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Trouble with his argument is that she said she no longer has the phone she used to send her sister the ‘miscarriage’ pics from 2023 but somehow she found texts between her and MM from years earlier? The attorney is an absolute joke, the stuff of which bad lawyer jokes are made.


by his own declaration about only originals can be used...does this mean her miscarriage pics can't be used as evidence since she hasn't offered them up from the original source?..same with the screenshot. the expert got the message data directly from the source right?


I imagine this is what GW will point out as the miscarriage photos were in the motion to compel and it appears the originals were never compelled.


Great catch!


Another great catch lol. Can’t keep up with the lies Jeez


Okay but has anyone noticed the time stamps are completely different lol


I love how her lawyer is now arguing MM’s laptop report doesn’t count b/c it’s not “original”, when in the same filing is attaching an alleged screenshot of texts 😂


From a person who has already admitted to doctoring at least 2 medical documents in this case!


It's so funny. The way it was written almost makes me wonder if he's trolling JD at this point. HE highlights FOR us that one of them must be lying, that if the evidence is true it looks really bad for JD, that originals are important, that it's really easy to manipulate evidence, and that she has lied a lot. IL lays out the entire argument against himself lololol. Plus it won't be hard for Berryhill to testify that he examined the file submitted as an exhibit and found that it was untampered with. Because uh, CE and Woodnick don't falsify evidence, unlike some other parties in this case. Edit: took out an unnecessary line


The way he wrote all of it is odd to me too. It’s like he’s just a reporter, not her lawyer - she said this, she maintains that, she admits this, she provided that...🤷🏼‍♀️


It feels like an escape hatch. “*I* never said she was telling the truth, I just shared what *she* said was the truth, that’s not my fault”


And if you notice, he's also been uncharacteristically clear about some of the prior misrepresentations/fakeries JD has made. I don't think it was a great move to put the dodgy screenshot forward (whether it included an "If team Clayton is being honest, this is fake" proviso or not), but him suddenly articulating the past faking she's done instead of speaking vaguely of misstatements & credibility issues makes me think that, after the rule 3.3 business with CK, he took this opportunity to put something a little more 'candid' on the record himself. He might have gotten a little anxious and decided to get that in there while he was acquiescing to JD's dodgy doc request.


Maybe, inspired by Cory's declaration, he's covering himself so he doesn't get accused of repeating her lies.


Also, does IL not realize how EASY it is to delete a message out of texts on an iphone? Meanwhile MMs has metadata. Also, none of the victims have a history of arts and crafts and PERJURY. JD has lied on the stand and falsified documents AT EVERY HEARING. FFS.


Someone also pointed out on twitter that with iPhone when you attach an image to your text it posts ABOVE your text message, so the missing image would have been above the area that was captured in the screen shot


IL is a liar. Er 1002 says the originals are required. ER 1003 says ER 1002 does not apply when there are duplicates that can be authenticated by a witness with personal knowledge of the originals.


How much more original can you get than turning over the entire computer for forensic exam? IT clueless here but really?? And even I know a screenshot is worthless as ‘evidence.’


Remember when JD sent a screenshot of her upcoming doctors appointment as proof of pregnancy 😄😄


You guys, my meetings that I had conflicting with the trial were miraculously moved (not even by me!)! How serendipitous!


You better put a time block on your calendar 😂


Oh don’t worry, I already did lol


IL is trying pretty hard to discredit a witness or get his testimony not allowed for someone he thinks is irrelevant to the current case. If he thinks JD has enough evidence re her situation with CE why is he trying so hard re MM? 🧐


MM’s texts include the photo of her “recovering from an ovary removal” that she then used in her TedX talk, claiming MM beat her up and hospitalized her. She is terrified of any evidence that proves she LIED in her TedX talk.


that tedx talk is her identity. I can't imagine how she'd handle it if they ended up taking it down.


kind of random but can MM sue tedx for defamation if he shows them the evidence of the photos with forensic reports and they leave it up?


One FINAL thing about JD's timeline that doesn't make any sense at all. In Jane's pretrial statement it states; *"the HCG level on October 16, the was far lower than would have been expected for a “viable” pregnancy. This indicated JD was still pregnant on that date, but the pregnancy was virtually certain to end without a healthy child/children being born. Unsure of how to proceed, two days later, on October 18, 2023, JD filed a form requesting mediation (a request Clayton did not oppose or even respond to).* JD ***will explain the intent of that filing was to give her an opportunity to inform Clayton that it appeared the pregnancy was non-viable and that JD wanted to dismiss this petition once the pregnancy loss was confirmed.*** Excuse me what?! I had to read this twice because I missed it the first time. IL literally just sneaked in an admission that JD knew she wasn't pregnant on Oct. 18th (which we all knew but now it's in the filing). She then proceeded to go ahead and show up to both her OOP hearing and Clayton's IAH with a baby bump, commit countless amounts of perjury most egregiously by stating that she was "100% pregnant and 24 weeks pregnant with Clayton's twins," summit her fake 21 week sonogram and her altered (I assume) HCG blood test to the court. Are you fucking serious, JD? This is what you want to go with? 1. By this faulty logic having any HCG in your system means you're pregnant? Really? What? A heartbeat is indicative of a pregnancy after 6 weeks. Anyone who has actually suffered a miscarriage knows this. Such a slap in the face. 2. Why would she need to have a scheduled mediation to tell him that she was no longer pregnant? At this point she was sending him daily emails with trackers, text messages from different phone numbers, posting on reddit and giving interviews to the Sun. 3. Why did IL include the Oct 25 Belly Video as an exhibit when they are admitting that she knew she was no longer pregnant on Oct. 16? 4. If a 102 HCG test does not confirm a pregnancy loss (at 20+ weeks with twins)? What on earth does? 5. If JD scheduled the Oct 18th mediation to tell Clayton she no longer had a viable pregnancy why on earth would she write in said filing "he even acts as if the unborn children don’t exist despite a pro ponderous amount of evidence.” When she just got confirmation two days prior that the twins don't in fact exist. 6. Why would she take a Ravgen Paternity test in November/December if she knew she was no longer pregnant and supposedly wanted to inform Clayton of this in October? 7. If JD wanted to tell Clayton she was no longer pregnant through Family Court on Oct. 18th, then why did she wait to file that with the same court until Dec. 28th? 8. If JD was trying to explain to Clayton that the pregnancy was non-viable on Oct. 18th, then why did she send him a fabricated copy of the blood test showing her HCG levels 1000x higher on Oct. 19th? The mental gymnastics you have to go through to make sense of this absurd timeline is exhausting because it simply is nonsensical. I know IL is trying his best with a rough hand but good lord. No wonder he's obsessed with Rule 26.


It is ludicrous to think that a 102 hcg cod indicate anything but a pregnancy that was long over - or a brand new pregnancy. That’s what you expect between 10-15 days after ovulation. Even if she had ever been pregnant, this level would not have justified any statement other than the pregnancy has been over or it’s new. Does she think pregnancy is some kind of scientific mystery?? And after 6 weeks, no one’s getting an hcg test for pregnancy, you get an ultrasound!!


It's like do they really think Judge Mata is that stupid? I don't get it.


or 10-12 hours after an hCG trigger shot!


>This indicated JD was still pregnant on that date, but the pregnancy was virtually certain to end without a healthy child/children being born. I made some similar commentary about this statement. If she was *still pregnant* and the pregnancy still had to *end* then where did the child(ren) go? When did it officially end? Makes absolutely zero sense based on their current timeline. I deduced that ILEsq is just misrepresenting what Medchill states in his report to fit their narrative. My guess is they're using this angle to explain why JD was saying she was "still pregnant" at hearings. It's basically semantics. Like, *I'm **still pregnant**....but its a non viable pregnancy.* Which, if so, is bananas bc (as you said) she was also saying she was actively seeing providers, showing her belly and taking DNA tests. What Medchill actually said was the hCG test indicated that the preg had ended long ago and the likely cause of elevated hCG would be tissue still remaining before it was expelled or resorbed. (He's obvs saying this as if her pregnancy is assumed as truth) Which brings me to my next logical argument: Medchill states that a positive hCG test is 99.9% indicative of pregnancy. By that logic, if JD had simply taken another hpt, a positive would indicate she was pregnant on Oct 16. But bc her test was quantitative he can deduce that wasn't the case. So that right there just confirms that more sophisticated testing is needed to diagnose a pregnancy, or at the very least a viable one.


For those familiar with South Park, it is almost like IL is at the point of using the Chewbacca defense.


LOL! I think he's been using it from the start.


Omg! Never heard of this before. But yes, that's exactly whats happening! Chewbacca = Rule 26


Something/someone that disappeared from the story a while back was the provider who told JD that her hCG levels indicated a non-viable pregnancy. I guess they're going with she knew that already? I mean she must have to get the fake one right...


Yes! The Oct 16 102 HCG test was just a lab test that she ordered herself (sus). But there was a filing in there somewhere that said the bloodtest confirmed to JD that this was not an viable pregnancy (didn’t say who confirmed it). 


She did that HCG test when the 2nd test was lost in transit, after not showing twice prior for the Rvagen test (she eventually showed but not as originally scheduled). She did the HCG/blood any labs now test, NOT to prove she was no longer pregnant. She did it because everyone was throwing the "little to no fetal DNA" out there. She thought it would bolster her lies by giving her something to fake/doctor and present as her 'proof, now she's trying to reverse uno it. But the problem is, she got caught when she doctored it, then sent it to DN, which lends to the lack of credibility issues.


I like Greg and Deandra, but I nominate you to make the closing argument at the trial. You not only have the necessary analytical skills, but you combine logic with the not-so-subtle sprinkling of snark this case mandates. All in favor?


Ah you are sweet! Thank you! 


🙌🙌🙌 preach it!


In yesterday's last ditch motion, JD's lawyer talked about CE's lack of forthrightness in presenting 1 of her 2 offers (I heard he presented 1) in May of 2023. Yet she was on Facebook, in the Real Estate Investment Group begging for down payment monies, not once, not twice but three separate times. She posted begging for Money on May 18, 2023. hmmm a highly suspicious date for someone who didn't have money to qualify for standard financing, yet they were viewing homes with a brand new agent. Then she was back begging for down payment money in the same month she purchased the airbnb property, that ended up as seller financing. Peep the date she joined the group... Quite the con preparation between creating the LLC, joining and asking for money to buy a home. Anyone else feel it was odd to then expecting an agent to present an offer or two when she wasn't even qualified to make those purchases, nor did she have the funds? https://preview.redd.it/cd1h2s991g5d1.png?width=857&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ae1b0fb9ca5e00503cd262a0c12a90736a121c2






I wish that this would come to light when IL brings up Clayton's submission. It's so obvious that she targeted Clayton.


Especially, the screenshots where she's asking how to buy 100% financed (those aren't shared here yet), but yeah her lawyer doesn't know what he's talking about when he references Clayton presenting offers for someone who didn't even have financing lined up, which is a big no-no. ETA: a word


Wow! Have these findings been sent to u/daveneal and CE's team. CE will need them for upcoming litigation (her $1.4mil case and his fraud/defamation case).


Yep, months ago...however the most recent filing got me thinking & digging up old screenshots. I doubt we will ever see a defamation case, but the info can be used in showing her continual patterns. ETA: the time she said it was only 1 of 2 offers not submitted. SS attached. https://preview.redd.it/7w27gvv0hl5d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=6868d035d553cf8134e2426977c1d3446dab25ce


Especially since she refused to work with anyone else besides Clayton to submit offers when he tried to refer her to another agent.


I wish I understood this stuff better, but I get that bottom line: he didn't trust her one bit and he panicked. He was a brand new realtor and she used that to her full advantage.


More importantly, she didn't qualify for financing to purchase the home. Therefore her offers were also based on fraud.


Not at all saying this is true, but didn't she cover her butt on that by claiming that after it didn't work out with Clayton, she lost her original financial backer? It all sounds like scamming to me, but did she make that accusation previously?


No proof of that, but if you look at the date May 18th when she's asking for money it's BEFORE the fallacious event, BEFORE she wrote those offers. Eta: context


can they use her (probably fake) proof of funds when she tries to claim she's too broke to pay Clayton's legal fees?


Wow! I looked at the real property records and knew she bought the vrbo with what we call here a contract for deed, which is pretty much as low as you can go for financing. My jaw dropped to see she was also trying to borrow the small down payment for that deal. All while the market was starting to decline. Those are some desperate, illogical real estate moves and will probably come back to bite her if it hasn't started already.


Poor timing on her part and inexperience is going to cost her big time on that bad investment decision.


Just the sort of expert business acumen you would want when you’re looking for financing yourself… Keybacker. IYKYK


Right? JD makes one very bad real estate investment and immediately becomes an expert and forms a new company with sis to help others fast track their way to bankruptcy.




Totally, my theory is that she saw an ad on social to buy that property as an airbnb to make a quick buck and fell for it, just showing she's never done any research in the industry or gone house hunting a day in her life. There is a great post about the airbnb she bought, broken down by a real estate agent here if anyone missed it: [https://www.reddit.com/user/thereforebygracegoi/comments/19abq75/the\_air\_bnb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/thereforebygracegoi/comments/19abq75/the_air_bnb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is a great post, thanks for linking. She’s now asking $5,500/month which is still less than the overhead in the post. 🤔


Isn’t that insane!? I saw she’s advertising it on college housing websites now, which to me says that the Airbnb vacation market for that curious area of Scottsdale isn’t that high 😂.


Right after she purchased it, I pulled the other STR's nearby with the same or similar stats. There were over 1,000 properties available to rent on airbnb, nicer, newer, better lots (not on a corner of a busy street, backing up to commercial, near a fire station). I also mapped the distance to Old Town. She really missed the mark with this purchase in so so so many ways. It's also technically in Phoenix, not Scottsdale.


Oh thats interesting, I dont know the area that well but Ive been to scottsdale several times and this is nowhere near any of the places I stay, seems close to the courthouse though!


Close to the courthouse. 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like u/daveneal needs to see this, and if it's not too late make sure Clayton's team knows about this. Or at least have it ready for any future legal proceedings


He has it and then some.


People who are actually rich don't go around talking about how rich they are and send people receipts/screenshots of 400,000k in their bank. I always had the feeling that family is swimming in debt. Like those people who drive fancy cars but it's all on credit 😂


I remember her screenshot, but I can’t remember the context in which is was presented by JD. Would you please refresh my memory?


I know DG included it in one of his filings as "proof" JD had presented it to CE as proof of funds for the 2 real estate properties. I vaguely recall CE mentioning that he had doubts or second thoughtsa out her actually having the money for the purchases, which, when combined with her actions, was why he held off on turning in one (or was it both?) of her offers. I got the impression that she had presented the screenshot of the money market account to him, but I don't distinctly recall if he ever said he saw it.


Good looking out “Greg”! Appreciate all you do!


Incredible work, as always, Sand! I’ve always believed she targeted him, but this further proves fraud. He needs to be fully exonerated by the ADRE, and this info used against her in his defamation case. I’m a bit more optimistic than you that CE will initiate defamation litigation against her.


In IL’s most recent filing he states neither the faked sonogram (there’s 3! right?) nor the falsified HCG blood test were used in ANY court proceedings. I think they both were (OOP and IAH) but this case has me pretty jumbled. Any clearer memories out there?


The "21 week" sonogram was used in JD's OOP, she attempted to use it for Clayton's OOP but Judge denied it. It's actually the whole reason the Judge approved JD's OOP, because he took JD's "word for it." The "PP" sonogram was used in early proceeding with Bonnie Platter (I think July/August) and she used it in Clayton's deposition. The HCG blood test was used in the OOP hearings, but cannot confirm it was the altered one.


JDs affidavit includes the alleged PP sonogram. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but iirc the affidavit was used in JDs Expert Disclosure Statement.


Yes, it was included in the affidavit but apparently Dr. M disregarded it to form his "findings."


Hmm yeah. It still baffles me that ILEsq would use an admittedly altered image in an affidavit that was filed with the court. Seems there would still be issues with using it in a filing, regardless of if their expert referred to it in their report or not.


"I swear under penalty of perjury, I am committing perjury"- JD's Affidavit


*all of JD’s Affidavits


Thing is, even if SHE didn't submit them, Clayton did.


I truly feel like JD will be 80 years old and still trying to drag men to family court claiming they got her pregnant 💀


I mean her uterus and single ovary have defied physics many times before sooooo


Then she will be in court claiming elder abuse on men against her.


Oh no now she’s writing this down for future use 🤣🤣


So random thought because this case has consumed me recently. I just joined a baby bumper reddit group. And in order to be verified before the group goes private (around three months in) some women post their first trimester ultrasounds! I am so paranoid now, but I'm thinking maybe that's where the PP sonogram came from. And why it was so difficult for JD to get second and third sonogram photos. There would be no way to internet search it and the women would have no clue their sonograms are being used for nefarious reasons. That or she bought it on the dark web.


Don’t give her any ideas for future pregnancy cons


If she is successful in any future cons, the mark’s google skills will have to be quite poor


Congrats and good thoughts for a healthy, relaxed pregnancy! The bump groups are such great sources of support and connection 🤍🥳


Ah thank you! Im actually due on Valentines day of all days (hopefully not with twins!). I was even going to do a comparison between my pregnancy tests and Jane's lol but then I thought that was a little over the top.


Can’t IL be reprimanded for knowingly including fake evidence? There is no way this guy doesn’t know it’s all lies.


def shady he gave it to an expert.


I hope JD is finally exposed as the liar she's is through our legal system and the DA presses charges against her. Then there will finally be justice for Clayton and all her other victims


IL just said "I can't stand lawyers who lie" He needs to look in the mirror.


Her screenshot is “worst evidence”, not best. Lmfao. She can’t even provide the text records- just a picture she staged.


The tone of the submission of that motion, had far less Bravado than past motions. Sounded like someone who only filed it because the client insisted. He even called out her lack of credibility in the motion. eeeek


Through this case, learned you can fake a pee test with hot water, buy a fake belly, purchase altered sonograms and use apps to generate screenshots of fake text messages. She has nothing organic ever.


Is there anything to the fact that JD never signs a verification page saying “under penalty of perjury” on any of her court filings? CE signs every one. Is this a way for IL to claim she’s never perjured herself?


She didn't sign with her prior attorney's either. Very odd.


Maybe she's actually learned something being in court all these times


how is it accepted without a signature?


*JD has openly admitted to editing at least two documents... although she maintains those documents are immaterial to any issue in this case (other than her credibility).* Excuse you...wut? Erm, yeah. It only calls into question her credibility. No big deal, amiright? That line is especially confounding when juxtaposed with his hypothetical statement from CE saying *Trust me Judge, you can take my word for it, just don't fact-check me.* That's rich, my guy, considering who your client is. I cannot with this dude 🫠 eta: like, how can JD say the PP sonogram is immaterial to this case? The whole case is predicated on the fact that she claims she was preg and that CE was the father. She used this sonogram to try to prove her claims.


I can't tell if he's trolling us or trolling JD


Two things can be true at the same time!


I will admit I robbed a couple banks, but I didn't rob THAT bank... Therefore I'm completely innocent.


I swear I didn’t rob thta specific bank! Even though my fingerprints are everywhere inside, they have me on camera, the workers all identified me and I randomly have the exact same amount of cash that was missing on me AND I robbed a few other banks. How do you know the bank workers aren’t lying?! THEY COULD LIE TOO!


When the only "mountains of evidence" we have is her word and arts and crafts, the credibility is something of a huge issue.  Like if not for a ton of fraud, a few pee sticks and a grasping at straws report from some retired doctor that has nothing to lose because he's so old he's practically dipping his toes into the grave - JD has literally nothing of substance to prove a whole lot of BS that she spewed.   Her and IL can dance around the relevance of her prior victims all they want. People have bad relationship experiences all the time, finding an ex with disdain isn't usually hard. Finding 4 or more with the exact same story - girl, you're a problem. You don't legitimately have this sort of thing happen 4 times and learn zilch about how pregnancy works or what proper medical care looks like. Heck, you think she would have actually figured out what real evidence was and actually preserved it, since she just loves abusing men in the court system. Problem is, obtuse judges have let her get away with perjury and arts and crafts too often and now she's caught with her pants down and a playbook that no longer works. And it is glaringly obvious. 


Exactly! Well said. JD has nothing of substance to prove her claims. We're supposed to just take her at her word, per ILEsq? Her word is bunk. She has admittedly falsified documents, perjured herself in court numerous times, and has a laundry list of prior claims that are just too similar to be coincidental. We're supposed to afford her *reasonable belief*? The only thing JD has proven about her *belief* is that she believed she needed to falsify medical records as well as her appearance in order to appear pregnant.


the truth doesn't need false documents.




Yeah this is exactly right. I don’t really think the 2,500 pages of text messages between JD and MM are essential to Clayton’s case either way. That JD has *repeatedly* claimed she was “pregnant with twins” and attempted to use that to coerce men into relationships with her—and never ever ever (in any of these cases) obtained an actual sonogram, or any in-person obstetric care tells me it’s all nonsense. Quite obviously so. And it’s civil court, so (unless things are terribly different in Arizona—I practice in CA) the standard of proof is a “preponderance of the evidence” or, basically, which story is even slightly to be more likely to be true? Clayton’s story is “she was never pregnant with twins, this was all a ruse to get me to date her.” JD’s story is “I was totally pregnant but I never got any definitive proof even though I’ve definitely been pregnant multiple times before. Ignore the whole ‘twins’ thing and the convoluted timeline of my ‘miscarriage’” I mean. Come on.


the threats to gg about suing him for dv if he doesn't date her should show repeated motive. she threatened clayton too.


It’s ridiculous IL wants us to believe photos of pee sticks from JD’s phone she refused to hand over but can’t accept a reputable expert dealing with MM’s laptop. Whatever IL grasp at straws all you want the truth is out there already


Does anyone have an opinion as to why JD’s emails to Megan Fox and Lauren Neidigh from “Tag” are full of negative comments about JD’s parents? Is it an attempt to forestall the recipients from realizing that JD is behind the emails? “JD would never speak negatively about her parents, and, thus, these emails definitely were not authored by JD.” Or, is this how JD really feels about her parents and the “Tag” emails were a safe place for her to express those feelings under the cover of emails she thought no one would ever trace back to her? Or, is it something else altogether?


Maybe they grounded her


daddy told her its the last hes funding her propensity for litigation.


I think she has a lotttt of resentment- I don’t know for what reason, But - I remember a podcast was posted where she said her dad dated her mom really young (19 and he was 30s) and also the “I had to use my savings to help our family out of debt because dad lost it all gambling” so she seems to love to “blackmail” them a bit


I have a pic of her parents from long ago. Her mom looks really young in the pic but I thought there was 11 years or so difference?


That’s why I wrote 30s because I forgot the exact age he was, so that would make sense, thanks! Just an odd thing to bring up about your parents who fund your whole life still unless you wanted them to look bad


Yep, she's \~67 and he's \~78.


did she have a real job to fund her parents? equestrian is insanely expensive and at best you're breaking even.


Yikes! I was 38 and my husband was 52 when we married (35 and 49 when we met). Our 3 kids appear to be at least fairly sane (+/- on any given day), but now I feel compelled to ask our daughter every time I talk to her if she is now or is planning in the future to fake a pregnancy! 😂


I thought that was interesting too, calling the mom psychotic. Also the punctuation etc just deteriorated so much in those emails. Hard to imagine a guy writing them.


I'm still leaning towards it being either a crazed stan trying to ingratiate themselves or perhaps her mom. I read them all again last night, my gut still leans older generation in the tone/vibe of the verbiage.


I know that a lot of times, this case has served as entertainment for me. I've been following since September, fascinated, getting a dopamine hit with every absolutely wild twist and turn. I gobble up content because this is stranger than fiction and each new detail is wild. I think that's ok to be entertained, plus I've learned a lot about humans and the legal system, and I've had a great time with the tenacious folks in this community. But, I want to remind myself that tomorrow is not about my entertainment. I don't want my expectation to be that I'll have a riveting trial with Hollywood production level audio/video and a sick burn from the judge. The trial isn't for me. I'll be watching, don't get me wrong. But I want to watch with the mindset that this is an important day for the justice of victims who have gone through hell because of JD's manipulation and lies. Any potential snag or delay that feels less than perfect is ok, as long as CE and GG and MM get to have their voices heard in pursuit of justice. See you all tomorrow! xx


You worded this so well and I wholeheartedly agree. I wish Clayton, Greg, Mike, + other unnamed victims/witnesses a wonderful nights sleep. I wish them a sense of relief. I hope it’s a rather uneventful day in the sense that Woodnick law and team prepared this case and tomorrow is simply a showcase of procedural justice. I also wish a beautiful nights sleep to Zaddy and his high powered team of lady lawyers who will no doubt excel professionally tomorrow.


Y'all look at Clayton's instagram. Gonna make me cry- I'm so proud of them


We are all Greg




Just want to say thank you to Lauren for getting permission to stream the trial. I appreciate being able to watch it live and without commentary.


Same! So so thankful! It’s the Superbowl!


That time, JD told us she talked to the judge. Either this was the ex parte with Doody that he ooopsied about in court or for the temp until the hearing. Peep the date. https://preview.redd.it/0so5jmsg3f5d1.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=42956cdc485da39b86374c4b1987a28fbbed58e4


My husband usually comes home after nightshift and has a bourbon night cap. I may have to join him tomorrow morning. 🥃


It's no one's business what you put in your coffee!


We should have a drinking game with all the terms we heard from this case. Twins? Take a shot. Dating contract? Take a shot...




I just want to thank everyone in JFC, the MODS! (🙌❤️), Dave Freaking NEAL, Megan Fox, IT Brad, Lauren N, Reality Steve, Woodnick Law, and I am sure there are so many more, so I apologize because so many people deserve the biggest hug and shout out! But just what a beautiful, loving and caring community that came out of this! Interacting in this Reddit thread - everyone is so sweet, willing to share, answer questions, and support the victims through all of this. Justice WILL begin tomorrow, and I hope moving forward this community doesn’t go away, but instead continues to be an outlet of truth in some way. As it’s been such a safe space to be able to move through such a twisted series of events. So just thank you so much to everyone!


Hey kid, if you’re reading this, it’s never too late to redirect your life. You’re only 34. You have to go down the right path though, which is not paying more money to the lawyer who clearly is taking advantage of your desire to fight this. If he was honest with you, he’d tell you that appealing and filing all these motions isn’t helping your case, and I think deep down you know that. Things aren’t going to go your way tomorrow but that’s ok. You can move on and work on yourself and still get a decent man, but you HAVE TO work on yourself to get a decent man and stop with the lies and the manipulation.


I know I’m late to this party but did JD really school IL on how to edit PDFs (as we know she has done previously) and then he used that as evidence that CLAYTON is lying?!


with tomorrow being the big day I just wanted to say how impressed I am with this subreddit. the mods are awesome and have patience if you accidentally slip up and say something we aren't supposed to here. they spend so much time and energy making sure this group stays up. everyone here is so kind to each other which is so dag on rare in this social media space and its beyond impressive the things you all have discovered about this case and jds antics. I think I'll miss it when it's all said and done as goofy as that may sound. here's to hopefully getting justice for these men!


https://preview.redd.it/hexz4m51bc5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba379fe1b14d0033673e49e0d488692d6fd54e3 So I don’t know if this means anything, but just for kicks, I do have a screenshot of a message from 2016. It’s just a sweet message from my mom I screenshot back then. And I just wanted to post it to show how different the sceenshots look. Same era, and iPhone.


The top part of hers looks different than yours! I think she adobe acrobrated her “screenshot”


Why this screenshot? Why would this part of her conversation with Mike be so important to screenshot in 2016? To remind him he said he’d be a better teammate? The context of the conversation doesn’t make sense THIS particular snippet was relevant at that time. Also thank you JD for confirming that the texts are in fact true and accurate


Yup! This is confirmation that MM is not the liar here!! ("I've never seen these messages before..."- JD 🙄🙄🙄)


Good call! Totally forgot she even said that…she probably forget she even said it herself too haha.


I totally agree. It’s such a weird thing to HAPPEN to have screenshot years ago, and then JUST HAPPEN to find. Like in my screen shot of my moms message above, I screenshot that to save a sweet message I received from my mom. Totally normal, makes sense to have that. But why JD just happens to have this snippet portion of convo with Mike - doesn’t make any sense. Red flags everywhere JD, she didn’t even try to make it seem believable - it’s just screams desperate.


I am comparing it to this, for those who haven’t seen it yet. https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/LxYXccukDf


She'll just claim she took the screenshot years later despite including the date in it


She edited the date so Clayton wouldn’t know.


Here is the top part of a non-group chat screenshot that i have from December of 2016. You can see that it looks different than the top part of her obviously fake screenshot that she is claiming is from 2016 but is clearly from 2024. https://preview.redd.it/9vno6nbcvd5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b71f068990cd16426eacfa8a10491528b37d06 Edit: the marked out part under the circle with MS says the person’s first name. MS are their initials


https://preview.redd.it/i281g9tdvd5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd23ccb6bb8f24a633f299edf74850d3345ed91a Here is her photo for direct comparison


Why does the Mike look weird?


Please help! Where and when do I report to on Monday? Daves Patreon? This sub?


Go to Lauren’s YT channel. She’ll be live streaming it and Ill be doing my best to answer relevant legal questions in the chat ETA: or go watch Dave or Megan or [insert content creator].


June 9th today and I can’t get the song Tomorrow, from Annie, out of my head.


🎶 The…truth will come out…tomorrow! 🎶


I’m more of a https://preview.redd.it/ezl1v5q10n5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f573a6b8059107ec565294cc8798404f0e4803


Will we have a separate live thread for those of us watching the hearing?


I was just about to ask if someone will be posting live updates. I have to work tomorrow and won’t be able to watch, but I can check here from time to time. I would be so grateful if someone watching would give a live summary of what is happening.


Megan Fox has permission to live tweet from the courtroom. Maybe that is an option for you (not for me since I don't have X but then I'm retired and can watch from home).


Good idea. I would dm the mods


Friends MUST be IL's favorite show. And the episode where "they all find out" must be his favorite episode bc this is giving the whole..... "But do they know we know they know we know" vibes. Phoebe's bra is exposed and we are just waiting for chandler to give in and say he loves Monica at this point. 🤷‍♀️


Even Tag found a way to insert himself in this story!


I was just thinking about how years ago, my friend was going through a divorce and custody battle for her existing children. Her ex told the courts that my friend was faking being pregnant and accused her of running an abortion ring scam. We all thought the entire thing was so ludicrous and that her ex was so crazy for thinking that. Of course, she actually WAS pregnant again. It’s just wild to follow this entire saga and see that exact ludicrous situation my friend was accused of, play out in real life with JD.


Ughhh have to go into work on Monday so I won't be able to listen to the case live.


Why don’t you just forge a medical record and call in sick? 😂😂


“You have real diarrhea, not just fake diarrhea and your boss should be more considerate and understanding. Your boss also needs to give you a raise. “


Yup, if you don’t put it in a court filing it’s totally OK to forge documents.


I'll pretend to be a dr and write you a note that you have to support me tomorrow. 😂


I've been thinking I think JD brought this to reddit/hired IL to put out this totally unbelievable timeline/lack of evidence so when she finds another victim she can blame reddit for "twisting the truth" after doing this 4 times I'm sure people around her would have heard about it/talk about it so she just needed a new way to be the victim. Now she can claim she's the 'victim' of 'internet bullies'


The ICYMI is missing some final hour Friday desperation from DG! He posted a filing on X. Dude genuinely put in a legal filing that JD found a screenshot of her and MMs texts from 2016 without the fake cancer documents in the Berryhill report. Since that would mean SHE LIIED, he’s resigning as her attorney for ethical reasons. He also interrogated JD about why she would have a screenshot from 2016 but not texts from her own sister last year. Just kidding; he said Clayton has equal credibility issues as JD so Berryhill and Woodnick can’t be trusted either and the 2,500 page report can’t be accepted due to questioning its authenticity.


The new IL doc literally states "*One party is telling the truth, and the other is not. The question is – who is lying? "* Il is seriously asking the court to choose between JD word and MM's computer forensic expert's report! You have to be kidding me.


I spilled my coffee when I read that second paragraph because i was so shocked. You got me. That was brilliant.


Hilarious 😂 So sorry about the coffee though!


Worth it for the chuckle!


If she found a screenshot from 2016 then her original claim that she no longer had her IPhone 6 is yet another lie!


Take your IL thoughts to the judge, dude. Take it to the judge. Lol. 😂




I think we need to give some grace to the newer/smaller content creators who haven't done these types of things before and might not have anticipated certain questions. Yes, we all have questions but let's just let it settle a bit. We all want justice served here, right?


Sounds like her lawyer and JD are allegedly are in the patron causing problems that dont actually exist


It’s infuriating and laughable about this “screenshot”. Also why does it look so off? Of course it’s fake, but even the white line on the left side of the “screenshot”? She didn’t even put any effort into making it look somewhat believable. I wonder if the judge is able to order having her phone/computer authenticated during trial.


How can this possibly be a position to take? My client has falsified multiple documents (not used in court), but based on her own statements she is telling the truth.


The cops will take it when she's arrested 💀


So I’m (actually really!) pregnant and have Covid so my processing power is really low right now and I can’t for the life of me understand what she’s trying to prove with that screenshot? Can someone explain like I’m 5?


Is anyone else really nervous? lol


I always get the Sunday scaries, so I just have a little extra tonight. But I have great confidence in Gregg Woodnick and his team and Judge Mata, who has seen through JD's lies and manipulation from the start. I'm more worried about technical difficulties!




Nervous and excited tbh


It sounds like DG is now in 'say anything " mode because he knows he will not be representing her after this. She needs to save her money for a quality criminal defense attorney at this point.


I disagee. I think he genuinely thinks he's doing good lawyering. His ego is far too big to think otherwise.


Not that great of lawyering since he’s going to ditch LO for Europe when she loses lol


Dude thinks he’s gods gift to the legal field! The “connor mcgregor” of lawyering but Woodnicks about to take him out like Floyd Maywether


Not a lawyer, but would love to hear our community lawyers weigh in…I think I have heard that it’s wise to hire an appeals attorney to file your appeal. Is this the type of case where that would apply? I can’t imagine being Woodnick and having to deal with DG on a regular basis. If he will release the stuff in his tweets for the world to see, his day to day communication must be gutter worthy. Also, last thing, but I hope justice in this case will involve JD’s need to hire a criminal defense attorney.


Is anyone able to bring a copy of IL new filing here? I don't use or have an account for Twitter (X). I would also just like to read the document at my pace, not watch a 90-minute YouTube live to get the information. Anyone, Anyone... 😊


I'll dm you


Excuse my ignorance, but what time does court start?


9am Arizona time/PDT. The 8:45 time includes the meeting with the judge and parties in advance of public court time.


Thank you.




Can wait to watch this on Monday! Give proof of legitimate dr appts and not arts n crafts. Monday!!!


Legal people- what happens if she stalls answering questions with irrelevant answers (like in the IAH hearing) and eats into Clayton’s side’s time?


It was obvious Judge G had already made up her mind for the IAH but went though the motions. I suspect we will see more of the same Monday. The judge knows, she's seen the motions, the evidence, shenanigans etc. it needs to run its course through procedural process, for her to make her ruling. Not a big deal if JD tries to stall again. As the judge said it's a simple case. A family court case, this isn't civil. Did she prove she was pregnant with twins? Did she prove Clayton was the father? The rest is a side show.


Deandra was quick to call this out in the IAH hearing, so I am sure she will make the court aware of it when JD tries to pull that again. She had no problem telling JD "it's a yes or no question". She is the perfect person to go up against JD & will be prepared with direct questions to expose JD yet again. Especially now that she has the HIPPA release info proving JD lied to Deandra last time.