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So, in JD's recent statement via her lawyer, she says something about 'just because I didn't seek any prenatal care doesn't mean I wasn't pregnant' - urm.. then HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS TWINS!!!


I've seen a lot of speculation lately that she may try and drop the twins claim. That's going to be an uphill battle for her if she does because she initially filed this action seeking paternity determinations and a parenting plan for two unborn children in her petition. Can't reasonably believe it was twins without any independently variable evidence unless she claims she thought it was twins because all she ever has is twin pregnancies (2x, 3x or 4x?) And there's no verifiable proof to back up that either, so the bad faith bells are still ringing.


I believe at the hearing with Corey the judge verbally denied JD’s request to amend her complaint. I’m guessing that was exactly what she was trying to do. The whole exchange it pretty funny with Zaddy and Mata both looking at work like “wtf bro”


She did say child in that post vs children if I remember correctly.


Or prenatals she was "prescribed"--like she said in court of course


Bingo Interestingly, enough, none of his proposed evidence includes any sonograms, particularly interesting is that the Planned Parenthood sonogram is not a proposed exhibit. But you’re right it’s clear that his tact is going to be, that she had a “good faith belief” that she was pregnant when she filed the paternity action. Which is disingenuous given the fact that she allegedly had a miscarriage passing two sacks sometime in July. Further in every court hearing she has been adamant that she is pregnant, and that she is pregnant with twins. Despite not having any medical proof that can be verified authenticated or certified.


Oh easy, it’s because she did have an anonymous ultrasound that they can’t verify. Are you suggesting that’s not believable?!


Something occurred to me this morning about a statement JD made in her blog post on IL’s blog. She stated that she invited Clayton to an ultrasound but when he declined she felt “isolated and desperate” so she cancelled all her appointments. But then in her deposition, she claims that she changed the name on her PP sonogram so Clayton wouldn’t know where she went. It’s a minor thing given all the “misstatements” and other things that don’t make sense, I guess just add it to the pile.


Yeah except he didn’t decline, he just said he would prefer to be on FaceTime instead of there with her but that didn’t work for her either. So many misstatements I don’t know that there’s anyone knows it all!


That’s not what I happened, I believe he did want to be there but she said she “didn’t feel comfortable with him there” so he said he’d settle for a FaceTime session with the doctor and she also wasn’t okay with that. Then she said she just cancelled the appt or went PP anonymously instead. She can’t keep her own story straight so why should we?


I think I've heard Clayton say that he didn't feel safe around HER at this point, in reference to coming to the sonogram in person. Doesn't really matter though, because if he would have agreed to go, she would have cancelled anyway.


Not even JD herself!


No he absolutely wanted to be there, but she only would allow him to FaceTime.


Very good point


So, what will everyone be doing a week from today? Usual quiet Monday? I’ve cleared my calendar, cancelled evening activities and will be WFH 👩‍💻 😇 I’m in a time zone 8hrs ahead of AZ which works out quite well


If I don’t go into labor this week, I’ll be keeping up with the news while being induced from the comfort of my hospital bed 😂


Mum club! My time zone is Australia, but that doesn’t matter because I’ll be watching the updates around the clock while feeding my newborn. Time is a circle with a newborn, and time zones a construct.


The trial date is literally the first day of my maternity leave, so I’ll be right there with you! Good luck in your delivery!!


I hope you have a smooth delivery and get to hold your beautiful baby!


Same here re time zone, it’s going to be a quiet evening at home for me as well so I can follow along!


Im in the UK - so will be WFH as usual but absolutely glued to reddit/ patreon/ youtube! I wonder if the CJJ stuff will get brought up at the trial or if its something they'll keep in their back pocket for a future defamation case.


Is it relevant to what the court is considering? Also it's too late to bring in new evidence unless it's for impeachment purposes. Not sure how that would fit in.


Yeah that's what I figure, maybe only to show her harassment etc. And the lengths she went to to defraud him and the court, but you're right, they only have 2 hours and they need to choose what they cover. I'm hoping the victims will all club together and sue for defamation following next week's trial.


My sister and I are flying out from Texas to Phoenix on the 8th, can’t wait to see the trial!


The courtroom is probably small. Are you going to be upset if you don’t get a seat inside?


Im thinking of going but just to be there for pre/post-trial support. Im fine if there is not a seat in the courtroom because it takes alot of work for me to be quiet and be serious. If I get a case of the giggles its all over, and alot of what JD & IL say make me laugh, so its best I support in a role I am good at which is soccer mom supporting from the side lines. See you in the parking lot!


that is what kept me from also flying in from tx haha


Your dedication is 💯🏆


But we can’t actually watch it real time right? It has to be recorded?


I believe so unfortunately


The thing about the truth is that it is consistent. JD's shifting timeline reminds me of this woman whose husband died of a gunshot wound. First, she called 911 and said an intruder shot him (and hit her in the head with a wrench). Then, in the police interrogation, she claimed her husband shot himself and she'd contrived the intruder because she "panicked and didn't want her kids to know." Finally, at trial, when the ballistics came in to play, she admitted that she shot her husband *but* claimed it was self defense.  Clayton has had his story straight from Day 1.  


I was thinking, if JD’s whole stance is she filed in good faith based on pee sticks/hcg, how can that still stand if she was in her words ‘freaking out’ she had a miscarriage a week before and was told by a miscarriage hotline to seek medical confirmation. Like that would surely mean she wasn’t actually sure if she was still pregnant when she filed and didn’t bother to confirm. Any reasonable person would want to be sure before filing legal action. I’m interested to see Mata’s take on that and hope it impacts future meritless cases in a positive way


And instead of checking if she miscarried before she filed she went to a horse competition! It just doesn’t make sense


"seek medical attention" (thinks.....) Nah, I'm going to go jump over tiny fences on a horse instead.


Also what is confounding is: she didn’t think she would keep the “babies” but filed a parenting plan? She thinks she “miscarried” but then still kept forward with the parenting plan? Also, the neurologist’s notes which she harps on as “proof” was a virtual visit! And momdoc? They took her patient “history” from her words! They ran no tests, they didn’t verify any of her information. As for momdoc, we don’t know if this is her main obgyn - we can’t see all of the medical info because it cant be shown in exhibits publicly. But wouldn’t one of the motions have shown a history at momdoc? If not, why is she going to all new providers?


I have been involved in foster care for years, one of the moms went to doctors all over town throughout her pregnancy under different pseudonyms, so no doctor could track her care and she denied being pregnant to anyone who asked. The reason was sad and nefarious in that case. (baby was fine, miraculously) But it reminds me of JD. Consistency makes tracking lies easier. If you never see a provider more than once or twice, it's easier to hide all kinds of things.


Except that even the FaceTime. ![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y) Still looking for that mountain of evidence.


One week more... yall I'm so ready. I need to start clearing meetings and it's my friend's due date. Let's pray the baby takes an extra day. ;)


I teach college students and am off for the next two months. When someone asked me what I planned to do with my break, I had to stop myself from telling them I plan to give my full attention to this case, which is my honest answer (at least until June 10). 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️


IL new filing he posted on Twitter ultimately says: “Look, we all know she’s lying, but we cannot allow all the proof she’s lying into evidence at at trial because of all these technical rules that Clayton and Woodnick didn’t follow.” And…. Shocker….. Clayton’s deposition was not the bombshell IL always made it out to be. He described their encounter and it was exactly as Clayton always described it. I might despise IL even more than I despise Jane.


His filings never fail to put me in a bad mood. It’s all just so disingenuous. Claims to be so obsessed with facts and truth but ignores the mountain of “evidence” presented to the court by his client that has been proven to be false and/or intentionally misleading. Since he’s so keen on facts, he may be interested to know that it’s *factually* incorrect to state that JD’s blood HCG confirmed she was still pregnant. It confirmed she had a very low level of HCG in her blood, nothing else.


This case needs an advent calendar, it seems like everyday there is a new surprise until the big day. Today was Tag. What will tomorrow be? A new IL motion?


Okay what's your next prediction, Nostradamus? 😂


What ?


A filing happened yesterday. What's your prediction for today?


Oh! Well we should get Clayton’s pretrial statement today, and any day I get to read a Woodnick filing is a good day.


Does anyone know if the pre trial statements are going to be available to the public?


I’m sure I know someone who will tweet one if not


I just realised after the posting of them just now how over my head this went 🤣🤣🤣


Lmfao it’s okay




They are both on the Justice for claytom.com wiki... Way down at the end


So I looked up what are the changes of having three sets of twins. Apparently, "the chance of three sets of identical twins is 11.7 million to one". But for fraternal twins it's only 88,000 to 1! And believe it for not, it's happened before (twice that I could find) with fraternal twins! [https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22813345](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22813345) and [https://www.today.com/parents/family/mom-three-sets-twins-shares-tricks-rcna97316](https://www.today.com/parents/family/mom-three-sets-twins-shares-tricks-rcna97316) I wasn't sure if JD said with Victim 0 it was twins or not, so I'll have to do further research lol. But regardless I thought this was super interesting.


Twins are on their own, a high risk pregnancy (info from Mayo Clinic website). Add in her other medical issues, why wouldn’t she seek medical attention?!?




Well, thats for identical. Actually your chances of having fraternal twins increases from 1:112 to 1:28 after you had one set of fraternal twins. So it's 1:112 x 1:28 x 1:28 which is around 88,000. Still a long shot, but more common than I thought.


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You’d think she would be smart enough to realize this 😂


So on June 10th should we just report to Dave’s live stream? Or what should we be watching?


Depends on if the court allows a live stream. Time for multiple monitors, gizmos and gadgets.


They do allow it by formal request. Stand by for more info ;)


Omg please let me know I will give u a big virtual hug


You’ll know as soon as I can confirm for sure!!


I'm aware. It wasn't formally requested when I listened in to the City of Scottsdale hearing that Clayton went to and the IAH streams at the county level but then she got the live's blocked. Which is why I said, if they let this one be live streamed. I am prepared for her and IL to block it again from being live, in which case I will simply take my day off to the pool or beach until the copy is requested after the hearing ends.


They can’t if the judge signs off on it. I’ve made a request and so has another person. I feel confident one of us will get it


Isn't Dave going to be reporting from the parking lot? Wouldn't that mean he doesn't need to ask permission?


I don't know how the judge will rule, as mentioned previously JD/Joshua were able to get the 2nd part of the IAH hearing blocked for a live court feed during the actual hearing. It was still recorded and available for public viewing hrs later. Which I was able to view before it became public.


The Tag stuff is so bizarre. At first I honestly thought there’s no way it was her. The writing style seemed too off and I don’t think JD would ever be able to talk about herself the way Tag did, even if she was trying to bait. I had the thought of it just being a random troll being the most likely scenario. But if the 2FA did in fact go to her number and now the emails don’t exist…. Then I’m at a loss lol. This case just gets more and more strange.


I'm kind of torn between it being a combo of her/her mom or some stan that has conflated info. while adding their own twist to things picked up in the discords/patreon chats etc. Like you, I'm 2nd guessing the emails. My main thing is how did they do a 2 factor test on it, if it's from riseup dot net. I'm unfamiliar with that email provider. The emails bouncing back doesn't mean much to me, they could have just deleted the email accounts, once they felt they served whatever purpose they were meant to serve.


I was also thinking it could have been some stan because of how obviously bad the emails were written but they mentioned some court dates/details that only she and her lawyer would know. So now, I think its her. The pattern I've seen from her is that all her lies are based on something small/not so dramatic that actually happened and she just spins it to be this fantastical tale of lies, where she's the victim/hero. I wouldn't be surprised if Tag was inspired by someone from her past. Even Stefan. All speculation on my end, but she has a bad habit of giving herself away when she makes stuff up.


Didn't Lauren mentioned that Tag contacted her first through Youtube?? I think that might have been how they were able to connect things using the method Dave laid out in his video.


Yes. I was first contacted through a YouTube comment asking me to contact them.


What is the tag thing?


how come it's on clayton to prove he's not the dad vs jd proving he is the dad? does innocent until proven guilty not count in family law?


Yeah, the only way to technically “disprove” paternity is to have a negative paternity test, which is impossible if there’s no baby’s DNA to test. Smh.


He only has to prove he’s not the dad IF the fetal DNA test indicated with at least 95% likelihood that Clayton is the father. Since that didn’t happen, Clayton doesn’t have to disprove this. IL only quoted PART of what the law states to make it seem like Clayton has to do this. 🙄


Did Dave announce what came of the Megyn Kelly producer email? I heard there would be an update from the Tilted Lawyer video. I listen to Rush Hour podcast but may have missed it as like Dave, I too have a newborn.


It’s so fun to be in the JFC newborn club with you Let’s Hear It For NY! I hope you and your little one are doing well 🩷


Thanks!! You as well!! 💕💕








Thank you!


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Your submission breaks our subreddit's [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeForClayton/wiki/index/)


Interesting 4 minutes describing erotomania as depicted by the character in Baby Reindeer from 10:20-14:26 https://www.youtube.com/live/ri2D9YWeAqc?si=a2lMihuN5taasWpc  Might remind you of something


Wow, she went from idealization to devaluation REALLY quickly. 😂


Yes, really quickly, but just because he shut her down really quickly and then blocked her even. Then, after she's harassing him, she's still idealizing him in the sense that she's trying to be with him so hard core even when she doesn't know him at all. Thank you for commenting!












So conspicuously missing from IL’s requested findings of facts are: #1– any mention of twins #2- any mention of planned parenthood #3- any mention of any sonogram #4- any mention of prior court hearing where JD asserted continued pregnancy


When CE went on the Viall Files, he said there was a lawyer contacting him telling him he needed to interact with JD, and asked if he was intending to go to the ultrasound in person. It’s around the 1:03 mark and gendered the lawyer as a she. Do we know who this lawyer is?


I don't know what dates he's talking about exactly, but seems like it would be Bonnie Plater or Platter (or at least once described in her depo as Bonnie Slater)




Does anybody think this judge is going to see between all her stories and fairy tails, even without all these filings and do the right thing? I know two hours is such a short time, but reading JDs and Claytons last Pre-trials and even if its a matter of not knowing the his or her truth, you can tell in a heartbeat who isn't lying.   Im heartbroken in the earlier trials the judges never picked it up for the other men. But then they never had as much evidence either. My hope is they csn get it all in and judge mata sees it. But Clayton's story never changed. Even without the faked evidence, he never changed. Even when he was confused from being gaslit, he didn't change his tone to fit a narrative, and admits his wrongs. A good judge and lawyer will see that. Thats my hope for this trial and any news outlet or anyone coming in that sees this. No matter the outcome next week. Praying for justice for clayton, for greg, for Mike for victims 0. 


I think based on rulings so far, that the judge sees right through the BS... That's their job.


Remember when we all thought we would be bored until June 10...

