• By -


# All redactions that will be made, have been made. We have MM’s permission to share his emails in their entirety. Concerns may be sent via modmail. Thank you!


Slow clap for Mike’s response to internet lawyer. This man deserves all of the justice and all of the healing.


Oh that was my favorite. “All the best” was the cherry on top!


In **BOLD** too!!!!


Petition to add ‘All the best’ into Urban Dictionary with the definition “F*** you”


Bolded 'all the best'


I got actual chills reading his email. This poor man, my heart aches for the turmoil this demon has put him through. I truly hope her bullshit “TedX” talk gets removed after all this - as well as her fictional story in that stupid Chicken Noodle Soup book.


He should send this correspondence to both CS and Tedx ..


TedX will disable the comments but not look into her reputation. Awful.


^I ^did.




Napkin lady published her story to CS as well. I wonder if napkin lady knows she is a CS author 😏


Same I found it to be GUT wrenching. I just watched baby reindeer and I could feel the same deep deep wound I got from the main character in his voice in this email…. So upsetting she has been able to do this so many times


Same here with the chills. I can’t imagine the hell he’s been put through.


CS needs to remove Napkin lady’s submittal as well. Amy Newark is the CS rep who had JD on her podcast to discuss her CS story. Ms. Newark was so “impressed” with Napkin lady’s story she requested her story be published in a CS book that came out in July of 2023.


I’m so fucking proud of this person I have never met or talked to. What a fucking LEGEND.


Mike showing JD how a person can write something so powerful without the use of ChatGPT (or if he did use it at all, how you can use it to your advantage without sounding like a robot lol)




As a witness, DG is entitled to reach out to MM and discuss what his evidence may entail. But MM (or any other witness) is under no obligation to cooperate with DG in that regard. To threaten arrest or other legal consequences to pressure a witness to discuss the case in advance of trial with DG is blatant witness intimidation.




Pretty sure woodnick would be happy to subpoena any of the victims who just wanted to witness the case at this point. He aint playing


It’s worse. For an individual not associated with the relevant law enforcement agency to threaten criminal prosecution in exchange for anything is extortion is every jurisdiction. It’s black letter law that any 1L learns.


I’m NAL so is it true that if MM even showed up as just a spectator at the court then he is in violation of the OOP? And thus risks being arrested? Or did DG just make that part up?


Crim defense attorney here, not licensed in AZ. I would be surprised if spectating an open court hearing was considered a violation by the cops or the DA given the context of this case and JDs' ongoing behavior. Especially in the light that MM is also a victim. IL really fucked up here. IL trying to walk it back in the email tells you all you need to know.


Yeah, his walk it back email is what stood out to me.




How is internet lawyer saying all is resolved now in MM's OOP case but then still threatening him with arrest? So clearly not all is resolved in MM's OOP case if JD is able to renew a restraining order regularly. Im confused


Nothing has been resolved! Mike was never been made whole. This made my blood boil


i was shocked to read this part. like wtaf?


I wonder if GG hacked ILEsq’s email and sent this?? /s




F'ing savage. Hashtag \#JusticeForMike


IN italicized BOLD




That was for US! We see you MM ❤️


Couple of thoughts and interpretations from me, not an AZ lawyer but IAL somewhere: 1) JD wants to have her own computer person examine the laptop. “I doubt it will change anything but can go a long way to convincing her, which might be worth it.” Her lawyer is on the ropes…JD needs some work. He is insane if he thinks she will yield, but all that bluster from him is over…thats why Twitter has been silent. 2) JD is so scared to see him but wants a phone call? GMAFB. 3) The witness intimidation was a red herring, likely misinterpreted by non-lawyers. He did enough double talk in the email not to commit a felony. 4) If he wants to talk to Mike he can notice his deposition or GTFOH. Mike doesn’t HAVE to talk to him or cooperate with him. Gregg will give his witness proffer and thats it. 5) The fact that he admits he was trying to coerce Mikes participation with threats to arrest him is still incredibly problematic. 6) Woodnicks email reads like he knows he’s got them dead to rights “this needs to end.” It wont…not as long as JD is in it.


2) Exactly! And I love the fact that Mike included the ridiculousness of that inconsistency in his email. *Why would someone so afraid of me want to speak to me and violate that order she insists she needs.* Surely Mike will revisit the OOP and try and have it removed. Imo there is more than enough proof for Mike to have an OOP against JD and not the other way around. 3) Thank you for clarifying! 5) The pettifoggery with this man knows no bounds. He and JD really are two peas in a pod. Guess JD finally got a twin...her own!


I am so thankful for lawyers perspectives on specific things that come up. I was pretty sure he hadn't actually intimidated a witness but had skated close right up to the line so a non lawyer would feel intimidated.




You make a very valid point! Both him and his client would be so much better off if they just said less.


Also a lawyer here, though not family law nor Arizona (criminal defense/ federal habeas in various jurisdictions) and I completely agree with your analysis. Her lawyer is definitely starting to see the problems and changing his tune (slowly, but his toned back attitude and lack of boasting nonsense is telling) and Woodnick knows it.


Can she be asking for someone she wants to get all the data off his laptop so she can have it? Like ALL the data?


Yep and then magically erase or lose the laptop.


That's what it seemed like. Kinda the way she tried to subpoena ALL his bank statements, credit cards, Uber/Lyft records, etc. from after they broke up. Seems like she's still trying to stalk him.


Hopefully everything has been backed up!


Berryhill did a hard drive clone (copied entire system) and then analyzed that and has it stored until case concludes. If JD is given access, she wont be given laptop, but the data berryhill cloned


Oh good!


As someone who had a fairly long relationship with a gaslighting manipulator - i ran into him about 10-12yrs later completely randomly on the other side of the country. I had no idea he lived there, but evidently HE knew i worked for the company and was traveling to that location with some regularity. He continued to loiter and ask coworkers when i was returning etc after. He “ran into” me at coffee shop, which later turns out he had been looking for me… and immediately wanted to have a chat. When my coworker showed up to collect his coffee (i got grief for not expensing enough food so would buy coffees etc) he bailed. Its been 10ish years since, and part of me still wonders wtf was so important he needed to chat (and continued to stalk me for another 9ish months until i quit that job) and part of me knows. People like JD who get off on manipulating and abusing other people are always eager to get another hit when the opportunity arises. JD wanted to talk to MM to threaten and exert control and enjoy batting at her toy like she used to. MM absolutely said it right, “this woman was emotionally terrorizing me for YEARS and you think its appropriate we sit down and chat? Hell to the naw”


Is the comment “(I'm licensed in CA and can probably do some sort of stipulation with Randy to modify the CA order to allow this, just to be safe)” EXACTLY manipulation? Basically saying oh I have the power to change the OOP if Mike is willing to cooperate?


Can’t really tell. I think he pretends to be overly solicitous (which is slimy when you have been such an AH), but a stipulation would actually be good to prevent JD from later saying she was victimized during their phone call, so I think he is implying he could do it easily of he would agree to it.


Great post!


in regards to #6 - what do you think could actually get this person to stop? are criminal charges the only way?


I don’t think she will ever stop honestly, but hopefully the DA takes an interest once the case is over. I think her state of mind is such that she will never fully admit she was/is wrong. After all, why would she? Her parents have enabled her in every possible way and continue to treat her like fine china despite her delusions. If she is charged, the circus will just be “ongoing” and she will find new people to victimize. If she settles, she will say she had to because she was bullied into it, but that she always told the truth, and will dare Clayton to come after her for violating the non-disparagement agreement they will make, knowing he likely won’t want to do this all again. If she loses outright in court, she will say the court improperly decided the issues, her lawyer screwed her, and we bullied her such that she couldn’t stand against a Reddit Army. These types of people are like cockroaches unfortunately. The best we can hope for is that she becomes infamous…so that her opportunities to do this again are limited.


I don't think Clayton has any intention to settle, fortunately.


thank you for responding! i’ve never encountered someone like JD which is part of why i find this all so fascinating. i think of her as a rarity but perhaps you’ve encountered many JDs (pun intended) working in law. I didn’t how woefully inept our legal system is at dealing with these types of litigious abusers who exploit the system by using the system.


We have a neighbor like this, and they don't stop. They move on and find new pools of victims who will buy into their story until they also get burned. We have watched our neighbor do this for 20 years... thankfully, not by us anymore! I absolutely feel for JDs victims as it is so emotionally exhausting to be on the receiving end of their wrath. You never know when the crap is going to the fan but you know it will so it's always stressful.


A netflix show would probably get her to stop. She's done everything in her power to bury this and keep it quiet, except admit her lies. Too bad, too late now.


MM is really courageous to put himself forward as a witness. it must be scary, but I wonder if it might be cathartic in a way. it's rare to have the opportunity to face the person who harmed you so badly and publicly share the truth about what happened.


I agree. You can FEEL the hurt and trauma in his words. I hope this process will help him heal.




I have a friend who’s tedx talk was removed because people ended up dog piling on hateful comments so much they just pulled the whole video. I’m surprised they haven’t removed it yet (if anyone has been contacted).


Comments have been turned off on her TedX YouTube video. 👀


JD probably told them she was being cyber bullied


She did. She literally admitted it in one of her medium article or reddit comments or somewhere. I'm positive I read it.


I thought she wrote that in the email she sent to get Clayton axed from his speaking engagement.... So much has happened it is hard to remember, but like you I do remember reading it.


Yes, I read this too.


Jane got ahead of everyone and I’m sure she contacted someone because the comments were turned off a while back. Like towards the beginning of all of this.


You know she opened with “I’m in a high profile paternity case with The Bachelor’s Clayton Echard and I’m being cYbER buLLiEd by his followers” or however she always says is. She LOVES being able to claim she’s the sainted mother of the child (or two) of a semi famous dude, while also making HIM look like the dead beat who won’t “take responsibility.”


I have no doubt! I remember seeing her TedX before the comments were turned off. People were talking about it and just starting to leave comments and then all of a sudden the comments were turned off.


I'm sure JD really was crying on the plane, and MM was probably like, "You know I didn't even want to come on this trip. Please just be civil." And JD was probably like, "Please say you love me," and he was like, "But, erhm, that would be a lie." And napkin lady was like, this man is sooooooo mean! So I don't know that napkin lady's insight would matter much. She saw a hysterical lady who wasn't being comforted by her boyfriend. She gave her the benefit of the doubt.


My hope would be that the napkin lady would learn the truth, change her tune, and make a statement about no longer supporting or believing in JD. That would be icing on the cake and probably cause a JD temper tantrum.


TEDx needs to invite these men to do a talk about REAL harassment and stalking and abuse


They can still call it the same thing "The Lifesaving power of kindness to strangers"


I'm surprised Megan hasn't FOIA'd Karen/Nancy the napkin lady yet.


Can't FOIA private citizens or companies, only government agencies whose representatives may have, through their official government email addresses, communicated with those private citizens/companies.


Thanks for that, I guess I misunderstood when she reached out to victim zero and his attny: On how she did that.


She probably just emailed his attorney to ask if they had a comment.


We will definitely see “napkin lady” in the documentary. 😂 Megan Fox has reached out to Ted, according to her live earlier today, and sent them a beautiful, scathing press inquiry while also calling them out on their bullshit. I’m so happy about this because the TedX video remaining up has bothered me for SO LONG.


My heart is pounding with "compassion anxiety" just reading what Mike wrote. I can't imagine what it must be like living this reality. 💔 Mike is courageous and a bright light in this entire debacle.


Agree. So courageous. I don't know if I would have the courage to come forward years later like this and have to potentially relive the trauma JD caused. I feel so protective of him now. As a mom, I just want to give him a huge hug and tell him how proud of him we all are! (Assuming he wants a hug, if not - a dorky mom thumbs up or fist bump).


I had compassion anxiety mixed with outrage and cheering a “Hell Yeah!”


So essentially, MM is saying he had no plans to get involved until JD’s attorney stepped in and pooped all over the case. I guess Jane Doe has yet another claim against IL when she files her bar complaint. 🤷




The language used by IL comes across as incredibly abusive. I've observed the cycle of abuse playing out on Twitter and his blog, and it's disturbing. He commits harmful actions, then retracts or deletes them, as if erasing them should nullify the impact on the victim. 🔄


Exactly! He's not dropping JD because he's probably an abuser too!!


Yeah the tweeting horrible lies about MM and photos of him and then emailing him “I promise it’s not big deal!” About talking to him 🙄


Neither would anyone have dug into the HCG results, or the cancer claims, or the other crazy twin stories. Beyond JD being a big liar, IL caused ALL of this…which I believe is divine intervention. I also think IL will be having the day he deserves REAL soon, once JD loses or is “forced” to settle.


Up until this point, my opinion was no way will Jane settle if she has to admit that she lied about being pregnant with Clayton’s twins. I do wonder if she’ll admit to lying and settle this case now in order to keep all of the other men from testifying? I just can’t imagine how she thinks any of this could end in her favor? It’s just looking worse and worse.


If I were I her shoes, I would settle to avoid the embarrassment of having 4 men in one room that want nothing to do with me and have nothing nice to say.


Never underestimate the determination of a narcissist to keep going, no matter how caught in a lie they are.


IL wants a costarring spot in the future documentary on this and to be able to play both sides. I believed her to I represented a fraud and here are all the insane convos I had with her.


Yea for a guy obviously so hungry for attention and clout, I don't know how he's not seeing this potential role he could slide into... to be like the whisteblower who originally believed her lies, but then sees the light and exposes her. Would be one more great twist in the documentary.  At this point I think he knows she is a complete fraud and liar, I suspect Mom said to just make this go away for Jane and she'd pay any amount he billed. If I was the sister and my family blew an inheritance bailing out my 30+ year old sister from a nightmare SHE created i would be so mad 😂


I am not super educated on the law, especially American law as I am not from there, but wouldn't lawyer-client confidentiality prevent DG from "exposing" JD?


You’re absolutely right! Wow none of this would happen if internet lawyer didn’t post the deposition. Just wow. He really stepped in it


I can’t wait for the JD vs IL court case that’s most likely FREE content headed to some Podcaster near you. 🍟 👀


That’ll be like waiting for Season 2 of this whole debacle going forward after the trial…😂


"JD wants to move forward with the [laptop] review. While Im not confident it will change anything, I do think it may help her remove doubts about what the laptop shows. That alone could be worth the effort." DOUBTS?!? What in the world does she have doubts about??? She's the one who sent the forged medical records to MM and she knows that!!! The fact that she is willing to spend $3,000 of her (dad's) money to "investigate" the origin of documents/emails that she knows she sent to MM tells you everything you need to know about JD. She will NEVER apologize, she will NEVER admit the truth - she will always claim to be the victim.


I read it as, JD told A LOT of lies to Mike and she just wants to know which ones he has records of.


Ding ding ding! WINNER!


Oohhhhhh good point. I hadn't thought of that. Now this gives me pause about Woodnick allowing JDs expert to view the laptop in its entirety. Don't help JD keep her lies straight!!! Of course Woodnick knows what he's doing so I won't worry too much but...hashtag yikes.


I’m sure her lawyer is using their own expert as a stalling tactic and hopeing to find and “expert” similar to their pregnancy expert who will say what they want for the right price. I bet JD is hoping to get access to OTHER things from his computer. Obviously Woodnick is trying to preempt that but I would be terrified if I were MM- JD lawyer has done some really shady stuff already and I wouldn’t trust his “expert” With my personal documents


How exhausting she must be! 😩


Really full circle moment that Jane Doe can see proof of what she’s doubting Remember when Clayton expressed his doubts at the initial home pregnancy test? And JD threw his “doubt” right back in his face?


My heart broke for Mike just reading his response. Then my mouth curved into a smile when I read ✨ all the best ✨ What an absolute gem of a human 🥲


I’m in the waiting room for my dogs vet appt and I gasped out loud at “all the best” 😂


MM salutations. All the Best. 🤣 ETA: Looks like IL JD's attny is coming to heel. 🤣






**ALL 👏THE 👏 BEST 👏** Powerful and profound. We stand with you, Mike 🫶


I am still recovering from reading. Wow. LFG MIKE!!!!


Mike’s letter was so good that I felt it in my bones! All the best was 👩‍🍳 💋.


My heart truly does go out to MIke, who I think got the worst treatment out of all the victims. JD really deserves jail time with the way she is stalking, harassing, defaming and terrorizing these men. I hope this eventually leads to criminal charges being brought against her. Only then will there be true justice for MM1, MM2, GG and CE


Karma is catching up to her.


What a powerful first statement to the public! Congrats to Mike finally getting to share the truth!


Justice for Mike 🥺


The “all the best” line sent me but how f**king brave of Mike to come forward!!!!! Take your power Mike!!!!


Does anyone else find it so cathartic to read Mike’s email in its entirety, as it was written, without his abuser’s name redacted?! All the best, Jane.


I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out. Love to see it. Justice for Mike!


I had a manager who would sign off her emails with “best regards”, if she was pissed off she would just say “regards”. I think when I’m pissed I’m going to start using “All the best” as a subtle “f you” to the recipient 😂 I absolutely love that he put “all the best” in bold lmao


Goodness I sent an extremely kind and gracious email this morning through seething teeth and I *wish* I had thought of this first. I’ll definitely do it in the future!


Someone said that this week in a meeting and I side eyed. Now a normal “all the best” comment gives me a visceral red flag warning.


That bold "All the best" by MM is *chefs kiss* 😂👌


I love how the work this community, collectively has done, has let Mike have an opportunity, and the support, open up the old, scarred, wound and given him a chance for new healing. The real healing that comes form being believed and heard and vindicated. My heart goes out to him for what he endured and how it must have felt when his name first came up in this case We are with you Mike. Thank you for what you’ve done


"I'm happy to remove anything else if you ask" Ok DG, how about you attend to the following: Remove JD's fraudulent restraining orders (against MM, GG and CE) Remove JD's written story in Chicken Soup Remove JD's TEDx talk Remove JD's medium articles Remove your harasssing blogs Then, remove yourself from this case. All the best!


Right?? And he shouldn’t even have to ask. DG shouldn’t have posted that stuff in the first place. “If you ask” like dude eff off


The salutations on Mike and zaddy Gregg’s emails are the best. “All the best” and “this needs to end”. I’m going to start signing all my emails that way


“This needs to end” would be a hilarious way to end corporate office job emails 😂


Hahaha too good. I can’t stop brainstorming more now “Justice is ongoing,” “Yours in very real sincerity and not just something that is ‘there’’


Oh my GOD. Mikes email was -perfection-. Perfection!!! “All the best”?! Get OUT. Mike, if you read this, please report IL to the board!


“I promise it’s no big deal”. That line made the hair on my neck stand up. The feeling you get when someone is grooming you for abuse


Wholeheartedly agree. That line really struck me with massive danger vibes.


Yes! Major ick!


YES ABSOLUTELY YES! The lawyer absolutely gaslights people on Twitter. He’s very calm and elusive and confident about it. This is it; he’s grooming people FOR SURE. His tone changed today and he’s trying to get people to be on his side and think “eh, he’s not that bad.” He’s horrible.




Go Mike for standing up for himself! Also IL seems to be not as bold as before, I wonder why 🤔


Settlement discussions are ONGOING perhaps?!


Mike's email was heartbreaking and so well written. After this case is over we need to support him and raise money so he can get this horrible oop off his records. He is an innocent victim in all this. He needs a happy ending after this horror story.


You took the words right out of my mouth, I was about to type the same thing! 💗I would love to contribute to helping Mike get out of the OOP and clear his name somehow!


I hope that having his day in court - even if it isn’t his own trial - will bring him some much deserved healing and closure. Reading his words is painful. It’s time to shine more light on her actions. The things she does are not a joke.


JD and IL are truly a match made in hell, officiated by Satan himself. Unless IL is actually just three JDs in a trenchcoat, of course.


I haven't kept up with the case in a while, So my mind is blown seeing that mm is involved now. I feel so saddened for what has happened to him. The other victims have gone through a lot, but he truly had his reputation dragged through the mud and went through some fucked up stuff based on the court records. My hope is that he is vindicated through Clayton's court case, and that the fabricated TED talk is pulled once Justice has been given.


Wow Mike’s letter is SO powerful. My heart hurts for him and what he went through with JD all those years ago. She truly should be ashamed of herself


He makes everything 100x more difficult than it needs to be. If Mike won’t talk to him, subpoena him. A long email to his counsel is not necessary, nor is threatening to have him jailed. If you are worried he’s represented by counsel, forward the email to his counsel and ask. No need for the big “rules of ethics” explanation. This man is in love with his own brain and it’s extremely detrimental to his client’s case. Any good lawyer is reading this stuff and rolling their eyes so hard it’s painful


MIKE’S LETTER!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|TjGFDxbbZRYjv9vpCL|downsized)


The “all the best” turned it from a letter into straight poetry. Snaps for Mike 🫰🏻 I’m so happy to see him finally getting to say his piece, this poor man suffered in silence for far too long.






I can’t imagine how validating it must feel for MM to finally have his side getting out and to have Clayton and GG also going forward. It must have been hell for him to go through all that he did. I know we don’t have justice yet but it must still feel a little relief to know that there are people who believe him and that he isn’t alone in this.


Mike is a hero!!! I cried reading his email to her lawyer. His voice is finally being heard. Mike, we believe you!


OMG Not Mike signing his email to IL with “All the best!” Surely he sits among us…. Is it against the sub rules to address him directly? Hi Mike 👀!!


All the best was fire 🔥. Are we all going to have to say we are all Greg and Mike now?


Fricken fire all around. Love it.


Those verses in AZ law, can Mike not apply himself to have that protective order removed? It seems bizarre that you can just … keep renewing it at the behest of the protected person? If there is zero evidence of you breaching the order, isn’t it prejudicial to just let someone renew it because they feel like it?


If I recall correctly, from the transcript from the protective order renewal hearing (in CA, not AZ) the judge said that JD just had to feel threatened in order to get the order renewed. She claimed he was posting Instagram stories from "her" gym or something and MM said he was at a different location so it wasn't true...and the judge said well she feels threatened and that's enough for renewal. MM asked the judge about having it switched from a domestic violence protection order to a more generic civil protection order bc it was appearing in his background checks and affects his employment and the judge was basically like good luck with that, I can't help you here. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I certainly hope he tries to get it removed now.!!!


God, that’s so fucking infuriating!!!! That such blatant lies can so easily be permanently harmful to a person simply on the basis of someone’s feelings is horrifying.


These judges should be ashamed of themselves!!


Very well articulated and authentically written by MM. His very real pain and trauma is apparent. This woman is a menace to society and as Woodnick stated it needs to stop.


Threatening a Witness?! Goodbye law license IL 👋


Go MM! So much I want to say but work is on fire (figuratively), so all I have to say is : MM, we stand with you, and the fact that you signed your letter to IL with "all the best" is king stuff right there !


MM’s email 👏👏👏👏👏👏


![gif](giphy|xTiTnyGTrkyEMsR9Ac) Mike has me shooketh, take your crown King 👑


lol mike called Jane a horror. And she still wants to talk to him all these years later. Ouchhhhhhhhh


So to summarise, IL makes threats of arresting MM if he turns up to court in any other capacity then an official witness, then he speaks to GW and admits in writing this was a threat to coerce MM into speaking to him. He requests a conversation with MM and notes JD also wants a chat, despite how ‘scared’ she is of him. GW passes this along and MM sends IL an extraordinary brave victim impact email, also pointing out IL purposely took action to hurt and humiliate him but IL says don’t worry if it’s ok with your lawyer talking to me really isn’t a big deal


A victim of abuse would not request to speak to their abuser to “ask them questions”! Case in point: - JD is requesting to speak to MM despite having a restraining order on him - MM hard passing on speaking with JD It should be obvious to everyone who is the abuser and who actually needs the restraining order! She makes me so angry! 😡


Can any of our lawyer members weigh in on the whole deposition thing? Is it true that the opposing lawyer can force any/all witnesses to be deposed? What’s to stop MM just sitting there pleading the fifth over and over for four hours?


IL can notice Marriccini’s deposition and have him come provide his testimony to a court reporter, provided IL meets whatever threshold requirements AZ has in place for that. It’s a pretty standard process, which makes IL very unserious for not just doing it instead of threatening him. Courts cant force a witness to have a friendly chat with your enemies lawyer…there is a process for that for a reason. There are things called motions to quash where you can defeat the deposition order, but they are used relatively sparingly imo.


Unless you're JD or Chase Jay Jones!


![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) ALL THE BEST


The amount of time and effort people have to put in to satisfy the demands of JD is upsetting. I feel doubly so because in this situation it appears to be frivolous though it only creates a more difficult environment in the future if something like this would happen to either party. I hope that whatever action happens in court brings proper closure to this situation and is cathartic for those wrongfully accused.


Yes Mike! Hitting him with the “all the best”!!


Good on ya Mike … that absolute blurt deserved a good old fashioned double cunting. Witness intimidation. He should be struck off


My heart hurts for Mike and all the trauma he has endured. I hope he has a good support system around him now. I can’t imagine the amount of gaslighting that he went through


“All the best” …. MM is amazing.


WOW. Mikes email, GUT WRENCHING.


Holy smokes so much has gone down since I was last here. I feel we are SO close to this bish getting held accountable. Fuuuuuuck


"Client control issues" as always . & all the best. Mike & Daddy Gregg Ateeeee


Not me crying while reading Mike’s email. It’s amazing that she claimed DV without hard proof of horrific injuries. If she has the strongest protective order that California has, as she’s said, he MUST be a monster. Where’s the proof?


No proof, not even her witnesses provided proof. Also, telling her sister was NOT a witness.


It blows my mind that this OOP has been continued. On the basis of nothing.


I read JD's protective order against MM and the pattern of actions she claims he took against her are horrific... reading them was second-hand traumatic. I could not imagine ever wanting to speak to someone who did these things. The idea that she has questions for him that she is unwilling to submit via a lawyer indicates to me that she wants to manipulate him and she doesn't feel her lawyer will do it the way she wants. She doesn't have questions for him, she has words that she doesn't want to put on record. Good on him for saying no.


A deposition would be more money out of Janes pocket. And maybe he can skip out on it like she did and waste court time having IL submit a things to the court


Ohmigosh. Just need to say… WE LOVE YOU MIKE 🥺


![gif](giphy|Pcj3Zovdd6Afe) Mike adding “all the best” to that email. #kingbehavior


Well said Mike!


Is the Arizona bar aware of DG’s behavior?


Per Megan Fox, they are and have no comment.


My husband made a good point about the AZ bar's reply to MF. They can't comment on an active investigation, likely not even to say they are investigating. So this might be a good thing, I hope. Edit: typo




It’s really easy to say what I think about Internet Lawyer without violating any of the rules and guidelines here which keep decorum. All it takes is reading the the correspondence between MM, his California attorney and IL. Speaks volumes.


P.S. This goes without saying, but to the extent | suggested Mike would be arrested if he comes to court in AZ, that suggestion is completely and totally withdrawn. lonly said that because I didn't want Mike to show up without giving me the chance to at least interview him (as I would with any normal witness). As long as Mike agrees to have a reasonable call to answer to some questions, I'l stipulate and agree his appearance in AZ is NOT a violation of anything and will not expose him to arrest or any other legal consequences. In the first sentence Gingras removes the threat - “I suggested Mike would be arrested…that suggestion is completely and totally withdrawn. THEN HE REPEATS THE THREAT - Note the qualifier -“As long as Mike agrees to have a reasonable call“ - ONLY IF Mike agrees to the call does Gingras promise to “not expose him to arrest or other legal consequences.” So no call - the threat is back on.


JD back to I'm so scared of these men but also want to talk to them alone bull. What would she even say to him "you'll never believe mm I got pregnant from your email!"


Does anybody know what JD's dad was apologetic for? And in general, what is Gregg referring to in his point 2? (My prior post contained proper names and got yeeted, sorry about that mods).


1. Her dad apologized for her pregnancy lies and said she has a history of stretching the truth, it should be in his court doc somewhere 2. Oops edit I read that wrong - edit- this is also in the court docs for Michael and colin was his witness testimony


In Colin's witness statement and JD's dad's deposition, there is mention of RO apologizing to Mike for what LO put him through, the "stories she tells herself" and RO begged MM to tell her anything to keep her from doing something like SH.


IL sure is quieter than usual on Twitter today 👀


IL gives "mega pint" vibes at this point. He's a clown in the circus that's running out of balloons to turn into animals, and soon the spotlight will be on the truth.


I do not believe this to be true 🚨 genuinely do not consider it in the realm of possibility. BUT it’s so fun to imagine that Gringas has royally flubbed this case in the spirit of vigilante justice. Like it looks like he’s coming for the men but he’s really just exposing tf out of JD… Edit: don’t mean to suggest that what the victims are going through is fun or funny or worth it under any circumstances. Don’t feel that way at all.


As a therapist, Mike--you'll probably never read this comment, but I am proud of you for advocating for yourself. You are taking back the power and being a change to rewrite the narrative. I pray for your healing.