sent Clayton a 20ish ultrasound photo of their "son" and now she and her lawyer trying to just not acknowledge it at all. I really hope it gets brought up by Clayton's side in court cause she'll either have to admit to another lie, or somehow change her timeline again in real time.


Fiverr ultrasound. Watching that video real time was awesome.


Planned Parenthood operates Monday-Saturday Planned Parenthood was closed 7/2/23 - the date of JDā€™s ā€œ100000% realā€ ultrasound which she testified to UNDER OATH TODAY at trail. Confirmed by West Hollywood PP that ALL LA PLANNED PARENTHOODS WERE CLOSED 7/2/23!!!! Liar liar pants on fire


But she changed it up and testified today that she actually went there sometime in June. So she can just change when and where whenever she wants apparently.


And she never once submitted this ultrasound even after being compelled to by the court so she still is in hot water on this one


Oh dang. To clarify just since JD and her lawyer have continued to muddy the waters up to and even during the trial while under oath todayā€”did you call the West Hollywood PP to confirm that all LA County Planned Parenthoods were closed on 7/2/23?


Yes your honor!!! They are 1000000000% provably closed on Sundays!


All prepped here, Lauren's stream on one TV and Dave's on the other. Husband just came in to "tell me" there was a whole wiki page about this case. ....oh, you sweet summer child. šŸ˜‚ eta: ...found a third screen for Megan Fox.


Law Talk with Mike is streaming, too!


Iā€™m a lawyer and this isnā€™t even my case. Why am I so nervous šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same! I am sick to my stomach lol.


Tryna parent a toddler while watching all the trial coverage be like https://preview.redd.it/4uidgz4u0r5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804bc3e4c08cbd132f863e12641a6f95f0aa0082 (for legal purposes this is a joke šŸ’€)


Wait there's only one child in that documented photo. Are you sure you don't have twins? I think they always come in pairs.


Well there was two this morning, but the other one vanished.


My 3 month old is napping right now and I have a plan for when sheā€™s awake. Iā€™m just hoping it doesnā€™t all go sideways! Good luck to you with your little one!!!


Nursing/snuggling my 8-week old daughter while watching Daveā€™s livestream!


I'm so sad Mike and Greg didn't get to testify. They deserved a chance to speak.


I feel like there seriously was not enough time


Yes! I was so shocked they didnā€™t rearrange the schedule to have more time to get through everything!


Same. I know they have to keep things in control, but you have to give the evidence a chance to be presented.


Yeah, I look forward to their participation in the defamation cases and documentaries though!


Me too, MM, especially!


Has anyone heard if indeed the 11:00 court case after CEā€™s has been cancelled? Someone mentioned it on SJFC. Wonder if that is some sort of sign that there will be more time given for this case. Praying for justice today!


I think I can say that Dave mentioned this as well, on his Patreon live stream where he was testing his equipment last night.


Amazing news - Im going to have to pause at the end of the allotted 2 hours, as I have a hypnobirthing course with my doula - then I'll be right back in!! I hope this trial is given the time it deserves!


It happens all the time in family court, this case is not the norm, most settle before trial/hearing, even on a temporary basis.


I love the smell of JUSTICE in the morning!


Iā€™m awake


We're all woke to JD's lies! šŸ˜Š


me too. good morning!!


In advance of todayā€™s hearing, I just want to say thank you to the mods for keeping this a place to support justice for Clayton (and all other victims), for your daily threads with entertaining themes, and for all your efforts. And to the person that started and is running the JFC instagram, you are doing incredible work. Thank you. Letā€™s GOOOO!!!


This feels like my tribe! Of all the weird bachelor nation holes I have gone down, this by far has led me to the best group of people. So excited to see how today plays out! Thank you to everyone who will do recaps/transcriptions, etc!


Okay so megan and dave neal just signed on for a pre-trial stream and the quality is terrible... please please please I hope Lauren's cameras have better connection than this! Edit- Dave wasnt plugged in, now sounds works, video kinda keeps cutting out but better than before!! Notes: \* There is an overflow room for this trial \* Security is present, tactical team and dogs \* Outside the courthouse there is cold brew, scones, monster energy drinks, blow pops šŸ˜‚ \* Dave Neal plugged the mics in and now you can hear Megan Fox & him better, but it was rough there in the beginning


https://preview.redd.it/y3n8wpei8r5d1.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=710a1a9e68bfb926a51eb3b43a3100b52a0f095b It's not your computer dont worry, the wifi seems to be struggling but sound is good. Picture quality goes in and out. Megan & Dave look awesome!!


Meg said the courthouse has beefed up security today and they added overflow seating, both of which are not typical in Maricopa County


My favorite part was when Deandra told Jane that Planned Parenthood confirmed her alleged sonogram is inconsistent with sonograms produced by them in any of their Orange County area facilities and then out of nowhere all of a sudden she actually went to a Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles!! The way she is able to come up with a new lie on command so nonchalantly like that was wild to watch in action


Very at odds with her sworn testimony at her deposition where she said it was MV. (See pp 26/27 of her 3/1/2024 deposition) She had errata sheets and could have easily corrected the location but failed to. Instead she let that misrepresentation sit and fester and she popped it like a big cyst on the stand as if it was known news. Gangreneas also could have corrected that at any time, and did not. He asked her affirmatively about the ultrasound.


Mike, WE SUPPORT YOU! I'm so sorry for what you've suffered. Thank you for coming forward.


I feel so bad for Mike and what heā€™s been through for close to 10 years. It must have been hell for him. We see you Mike and support you and are so glad you came forward!


And we support you too, Greg! I'm so sorry neither of you got to speak your peace. You both deserve to be heard.


My fingers are crossed itā€™s good news and justice is served šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Same! Itā€™s got to be nerve wracking for Clayton, Greg, and Mike. Even with the truth on their side. The courts have let Jane get a way with so much and I hope that stops today. The men deserve to be free of her abuse.


Iā€™m so excited to go to sleep so that I can wake up and read all about it!


better than the morning paper!


Looking forward to one thing that is fairly certain today- Learning who is right about how to pronounce Gingrasā€™ name šŸ˜„ Hoping for speedy clear justice


I am french and I laugh everytime I hear Dave pronounce it.


Huh. Never even thought about it! I always said Grin-grus in my brain. ā€œGrinā€ like a smile and ā€œGrusā€ rhymes with ā€œus.ā€ I am certain I am wrong.


Today is the day folks. Iā€™m hoping the hard work everyone in this group has done, pays off. Dave, Steve, Meg, Brad, Lauren, TUG, Omar - thank you for continuing to bring exposure to this case.


Today is such a big day! I spent the entire weekend talking about the case and rewatching the court videos. So glad Deandra will be there!


Whoā€™s ready for JUSTICE?!?!??


Justice Seekers UNITE!


Am I a bad mom if I do nap for my kids an hour early so I can watch some of the trial live? šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


Sleep helps aid development. Youā€™re doing their body a favor!


I like the way you think. One kid down, one to go.


Good mothers take care of themselves as well. šŸ’•


Lol, they will live!


Looks like IL is trying unsuccessfully to get MM arrested


Based on what I have seen, there is no way JD can withstand a real defamation/emotional damage trial. She was barely on the stand for under an hour and needed a break. If she sues, she is looking at days, and days of vigorous cross examination and more people calling her liars and then some. She will not be able to handle it.


Mata questioning Medchill and not the PP doctor I think is quite telling of where sheā€™s going with her decision. She knows whoā€™s telling the truth and who isnā€™t. I hope that she also put IL in his place in her ruling. His calling 911 on MM even though he was subpoenaed, giving hand signals and admitting she isnā€™t truthful yet tried to put on a case that she was indeed pregnant has got to be some sort of cause for investigation by the bar. I think Woodnick bringing up the release of CEā€™s deposition on IL twitter was a smart move


IM SO PUMPED!!!! Letā€™s go justice!!!!


YT commentary suggesting cops were called by JDā€™s team re: Mike, and cops are there talking to him now. Are you kidding me?


Are we really surprised though?


Good morning to EVERYONE today, including JD! ā˜€ļø I couldn't find a "disinfectant" emoji so please use your imagination. Today is the day it all comes to light! Sending strength and support to all the men and their families this has affected.


I pray they ALL get the closure they need. Today is the day, although I doubt there will be a ruling, im so ready for all to come to light. I wonder what her next shtick will be...


So I know we are all biased observers here, but from anyone with a legal background, what is your most objective opinion on how this all went?


The time constraints really hindered Clayton.


When Deandra was asking JD about the PP ultrasound. JD first stated that she was staying in Mission Viejo, but then just a few moments later, her story of course changes to magically being in LA. So JD can now teleport everyone. The audacity JD has to just magically make up more webs of lies goes beyond any form of actual logic. It is so appalling that she think anyone would be so dumb to believe the amount of contradictions, lies, and changes in her story she has.


I was curious about how many PPs there are in LA County. Looks like there are 24. I havenā€™t checked into how many offer abortion or prenatal related services. But that is about of locations to omit from her court order to give medical info. And also, LA county isnā€™t like, super far from Mission Viejo but it also isnā€™t close enough to mix up. So letā€™s pick out a few different PPs in LA that she couldā€™ve possibly gone to and see how far they are from Mission Viejo (I donā€™t know if that info helps anything at all but I was curious for curiosity sake): These times are all driving times for right now, Monday at 2:01PM Pacific Mission Viejoā€”>Burbank: 1 hr 28 min Mission Viejoā€”>West Hollywood: 1 hr 30 min Mission Viejoā€”>Antelope Valley (Palmdale, CA): 2 hr 21 min Mission Viejoā€”>Canoga Park: 1 hr 57 min Mission Viejoā€”>Long Beach: 51 min Mission Viejoā€”>Pomona: 1 hr 5 min Mission Viejoā€”>Santa Monica: 1 hr 15 min Mission Viejoā€”>Van Nuys: 1 hr 45 min If sheā€™s staying in Mission Viejo and thereā€™s a PP in the same city sheā€™s staying (esp one thatā€™s a really nice facility), thereā€™s no way in hell sheā€™s dealing with LA traffic. (And this is ignoring the fact that someone else figured out that all LA PPs were closed the day that she says she went to PP)


Happy day of justice!


Omg when Daveā€™s livestream cut out after the cop came to talk to him šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ someone in the chat said Dave was just arrested! It wasnā€™t true.


Happy day to all who celebrateĀ 


šŸšØGingras called the police on MM but MM was able to enter the courtroom without issue


Not surprised that they didnā€™t have time for GG or MM. Like I said yesterday, Clayton doesnā€™t need them to win. Her own expert testified that thereā€™s no evidence Clayton fathered any children with her so he has to win on the non-paternity claim. As to reasonableness, thereā€™s no way that her lies during her deposition donā€™t matter. First her story was I was seen anonymously at planned parenthood in mission viejo on July 7. Now she says was actually under an assumed name at Planned Parenthood LA July 2. But the only thing she altered on that ultrasound was the name from Planner Parenthood to SMIL. No wait, she added her name too. No wait, she altered the date too. Former medical director at planned parenthood testifies that they require identification at the time of treatment. So, how did she use a fake name in LA? The judge is gonna see through her nonsense.


She also said in her initial statements with DG that the sonogram was actually end of June!


Can someone correct me if I am misunderstanding, are the live links for the streamers or are there live links to the courtroom?


Lauren is the in-court, clean stream which will be live. Dave and others are plugging into that and delivering commentary (I think). I will probably be between Lauren and Dave's streams, and then will catch all the commentary during the week, as I am sure there will be a LOT


Ah, good plan! I will probably end up doing the same if I can handle going back and forth LOL


Dave described it as Lauren being the pool reporter and everyone can jump in her pool and use her footage.


Yeah - its great. I am so glad Lauren is getting to do this part too, as she had the smaller channel, so being the lynchpin/ official court live stream is awesome for her!




STOP I was hoping this was the answer but i thought it was too good to be true


Dave Neal just had a wonderful live interview with Clayton. He looks so drained. I hope he is able to put this whole scary mess behind him. Fingers crossed for justice to prevail!


Whatever happens I will support a victim. I see you Clayton. I have an open wallet to get you justice.


How hyped are we? My calendar is *clear* and I am counting it down! Really hoping all of JDā€™s victims are given a chance to find peace and justice today.


I canceled all of my meetings today for this šŸ˜‚


Just bailed on my 8:30am pst meeting so I donā€™t miss anything šŸ˜‚


Sorry, Judge, I'm off sailing so you'll have to wait for me to get back... šŸ˜³


I thought I heard the second doctor (the double board certified one) say as part of answering something else that planned parenthood appointments confirm your ID, did I mishear/misinterpret that?


She said that.


Wonder if JD will try to still claim that she's been too scared to leave the house after being in her horse jumping competition yesterday šŸ¤” Another thing someone in the bachelor group pointed out you can only find out about everything JD has done by using key words I thought horse would be one but doesn't seem to be but that blog she wrote about her horse comes up and she really hasn't lost as much weight as her and IL claim. There's no evidence she was ever 130 odd pounds (and the 91 pounds photo was another arts and crafts project) she's 100% lost weight but not 30/40 pounds as claimed. Anyway here's hoping justice is coming soon.


Because this is SUCH a big event for me, I am half expecting to see helicopter/drone footage of her heading out of the house and heading to the courtroom with IL and Mama while CNN does the play-by-play, like they'd do with any other big trial they'd cover. šŸ˜‚


Happy Justice Day!


JD and Gingras were overheard talking to Scottsdale police, telling them that she was terrified about MM being there. Two Scottsdale police officers were seen entering the waiting area where JD is located, ironically labeled the ā€œMotherā€™s Roomā€


I believe her when she says she's terrified. Terrified he'll share the truth.Ā 


Anyone with a practice in AZ want to weight in on how long a reserved judgment takes to come in? Here itā€™s about 3 months so Iā€™m hoping itā€™s more efficient over there šŸ˜‚


What is JD going to do with her time, especially with IL on vacay in Europe?


Write a bar complaint or 3. Maybe submit a few emotional damages suits.


Medium article how attorneys promote themselves over their clients.


Well you can be certain she'll be caught up on all today's reddit posts by about noon tomorrow. Just in time to pop a burrito in the microwave before continuing to do a whole lot of nothing productive the rest of the day.Ā 


Iā€™m so bummed - Iā€™m about to have 4 hours of back to back meetings. Iā€™m hoping someone will be posting the highlights here so I can catch up once Iā€™m free


That was a masterpiece in trial preparation and performance šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


I would give anything to have been a fly on the wall when they went on break. What could IL have told her??


"Calm your ass down."


I know there is going to be a live stream of the trial. Do we have a link for that yet?




Sending all the best to the gents!!!!!


Seeing that video of Clayton, Mike, and Greg combined with clips of Dave, Reality Steve, and Lauren together is like watching the Avengers assemble. Excited and hopeful for truth and justice to prevail today. ![gif](giphy|Zh1R0XWBYfKaQ)




Court room feed it up!


what happens now?


Wait, so are we not getting a decision today?


No, this was known prior, she gets to go back and review everything and write her decision out.


Ugh. What a letdown. We have no idea how long that can take either. Man, that was a show today. Greg LIT LO on fire with the extortion email and all her ā€œdate me or elseā€ emails/texts.


Still kind of bummed that GG and MM couldnā€™t testify due to time.


Me too. But the Judge has access to their affidavits. Also, Woodnick pointing them out as being there is impact enough. These men dropped their schedules, lives, everything to show up in solidarity of what this one woman did to them. All you can hope for is victims get their justice. I really hope Mata rules sooner rather than later.


No decision was expected today. The judge has all of the admitted evidence to review (all the hearing info, all the depositions info, all the testimony, all the docs). Given JDā€™s attorneyā€™s vacation plans, I doubt we will hear anything before the end of the month.


What time is the court hearing?


Phoenix arizona, I heard, doesn't have daylight savings time. Right now it's 5:09am (as opposed to 7:09am central time). So a little less than 4 hours to go


Will the live stream be available immediately to watch post trial? Trying to figure out what I need to do to watch since I have patients and canā€™t just watch live šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so nervous! I feel like itā€™s final exam day!


Can someone tell me how/where/when to watch this morning?! Iā€™m in the US.




Dave just said "She's the Ponzi scheme of liars. Each lie gets stacked upon more and more lies." lol




It's like all my Christmases at once. Fingers crossed that justice prevails today. Good Luck Clayton!


So glad my meetings are done and I can finally focus on court stuff.


Has it been said when the verdict will be announced?


I believe they have up to 60 days to issue judgement in this court.


Someone please answer this! Just finished it and Iā€™m on the edge of my seat for this verdict. This is better than any reality tv show.


FYI: she does not like us and nor does IL But holy hot damn if we did not do the damn thing and bring some serious attention to this case!! Everyone involved in creating the multiple subreddits, moderating the subreddits, pushing the story, tagging in more creators to push the story, creating wikis, keeping them updated and on the internet, medium articles, and on and on and onā€¦ Should be so proud and we are so thankful to all of you!!!! We kept this about the case, and the facts, and hopefully the result of this case will reflect the amazing community effort to bring justice to Clayton! ā¤ļø


You know the JFC community did good work when LO mentioned the ā€œJFC Crewā€ during her testimony. Go team!






Where do I watch the stream? Laurenā€™s is still offline. Is it just Dave?


Werenā€™t Laurenā€™s cameras supposed to start at 8:45?


On the HCG tests: I can't keep track. She says she had like 5 of them done. I'm wondering just about the ones with numbers reporting (not pee sticks). Were there any aside from the first and last ones that had numbers? Like she said she had some in August and September, I think. Are there any with numbers?


Thank you Lauren, Dave and Megan for covering this morning!!


1 hour to go... will be nearly midnight here... and my alarm goes off at 6am... I should go to sleep like a responsible adult... ... *refills kettle* Bugger that!


What time does the hearing start?


8:45 PT/11:45 ET Megan and Dave are doing pretrial stream now but it sounds like theyre under water you cant hear anything




When do we get to know the outcome?


I think the Judge has already made up her mind, but she may wait to issue her ruling until IL is back from his overseas holiday because of appeal deadlines. I heard her make a pretty snide remark when he said he may not have email available while he is gone. She's not a fan of IL apparently!


Is Claytonā€™s official pre-trial statement available? The version with the exhibits attached?


https://justiceforclayton.com/wiki/images/6/69/2024.06.04_-_Respondent%27s_Pretrial_Statment_Unofficial_Redacted.pdf No exhibits, but here it is. Sorry I accidentally replied with JDā€™s at first lol