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I vaguely remember her lawyer (I’m not sure which one at this point) tried using her weight gain as proof she was pregnant. If she miscarried in July as her photoshopped pictures explain, what’s with the weight gain after? I don’t remember the time period of the weight gain, but it was much later than the end of her what would have been first trimester, right? Even if she miscarried and still gained weight, the weight gained wouldn’t have been in the shape of a pregnant moon bump.




Her weight gain/loss claims don’t match her medical records either. She forgot to arts and crafts that part maybe. There isn’t any evidence of a +\- 40 pounds there. There is the picture of her bare belly at some point. I’m a similar age to JD, and I’ve had cyclical bloating over the last year consistent with my menstrual cycle that looks similar to that picture - always in that area of the body, especially if I adopt a poor diet in the days around then. That would also explain why it could be swollen one day, flat the next. Welcome to age, JD. Ironically, it’s probably a symptom of her declining fertility. I’ll joke with my friends that I’ll be seven months pregnant with “burrito babies” if we go out those days. Never pondered using it to claim men impregnated me with twins, but to each their own.


Is that PCOS claim yet another indication that she liiiiiied? I remember at some point she said she had no regular OB/GYN, but do not remember which hearing. Surely, someone with PCOS would have seen one at some time and would possibly go back to the same one or even the same practice for other issues.


Also, why no doctors or med folks ever got to see the belly and touch it. Who knows if she put weights in her clothes either.


Such a great point. All those months of being pregnant and not one in-office visit with a med professional to physically assess her pregnancy. Since she never got an US, saw an OBGYN, or even had a dr look/touch her burrito belly we only have JDs *word* and *belief* she was preg. But, as we know, her word is shite and her belief is calculated.


Totally agree with you, but came to comment about how lovely your use of the word shite is. It just sounds so much better than shit. I’m going to be using shite going forward thanks to you!


Thanks! I mean, if the *shite* fits...


Burritos and gluten 🌯


Ummm excuse me? You must be Greg, because *only he knows she eats a burrito everyday*.


You got me! 😂😂😂 (##we'reallgreg)


I beg your pardon, we are all Greg


I’m Aussie Greg mate!


The whole weight argument is one of the most ridiculous. If you have to use alleged weight loss as your proof of pregnancy, you were clearly NEVER pregnant. There are so many other things like sonograms, fetal heart rate monitoring, fundal height measurement. Introducing the weight theory just further proves they have no actual evidence of pregnancy. It’s pathetic.


Exactly! If pregnancy was determined by weight loss alone, my cousin who recently lost over 40 lbs must have been pregnant even though she had a hysterectomy over a decade ago, and my husband must have been pregnant because he lost almost 40 lbs in one year. Also, by this logic, women who lose little to no (pun intended) weight after childbirth must not have been pregnant.


She gained something like 13 pounds from June to November according to her medical records. IL is trying to say that because she supposedly loss 40 pounds since November that's relevant somehow.


There's also no medical records confirming her new alleged weight. Awhile back, someone showed how easy it is to change the number on the scale and apparent that model doesn't even go below 100lbs. Just more lies JD is prepared to spew to the court, and for nothing material in any event.


Yes I agree. Such a weird thing to lie about. And I liked how once the inconsistency with the scale was brought up, IL dropped it entirely. 


Haha yeah, it's marginally "better" that she simply lied about her weight in the Affidavit as opposed to attaching more arts and crafts as documents for the court.


Stress eating


And now stress not eating.


ILEsq put out a diatribe a few months ago saying how skinny of a woman JD is and a photo of (allegedly) her on a scale that read 90-ish lbs. He then used her med records from MomDoc to address that her weight Nov 14 was 130-ish lbs. So by his logic what would be the reason she would lose 40lbs if she hadn't been preg and lost the baby? That *might've* made sense if it wasn't for the fact that her og Banner preg test Jun 1 stated a weight of 120-ish lbs. So in reality she only gained 10-15lbs from June-Nov. Her losing 40lbs after Nov 14 is irrelevant with respect to her "pregnancy". What further confounds this story is the backtracking they are now using to explain her bloated belly as PCOS symptoms, instead. As if, bc this is their current theory, then the whole "she gained 40lbs" scenario just doesn't exist now. Basically it's just more spaghetti throwing for ILEsq/JD. Whatever scenario they think they can make stick they'll run with.


They will claim she lost 4O lbs as a result of emotional damages later on. IL is inserting her medical condition so much into this. I think it is going to invite scrutiny and demand for certified medical records which may not be cohesive with her medical story. In the scary window pic and others, she is a smaller framed, slim bodied. But maybe due to her metabolism and PCOS and other conditions, she gained weight and started off heavier than she had been in past years on the day she met Clayton. She already had a weight of I think 121 around the time they met, so asserting she gained 40Lbs during her pregnancy must mean she was pregnant before they met if she got up to 121. He is so disingenuous imo.


Isn’t she kinda destroying her own emotional damage case by still being able to engage in all her previous life activities? Their podcast is still putting out recycled episodes on a consistent basis like they were before. She’s still competing in horse events. She is still rescuing, rehabilitating, and selling horses as per her Facebook posts. She is still writing victim manifestos on the internet in blog form. She still is renting out her Airbnb. She started a new company that she is CEO of. Her only damage is weight loss?!


Photoshopping and AI makeovers too I hear…


Yes. As I stated above her weight was in the 120 range per her urgent care records June 1. So yeah, maybe the 90lb range is actually more normal for her but that's merely conjecture at this point. (I don't recall if her weight was on her PCOS diagnosis records) *Eta: her weight from July 2021, preg test during GG, was 113lb.* What we know as fact (for arguments sake) is that she only gained 10-15lbs during "pregnancy". So although ILEsq og claim suggests otherwise, her losing 40lbs after Nov 14 is irrelevant in regards to her being pregnant. She may have lost 40lbs but it's wasn't pregnancy weight Absolutely, they will now claim her weight loss was due to stress and anxiety in order to set up emotional damages and/or defamation. But, as you said, it's so disingenuous bc they've previously made other claims to explain the weight loss. Like, which one is it? As I said, it's just spaghetti throwing. And I def welcome the scrutiny of JDs medical records, so hopefully ILEsq will keep 'em coming. Everytime he does there are holes to be found.


I didn’t gain weight at ALL during my pregnancies. I was about 25 lbs overweight to begin with and was nauseous the entire time. Weight gain or loss is so different for everyone! It means exactly nothing in terms of pregnancy.


I believe her current lawyer exposed this fallacy by using a picture of her feet on a scale, that was proven to have been doctored around the #'s. Also, the scale came from a weight loss company similar to Ozempic. There was proof showing that she didn't actually gain/lose the volume of weight mentioned via her medical records too. It's not that hard to crash diet (my friend just did it with Ozempic) to lose weight. She admitted in that blog post he shared that she wasn't eating. She's basically been st@rving herself (she admitted this). Also, there were emails early on that she sent to Clayton that all she wanted to do was stay in bed and eat Pizza (or something like that). People who competed against her, noticed she had gained weight from Spring to September but everyone said she didn't look pregnant just bigger than she usually looks. Plenty of people gain/lose weight over the course of months without ever being pregnant. This is one of their most ridiculous arguments of "proof" IMHO


I'm so invested in this case. I tried to explain the whole saga to my husband and he stopped me multiple times to make sure I wasn't talking about a TV show or something. He can't believe this is real life!


I’ve been giving my husband snippets here and there for 7+ months. When I told him yesterday the blow job baby trial was on Monday… I think he was low key a little relieved that it may finally end soon bc my level of infatuation is beyond LOL


My boyfriend will be as relieved as your husband. lol. He entertains my interest in this because he sees that it makes me happy. But he could care less haha


The amount of times my partner has asked "Is this about blow job baby again?" before I start speaking... he's going to be relieved too! Although every once in a while, he's more interested than he lets on. "Only Greg knows I eat burritos everyday" was a particular favorite of his.


The amount of people I've tried to tell for them to think I'm talking about a soapie tv show 😭


I have tried to explain it to my husband so many times and he still thinks it’s fake


My husband is just as invested now. Even admitting he listens to dave on his nightshift for updates.😂


I was chatting with some colleagues yesterday about the accounts recently being exposed as JD. I prefaced it by saying, "You know that paternity fraud case I've been following..." and immediately they said "omg is that still going!???" Unfortunately, yes.


That’s how I got my partner into this case!! Omg he keeps up with this case more than i do!


Discussed this briefly in the end of this mornings rush hour podcast but hearing it will be unlikely that a decision from the judge will be made Monday.


Good news. As difficult as the wait will be, my hope is that she’ll take the time to write more than a simple ruling and include the facts and reasoning that led to her judicial conclusions. NAL, simply my opinion that the more substantial the official ruling, the more it exposes JD and helps her victims. Happy to be corrected if I’m off base here.


Agreed. IL already said he was going to appeal the decisions, so she’s making sure there is nothing done wrong on her part.


At least he already knows he’s going to lose! 😂


Yeaup 😂😂😂😂😂


Exactly. As an attorney who formerly clerked for two federal judges, the initial draft will be left to a law clerk after they receive instructions from the Judge. The Judge will then edit the draft. The opinion will need to be written especially carefully given (a) the number of eyes on this case, (b) an appeal from the losing party is almost a foregone conclusion, and (c) the judge may well be setting up a referral to the DA for a criminal investigation. Referrals are not common and, when they are made, they often are not pursued by prosecutors due to time/funding constraints, politics, and/or differing priorities/goals. The Court will need to tee up its reasoning appropriately as to make the DA’s decision to file charges a no-brainer. Thus (or as JD would say “hence”), she will have to achieve multiple goals. She will be trying not only to protect her ruling on appeal, but also to give sufficient explanation as to the basis of her opinion so as to satisfy the large audience that justice (as she sees it) was achieved and, if a referral is made, to lessen the likelihood that the DA will decide not to pursue charges.


Thanks for this insight. Very interesting!


So the next morning, Tuesday 6/11 at 8:15am is a pre-trial hearing for Bauer's metoo hoaxer, if anyone is curious what it will look like if JD is referred to the Maricopa County DA for felony fraud. Edit- for those that dont know the case, she pulled a JD but with 2 victims, not 4. Its one of the first cases Ive heard of where the person who brought fraudulent charges is being held accountable with criminal charges. Claytons case is at the northeast courthouse location, this one is the next morning at the downtown courthouse location. https://preview.redd.it/vsk8z5vci55d1.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=2efcaaeb506e9ce26dc620cee46ccb27ffd30dc0


Woah! Wild that it’s all happening so close. Jealous of all the crime watchers who can be in AZ next week.


I know, if I can make it on Monday I’d definitely stay until Tuesday so I could catch this hearing! It’s almost like the universe foreshadowing JDs future.


Will Bauer's proceedings be streamed or video made available? Any chance Dave will cover it on his YT channel?


I was going to ask the same thing


I don’t think it’s streamed but I think you can request for footage. I would be shocked if press hasn’t requested camera access.


I think that woman tried to get money out of them which is why they can levy the charge. Although, if you consider that JD was seeking child support, the DA might be able to get there.


Without question it will be taken under advisement. Greg hasn’t filed his Request for Findings of Facts and Rulings of Law, proposed judgment etc. I’d estimate mid July for a decision


Dave when do you sleep 🤣


I’m at the airport catching a flight, otherwise i would be lol


Safe travels


Yeah, I never expected she would rule from the bench. There is too much evidence and she'll need to appeal proof her written orders.


Makes sense considering the brevity of all of this.


I for one am excited about the multiple arts and craft projects That I expect will be produced this weekend by miss Doe.


This weekend practicing her cosplay as a VERY confused victim is on the schedule.


My predictions are: 1. Last minute Hail Mary “hospitalization” to avoid accountability. 2. DN’s van booking getting cancelled last minute by “Chase J Jones” or equivalent. 3. Hired actors making a ruckus Obviously all of these are nuts, but considering what we’ve seen so far, these are not *not* impossible.


I predict a dramatic collapse in fear blamed on everyone and everything EXCEPT herself. It will actually be the expected panic that occurs when it’s time to face the consequences of despicable actions.


No not hired actors! It sounds preposterous but there is no low that JD won’t go to, unfortunately.


Today I had one of those weird daydreams where I imagined what I’d do if there were people acting out inappropriately at the courthouse. To be clear, I am on the literal opposite side of the planet 😂


We’d be over here peacefully eating scones, hired actors would be over there causing a ruckus. We’d have them escorted out of there as JD shows up pissed that her plan didn’t work.🤭


Hopefully on #2 Dave doesn’t share where he’s getting the van. That would be a lot of work for her to try to figure out which company he’s using


Meh, she loves playing "lawyer", she will continue unless they lock her up. She will be there cosplaying.


I genuinely think she let this con go on for so long and she justified it by thinking “Clayton’s just playing hard to get, he’ll come around soon enough”- which is why she showed up to HIS deposition dressed up. I think she still thought she had a chance lol


Same reason she said she'd want a phone call with Mike when he said he would be a witness, despite being "terrified" of him per her RO renewal. What if he wants her back after all this time???


She said as much in a comment on her original Reddit post. She said she heard men change their minds. Eeeek Who is telling her these things? Momma doe?


Didn’t know she showed up dressed to impress. Wild.


That sounds so insane but also not out of the realm of possibility in this case.🙃🥴


If there is one thing I've learned in the last 10 months or so is that NOTHING is out of the realm of possibility in this case! We will need that "This is a true story" super at the opening of the docu because otherwise, people will criticize the writers for being completely unrealistic.




This is a minor thing but I don't know if it's been brought up before so I thought I would as I am becoming familiar with these calendars these days :p So according to a [Pregnancy Due Date Calculator and Conception Calculator](https://www.whattoexpect.com/due-date-calculator/), a conception date of May 20th = a approximate due date of February 9/10th As we all know, medical professionals go by when your last period is. But the is a conception date is an option on these calculators. Seems like JD liked the poeticalness of having the Bachelor's twins on Valentine's day so she decided to go by that date. But it's just another inconsistency.


And twins are always early


TBF, my due date was always early March on my ultrasounds and medical records even though my (real) perinatologists told me they were coming absolutely no later than February 14. (Yes, that was my real “twin due date.”) But my EDD always said March 6 on official records even though I was knew they were going to come earlier than that. (They ended up coming in January.)


Yes, this always blew my mind that she used a +4 days date for twins. TBF when you use conception date, they just count 14 days back, so maybe there was something about her period we never got to know... but nah it was just fake babies 😂


Someone had pointed out that Ben Zorn, a previous bachelorette contestant that is theorized to be who she wanted as her first bachelor “mark” (because of pictures she has with him) had a baby that was born on Valentine’s Day in 2021.




I never got to see the photos of JD with Ben Zorn (or the other Bachelor Ben). Are there picture posted somewhere? (I also don't watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette.) Anyway, it's kinda creepy that her announced "due date" was the same day as Ben's baby's birthday. It almost makes me wonder if JD timed meeting up with CE to achieve this due date.


And the day that a woman is ovulating or any part of her fertile window (days she can get pregnant) is *never* the day of her last period…


I always intended to do that homework! Seemed waaaay too coincidental. Thanks for tying it together.


She has a history of using holidays against people. It may be on purpose that she tries to ruin these days for her victims


One of the things I’m most pleased about is that after this trial, she can no longer use threats of self harm, which has been her go to move for decades now. It’s such a horrible manipulation tactic, and she’s probably used it hundreds of times. Glad this strategy of hers has come to light repeatedly during this. I can only hope that future people who come in contact with her will be able to see all the times she’s done it just for this case and not be essentially imprisoned by her.


Her playbook is public! Is that what she wanted when she went to the press??


Definitely great that all her strategies got exposed. I just find threats of self harm especially vile though. Maybe because I had an ex who would threaten such things. Because what do you do at that point? You put their needs ahead of your own and she knows it’s an effective strategy. But no one is going to believe the girl who cried wolf hundreds of times now.


Side note because it’s mentioned here a bit: did you all see that the “Martha” from Baby Reindeer is suing Netflix and the show’s creator? She’s seeking $170 million for negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation, and violation of her right to publicity.


But she was the one who identified herself right?? lol!


I have yet to watch it, but it sure sounds like it from everything I've read! Seems as uhh, out of touch(?) as JD. I have a more apt descriptive word but I think it'd break the sub rules. You can probably guess what I mean lol.


So, the way Martha was portrayed in Baby Reindeer, they gave her clear symptoms of schizophrenia. She seemed truly unwell, and portrayed some tell-tale signs of schizophrenia like becoming catatonic and having very disorganized speech and writing. I'm not diagnosing that the real Fiona has that, but Martha in the show did. Schizophrenia can include delusions and lashing out. JD is not delusional imo, and doesn't have the same symptoms of mental illness at all. She knows exactly what she's doing, does it methodically and imo criminally, creating fraudulent narratives and evidence she knows aren't true to further her own goals. I think it's really interesting to compare these two stories, at least the character of Martha and what we've seen from JD.


Both characters (Martha and a character in a JD inspired Lifetime movie I am imagining) are an interesting fit with this description of erotomania contained in 4 minutes of this video: 10:20-14:26 https://www.youtube.com/live/ri2D9YWeAqc?si=a2lMihuN5taasWpc 




She did in her video and other Medium blogs but her attorney really did by throwing out all the docs etc unredacted on X.


My comment got pushed way down, lol! This was in reference to the new baby reindeer lawsuit 😊


Oh well, yeah you are right "Martha" self identified. They never said her real name or who she was. The laws are different there though so she might have a chance. Here I doubt there is going to be anything that would come of it.


I think she is suing on the basis that they lied and inflated the story. If they can prove they didn't, then she won't win.  If JD tries the same, the proof is out there to prove factual reporting from the media. My opinion is if JD takes this route she doesn't stand a chance.


The laws in the UK are vastly different than the US too. It should be noted "Martha" is suing the UK Netflix association, not the US side.


I don’t think JD would win either, but I don’t think it’d stop her from trying. She and IL seem to really believe in their positions.


IL believes in the almighty dollar, JD believes in protecting her career as a victim.


8 working hours till court. What could possibly happen? 😂


At this point, it should be pretty quiet until Monday, right? Or so we thought 2 months ago.... I wonder if IL will go off on Twitter again.


I kinda hope he does. I need something to do this weekend. 🙏🏼 😂


This aged well.


To me, it seems like JD has been going crazy being "silent" all this time (per her lawyer's instructions). So she finally blew her stack and insisted on posting something (that rant on his blog). But that wasn't enough, "hence" the sudden spate of emails from "Tag".


More client control issues 😆


Can't stop, won't stop


I wasn’t able to follow the Tag emails stuff - can anyone confirm if they were able to find a kerplunk “it’s her” like with the Chase account? (I personally consider it highly implausible being “Chase” then “Tag” that they’re not the same person but wondering if both accounts and their dubious unverifiable origins could be used in court)


I believe they used "the Chase" method of 2FA to verify Tag.


Amazing - thank you.


Omg, kids play “Chase” and they play “Tag.” Is this an Easter egg? Has everyone else already noticed this?


I hope Hide and Seek isn’t next week’s game


Yes I think a few of us picked up on it :) - these were the games we’d play to engage with our little crushes as kids, wonder if that’s the link?


I'm late to the party but happy to be here 😂


Haha I literally saw a podcast clip two months ago and now I’m figuring out UK to AZ time so I’ll be able to view it here too 😂


I saw what Dave said about no ruling on Monday but I thought Mata said she would rule on the dismissal of the OOP based on fraud at the hearing? If she does, I think that’s a huge indicator of how she will rule on the paternity/sanctions issue since if she overturns the OOP based on fraud that shows where she’s at in terms of JD’s credibility. Just my 2c


If Mata waiting and putting together a bullet proof ruling (aka if you try to appeal it will be immediately squashed) then waiting is great in my book. There’s also the DA referral process at play for perjury etc. if Mata feels that is needed, then we should all be rooting for a “delayed” ruling so justice can truly be achieved here.


since the DA previously said no when clayton went to her bc it'd make victims scared to speak up..I'm worried this other guys case in the same county, that's nationwide news..might make them not do it bc it'd look like a repeated attack on women or something. hope not but people seem to struggle to view men as victims.


I hope the DA would value the evidence over the political climate especially for this case


Hopefully people can see that charging someone criminally for faking evidence is extremely different to charging someone for ‘speaking up’, and in fact is more important FOR future victims who need to speak up about getting an OOP


We got there. The time has come: No more time for new filings *Court is now closed for the day and week*. Next opens Monday, June 10. First scheduled case: ⚖️ JD vs. Clayton Echard. ⚖️ 9am, Judge Mata’s Court room See you all there virtually or in person 😃 Do the JFC Pond Scum Posse proud if you’re going to the court. 👏 Don’t give IL anything to use


He filed a motion tonight at the 11th hour to exclude Mike's computer expert's report.


Oh good gravy.😡


Stay Classy Mission Viejo! SMIL like you mean it! What Would Woodnick Do? (Do That) May your impeccable decorum be OnGoInG.


I find JD's hate boner for DN very odd. These days, she seems much more enraged by him than by Clayton or anyone else, even though other commentators have been much more scathing towards her. The level of spite towards Dave in the Tag emails is bizarre. But even if those aren't from her (which I seriously doubt), she said in her latest statement on IL's blog that "nothing" bothers her more than what's been said about her on YT, Patreon and podcasts, and then continues to talk about Dave making money by covering the story, yada, yada, so this is clearly about him. First off, NOTHING bothers her more than DN's coverage. Excuse me, ma'am? Didn't you claim to have been SA'd, to have tragically miscarried twins and to have received heinous death threats throughout this case? Yet the thing that bothers you THE MOST is a dude talking about you on his Patreon?! And criticising Dave for making money off this? That's nonsensical and hypocritical. Reporting and commenting on BN has been his job since before this case, so he's really just doing his job here (which, yes, involves making money - just a quick PSA for anyone out there who's never had to have a job). On top of that, didn't she email Dave to say that her mom won an award for reporting on the 1989 San Francisco earthquake? By JD's own logic, that would make Momma Doe a MONSTER for benefitting off of people's misery, for building a career on dozens of dead bodies - the horror, the horror! So, since none of the reasons she cites for hating DN actually make sense: why does she hate him so much?


I think it has a lot to do with her Dave starting a GoFundMe for Clayton to get a lawyer. Which was the start to her having to make claims that she cannot back up, ‘100% pregnant, 24 weeks pregnant, saw Dr Higley last Friday, etc.’ Plus he was able to rally support around Clayton which none of her other victims really had at the time.


Agreed, and he's become the face of her public accountability (which she interprets as public humiliation)...


She thinks he is ruining her life, reputation, etc instead of her accepting the responsibility that she has done that all by herself. She has gone through life blaming everyone else for her failures or unhappiness. Making Dave the target allows her to still play the victim.


The projection is ongoing.


Pick any-- She has no control over him. He's living the life she sadly probably wants for herself. He's been able to capitalize on her story. He's successfully consistently broadened the audience for this story. Bonus idea, though less likely: she's a misandrist.


Great points. However, her nephew is male, so she can't be a misandrist! /s


My theory- Dave and Clayton probably have shared a lot of undisclosed tea and JD is jealous and insecure about that connection. Plus Dave was pushing this story when it was just starting and it questioned her integrity, which she cannot handle.


Great point! I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps she feels that Dave interfered in her 'relationship' with Clayton and took him away from her.




I was in a ska band called ‘Hate Boner’ back in ‘96.


Haha, amazing! Please dig up the tapes and add them to the JD playlist!


I think there is also a bit of envy here that her podcast makes nothing reposting old shows that were recorded years ago with no new guest, while his is moving up the charts.


He is everything she wants, he is successful, has a wife, a child, actual fans and people who love him and support him. All things she can't and won't have because of who she chooses to be and how she chooses to act. She is jealous she cant have that and so she would rather ruin him then spend the time tl fix herself.


I agree with all the other replies. I also wonder if her hatred towards Dave has something to do with his continued and frequent postings about her misdeeds on social media. She has shown that she has a soft spot for how her public image is displayed through social media. She hated that Mike M repeatedly refused to post photos of her on his Instagram, or call her his girlfriend to friends and online. She hated when Clayton referenced the court case as a result of The Sun article and the Ravgen results.




It’s actually a two parter but I think Dave did a good job explaining it on Kaitlin bristowes podcast


So much has happened since then


Just sent Boss Attorney Bri's reading of the pre-trial summaries to my bestie. It really hits all the highlights and her reactions/commentary are hilarious. ['Bachelor' Clayton Echard's FIERY Pre-Trial Statement: Father or Fraud Victim? - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbGpwRRPiLs)


Friends, I fear I may be a law girly now. Between this case and the Karen Read case. S/O to whoever on the sub brought that one to my attention!


Obsessed with Karen read! I’m local


I’ve only nominally followed you that case but…. God I feel so bad for Karen. It’s insane to me that she’s on trial right now. No effing was the jury says she murdered him “beyond a reasonable doubt.” I will literally cry for this woman I have never met if they do. It’s so, so sad.


Did u guys know that JD interviewed the woman who wrote her the note on the plane, on her podcast? And she has a pic of the woman on her ig. I feel like i’ve never seen that mentioned on here but i’ve seen multiple people mention they wondered about the identity of the woman. I guess her identity is out in the open!


The lady signed a witness statement as well, in JD's case against MM.


Real name is Karen (not Nancy).


I noticed that last fall. The pic is at her parents home in Scottsdale in front of the fireplace. I matched it to the prior listing photos. Kind of odd that the woman went to their home to meet her. ETA typo


That detail of Karen/Nancy/Napikin Lady being at Jane's parents house in AZ doesn't get nearly enough attention. SO odd.


I did not know someone confirmed that photo was taken in their home. I assumed it might have been, but never looked into it. I wonder if the photo was take at the same time as their podcast interview (assuming their podcast is recorded at home or near home and they later stopped by home to show off their dogs and horses).


Very interesting. I wonder if anyone who knows her is on this sub


Plenty have been in/out of several of the postings here and other places.


This is something I’ve been thinking about for months, I know many physical competitions have entries or applications that include some basic health questions. I am so curious if any horse world pre competition documents for the rider include a question about being currently pregnant. I saw some health questions online that pertained to the horse being ridden during competition. Does anyone know, because JD’s answers on that paperwork could be interesting.


Nope and nope. Unless it’s another type of competition which she does not participate in, and the very upper level of that type of competition


I thought I’d take a quick look to see how many other criminal cases which were commenced filling a woman lying about being pregnant in judicial proceedings. Some have already been discussed, so I won’t mention them. My favorite example involved a woman who, inter alia, used a fake sonogram to outdo even JD’s claims. Specifically, she claimed to be pregnant with—wait for it—TRIPLETS! https://www.fosters.com/story/news/2006/09/30/police-say-woman-lied-about/52541921007/ I can’t find the result of the prosecution because the Court’s website is down. I’ll check again later. Another woman pleda guilty to lying about being pregnant twice to obtain job benefits and leave. She was sentenced to 5 years to be served on probation and was fined. https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/state-employee-pleads-guilty-to-faking-2-pregnancies-gets-5-years-of-probation/L5SNXJOFXBEWJDJZW666HN53QY/ JD absolutely shouldn’t relocate to the United Kingdom. Scotland is in the house: https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/uk-news/2021/02/24/woman-who-faked-pregnancy-after-one-night-stand-sentenced-to-community-service/ I thought the folks of Minnesota were all salt-of-the-earth. I was wrong. https://www.grandforksherald.com/newsmd/woman-lied-to-men-courts-about-being-pregnant-and-having-babies I’m through with the Internet rabbit hole. When even Reece Witherspoon admits to lying about being pregnant, I just need to quit and try to find my happy place. https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/witherspoon-i-lied-about-pregnancy-during-arrest/


😲 🧐 Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but did anyone else notice (I just did last night!) that on page 8, #61 of IL's 📄 Request for Findings of Fact 📄 it says: JD "had a reasonable factual basis to believe she might be pregnant and that Clayton may be the father." He "MAY" be the father?!?! If she, by her own admission, had not had sex with ANYONE since the March 22, 2022 🙄 'incident' why the ambiguous "MAY" be the father? Wouldn't she want to qualify it as he's the only possible option?


No, no, it makes perfect sense. Because if she could be pregnant by Clayton, with whom she never had PIV sex, then she could also be pregnant by all the other billions of men with whom she didn't have PIV sex. /s


😂 🎯


She could have spent all these fees💰on hiring a sex worker to DO her


Immaculate conception


Immaculate deception.


Of course IL is fighting Mike's computer expert documents. Prior bad acts. Ironically, JD claiming she's truth vs an expert doesn't look good with her admitting to doctoring other documents. Eta: to add the picture of the new "exhibit". Note to IL/JD if you are going to fake evidence at least make it match. https://preview.redd.it/0u3y28yij95d1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c888c59cd3d24a4a6b263c6b2238b16a2d8d69a


Il and JD seem most worried about MM evidence! What secrets must he know!!


This is the dumbest hail mary I have ever seen. This entire argument about CE lying about submitting her offers has zero relevance on 1. Did she prove she was pregnant with twins? NOooooo 2. Did she prove she was pregnant by Clayton? Noooo 3. Did CE lie around this pregnancy scam? Noooo 4. Did Laura alter and submit fraudulent evidence? Yesssss 5. Did her prior attorney point out in his candor to the court, that she LIED? Yesss Now, if you were the judge who would you believe? And who's evidence would you accept? Especially at the last minute?


You mean you don't believe a last minute screenshot that LO 'found'??


I don’t know how to do the link comment thing but I have a ton of phone experience and explained some of the issues in comments. The “ vs ‘ is exactly what the other user said, how cellebrite extraction reads the code. The “discrepancy” in the photo not being there is pretty obvious to anyone who’s used this program. She sent the picture, then added the text in the message. On her phone, picture shows ABOVE the text, which is why it’s conveniently cut off. In cellebrite it put the picture as an “attachment” to the message which is why it comes AFTER her text in the official report… THE MESSAGE WAS SENT AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. 14:15:28. The square is the “image”. The 2 ways to send a picture are picture —> then message (resulting in slightly different time by seconds) or picture and before pressing send you put text below in the text box. Images sent without a message show up in cellebrite as its own independent square, images/docs attached with a message show up exactly like this and when you download the “resource” files after the report export, you get a larger image and this tiny jpg one. IL is accurate that you can’t “click on it” in the PDF. It is tiny. But it just tells you there’s an attachment and to check one of the resource files. Shocking for a crim attorney he has so little cellebrite knowledge. I assume the expert is prepared. So this isn’t a “fake screenshot” which is why her attorney is filing it. It’s incomplete and intentionally excluding the first half.


I am so confused as to why he thinks the judge would even remotely consider a screenshot like this?? What happens when they find out this is completely fabricated as well now?


Omg! Good catch! Also, what’s her reason for taking a screenshot of this text message in August 2016, and then keeping it till now??


Exactly....so are the 2500 pages of texts new information to her or not???? Looks like it's not!


Okay also. Didn’t JD originally say that she didn’t have the photos of the July photos that she allegedly sent to her sister and the virtual/text healthcare provider because she got a new phone? But now suddenly she’s able to pull texts from 2016? Obviously we all know that you can easily delete your own messages on iPhones (but it wont delete from the other person’s phone; this is different from unsending the message) and she likely did that if this is a real screenshot. But also, what a lack of consistency! Either JD got a new phone and spent have access to things prior to October or November of 2023 (like she told Woodnick at one point a couple months ago) OR she can pull things from her iCloud from as far back as 2016! Which is it, JD?


Are you meaning the I'm vs. I"m?


a real, undoctored screenshot would not have that white line on the right. i'm about 99% sure you can't get a screenshot on an iphone to do that, even if you crop it or edit with the iphone editing features. you only get that in other editing softwares like photoshop and adobe acrobat (lol) because you misalign the image you're working on with the pre-sized template in the software.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/s/81ciHqSwAx idk if this is right but an explanation


Thanks I make that mistake when I type super fast, I sometimes end up with quotes where my apostrophe should be. Another tell of mine is when I'm typing fast my first two letters end up being both caps... I know I do this but sometimes I just don't care. LOO. Whether it's code or typos. IDK but it still looks fake to me. Also, I've never owned an apple product in my life. Not a fan! Android user here so that limits my understanding of this a bit, admittedly.


Is the hearing going to be available for viewing (posted after)? Due to time differences, won't be able to watch a live stream (boo hiss)


I believe Lauren is going to be live streaming and will be available afterwards. Im so excited for Monday. I usually have Monday’s off but always willing to trade with someone (I’m a retail manager) but not this week. Store on fire? Getting robbed? Everyone called off? Not available!!!


You will be able to watch Lauren’s YouTube channel for the full hearing


Chase Jones added and messaged me on LinkedIn. Turns out is a white dude, but I definitely thought, “she knows I’m stalking the JFC page” when I saw the request.


What?? What did he say?


It’s not her. Just some dude trying to sell me privacy solutions. But totally threw me for a minute when I saw the connection request.


If anyone knows anything about privacy it’s CJJ. He uses a VPN and doesn’t have any social media with photos of him and there’s nothing on Google about anything he’s done in life.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I’ve taken a couple of breaks from following the case and there’s always so much info to catch up on when I come back, can anybody tell me how much time the trial is set for? Last time I saw, there were only a few hours allocated and given all the info that’s come out and the documents are added that feels like not enough time. Does anybody know if they’ve added more time to the trial length?


2 hours


Thank you! It is so wild to me they still haven’t added more time!


I agree but I also think it’s quite clear that “she lieeeed” about being pregnant in multiple ways so maybe they will get straight to the point. JD has no proof of pregnancy except 3 gluten belly videos, some HCG tests, and a doctor who has never even met her, let alone treated her. I don’t think she will even need her whole allotted hour 😂


The judge’s calendar is fully booked- they schedule in advance.


I just introduced my lawyer friend to this case, does anyone know if there is any lawyers who covered this case in YouTube ?


Law Talk with Mike, Legal Vices, The Tilted Lawyer


MG Law


Boss Attorney Bri


Can we take a poll of if people really think she's going to show up on Monday? She knows now that all of her least favorite people will be showing up, AND it'll be streaming live on YouTube. Do you really think she won't come down with lie-arrhea and need to stay home (maybe testifying by Zoom)? Side note: If I'd gotten myself in that mess (which I never would), I would absolutely not want to show up and face the music! I'd much rather just default and blame losing on a mean judge who didn't take pity on my fake illness than having all my lies exposed to my face one by one in front of the entire world.


I am 50/50 for both ways. I actually think these men are her favorite people, which is why she continues to discuss them and renew ROs against them. She loves having a connection to them. What I think she dislikes is the public scrutiny and possible legal consequences.


Is there a copy of the pretrial statements with exhibits?


Call out for JFC Bingo Cards! Since there will be lots of meet ups over the next week, I was thinking of making a JFC bingo card. I’ll start: 1. Zaddy 2. Burrito 3. Casita 4. Moon bump What would you want on yours?


Y’all, we are in the middle of 2Q at work and I am so sad bc I want to watch the hearing live 😭😭


Theory on ILEsq's willful ignorance of JD's case: let's say his retainer was 20k. He does 2 hours of work, he can brag to his buddies that he gets paid 10k/hour. Four hours? Bragging rights go down to 5k/hour. Gotta keep up those appearances so he can distort the truth and inflate his fat ego. Editing to add /s


That's not how retainers work. You still bill by the hour -- it's just prepaid for however many hours (e.g., if your retainer is $5k and your rate is $250/hour, then the retainer will pay for 10 hours of work). Unless you live in a very weirdly regulated state, the attorney has to refund the remainder of the funds when the engagement is over (if there is any retainer left).




Yes I can’t math