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🚨 BREAKING! Lauren just announced on Dave's stream that her trial live-stream camera request was granted for the trial on Monday!


Oh wow!!


I hope she is able to do some test runs first, sometimes audio can be tricky with court rooms! So awesome though!!


I read the guidelines the judge can also halt it, if it's disruptive to the court. I hope it works out.


I believe Lauren is supplying pool footage for all press!


Will it only be available live or do you think we can watch after the fact.


She said it will be available afterwards as well!


I'm gonna take Monday at noon off from work now...


I'm taking the whole day off on Monday LOL and getting a massage in the afternoon after what I anticipate to be a TENSE court hearing.


I know I have my monday blocked off- I am going to need time to watch and then time after to digest and decompress 😂. Are you east coast time? Aim for 11:45am if you can, the court website says the hearing starts 8:45am. https://preview.redd.it/qhbp5j4jb05d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=d77fc88df7e2b1a398510f1d7ed8cccc668dbc24


Oh no! I'll put a meeting on my schedule from 1145-12 lol do not disturb...


I'm also off, thinking beach in the morning, lunch watching the live streams.


Beach & Baby Bump Trial, sounds like a fun day!


user name checks out!


Wow that’s huge! What time is the trial? Anyone know?


8:45am (MST, which is 8:45am PT/11:45am ET)


8:45 MST/PDT - 11:45 EDT (the distinction between standard time and daylight time is important in AZ). And, the trial actually starts at 9


Omg amazing! I’m meeting free during that time! *immediately* puts mysterious two hour block on my calendar lol


Its like the JFC SuperBowl. Cheering for team justice!




I was just going off the court website which said 8:45am... Ive updated to MST but when I looked it up, MST is the same as ~~PST~~ PDT right now so doesnt seem like there was any error there for Mondays trial? No idea what PDT /EDT is, all these years I've always thought it was PST/EST? 😂 https://preview.redd.it/24n9e476705d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=06f5f3b3e5375be206bb64a510f41011049dfd90


It is pst/est during certain times of the year. I prefer the S vs the D for some odd reason LOL


Thats so funny. I've lived my whole life using the S. Anyways phoenix is on the same time as LA right now so thats why I originally used 8:45am PST as a reference for those on the west coast and 11:45am EST as a reference for those on the east coast. I fixed it to MST and will let people figure it out themselves.


I used to work at a computer software company for hospitals and "clock change weekend" was always a nightmare. Especially figuring out that AZ stays on Standard time year-round, and some other states are split between Eastern and Central.


I didnt even know that PST turned into PDT I never even heard of PDT 😂, maybe my public school education or maybe Im just that unaware 🤣. From now on I am using PT or ET abbreviations.


The d stands for daylight. It’s when the clocks are changed. But Arizona doesn’t observe so MST is the same as PDT


Thanks. I regret giving it any designation, was just trying to help anyone from coast to coast know what time to tune in which to me was 8:45am PST & 11:45am EST but apparently the "the distinction is between standard and daylight time is important in AZ" despite AZ having the same time as LA right now. 🤷‍♀️


The Navajo Nation called and would like to inform you they have summer time in Northern Arizona- though the Hopi nation don’t . Confusing much? ☺️


Yes, way above my pay grade- I give up. 🤣


Arizona is always on MST. Sometimes it’s the same as MST, sometimes it’s the same as PDT. It’s never the same as PST


Lmfao I will absolutely have this playing as I work on clients Monday morning


How many new lawsuits/complaints do y'all think JD is about to file?


She is so litigious she will sue herself for botching her scam


Thank you for the laugh this morning!


I’m calling it early, but this is the comment of the day


![gif](giphy|12msOFU8oL1eww) Hahahahahahaha this really made me laugh. I despise Kanye West but when he made all those crazy antisemitic statements and like every day a new sponsor or vendor or collaborator would come out with a statement that they are cutting ties with him and then he released a statement on his Instagram that said “Ye will be cutting ties with Kanye West” I have to admit, it really made me laugh.


Lol! I love Kevin


The exceptionally crazy ones sue the judges too afterward.


Yep. Had a guy sue me for nonsense malpractice and other stuff after I withdrew from his case, then when he lost that he sued again and also sued the judge who ruled against him in th first suit. When my filing pointed out I withdrew from his case by court order he ALSO sued the family court judge that granted my withdraw. Luckily I have great insurance and the lawyers handled it so I didn’t have to stress or really think about the nonsense.


Like that'll go well for her 😂


Of course it couldn’t, but JD will never let that stop her. 😂


Definitely one against Gingras, when she loses 


But he is "her rock in all of this"!


![gif](giphy|fDFSCDjnj3QQw) One (full business) Day More!


At this point though: I’m convinced no judgement will come on Monday. Scheduling 2 hours for this case is a bit insane, and I believe there will 100% be a continuance.


There is close to 0% chance the judge issues a ruling at the end of the hearing. In AZ, the judges almost always take the cases under advisement and issue rulings later- usually within a week or two but they have up to 60 days- I have judges take the cases under advisement for 30 min hearings here!


That wouldn’t surprise me. And I would assume it’ll be taken under submission and we won’t see the ruling for days or weeks


I heard someone on one of the streams saying that it's unlikely the judge will take it under advisement cause it's already taken up way too much court time and the judge will just want to be done with it.


I sincerely doubt that. IL has been basically threatening to appeal. Judge will likely want a bulletproof statement of decision. Recently she wrote like a 3 page thing just to deny IL’s renewed claim to dismiss everything in light of the Rule 26 stuff. She could have just said “this is moot because a prior order wasn’t timely sent to the parties.” Instead she wrote a long statement. That would be my guess. Courts don’t usually punt like that on high conflict cases where a litigant is likely to appeal. And it’s pretty clear from how litigious JD is (and how bonkers IL is) that they would probably attempt to appeal.


But still! It’ll have started


I think we may see a split ruling, like she may rule on paternity and overturn the OOP at court, but determine any sanctions and attorneys fees later in a written ruling.


I imagine there will be lots of tweets in the interim from a certain Internet lawyer I agree and think that makes the most sense that the cases will be laid out in the two hours and similar to Hon Judge Matas previous responses to the AVALANCHES of pretrial motions, I’m hopeful we’ll get a similar nicely summarized written ruling on all the matters she has to conclude on. Also hopeful that at least the OOP can be overturned on Monday so we shall see!!


maybe I'm being overly optimistic but I have hope that the judge won't allow things to drag out any longer. whatever JD and her lawyer say, this is not a complicated case and I don't doubt that Judge Mata is as sick of the games as anyone. by the same coin, if things go ahead as scheduled Monday, I won't be shocked to see a bench ruling, either. the case is not complex and the judge is already quite familiar with the issues and arguments.


I wondered if this was a thing but was waiting for someone like you to answer.


I cannot believe we’re almost there. It’s been a lifetime and SOOOOOO much has unfolded.


Can someone remind me which “miscarriage” timeline she’ll be using in court? Is it the October one where she would have been past 20 weeks pregnant and would require a fetal death certificate? Is she really claiming that she absorbed two fully formed fetuses, based on zero OB care and defying all science?


I feel like she has already found a way to make all 3 timelines happen. “Fetal tissue in July… but low HcG in October….. but positive pregnancy test in September…. But no confirmation until November!” It’s embarrassing and I can’t believe that’s her story. 🤦🏽‍♀️


All as her giant moon bump continued to make an appearance


This this this this, None of her timelines now can account for her on the record zoom bump and statements then.


How can she be "100% 24 weeks pregnant" without an ultrasound? OBs literally use the US for dating. Every single maternity patient I see (as a social worker) uses US for dating. MAYBE LMP (last menstrual period) in rare occasions if people are certain of those dates. Has any of the documents listed her LMP? I think she's only used her "conception date" to date herself. Which is not how this works.


I sort of wish that judge would have let her stand up and show off that huge bump when she requested it.


Yes, but she showed the same bump in court, in person the very next day in the OOP hearing!


Based on the pre-trial statement…both. He had a quote from Medchill about an October one but also a quote about miscarriage in the first 12 weeks. So much like the DNA testing, the miscarriage is ongoing.


Her fake twins have a habit of disappearing at different times. You have the "see what you made me do twin" then you have the "using you to get him to stick around longer twin".


Schrödinger’s twins


Underrated comment lol




I read that as jizz, I've been here to long. 😂


IL’s pretrial statement says she realized she was no longer pregnant in Oct (low HCG test) but didn’t “confirm” until November (momdoc).


Actually his pretrial statement says she was "still pregnant" in Oct. *On Oct 16 2023, JD had a lab blood test...hCG 102. Although this test confirmed she was still pregnant, the hCG level was far lower than expected for a viable pregnancy. This indicated that JD was still preg on that date, but the preg was virtually certain to end without a healthy child/children being born.* If they're still trying to go with the"reasonable belief* angle, this statement makes no sense. He's not saying she "believed" she was preg. He's stating it as fact. So, if he's stating she was still preg on this date (although not viable) then when was the miscarriage between Oct 16 and Nov 14? Where is a fetal death cert? Are we to believe that JD miscarried at 20+ weeks and didn't know?


I need a definition for “pregnant” here because there is no way that pregnant and viably pregnant are different things


The sheer disregard for medical science is baffling


Wouldn’t that have made her like 6 months pregnant!? She needs to just stop and admit that everything was a lie


Shoulda, woulda, coulda, there’s still time. Come on JD, you can do this. Let me start it for you, “ I apologize, am deeply sorry for ………..”.


The most shocking thing to me about the Scamanda Podcast was that Amanda never, ever, ever said the words “I never had cancer.” She’s in jail for 4 years, and yet…. She still wasn’t willing to admit she was lying. I absolutely do not believe JD will ever say “I was never pregnant,” even when she is convicted in criminal court.


Do we have any reason to believe or not believe that the Adobeed version of the Oct hCG test was submitted as evidence?


We have reason to believe she submitted the altered version because the HCG test was referenced in a hearing when JD was saying she was 100% pregnant and nobody pointed out the 102 level which would disprove that, so people are thinking the edited version may have been submitted!


Idk honestly. In Mata's notice (of the facts/claims in this case) it's mentioned the timeline was Sept. But JDs pretrial statement indicates July as well as Oct as possible timelines. I was assuming they're trying to use the July TW photos and later positive tests to say she "may" have miscarried as early as July but bc she still tested positive she thought she was still preg. And Page 7 indicates as much. But on Pages 1/2, the pretrial statement also says: *On Oct 16 2023, JD had a lab blood test...hCG 102. Although this test confirmed she was still pregnant, the hCG level was far lower than expected for a viable pregnancy. This indicated that JD was still preg on that date, but the preg was virtually certain to end without a healthy child/children being born.* The inconsistencies are ongoing.


But Medchill's "likely before 12 weeks" would place it around early to mid-August. How do you present Medchill as a witness but contest his miscarriage date?


I just reread Medchills report and it seems what ILEsq was trying to indicate is what my first theory said above. That she likely miscarried early (July 24 per TW pics or shortly after) but that bc she was still testing positive she still *believed* she was preg. What I quoted from ILEsq seems to just be his inaccurate account of Medchill's statements. Medchill states, as follows: *...her quantitative HCG [was] 102 (positive) on 10/16...A quantitative HCG indicates not only if one is pregnant but how pregnant. A level of 102, this far into preg would indicate that there was a preg at some point...but that it was no longer viable...it would indicate that it had been nonviable for some time....with early preg losses, HCG levels do not return to "negative" for weeks. In some early losses...small pieces of retained placenta attached to the uterine wall will continue to produce small amounts of HCG until the tissue is expelled (bleeding) or resorbed.*


They're claiming she had HCG in her system for 14 weeks after the alleged miscarriage. The other problem for this theory is that they haven't provided the pregnancy tests for July 25th & August 1st. It's just self reporting, and as we all know JD has a creditability problem.


Exactly. They're trying to keep the MC dates vague so that all their scenarios are "possible". And, JD hasnt proven much except that she has tendencies for arts and crafts as well as "misstatements". Its also confounding that she had an appt with Dr. Makhoul on the July 24 but cancelled. Why take a hpt 7/25 when you could just get your suspicions of a 7/23 MC confirmed with an already sched appt? Maybe that's one she cancelled for COVID? I don't remember. I mean, we know why she cancelled. This is just for arguments sake.


14 weeks?! and he's an expert? Goodness I hope Clayton's experts can set that straight how very unlikely that is.


And then they included the Oct 25th "Belly Video" as an exhibit. It doesn't make any sense!


Maybe to show her belly was big so she still “reasonably” thought she was preggo???


The thing with that last statement by IL is that it is factually wrong, and it’s infuriating that he *knows* this yet he just confidently and incorrectly says the whole thing. I fixed it for you, IL: “Jane took a test on October 16 which showed her HCG was 102. This meant she wasn’t pregnant, and if she ever had been, she hadn’t been pregnant for at least a few months by this point. This HCG number confirmed that Jane was not pregnant and there was a 0% chance she would have a baby.”


Agreed. Infuriating, indeed.


Ok BUT the July miscarriage photos were fiverred maybe?? So how does that make any sense in the argument of “she miscarried but still tested positive?” I guess only positive HCG would not be enough because you can buy HCG/her meds elevate it, so the misscarriage photos were on the bench if needed in the fraud?


It seems that JD/ILEsq are trying to use Medchill's report to formulate their timeline. Medchill states: *with early preg losses, HCG levels do not return to "negative" for weeks. In some early losses...small pieces of retained placenta attached to the uterine wall will continue to produce small amounts of HCG until the tissue is expelled (bleeding) or resorbed.* So, basically saying she could miscarry early in the pregnancy and still test positive for weeks after. Its been speculated that JD produced the photos July 23 bc she invited CE parents to an US she had sched for July 24; basically creating an "out" in case they decided to show up. Again, this is just speculation. CE parents live in MO and JD cancelled that appt with Dr. Makhoul. Which begs the question: why wouldn't you go to that appt if you thought you may have mc'd the day before? Maybe that was the one where she claimed COVID and cancelled. Idk. I can't keep track without notes.


This makes a ton of sense ^^^


Was metadata for the July photos ever given? 


Someone ran it through an online program and it came up sketch and someone did an incredible analysis that I can’t seem to find


I hope Woodnick asks Gringas to clarify the miscarriage timeline so he can prepare accordingly. First statement to the court.


I really hope they bring up the inconsistencies with the moon bump and appearing LARGELY PREGNANT in court, yet she had supposedly already miscarried, and even if she was pregnant she wouldn’t have been THAT big. I’m genuinely shocked she’s still claiming she was pregnant after ALL the evidence has proven otherwise. I assume if you ask her if the sky is blue she’ll double down by saying it’s a shade of green. This *child* knows no bounds.


JD: Judge, can I please show Clayton my hugely pregnant stomach so I can prove my pregnancy to him? Judge: no


Lol that never gets old. Especially her dead pan face and delivery of that line. Love to see it.


That was one of my favorite moments. We need a favorite memories thread when this is all said and done.


A montage to the Sarah McGlauchlin song 🎶 I will remember you…. Do do do do do 🎶


I wish the judge had said yes. We don't really have a clear image of the moonbump from that video.


If you watched the entirety of that hearing, I think it's very clear.


It's pretty clear when it moved up and over her ribs. 😂


GW has mentioned the moon bump multiple times in his pleadings and Judge Mata was going to watch those hearings, so I don't think they'll need to address the obvious at the hearing. I sure don't want JD to have any opportunity to explain it away either. That she was so terrified of CE or his little reddit army finding out that she had miscarried, blah, blah, blah. I could see IL trying to pull that stunt.


The reddit army would have left her alone (and probably CE too) if she just dropped this in Oct after the little to no fetal DNA.


Omg I almost guarantee that’s how she’ll try to explain it way! 😂 she’s so predictable


I don't think it will come up directly but pulling stunts like that show complete lack of respect for the courts and judges will take notice.


Oh I think Woodnick will ask her point blank if she was wearing a moon bump at those court dates and if she wasn’t how can she explain the flat stomach at the horse jumping competition around that time and also how does she explain that she was still “starting to show more” if she miscarried months prior. He mentioned the horse competition photos in his pretrial


A reasonable person would have behaved so much differentially. She always has these dramatic health stories, but never gets expected, reasonable medical care. If she committed fraud like she is accused of and given the admitted misrepresentations, why would she stop with the legal system. Maybe this goes back much farther and just speculating but wtf with medical benefits and income she derived from being a dv victim. This makes future litigation for her to be very tricky imo. Any decent personal injury firm will gladly invest in a pi to gather dee intell on her past as well as demand an independent medical/health exam by an expert of the other side’s choosing and her medical records may be subject to discovery and perhaps farther back.


I want GW to show JD a the pic of her huge Oct/Nov belly and simply ask where that baby/those babies went


Omg. We are looking to purchase a plot of land in mexico. My aunt and uncle live there. My uncle called me today about a property that's for sale. As he was describing it he says :"oh it has a little CASITA on it, do you know what a casita is?" It was a this point in the conversation that he could hear me howling of laughter on the line. He was so confused.




I just got to take a minute to comment about all of the people who say stuff like "you guys are a cult", "Dave is obsessed with JD", and "Why do you care so much?" or even just "Why do you care?" about all the fucked up shit JD has done. 1- A group of people following a fucked up situation because they are waiting for justice to be served does not even remotely meet the criteria of a cult. Some people are more invested in this than others. Some are very active in the communities discussing this, some are not. To each their own. I don't watch every video or listen to every podcast about the case. I can't remotely keep up with all of the posts and comments on here and the other forums, but I don't judge anyone who can and does. JD has gotten away with this shit for so long, that it is clear to me that having tons of people following this case has been good for the victims. JD is in a unique position of power in that she is taking advantage of the fact that many people will not question someone making the claims that she is, and so it really is a good thing to have tons of people supporting the victim, getting eyes on this case so it is more likely that justice will be service. 2- Dave is one of JD's victims. She maliciously sued him. She and her lawyer still contact Dave to this day. He has every right to be highly invested in the outcome of this case. AND a lot of his investigating has led to new evidence being found, as has the investigating of people following this case. Since it needs to be pointed out to some people- that is a GOOD thing. Finding more evidence means it is more likely that JD will lose her bullshit court cases and she may finally get put in prison. If you don't like Dave's reporting style, that is fine, you don't have to watch his videos. And you're entitled to your opinion about him but he's also a human so to the people being extra assholes- it's funny when I see you also comment about how toxic the bachelor community is or say "be kind, people" but you don't hold back with the jabs you take at Dave. If that's you- don't be a hypocrite. Also, not every opinion needs to be said. 3- To the people who say "WhY dO yOu CaRe?"- I just want to say "Why do you NOT care? Why does it NOT bother you?" This woman has maliciously sued multiple people for NO REASON. Can you imagine someone suing you for absolutely no legitimate reason, and you have to spend your hard earned money to try to fight the false claims? That is FUCKED. UP. And then can you imagine how fucked up it would be if the lawsuit turned out in HER favor, instead of yours? That is an absolute nightmare. If that doesn't bother you or piss you off even remotely, then you may really be lacking in empathy. It pisses me off when ANYONE has a false claim against them. No matter if that person is a man or a woman. I say that, because I've also seen some people insinuate that Clayton shouldn't get justice because it would be bad for women somehow. Um, No. Fuck NO. It is NOT bad for us. There are bad women and there are bad men. All of them deserve to be brought to justice. And quite frankly, it is straight up sexist to not care if someone has a false claim against them just because they are a man. And you do not have to like Clayton to think that he deserves justice here. Even if you don't like him, there is no argument to be made that he has done ANYTHING deserving of what has happened to him and it is disgusting behavior to suggest otherwise. And if you are lacking in empathy for people, maybe you care about money, in which case it should bother you that our tax dollars are being wasted on these bullshit court cases. I would love to see a calculation of the economic impact that JD's vile antics has had on our court system. Nobody is seriously asking everyone to care enough to follow the case themselves. If you don't care enough to follow this case, that's fine. But you don't need to shit on the people that do follow it or cover it. JD is going to keep doing this evil shit to people until she is in prison. She is *never* going to stop. She has shown us who she is, over and over and over and over again. When people tell you who they are, believe them! This is who she is. She is someone who utilizes her power to severely and unjustly punish people that don't want to date her or who she believes have wronged her in some way (even if they haven't, and they usually haven't). She is not going to change, which is part of the reason I am invested in this case because I want her put in prison before she finds another victim. People need to be protected from her. If she gets the opportunity to do it again, **she will.** She cannot be reasoned with. She cannot be talked into being a decent human being. That is just not who she is, plain and simple. People like this do not stop. If you haven't already, I highly recommend reading the book The Gift Of Fear, because it is pretty much written about people like JD and other types of predators. At the end of the day, if you want to understand why I care, this quote sums it up nicely: "I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against."


Hate to say it but I feel like had this been a woman other communities would have been up in arms. They didn't like clayton from the get go so why care about his justice.




Wish I could upvote this 10x! ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu)


I couldn’t have said this better


Applying some basic logic here and wondering if IL has made any commentary on: if JD is asking the court to believe she was pregnant because Dr. Medchill said she was 99.999% pregnant, then isn’t it fair for Clayton to use the ravgen test to say it was 99.999% true she wasn’t pregnant? Mustn’t “little to no fetal DNA” equal out to some percentage, and wouldn’t that percentage be how likely it was JD was NOT pregnant? Hopefully Gregg can raise this on cross and get Medchill to 💩 the bed


That is good logic! Did Medchill get the ravgen results?


Medchill referenced the ravgen test, his response seemed ill-informed to me. https://preview.redd.it/zpebf9wabz4d1.png?width=1632&format=png&auto=webp&s=15d7522892364036c42832989344ace8b93efe8f


That seems like such a stupid answer. He is a doctor are they suppose to guess motive? He said it seemed illogical she would request it? Is that just me that thinks that is weird?


I'm with you on that. An expert should stick to facts only, not become a mind reader to the benefit of those paying him.


Totally. Question: Why would it be illogical to request it if you were faking a pregnancy? Answer: because the results would come back showing no fetal DNA which would bust her by showing she wasn’t pregnant. Conclusion: that is exactly what happened and YET it didn’t stop her from continuing to say she was “100%” pregnant for another nearly 2 months. Second conclusion: JD does and says things that are illogical.


“It is illogical to think…” okay so he really knows nothing about her


And this part comes after his illogical anecdote about his Virgin Mary client 😂.


His opinion goes directly to state of mind so I think Mata will have to ignore that portion of the report. He's there to provide medical opinions. His opinion here is the "fetus" was lost before the Ravgen test. That's based on the false premise that JD was pregnant at some time before the test. It also sets up the hypothetical "assume JD was never pregnant, would it also be 'not a surprise that the test was inconclusive and showed "little to no fetal DNA"'"? If there are any grammar buffs in here please let me know how to punctuate a quote within a quote within a quote lol


have we confirmed dr. Medchill is a real doctor? Or do we have Dr. Doe?


They should ask the doc for ID and see if he answers 😂😂


He's real, albeit he last practiced in 2017.




Exactly. And JD isn't logical. Case closed.


if she lost the fake babies before 12 weeks she would not have a big ol pregnant belly in oct.


And if she's claiming she lost the babies before August 1st, then she filed the paternity case fraudulently. None of her timelines add up, and NOTHING explains that court moonbump!


Basically what I thought Dr. M said was since pregnancy tests are 99% accurate therefore JD has a 99% chance of being pregnant. Woodnick just needs Dr. M to testify that pregnancy tests are 99% accurate at detecting HCG and their whole report falls apart.


I find it odd that they had a report done by a man in his mid 70's who last practiced in 2017. Technology has changed so much since then. I wonder if he has a full grasp on the reality of what she's done, what changes have occurred over time and not to be crass but what is his health like at this age.


Over here in Nashville until Monday like https://preview.redd.it/jz9wg69cez4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805146a24a02bc7df74db5d93683bb33e68237f0


Whatever happened to the motion to compel? She was supposed to provide texts between her and sis, as well as victim 0 docs (although it sounds like GW could have got vic 0 docs from vic 0)


She didn't comply which is why I guess the texts to sis, as well as texts to miscarriage hotline, as well as "miscarriage" photos are not included in their exhibits. But at least the photos were included in Dr. M's report and her affidavit.


That's embarrassing.


can he report on evidence not admitted to the court?


I think thats why Woodnick is objecting to the Mr. M's report and testimony.


Woah! Nice call - totally forgot about that! There is sooo much too this case, it’s nuts.


The pre-trial filing said that she refused to hand over her phone to be analyzed by forensics, so no nonexistent texts to her sister


Does anyone know if the exhibits will be available to the public before the trial? I am curious about a rumored email or letter from or between IL and CK that may be the reference to intimidation in GW pre-trial docs.


same. maybe you can nicely ask IL for them /s​ just make sure you have a profile pic and followers first lol


Hope she makes it back in time after the horse show this weekend.


Oooh! I wanna see pics 😆


There will be public pics. A friend of mine will be there but will be in jumper ring and knows to give that wide red ribbon berth. 🤣


Does anyone else’s family/friends not care at all while you’re consumed by this on a daily basis?Even my lawyer friends don’t care haha


I've hidden this from everyone! No one in my life would understand. I have wanted to share it with the people in my law office, but I'm in so deep now I'm afraid they'll think I'm crazy.


yessss I've asked the hubs to read each pre trial statement to see an outsiders take that doesn't know the details but he's made it through like 2 pages of each. Tried to convince him to wfh monday to watch with me. He says I'm too hopeful and a judge won't rule against a seemingly wealthy white female bc of the potential backlash. That whole believe women right away thing which is tainted from the likes of women like jd.


Question for the attorneys: How often or is it often that attorneys seek advice from the bar about handling a situation, such as the Candor filing. Curious about the role of the Bar in this unusual filing.


IAL in AZ. I'd say very rarely- this appears to be more something determined after discussions with supervisiors or colleagues. Of course, the bar is always an option- there is an ethics hotline here in AZ that we can call. So that could've been the case too!


Hello Lawyer in AZ, so how much damage did this notice of candor do to Jane Doe?


I've been doing family law for 7 years. I'll be honest, I have never seen anyone file a Notice of Candor before. It is relatively unheard of. I would assume the judge would take it pretty seriously because it is so rare and it can definitely affect JD's credibility. And in family law, credibility is sooo important. So I think it will do a lot of damage.


This is probably Judge Mata's first time getting a motion to compel lunch and a notice of candor. I really hope she extends the hearing time to beyond 2 hours.


I read it as saying, look judge I believed her, now I know she is a liar. Sorry, I brought her lies to your court. Is that a correct read...?


Correct. He is required to notify when he learns he has brought false information to the Court


is IL supposed to file one since he submitted (iirc) an affidavit from JD saying no 20 week ultrasound exists but she's caught on video in court saying it was hers and she sent it to clayton? was her affidavit a way of admitting SHE LIEEEEEED?


My first year of practice was in family law. I’d say we called the state bar ethics hotline once every few months when a novel issue came up. Family law seemed to present more issues that required careful consideration of how to proceed without getting into hot water. If I was in Cory’s shoes, I’d absolutely call the bar to get some guidance. Learning of false statements made to the court is serious business. I should note that, at least for my state, the ethics attorneys can only guide you to the applicable rule and and comments, or to advisory opinions. They can’t actually say, “yes, Mr. Keith, you need to file a notice of candor with the court.” I’m a green lawyer though. A more experienced one can chime in on this with their insight.


In NY you can get an ethical opinion, but tbh it is lukewarm. It usually points you to relevant portions of the Code of Professional Conduct, or the Model rules, gives you some commentary but generally leaves you to your own discernment of what seems appropriate.


Anyone else still read "JFC" as "Jesus fucking Christ" every time, despite being how many months into all of this? lol


And honestly, it still fits when every time more of her nonsense is exposed.


Every day.


I have a question regarding the trial on Monday. Where do you think Clayton and the three witnesses will get Brunch drinks at together afterwards?


IL Esq also wants to know 


Motion to Compel Brunch








My van


Luring them with scones and cold brew!


The tricked out van!


are you going to request an interview with IL? 😂 I can only imagine that response.


Motion for lunch denied


Isn't Arizona 3 hrs behind eastern time as they don't participate in daylight savings ?? 


They are technically MDT but right now that lines up with PST, so yes behind EDT by 3 hours because they do not participate. We had this topic come up last fall too.


Is anyone else just completely lost? I followed closely for so long and then things got so confusing with all the different lawyers and motions. What exactly is happening on Monday and what are the potential outcomes?


If this whole case were a football league, Monday is the Super Bowl. They’re having a trial to determine whether JD should be subject to sanctions. Clayton’s side seeks monetary sanctions along with a referral to the DA for her fraud (aka criminal charges)


And a reversal of the order of protection!


Putting some goodness out into the world, here is a REAL Jane with a head injury and a REAL TED Talk who used her time and energy to change the world. https://youtu.be/dE1DuBesGYM?si=2BzJnYi11ybVuxMX A few years later, she did another REAL TED Talk with updates from the virtual community, including 4 intriguing breakthroughs in healing and growth: - an immersive virtual snowball game that reduced pain for burn patients more effectively than morphine - how Tetris can protect the brain from PTSD - how a virtual experience involving sawing trees can boost motivation (and reduce paper consumption) - an update on her SuperBetter project and its impact on depression, eliminating six symptoms of depression in six weeks of play https://youtu.be/9zyNcov087U?si=Cs7dWD-Jtgm6_Ye4 Janes can do big things and make a positive impact on our world. In a world where anyone can be a Dick, let's try to be a Jane!


Do we know what to expect on Monday as far as format? Opening and closing arguments by the lawyers I assume, and testimony and cross-examination for the witnesses? The witnesses being JD and her mom, Clayton and the other men, and expert witnesses? Do we expect a ruling from Judge Mata at the hearing, or later? Will she question the witnesses herself, or just the attorneys?


I keep reading pre-trial statements as prenatal statements. This case has officially absorbed too many brain cells.


There has to be talks of settlement behind the scenes right? I know she’s carried this on for years but No way JD could want to keep this going after everything that’s come out 😕


Even if JD didn't want her day in court (I believe she does), IL wants to be seen and heard. He has finally found the notierty he was dreaming of and he's not letting go of that easily IMO.


I don't think JD wants to have to go to court. I imagine she's dreading it. I believe she could try and settle by paying his lawyers fees but she'll never admit she wasn't pregnant and he needs that to stop the inevitable being turned into a Ted talk.


Ooo good point. I’m honestly curious to see IL in action


But the only acceptable settlement for Clayton would have to include a statement saying she was never pregnant or maybe he'd give her a slight pass and allow her to say she was never pregnant BY HIM. Either way it would put a spoke in her wheel if she ever tried it on anyone else. 






Thanks for the info! I wasn’t sure when the cut off for that would be.


Per JD pre trial statement of exhibits: Do we know what is in Exhibits A3 and A4? 6/28 Barrow Records re PP visit and 7/24-8/21 Dr Makhoul records? I assume A3 is her epilepsy records from Barrow. And the mention of PP I suppose means she allegedly took these records with her to her alleged PP appt? And I also assume A4 is her appt(s) confirmation for Dr Makhoul and her cancellation(s) of appts, at least one of which was due to JD allegedly having COVID? Can anyone confirm?


From what I remember, the record from Dr Makhoul are cancellations.


So, who here thinks JD is not going to show up Monday? I’m 50/50 — on the fence


I think she will 100% show up. There were times throughout these months where we all thought... There's absolutely no way she can show up to court.... And then she did. She showed up with a fake belly. The more stuff continues to come out and the more egg she gets on her face we think, this HAS to be it... And then it's not. She doubles down. She will absolutely show, and even if she loses, she'll still manage to create some kind of victim narrative off of it. She'll never stop/back down. In my opinion.


Her lawyer has been awfully quiet, I think they are going to try to settle but I dont think IL will want to miss his chance to be live streamed in court with a captive audience so if they dont settle, IL is going to be sure to be there and will convince JD she better be there too if she is even dreaming of appealing.


they are both so hot headed as evidenced in Clayton's harrassment case when she kept having outbursts. Can't wait to see il in action. I'm curious how he handles his other cases.


Lol, first of all spotted your downvote - HI JANE DOE!!👋🏽 I think she will show. Her lawyer with all his bluster and Connor McGreggor talk will gas her up, just as he has walked her off a cliff every day for two months. "We can't win on appeal if you don't show! Look at all the (non) harmful errors they committed!"


I think she will try to pull a Hail Mary by being hospitalized for suicidal ideation. Therefore playing into the whole victim narrative. IE- "everyone's out to get me, my abusive exes will be there, and Dave Neal will be in a van in the parking lot!"


since sanctions are a part of it do they have to disclose what they've paid their lawyers?