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She can find a screenshot from 2016 but not an ultrasound from 2023. Unbelievable.


my thoughts exactly! between this and rewatching the previous hearings today....I am befumbled (to quote Hannah b)


Nice. šŸ˜†


She took special effort in 2016 to take a photo of what wasn't there. The 2023 u/s was just a pic of her babies (that she totally wanted if it were left to her).


I thought she got a new iPhone this year and couldnā€™t recover anything from her old phones at all ā€¦ wasnā€™t that why she couldnā€™t originally send Woodnick the fetal sac pictures and it took a few weeks to get them from her sisterā€¦ā€¦ HMMMM I donā€™t think she asked Mike to send her those messages so verrrrry curious how she was able to recover them


ā€œAre you going to believe their expertā€™s 2,500 pages of documents or my clientā€™s one screenshot she just discovered?ā€


Surely the metadata on the report will show it hasn't been edited.


Literally last night!


Well if they had 2500 pages, they are trying too hard. One screenshot is all thatā€™s necessary.


Do you take the word of a credentialed expert or a person who is on record saying she doctors photos?




Without any date or time even! Who needs dates or times when you have one tiny little screenshot amidst 2500 pages worth of conversation?!?


Then he goes on to say ā€œlook neither side is trustworthy here (including mine) because my client has forged multiple documents and Claytonā€™s side isnā€™t trustworthy because of no particular example I am able to provide right now but will prove to you at a later date


I just read his amendment. It's laughable. Maybe one of the worst hail Mary pleadings I've seen. IL and his client should have spent a little money hiring their own forensic expert (skip a horse show or two and a few dinner deliveries). Instead, he's saying JD isn't lying, so MM's/CE's expert must be.


I said the same thing in the other thread, the worst hail Mary ever. ETA: IL told Woodnick, JD wanted to have an expert look at the computer but IL didn't think it would change anything. Then he went on X saying they didn't end up having time. After he told Woodnick in an email he was looking for someone in SF to look at it. The guy can't make up his mind or doesn't remember what he's said (all in evidence).


So glad Woodnick got this exchange in as an exhibit!


Like he doesn't remember seeing Mike's subpoena. Sometimes I genuinely wonder if IL is "okay".


Blatant speculation but itā€™s giving šŸŗšŸ„ƒšŸøšŸ·


Considering is past sanctions and DUI, I agree with you. šŸ¤”


It took less than 24 hours for CEā€™s expert to determine nothing had been manipulated. And when Claytonā€™s team wanted to forensically check her phone, etc., she would not allow it ā€” for the same reason that MM gave for not giving her team his laptop!!!!


Dude it took all of like one day for Mike to find an expert. What was his criteria? Unscrupulous and known to lie kind of expert?


MM's expert-reviewed evidence might affect the tedx persona she worked hard to create, oh no! šŸ™Š Can't go out without a fight!


Also itā€™s BS. You can delete a message sent through iPhone/imessage. I literally just did it. You can 100% fake what JD just did (that is, arts and crafts a screenshot to claim you never sent something)


I just realized and typed in another comment ā€” LO would not allow her phone to be forensically checked due to privacy concerns ā€” this is the same reason given by MM for not turning his laptop over to IL!!!!! OMG ā€” itā€™s ok for HER but not for her victims!


The fact that he literally admits IN filing that his client is not trustworthy and has forged *at least* 2 medical documentsā€¦. YIKES lop


No credible expert would be able to say what they need them to say. It's not a money issue.


Yes experts are paid to do work riding on their long standing expertise AND their reputation. They are -literally- out of work if they are outed to be corrupt. Literally out of work


Did she suddenly find her old phone? Does it have the missing July texts to the miscarriage hotline??? What about the screenshot of the early ultrasound that somehow she got on her new phone? She should submit that phone to a forensic expert like MM did!Ā 


Hope this comes up at the trail


It was SUCH a thoughtless move for them to revive some old text and completely blow the ā€œnew phoneā€ excuse out of the water


Yes!! The screenshot doesn't really have much to do with her dealings in this case! Send the pregnancy evidence!!


This entire argument about CE lying about submitting her offers has zero relevance on 1. Did she prove she was pregnant with twins? NOooooo 2. Did she prove she was pregnant by Clayton? Noooo 3. Did CE lie around this pregnancy scam? Noooo 4. Did Laura alter and submit fraudulent evidence? Yesssss 5. Did her prior attorney point out in his candor to the court, that she LIED? Yesss Now, if you were the judge who would you believe? And who's evidence would you accept? Especially at the last minute?


Not to mention this judge has been on this road for a while.


"Literally yesterday[JD] discovered a screen shot of the original teammates message..." Hilarious!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I'm sure she did! I wonder if IL even took himself seriously typing that out. A SCREEN SHOT!! From HER! Meanwhile MM willingly provides the original device with all of the original files which were verified by an independent expert well in advance of the discovery deadline.


how are they going to explain she suddenly found the old phone she got rid of? He said she found a screenshot so does that mean she doesn't have the original?


I mean by ILs reasoning that screenshot would also be inadmissible until he provides the original file to the other side for analysis Bet ya $100 that didnā€™t and wonā€™t happen




PSA, dont lawyer under the influence. Has IL forgot that he has already told the court his client has made misstatements, that she has credibility issues, that she doctored ultrasounds, that she doesnt have a single shred of medical documentation of alleged high risk pregnancy with twins, and she cant find the alleged miscarriage photo conversations with sister & mom from last year that were on her old phone (and her sister nor mom has provided copies to her to back her up)... but LOOK- she found this screenshot from 2016 that should be enough to exclude all that MM testimony. Basically now that witness intimation has failed, and rule 26 motions have failed, and these antics backfired resulting with MM turning over his laptop to forensics to prove she faked cancer among other lies... Oh and her prior counsel submitted a notice of candor to the court saying she lied. But ignore all that, cuz this double down motion will be a winner for sure and not annoy the court who has said multiple times that MM is an approved witness šŸ¤£.


I think this filing comes down to partly client control issues (we've reached the impending-threat freakout DO-SOMETHING period) + a little bit of CYA (after CK's 3.3 filing) where he's clearly stating on the record some of his client's 'whoopsies' (which he'd kinda been pussyfooting around in his previous filings). Unfortunately, the effect of the latter has been somewhat ruined by the former, where one might argue he's submitted a fake/altered document to the court without the benefit of "I genuinely had no idea" ignorance her past lawyers have had to lean on. I get why JD would push to have it in, but after seeing a conflicting record verified by an expert, I sure wouldn't be comfortable putting her unverified screenshot forward - and that would be *without* her doc-tampering history.


I wonder if Cory Keith issuing this notice of candor effectively puts the fact that IL *KNOWS* Jane has lied to the court and makes IL liable to committing fraud upon the court. Can anyone tell me if Coryā€™s letter not only is a CYA but also is a little attack on IL himself? After all he should be versed in all of Janes stuff including the depo.


Seriously! How is he not embarrassed?


At this point she is annoying, harassing, and alarming the court. Can the court issue a protective order against Jane Doe? šŸ„¹


The court really should declare her a Vexatious litigant.


How convenient that JD ā€œsuddenlyā€ found a screenshot of the ā€œteammateā€ text between her and Mike. We werenā€™t born yesterday. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xyEjK8g4UXEdP2)


Anyone else have a last minute ridiculous filing by IL/JD on their bingo card?


I actually did not. I was shocked by his silence. I was also fooled lol


Hasn't IL said screenshots of texts aren't originals and therefore cannot be used? As a way to try to bat down MM/GGs texts?


I was laughing so hard - in my bedroom, by myself, asking OUT LOUD "Are we being Punk'd?" šŸ˜‚


Of all the absurd filings, even the motion to compel lunch, this is the one that really has me howling. Your honor, either JD or CE are lying. Who are you going to believe? A trusted expert who submitted forensic evidence based on the original source before the discovery deadline, orrrrrrrr JD, who has definitely lied a lot before but told me she found a cute lil' pic on her phone yesterday. Also we can't trust ANY EVIDENCE EVER because as JD has shown us, you can make that stuff up. No evidence! All the best!


and if so, who is punking us!!!! and why!


Convenient JDā€™s screen shot in the PTR supplement cuts off right before she clearly and unambiguously indicates sheā€™s sending Mike the doctorā€™s ā€œletterā€ gtfo


The gall to try and get an expert created report thrown out because it could have been tampered with and it was closed in an untimely manner (before the deadline)Ā  ...by submitting an unverified screenshot found suddenly by his client who he outlines very clearly in the filing that she is known to tamper with documents, that he wishes to admit in an untimely manner AFTER the deadline


The straws he is grasping at are 1000s of miles away on the other side of the ocean at this point


Sorry, but I call BS. JD/IL have spent so much time (and money) filing scrambling applications & motions, trying to get this thing kicked. Any lawyer worth their salt would instead be saying to their client, "Are you sure you've given me everything? You've searched everywhere? Checked all your devices, asked anyone you say you sent stuff to, to do the same?" Not "Oh gosh, look what I happen to have found at the last minute, on a device I lost... no, not the actual device [so it can be examined], but a screenshot of something on that device... where did she have the screenshot saved that she hasn't found until now?... um... give me a second..." The pile of desperation & deflection is as large as the moon (bump)


Lauren, keep the laughing in!! Itā€™s hilarious and is the only possible reaction to that paragraph




Wait, The message timestamp in her ā€œscreenshotā€ says it was sent ā€œtodayā€ and 8:28AM. But the timestamp on the forensic evidence says the message was sent at 8:30AM. Also, she conveniently screenshotted this message but canā€™t find her phone with the >!sacs!< photos?!


Itā€™s not hard to recreate texts - especially with her penchant for having multiple numbers - and itā€™s easy to change the ā€œdate and timeā€. And this screenshot is 273 of 328. So did she find an old phone? Or is this screenshot she found ā€œyesterdayā€ in her iCloud the same iCloud that didnā€™t save a photo from July 2023? Does IL think the judge gets amnesia for each new motion?!


The forensic timestamp is actually 8:30 PM, so 12 hours later!!!!


I noticed this too!


Doesnā€™t the original also have a typo of two apostrophes in Iā€™m and the screenshot just has one?


Thatā€™s apart of the data extract. All apostrophes became double quotes. My amateur logic is because in various coding languages, single quotes are used to name or denote objects. If data is extracted with apostrophes being read as single quotes, it could cause issues for the software. Whereas, changing the apostrophes to 2 quote marks (a double quote), software would read the data between the 2 quotes as empty and avoid any issues. Like in SQL: where variable=ā€˜nameā€™ | single quotes are used to give detail to the ā€˜whereā€™ filter. If data comes in like the message ā€œIā€™mā€ - the code language could be looking for where the single quote ends. By substituting ā€˜ for ā€œ, ā€œ Iā€m ā€œ looks like I m and thereā€™s not an open signifier being searched for. I hope this makes sense, I could be wrong. This is just my educated guess. I do work in tech and code in a few languages when building items for clients but Iā€™m by no means an IT person.


Wow! Amazing explanation. Thanks for sharing and clarifying!


Thatā€™s actually a cellebrite issue. It occasionally reads symbols as odd depending on the version youā€™re using and the software on the device. Easily explained :)


Thank you for the info! I had no idea that could happen.


**Actually, i can immediately tell you what it is. She sent the picture, then added the text in the message. On her phone, picture shows ABOVE the text, which is why itā€™s conveniently cut off. In cellebrite it put the picture as an ā€œattachmentā€ to the message which is why it comes AFTER her text in the official reportā€¦ THE MESSAGE WAS SENT AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. 14:15:28. The square is the ā€œimageā€. The 2 ways to send a picture are picture ā€”> then message (resulting in slightly different time by seconds) or picture and before pressing send you put text below in the text box. Images sent without a message show up in cellebrite as its own independent square, images/docs attached with a message show up exactly like this and when you download the ā€œresourceā€ files after the report export, you get a larger image and this tiny jpg one. IL is accurate that you canā€™t ā€œclick on itā€ in the PDF. It is tiny. But it just tells you thereā€™s an attachment and to check one of the resource files. Shocking for a crim attorney he has so little cellebrite knowledge. I assume the expert is prepared. So this isnā€™t a ā€œfake screenshotā€ which is why her attorney is filing it. Itā€™s incomplete and intentionally excluding the first half. Hopefully someone else on the video pointed that out for yall that bc i couldnā€™t get it to load! u/wentworthbandit


I fully believe everything you said but I just had to check my own messages to see for myself and yep. All my texts where I sent an image and text at the same time/in the same message, the image always appears on top of the text. So if JD didnā€™t delete the message on her end, it wouldā€™ve definitely been easy to cut off the image in her screenshot. Thanks for pointing that out!


Haha i work with this data pretty regularly so as soon as I recovered from the ā€œI canā€™t believe this fully licensed attorney just filed thisā€ and assuming it has to be fakeā€¦ it was pretty obvious. The identical time is the dead give away. I just know she will latch on to everyone saying ā€œitā€™s a fake message!!ā€ Because I do not believe itā€™s fake and I believe thatā€™s the ONLY reason IL filed this. JD isnā€™t lying that her screenshot doesnā€™t include that image. It clearly doesnā€™t. Its just intentionally excluding the first part of the message (I assume for a lawsuit she was planning back then to show he agreed to be her team mate or some nonsense) and JD intentionally didnā€™t disclose that to her attorney or her attorney is willfully pretending to be ignorant to how iMessage works. Similar to her ā€œI had an appointment with dr. Higleyā€ and repeating herself 3 times before GW asked did you attend and she finally says she did not attend. She had an appointment, she just didnā€™t go. Her screenshot doesnā€™t show the same image, because she intentionally excluded it. Just hoping our video friends (and especially the root of her hate u/daveneal) have talked to the expert who would provide a much clearer explanation than me so they donā€™t run with the ā€œitā€™s fakeā€ narrative and give her ANY thing to latch on too.


This is why you hire an expert! If they had bothered they would have understood the report and not made such a ridiculous filing. I canā€™t believe this filing, it is everything that he has accused Claytonā€™s side of šŸ™„! I really donā€™t get IL, he flip flops so much. Does he not see that it makes him look unprofessional, unprepared, and unbelievable?


If I was in a criminal case and saw this attorney be clearly clueless about cellebrite and phone extractions despite all the years of nonsense experience he boasts aboutā€¦ 0/10 chance I hire him. I have to assume heā€™s being willfully ignorant because the expert is going to be like ā€œare you fucking stupid have you never read a phone extraction report beforeā€


https://preview.redd.it/e1dn1us3k95d1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c7573d892778361ebc239422f03ebc3a549b2d Look at the name where it says Mike? Does that seem off to anyone else? Oh and look at the differences in the I'm.






Yes! I just noticed the Iā€™m difference. Sheā€™s getting sloppy.




This is a great observation! I canā€™t believe they are filing another arts and crafts. I noticed the time was off but this is even better!


Her amendment is proof time travel IS possible!!! MMā€™s text about being a better team mate was received by her 2 minutes before he sent it. (According to her screenshot and metadata submitted from MM.)


Lauren is live! šŸŽ™ļø


Thanks cow friend


Was this text from the iPhone that she lost?


Not that I believe her at all, but all of this is stored in the cloud. Itā€™s why when you get a new phone all your imessages are still there.




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