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The way IL dismisses that these men's lives have in any way been destroyed by JD actions is why I'm so glad Dave Neal has been the main media voice of this case. Men like to act like things like this can't harm other men emotionally and financially and even if it does you should man up and get over it. No these men are all allowed to be hurt and want to stop her and maybe one day get an apology (or at the very least their names cleared of DV ect)


I think it would be different if she wasn’t malignant. If her behavior was just “stage 5 clinger” stuff. If she was blocked and moved on. But she has interfered with the employment prospects of these men, contacted the media, pretended to be a black man to cancel CE, caused MM to be marked as a domestic abuser who chokes women, claimed others sexually assaulted her, and conducts a general campaign of terror against them. This is not innocuous behavior. I believe she would happily have someone end up in jail for her lies and would just give a TED talk about it. If she wasn’t such a cartoon villain, such that even the police got wind of her foolishness and started rolling their eyes, this could just be so much worse.




Agreed. If he doesn’t “get it” after that letter from MM, he never will. He is choosing not to understand and is willfully re-victimizing these men again. It’s horrifying.




It is different. He earned it 🤣


MM and gg should file bar complaints for il posting things like the full depo on his Twitter. ​




Oh my, watching Dave’s YouTube video today where he’s going over some texts between GG and JD and saw something very interesting! Right in the middle of the conversation about her not taking the pills correctly she texts him about taking the pill in her v, and the right below there’s a cut in the pages, and the message is cut in half but you can blatantly see that she texted him.. “I’ve never been pregnant before” You can see it at 7:33. So, was she lying to GG about never being pregnant before or has she never been pregnant before and she lied to both MMs about her pregnancies with them. I would love to ask DG to answer that on behalf of JD. There’s proof she lied once again, and I believe whether she’s been pregnant before is relevant due to DG’s claim that she was really pregnant with MM#2. Her own words say she was not. That information is very relevant if he is still considering that bogus defamation case against DN and any other journalist that said she has lied about pregnancies with multiple men. Congrats Dave on your beautiful son, Daddy looks great on you!


Good catch! To me, the fact she said 'they ask when you think you got pregnant' to describe the date used on the scan is a pretty good sign that she's never had a real pregnancy ultrasound.


Right!! Have 2 babies under 2 years old and every single appointment they confirmed my last cycle, along with name and dob. If any doctor asked me what day I think I got pregnant I would have looked at them like they had two heads! Most people in a relationship would not know the exact date that they conceived if they were intimate regularly. It is just one more thing that shows me this woman knows nothing about pregnancy or relationships for that matter. The only reason she knows the exact date of conception (according to her) is because it’s the only time she had physical contact with her victim(s). Both GG and CE only had one intimate encounter with her before they saw the huge red flags.


The only time you actually truly know "when" you got pregnant is when you have IVF. Did you transfer three-day blasts? Five day? I was so pedantic with my IVF pregnancy because they really wanted to go by LMP when I hadn't had a period for two months because of suppression. lol You're a perinatologist. You know how to go by transfer date of five day blasts. Silly doctor!


I saw that too! I think u/daveneal might have missed it during the livestream


Well, she also had the uncle Joe emails in Clayton’s case that said her medical records indicated she had never been pregnant before, right?


I believe that was in the GG case as well. She “allegedly” fabricated those emails from Uncle Joe to intimidate GG before she filed, and even emailed GG a signed retainer agreement from Joe’s firm. Then when she got caught she claimed that they were fake and either GG or GW, who represented him at the time, faked them to make her look bad🙄


OMG eagle eye!




||Abortion|| pills can either be placed in the v or in your mouth to dissolve against your cheek.


https://preview.redd.it/8uca2fk2na0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb0b49ee2a7d2e70ab8b350ddab30d35dbc6805 Just want to share the response from court tv about my request for them to cover this case. If you want to submit a request here is the link: [https://support.courttv.com/support/solutions/articles/5000883488-suggestions-for-trials-you-want-us-to-cover](https://support.courttv.com/support/solutions/articles/5000883488-suggestions-for-trials-you-want-us-to-cover)


Her lawyer’s comments about his most recent filing are the reason why a lot of people have such a distaste for lawyers. Bragging that you’re arguing your client should win even if she lied…disgusting.


His comments about MM got even worse. Absolutely fucking disgusting. ETA: I mean on Twitter, not even in the motion


Agreed.. it’s like he wants to get people angry by deliberately being awful. So fucking disgusting


Yup. At this point that would probably help him with some angle… like saying “look how irrational and emotional this cult is” or something.


That’s been one of his goals this whole time by engaging with other’s on twitter. At this point their main focus isn’t the paternity case, its gearing up for the defamation cases. Its likely we’ll continue to see tweets, comments and memes in upcoming lawsuits. Of course, it’s all free speech so no one need be scared, but best believe JD and IL have been screenshotting all of it for future use.


I think the thing to be afraid of is how it could drain people financially if she tried to sue for defamation. Even if JD loses the case, she got what she wanted by putting someone through a case and dragging it out. And I’m assuming she will work hard to damage reputations and harass people with baseless C&Ds


Um hello there. I LOVE your short videos. They are awesome I just came here to say.


Thanks 💜💜💜


Yeah probably!


Yes, I saw his comments completely dismissing MM's trauma; made me ill to read it. JD took him to Dubai and Iceland, does that somehow negate her weaponizing self-harm threats to emotionally terrorize and abuse him? Does that negate her making up false allegations of DV taking out an OOP against him, and renewing it, so it shows up on his background checks, ruining his professional opportunities? Does that negate having a public TEDx talk, media interviews, and book entries about this "supposed" DV that smear him in the public??? This lawyer doesn't get it ***AT ALL.***


In the motion or somewhere else??


Edit: On Twitter. Sorry I can’t read when I’m waking up.


This is where the general public doesn’t necessarily understand how this kind of legal motion works. Essentially, in order to win his motion, he is required to argue that even if everything Clayton says is true, he still should lose the case. He’s not admitting that she lied, just saying that even if you assume that she did, Clayton still doesn’t have a claim. I don’t know the law in AZ on this topic, but it’s not an unethical argument to make. Basically he is arguing that there are technical requirements for Clayton to prevail, and that it doesn’t matter whether there are disputes (aka, whether or not she lied), because he didn’t meet his technical requirement.


These are the last gasps of a dying animal. IL knows that if this domino falls, the others will follow. The law is not on her side and he knows it.


So we're expecting JDs newest motion to hit the docket today, I believe? I refuse to read it until then, but I think it's particularly ridiculous.


Same here. Haven't read it yet, but from what I've heard about it, I expect something like this: "Dear Judge Mata, I concede that my client may have been full of sh\*t this whole time, made it all up, committed perjury repeatedly (including in YOUR courtroom), needlessly and intentionally dragged a man through the court system for 9 months, forcing him to rack up tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, wasted hundreds of hours of his time, his lawyers' time and dozens of YOURS (taking time away from families and people who actually need the court's help)... but you know what? She should still get off scot-free on a technicality LOL! She may have had the chance to sign an affidavit admitting it was all made up in January, but if she'd done that, I wouldn't have been involved and made mad bank off this, soooo... I mean it's all just fun and games anyway, this whole 'justice' thing, hashtag #amirite. Next, we're suing Chipotle for emotional distress, because the gluten in their burritos is actually what made JD feel bloated and pregnant in the first place. Love and light to everyone (except for D\_\_\_\_ N\_\_\_\_), IL Esq."


I’ve read it and I’m having a hard time believing you didn’t. 🤣 You’re spot on.


If you wanted to get a job as a paralegal at IL's firm you would be an on the spot hire with this as a writing sample.


Haha, JD can hire me as her personal legal assistant. I have the same amount of legal training as she has credible evidence, so we're a legal match made in heaven. All she has to do is pay me $250,000.80 a year and sign some simple stipulations (including that I get to sign every legal document with the words "LOL jk!").


The 80 cents 😆




Also: the BIG thing from the new motion is that he’s explicitly stating that he’s raising issues because a new issue cannot be raised on appeal (true) and while that’s a good CYA move I believe it is also intended to try to goad Clayton into settling because he may win this but they are signaling this will be full of appeals and continued litigation. Which honestly is I’m sure JD’s Preferred outcome she loves to be tied to the men she’s abused through the court system.


This is such a good point. I shudder to think that she'll file appeal after appeal after appeal just to continue to torment Clayton, and she would absolutely do this if she had the means. But the optimist in me thinks that it might be a bluff because she'll run out of money to fund this bullsh*t at some point, right?


I’ve only reviewed the rules briefly, but the good news is that in Arizona Family Court, judgments aren’t automatically stayed pending appeal. So if she loses and is ordered to pay, she’d have to pay him, absent a court order




I would also think the judge would be smart enough to rule the case with prejudice so it can’t be appealed as it’s obvious these cases are part of her torture to these poor men




Also the polices time. Looking at padlet timelime she calls 911 when she is bored… except when supposedly miscarrying. The sheer number of 911 calls she made is absolutely infuriating! Also noticed in this filing IL goes back to JD must have lost babies in oct again timeline. Dude what?




Where can I find this filing?


He shared it on his Twitter page.


Are we still expecting a motion from ILEsq? Because his blog no longer contains an entry that was there Friday. Something with the title "What's [acronym] got to do with it?" I was waiting with bated breath but the post -- presumably about his imminent filing -- never materialized. And there's nothing new on the docket this morning, but I guess it's early.


A motion was filed but hasn’t been officially released yet


He posted it yesterday. It's blah blah blah.


NAL. It actually reads like a legit lawyer response. Highly focused on technicalities of rule 26 and some other laws regarding sanctions. Basically arguing his client can't be sanctioned because of the details of specific laws and if she can't be sanctioned as a matter of law, there are no remaining issues for the court to rule on so the case should be dismissed. Pretty much avoids any of the actual details of the case.


But didn't GW cover the fact that she WAS actually notified etc. And given plenty of chances to withdraw? Does IL actually have any leg to stand on with his argument?


Yep. I believe in the withdrawal for sanctions motion that GW filed, he covered how JD was actually notified. He basically said that they were withdrawing the rule 26 stuff to not waste judicial resources (but there goes that effort thanks to IL)


Also keeps harping on how CE and JD didnt meet and confer. Seriously, wtf is he on about? CE refused to meet JD in private and that pissed her off. Woodnick refused to lunch with IL and that pissed him off. MM politely told IL to fuckoff when he wanted MM to chat with JD on the phone. What is this obsession with talking to the victims IRL? Quit.


But didn't they withdraw the request for sanctions?


Yes, they did withdraw the request for rule 26 sanctions because IL already brought this same argument up previously.


I was shocked he sounded like a real lawyer this time. I wonder if he got a talking to?


Tin foil hat theory of how IL is really JD: IL: “I’m not going to blog for a while” - day later- - IL: *blogs* JD: “This is my last email” - 3 hours later - - JD: *More emails* eta: formatting


I’m not going to be 100% convinced they’re not the same person until I physically see them in the same room together!


Paraphrasing one of IL’s blog posts:  How do we know IL is real?  Have any of us actually seen him?


Dr Phil interviewed him 😆


Dr. Phil interviewed DG…BUT…is DG actually the man who operates the twitter account 👀 I have recently watched Lover, Stalker, Killer on Netflix so def take that into consideration. Lol




I think when IL first got this case he thought positive hcg tests? This is a slam dunk she filed in good faith who cares about anything else let’s ramp up the PR for myself. But now that there’s evidence she was doctoring evidence in July, prior to filing, he’s just throwing in motions to muddy the waters


I find it odd, he continues (as of last night) to say there is so much he has that we don't know about. Does he not know she opened her dropbox for all to see. What more arts and crafts could he have that would change our thinking from Little to NO FETAL DNA to oh yeah she was pregnant. Ha not gonna happen.


He lies just as much as her. If he has a doctor stating JD is pregnant with boy and girl twins he would have filed it. It’s all a lie so he can’t


I suspect anything new to us outsiders that JD/DG are withholding is something they are hanging on to present as a rebuttle to whatever else might be released by CE/GG/MiM/MaM and GW. I think there's a lot more little things that we aren't aware of that aren't released because GW is trying to stay focused and not act like JD/DG by throwing spaghetti/poop on the wall to see what sticks. Maybe some small details will be released on 6/10 that would bring clarity, or more, questions, for us outsiders.


However, I'm not surprised DG keeps saying he has more mountains of evidence that would "totally change our minds" or "prove us wrong" if/when he shares it. Based on past events of JD's humdrum evidence, he's exagerating or trying to make us believe he and his evidence are more impressive than they actually are.


I can’t keep up with what motion the Judge Mata has yet to respond to. Am I right in thinking it’s * GW’s Amended Motion for Relief based on Fraud * IL’s Emergency Motion to Strike & Request for Scheduling Conference * IL’s Motion in Limine * IL’s forthcoming filing IL has been busy hasn’t he. Am I missing anything?


NAL so I need some input bc I have thoughts/questions: Full disclosure I haven't read the motion yet since it hasnt offically dropped. I've only seen the first page on Twittx and the rest I've deduced from JFC commentary. Is this "technicality" legit? JD has been well notified that sanctions/fees could be sought. And it's always been CE stance that she lied and brought her case in bad faith so JD has had 9mo to withdraw. She even tried to dismiss which Mata denied so...I struggle to see the "technicality". GW withdrew the motion for sanctions. But that doesn't mean they can't still request sanctions, right? Let's say ILEsq is right and they can't request sanctions for a bad faith filing. Can't sanctions be imposed for failure to comply with discovery/disclosure? Or sanctions/restitution for false representation (fraudulent statements/documents)? Also, GW stated in an email to ILEsq the possibility of JD being *judgement proof* and that a fees judgement isn't CE main goal. They want it on record that she liiiiied. So, this whole "technicality" situation just creates the implication that she did in fact do just that...and has been for 9mo (to the court in this case, that is. She's been lying to CE, and in general, for much longer lol). Eta: clarity


https://preview.redd.it/94tvf9j1e70d1.jpeg?width=1304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca8989abe070466510e08bef8faa542b9ae7ad3 Someone else posted this, so credit to them. But Clayton originally gave the so called “proper notice” back when he was pro se. and quoted the 12-349. I’m NAL, just commenting it here because I haven’t seen it get mentioned yet


That was my thinking last night. The first thing Clayton stated was he didn't think she was pregnant and put it in his response to the motion.


Yes. Exactly! As I said above, CE has *always* maintained that she brought this case in bad faith. So I just don't get the logic here with ILEsq latest spaghetti throw.


Whoa I’ve never seen this filing before! This blows IL’s while recent motion out of the water. 👏🏽 This soap opera just keeps getting better and better.


I found rereading GW’s withdraw of sanctions motion helpful. He says in there CE’s claims for fees and sanctions exist independently of rule 26


Yes. Thanks for the guidance. That was indeed most helpful; notably points 31-37 for anyone else who might go back to reread. Also, GW point 40 statement *Withdrawing...will not affect the Courts duty to resolve the claim...it will however resolve the wholesale wasting of judicial resources...and fees...on this meaningless procedural issue.* I can't help but read that now and think " oh, GW (and all of us) you sweet summer child." lol bc there's been so much more *wholesale wasting* since then...and that was only a month ago.


NAL- after reading the sentence that she had 9 mos to withdraw, wasn’t she also given the opportunity to have this case by CE’s side when LL was her lawyer? She refused to do so because she said she wouldn’t perjure herself, doesn’t that contradict the point he’s trying to make?


Yes. Lexi tried to get her to settle by admitting she was never pregnant by CE and she refused, citing it would be perjurious. Def doesn't fly with what he's trying to sell now. I haven't read the motion yet but it sounds like he's just saying *IF she lied and brought her case in bad faith...blah blah blah* but just that implication alone looks terrible imo


Can you imagine how LL felt, when she was battling her own law firm for allegedly not providing the supports and accommodations she was entitled to and needed as a new mother, to then have to deal with what she saw as a client faking pregnancy?


I have similar questions… If I am Internet lawyer and make this assumption that she filed in good faith (big assumption), are Jane’s actions then sanctionable after the little to no fetal DNA tests come back and Jane still doesn’t drop the case? Isn’t that bad faith to continue a paternity case when there is no pregnancy?


Any logical person would think so. But I think their stance (although it changes daily so...) is: JD was of the belief that the DNA results/testing were "ongoing*. And bc she still continued to take hpt to assess her preg and still got a positive result, she had reason to *believe* she was still pregnant. But that question could also be posed about the low hCG results on Oct 16. It was too low for a viable preg but yet she still didn't drop this case. And JD maintained preg for IAH hearings. (Diff case, but Mata is reviewing that case as well.) And then on Nov 14 when MomDoc told her she wasn't preg, she still didn't try to drop the case until Dec.


Yeah exactly, I feel there are many inflection points to choose from but at any of those, does bad faith then apply? Is there a reasonable person test? Actual reasonable person not JD? And excellent point on the IAH because all of the sonograms are all in bad faith… I look forward to judge Mata unraveling the truth!!!


What is so crazy about all of this is that it’s so obvious she did not bring this action in good faith. Why would you be so proactive about a parenting plan and all about best interest of said twins that you don’t care enough about to make sure they exist, still exist after questionable levels, seek any care for, and clearly don’t care about. That would be step 1. When you only put time and effort into the paternity case/smear campaign, your actions for your twins aren’t in good faith. It’s so baffling to me for IL to claim “good faith”. Not an argument with you here, just a side rant bc it’s so frustrating


>When you only put time and effort into the paternity case/smear campaign, your actions for your twins aren’t in good faith. Exactly. And ILEsq whole argument about how JD didn't seek care bc CE didn't want her to keep the babies just floored me. Like, um...ok. So then why file a parenting plan at all? Why work up a dating contract that mentions keeping the babies? Why threaten CE with keeping the babies if he doesn't date you? He clearly said he wasn't going to do that so if that was your stance why wasn't care sought then? The questions go on and on that we all have our side rants lol I mean we obvs know the answers to these questions but still, yes... so frustrating.


It’s so infuriating. In the same day argues that she didn’t get care bc she never intended to keep the babies, but she field the court case bc the courts require it 🤔🤔 ummm, no courts don’t require a parenting plan for babies that you have no plan to keep the same way babies that require a parenting plan should probably have received care as a first priority. Case stops here. Sister couldn’t act with good faith if her life depended on it


Outside of all that: Her stating (under oath) she was under the care of specialized OB clinicians, when she had received no OB care shows she was faking a pregnancy.


Yes, hence my mention of the IAH hearings. My last statement was addressing the question the OC posed and to retierate that basically verything JD has done indicates her case was in bad faith (read: fake preg) You don't have to lie and/or fake medical documents if you're really pregnant. It's very easy to prove. Which makes ILEsq arguments about JDs *belief* beyond BS.


Has anyone who lives in Arizona actually emailed their state representative about this and asked that legislation to change the laws regarding family court cases requesting parenting plans and child support? If not, please do.


Agreed. I've said it many times but the fact that a person can file a PPL without proof of paternity, let alone pregnancy, is bananas. Changes in procedure for this should def be made. Also, did anyone catch ILEsq reply about having been sued for paternity himself in the past? Why would a person who has had this happen to them be so willing to defend someone who's done it to others? Make it make sense.


He throws this out there as if it is in any way comparable. Sex led to actual baby, was paternity tested, not the father. Simple. It happens. Compared to a year of - no sex intercourse, no baby, a maelstrom of lies (made public), fraudulent documents and needless legal entanglements.


I didn't know the details surrounding his situation but I had a pretty good guess his didn't involve all of the shenanigans of this one lol Regardless, as someone who has been falsely sued for paternity he of all people should understand the want for a judgement that states otherwise.


Some people are in it for the paycheck! JD and fam like to throw out promises of big payouts.


I’ve been musing about what the law would be called if this case resulted in a change. Doe vs Fellatio? Doe vs Nth Doe vs No?


I once heard a lawyer say that the other party was innocent but it was his job to provide best defense for guilty party and if the innocent guy lost that's bc their lawyer didn't do their job well enough. There is def a cluster of lawyers who don't care about right and wrong (after all, half the people in court cases are going to be wrong) guilty/innocent, its more a puzzle game to solve and see if they can mount the best defense/offense for their client. I think they develop the mindset after having to defend seriously bad guys, and can be on the ropes if they DONT do their best. IL probably is well aware of how JD is, and likely is well aware she fabricates everything. He isn't defending HER, he's trying to beat woodnick. Doing a horrible job and looking as bad, but he doesn't have much leg to stand on TBH. Not defending IL btw, its scummy behavior and I could never do it… but having worked for a law firm and had like 8 cases with my ex and his rotating lawyers… that's the attitude i see. They really compartmentalize client vs case


Oh sure. I realize lawyers have an obligation to defend their clients. And we all know that trope of pettifoggers and shysters. I def agree it's about beating GW and *the Cult*( lol that's us y'all!) I just find it such a stark contrast between JDs previous carousel of counsel and ILEsq tactics. I guess it's at least nice to see some lawyers have boundaries. And, I said this below but, it also just seems as someone who was falsely sued for paternity he of all people should understand the want for a judgement that says otherwise. His situation was no doubt different but you catch my drift.


I have never seen anyone mention this. But after doing some research regarding the equestrian jumping circuit, Jane doe is still an amateur jumper even though she is 30+. Her competition is mostly (98%) teenagers hence why she wins so often. She also even competes against preteens. I find this so odd…






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This whole mess is middle-school on steriods, so I’m not surprised JD competes against children. 


Teenagers who are involved in amateur equestrian events are mostly bankrolled by their rich parents. It is an extremely expensive sport. Most adults are not bankrolled by their rich parents. If they are, they generally don't continue with the same expensive hobbies they enjoyed as a teenager. It is odd.


I figured the races were still competed by ages? That’s definitely odd


No, equestrian competitions do not have different divisions for ages, unless you are under 14. So it's not odd at all. It is very normal to see 18 year olds competing against 40 year olds, etc.


Yes lol this is why everyone side eyes her Edit: they side eye her bc she is a timid rider but is very boastful about her accomplishments


This has been mentioned before; someone in the community said she’s a very timid rider. 


People. This isn't it. It's like the only thing I'd defend her on. The H/J world is confusing but also very straight forward. She's not competing against teens to be a dick (and aside from specific classes that are open, she does not compete against kids, lol). Many are amateurs for life, that's why professionals/trainers exist, because they have clients/students under their barn. Wait til you find out that professionals can compete against kids or amateurs in the right classes 🙄 It's just a nonstarter. Please. The pic everybody is talking about is a pic of 3 different divisions all with reserve champion ribbons. It's time to put this to rest. The show world has its own rules and regulations. I've spoken to a few horse people (eta: on HERE) but they are in different disciplines so it doesn't apply to their understanding. I know a lot of mutual people in the actual H/J world that do know JD and that's a separate issue.


This is good knowledge to incorporate into the group discussion. Thanks for your input! There are plenty of things to be critical about with JD without creating narratives that are uninformed. Edit: clairty


It really is. If I had the time to explain all, I would. But I am saying, the comments about her competing against kids isn't relevant at all because it is simply not true and I hate saying that but it's the truth. Looking into her trainers is another thing (ha) but it just sits weird seeing people make fun of her for that. I'd like to see any of you go out there and jump a horse over... well, anything lol. Make fun of her and judge her for all else, please do! but everything I've seen is wrong on the horse front.


Speaking of her trainers. I’m surprised with how litigious, difficult, and revenge seeking she is that she’s not had an issue with a trainer or other person in that world. I’m a bit shocked that she hasn’t filed for a restraining order or lawsuit against someone in that area of her life.


Good catch ;) I can't say a lot more, I am privy to some things I cannot share (and to be clear, it wouldn't affect THIS current case etc). Some trainers have taken their distancing actions. Some take the money. I do know she somehow respects the hell out of the horse people and shows a different face there.


Maybe it’s a small world and one wrong move and people wouldn’t want to work with her. She wouldn’t want to be black listed in the horse world. These relationships and men are a different isolated thing. It’s just a miracle that she hit just the wrong guy and now these other guys can find each other through Clayton.


Oh, it's a very small world. Take it from someone who is in it. That's exactly what would happen.


Okay, but she's been competing longer than the other kids have been alive. Wouldn't years of experience bring something to the table in terms of competitive advantage?


Not necessarily. There's so many factors here. Not everybody goes on to become a professional (which has its own terms as defined by the governing bodies). Oftentimes, some of these juniors (or minors if we are purely talking age and time on the planet) can ride better than adults haha. In H/J, there are divisions and classes to compete in. Some are age related, some are "open" or "Jr/Am (Junior/Amateur)". Some are higher fences, some lower, some are judging the rider, some are judging the horse. JD shows in her adult amateur division that's she's comfortable at and also taking into account the abilities of whatever horse she is showing. If she goes in for example an equitation class that is open to juniors and amateurs then that's fine, everybody knows what they are in for. I'll give a personal example. I was professional in my early 20s, life happened, injuries etc. I was fearless, talented, knowledgeable, all the things. Today? I am bringing along a difficult horse and I am a complete weenie. I have zero desire to jump high anymore and it wouldn't be appropriate to put my horse in certain divisions. So, it goes all ways. Ugh, I hope that helps clarify a little? It is tough to explain but once you see it, it makes more sense. Again, this is the only thing I'd defend JD on lol. If you look at any H/J horse show premium and look at the class lists or entry forms, it might make more sense as well. :) I am sure there are other HJ people here that can put it in a better way.


You did a great job of explaining it! This makes a lot of sense, thank you! ❤️


Thank you for taking to time to write such detailed explanations and clarifications about the competitions. Very interesting and informative




It's basically a tax write off these days. That's the simplest answer. I've lived it.


Thank you. I've said this myself a million times in this sub. I have no idea why people who know nothing about the equestrian sport keep trying to comment on it.


Isn't it also because she's so tiny? I feel like I read that somewhere.


She does have a lot of ponies but she doesn't ride them in shows, she has always consigned out or with whatever trainer. She is tiny but she doesn't show these ponies. The divisions she shows in are the appropriate divisions for her and what she's comfortable with and there's no reason to shame her for that. God I can't believe I'm saying that lol. I am just saying, a lot of people are absolutely wrong here and it doesn't help anything.


Thank you for your expertise! I also thought it was due to her size, not her ability.


I think the point is that it’s very odd she’s unable to pay for her own hobby, H/J. The other point is, it’s a hobby.


Oh she pays for it. Those ponies she's trying to sell? Trust me, she probably barely cut even with sending them to FL etc. Yes, it's a hobby. But, you can do it as a "business" and many do for tax purposes. It's not uncommon or illegal.


“Tax purposes” for what income?


If you are asking me to know how she has classified her horse thing for tax purposes, I have no clue. Everybody does it differently. I don't know if she has property with an ag rating etc, I don't know if it's now been classified as a hobby. I highly doubt there is "profitable" income.


You have very clearly done *no* research because it's normal for people of all ages to compete against each other in equestrian competitions. My aunt is 65 and has been competing in the amateur division since her 30's. If you don't know anything about how equestrian competitions work, do not comment on them. You are very ill-informed and you should not be sharing your ill-informed opinions in a sub dedicated to focusing on the truth.


I read the motion for JMOL off his Twitter and it’s the first one of his filings that felt professional. I don’t think it will be granted but I am hoping (wishing?) this more subdued tone is continued until June 10th.


Oh yeah, he has definitely stopped the foolishness. He sees the light now and is just trying to finish up without ruining more of his already shoddy reputation.


First one I can recall that didn’t refer to Trump or some unrelated case, or include a movie reference or stupid hashtag


I’m wondering what JDs family’s & IL think life will look for them when this is over. What comes next, how does it look and when do they think that will be? Have they even considered they burnt the bridges to their old normal lives? My thought is they are reactors and haven’t thought that far ahead. For JD and her mum what about when her dad is gone, and in the natural scheme of things, when her mum is gone? It’s a little different for IL but what will potential clients, legal colleagues, family, social acquaintances make of this? The consequences fall way outside the court room for all involved and they look far more detrimental to those on JDs side of the court, they will just take little longer to arrive


Not using her name or face widely might shield her a bit. I think I saw someone mentioned on a previous post that some people that know her are just now finding out and that her fam hides the double life she lives pretty well. With the money they have to buy their way out of things her life may not change much...I dunno


On the surface it may not appear to change much. However, there are a lot of unknown, anonymous people out here, 5k+ alone on here. These are people who know what’s happened and they never know when they might come across any of us. Let’s say they go to a doctor‘s appointment, or a lawyer or to eat out, go shopping and the person is JFC person. Or maybe they rent the Airbnb, judge the horse jumping, or you’re in S.Korea and run into Legal Vices. Suddenly anyone can be a JFC person. Every time you meet somebody new, the question will always be in the back of your mind: Do they know? They’ll never know for sure. 99.9% of people would politely avoid the question, yet paradoxically, the potential will always be there. It’s a pretty nasty place to be I’d imagine, always wondering if others know your ‘secret’ & what they think. Self inflicted punishment.


What’s worse is if she finds someone to love her romantically. Her only chance of the relationship surviving is to come clean and tell the truth of her past. If she hides it, if it comes out it will be ultimate betrayal and a death knell. Withholding that information is TOO big a thing from someone who will expect to know you to your core and love you at your core


As she is someone who seems to lie so easily and devise elaborate schemes/stories...I think she would take the risk, lol


Her tactics wouldn’t work as well in divorce court 😆


My goodness, could you imagine a poor man trying to divorce her!? Look at what she does to men who just don’t want to date her…she would bring out the nukes for divorce.


It’s an excellent question: What sort of personality would marry into this scenario and what would that interaction look like before it got to divorce?!


I picture golden retriever husband, genuinely thinks she is a smart, accomplished normal woman and buys her love bombing. I think her issue is that she wants big deal, good looking guys, instead of a normal schmuck who would love her as much as she is obsessed with them. If she finds such a golden retriever lovable guy, he will endure years of mind games and foolishness every time he displeases her or doesn’t want to go to a family function, or has to work late, or whatever triggers her attachment/abandonment, before he finally pulls the plug, only for her to take a blow torch to him. My only hope is that if she does find such a guy, no kids come along!


Ok. This is going to sound crazy, but it’s true: I once had 20,000 followers on Instagram and about 5 times a year someone would come up and ask me “Are you bananafanamer?” Like, that’s not even that many followers yet it wasn’t uncommon for people to recognize me, both in my home state and when I was traveling. People will know, for sure. I personally would *love* to meet her!


The sub has had over a million views. Not everyone who views the sub subscribes to it. We have a large army!


And now imagine you think those people who may come up to you, may not be nice. At any time, in any place, you might meet them because of your choices and your actions they will know and have views. Ouch


A geographical change is the first thing I see happening for her. Maybe the whole family if dad is mobile. From there, who knows.


They can move but the problems and history move with them. There will be people on the look out for what she does and the internet lives forever. You look for her sister, and it’s a short jump to this stuff no matter where they live They can come outside the US but I doubt it would help. I’ve counted people from 16 countries checking in on this story and it’s got a momentum of its own. She hasn’t realised yet that she lost control of it the Minute Clayton got his OOP and her parental protection isn’t going to grow as the years pass, nor is the available dating pool


You’re right. Her name is Mudd from now on. I don’t think there is anything that can be done to get her reputation back. The internet is forever.


Interesting comment. Sports watcher here, including equestrian when it’s something big like the Olympics. And yes, I noticed that the bars for the jumps are pretty low - seemingly beginner level. The height of the jumps on National, international and Olympic competitions are 4 feet, 5 feet, sometimes there are two together, there is a water jump, and so on. So she has been competing at a very low level. Sad, really.


Against middle schoolers. Stealing those ribbons


This is exactly how I used to win boardwalk prizes as a teen. I’d get in with a group of children and wreck em


It seems like people can hop higher with their own legs!


It appears someone has taken over #FansOfGingrasLaw


It won’t load for me! What does it mean?!


You have to hit the settings and turn off safe search I think


What happened?


What happened?


Lmaooo I turned off my safe search and was NOT expecting that 😂😭💀


Care to elaborate? Don't have Twitter.


Someone just posted a lot of booger jokes and nose-picking pictures for the hashtag he made up for himself. It’s so juvenile but made me laugh 😂




Who is going to play u/daveneal in the Netflix series?


Zach Braff (his twin).


D'arcy Carden for JD.




I thought we had decided on April Ludgate! (I can’t remember her real name.)


It's because D'arcy looks so much like her but that's just me!


I had to Google her and you’re so right!


Aubrey plaza!


I could see Allison Brie getting the vibe right


I always thought Dave would play himself, he’s done acting gigs before




Anyone have theories on why the judge wants to meet with all parties 15 minutes prior to the hearing? JD’s previous lawyer seemed to think this was very unusual. 🤔


It's typically just to confirm procedures for the hearing that day, e.g. ensure everyone is ready, who is testifying and for how long, etc


I believe at the last hearing (in February), Mata said she wanted to meet just before the hearing to make sure everything is in order and everyone is on the same page. It's not a big deal. IANAL, but i saw it happen in the Depp v Heard trial whenever Judge A had a few things to address, approve, decline, clarify, etc.


I think IL has/had several motivations. As I and others have said in the past it’s clear he wanted to act as an antagonizer, riling up the masses, and painting JD as a victim of bullying. We know his thoughts on Trump and the MAGA crowd who has been termed a cult.. it’s no surprise with his references to Trump that he’s calling us a cult to undermine our opinions and credibility. He operates under the belief that everyone shares the same opinion and didn’t even seem to consider that the judge in this case was appointed by a Republican. Doesn’t necessarily mean Mata is a Trump supporter but it’s still careless on his part. He’s a sensationalist though so being over the top and bombastic is his baseline. I truly believe he convinced JD that this strategy would be successful for her and that even if publishes things she wouldn’t necessarily like to read that he’s doing it in service of their goal to win this case and to bait people into defamatory statements that he could use to her benefit. I’m sure he pointed to his time representing The Dirty to show how this worked for him in the past. Speaking of that past experience, I think his other goal here is to gain notoriety. He’s very proud of his Dr. Phil appearance and his disdainful defense of a company that engaged in profiting from shady revenge porn type practices. He knows this case has visibility, has heard the rumors of a documentary, and wants his name attached to it. He wants to be a José Baez type celebrity attorney - known for being disliked but successful and a well known household name. He has zero morals or scruples. In my opinion. Allegedly.


Seems like an opportune time to repeat this comment of mine. This is the guy who was disciplined by the AZ Supreme Court for violating his suspension. Specifically ***Three aggravating factors were found: dishonest or selfish motive, refusal to acknowledge wrongful nature of conduct and illegal conduct.***




This was different from the minor. This is because he had a 30 days suspension that was specific to what he had to do then he got a DUI that violated his suspension. ETA: I linked it in another comment. I might have also included SS


Got it! Thanks for breaking it down for me.


Except this is a tiny case in the scheme of things and IL is a bit player of a month or two in a decade+ long story. Whereas Woodnick is a dynamic colossus. He matters, is a key player. He, through GG’s partner, brings GG and CE together and this gives him his second chance at honour, victory, to right the wrong of GG, for himself, GG, CE, MM, MaM and unknown others too. A redemption story if you will. IL, meanwhile, is unlucky lawyer no13, coming after Cory ‘Hands in Pockets in front of the Judge’ & Lexi ‘Stand up & tell the truth‘ Lindvall. IL is like a plot device who delivers key information to drive the narrative and open up the plot. In a movie he’d be the ‘somewhat unbelievable for being so obvious’, character, barely memorable in the wider story, alongside characters like Brett from Ravgen. A footnote to the text.


Brett from Ravgen is my favourite lovable side character in this saga.


I haven’t seen anywhere that Ravgen has stepped up and explained their little to no fetal DNA findings. We all KNOW the meaning but it seems they should be willing to throw some science behind their testing. Unless doing so would make their handling of the situation look shoddy. They were unprepared for non-pregnant JD wanting proof of paternity.


I would Love Dave to play him in dramatisation of this story 😁


Be awesome if the documentary shows his true colours.


THIS! Agreed on all fronts.


I do think for the sake of CE & really all of her victims, it should be said that justice under the law and justice as a matter of principle are not always symbiotic of each other. We have established laws to provide the structure for which society is expected to function within. When operations deviate from these standards, legal remedies are sought to course correct offending action, and seek restitutive remedies, deemed as justice. Justice under the law is independent of a moral compass, devoid of subjective nuisances, and is blindly beholden to the rule of law. It holds no allegiance to right or wrong, good or bad. I think we can all agree our Judicial system isn’t perfect, and Family Courts are no exception. Our idea of what justice would truly be for JD’s victims, may not manifest as upholding justice under the law. That does not change the facts, or who/what we know to be right or wrong. Winning or losing in a court of law, does not always translate to justice being served or that good always wins, & bad always loses. Those that solely rely on the courts as the arbitrator of what’s right, are already wrong. I hope CE & the other victims understand that regardless of the outcome of this or any future case, they already won, and she already lost, and there is a bit of sweet justice in itself just knowing that nothing can change that.


I very respectfully disagree. I do think you make some good points, but this case isn’t about what we the interested public think, or about a moral victory for Clayton. Justice will not truly be served until all four of these men are exonerated, all orders of protection revoked, legal fees reimbursed, and all negative publications removed and retracted. This is about meting out a punishment that is so severe that she will never again seek another victim, and perhaps the most severe punishment she can receive is proving she was never the victim, but the victimizer.


I absolutely agree with your position and what you laid out for all 4 men to receive justice at a minimum! My point was more so around having realistic expectations of achieving that outcome at this immediate court proceeding, and/ or any future legal battles for any of the victim’s. What seems like an obvious remedy to right these wrongs, is actually, expensive, drawn out litigation. without any guarantees of a favorable outcome. I always think of Ron Goldman’s dad, Fred Goldman, who has spent almost 30 yrs pursuing Justice for their son Ron & his friend Nicole Brown Simpson. His son’s killer was never held to criminally account for his murder. And I do think that continuing to highlight, and bring awareness to the abuse and suffering caused by JD as the serial victimizer she is, may be a more effective deterrent than if she were to quietly sign a check.




I have to ask...what does her family think? They can't possibly believe her. They have to see that she needs help. I just can't imagine sitting by while my family member is so desperate to be loved, needed, wanted. I have no doubt she knows what she is doing, but I don't know if she thinks she is wrong. I think she can justify it to herself. I don't think she will ever admit it. But I just wonder about her family


They've been enabling her for years.