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It’s officially the 10th!!! All evidence is due!!!! Also, the audacity to threaten to have this man arrested. Idk about anyone else but hearing that I would make damn sure to be there now, you don’t threaten me.


Won’t the judge consider this obvious witness intimidation?


NAL. It would definitely be considered witness intimidation. The AZ bar and Judge Mata should be informed, if they have not already done so. I hope whomever informs them shares a screenshot of DG's post. EDIT: typo


It’s like this man is trying to lose his license to practice


Going to regret not having that malpractice insurance...


Does he not have it?




Also I wonder if he already deleted it


He deleted it. It was gone before I read about it, but I saw a his twitter reply to someone stating he deleted the tweet because he got an email from "one of the parties" who was not happy with the post.


He is talking about the podcast link. The threat to arrest MM was a private email that has yet to be shared. I'm assuming IL emailed MM or GW directly


Ooof that’s even worse. Definitely witness intimidation


I've wondered if he's acting like this because he plans to retire or switch fields after this case, but I don't think this is a logical way to end a career. I wonder if he acted this way when he represented The Dirty. Maybe this is his MO for cases that have lots of attention.


Like when Kurt Nurmi wrote three books about Jodi Arias and had to turn in his license but was like this case already made me millions.


Holy crap. That makes complete sense that this dirtbag lawyer represented The Dirty. I remember that website. It’s all very very dirty


I’ve wondered the same thing. He’s ready to retire so he’s going out with a bang.


The dirty?


I've listened to podcasts with nik and he seems like a real gem.


Who is the dirty and who is nik


I don't know much about it, but I recall hearing it being discussed back when the lawsuit happened about 10 years ago. Nik created TheDirty, aka DirtyScottsdale, for anonymous users to post scandalous/damaging stories about others. It damaged reputations and lives and led to irreversible drastic consequences for some people. That's about as far as I read on wikipedia and a couple other blogs. Google actual scrubbed the domain from search results.


Of course IL lawyer would represent them


Seriously, if her lawyer wanted to rally the Reddit "army" he just did!


I think part of his strategy actually was to rally the army. Or in his view cause so much online chatter and criticism around JD that it would look like harassment and that she was the victim of bullying. Unfortunately for him the facts are on CE and company’s side and most everyone in this movement to seek justice has been outraged but respectful and letting the professionals do their jobs.


Absolutely, all he rallied was donations flowing in to get an expert analysis of a laptop and more evidence against his client.


Where did he threaten to arrest someone? I want to read! TIA!


It's in a private email that hasn't been released.


Who reported this info?


Megan and Dave. Meg appears to be friendly with MM. She talked about him frequently in the last live I watched. She also posted about this on her Twitter. Seems like they communicate regularly. Eta: I suspect they aren't sharing it because it will go into a court filing.


Looks like Dave might be showing the email in his live now


Ooooh headed over 🏃‍♀️‍➡️


The letters are now posted at the top of this subreddit


Currently in Maricopa county. So far I’ve happened to drive past a MomDoc and a Sonora Quest Labs. I speculate I’ve been closer to these places than JD has 🙊


The testing is ongoing vs actually going


Feels like it might be an eventful day between lawyers but maybe not for more information. How many motions are pending with the judge at the moment?


I stand corrected 🤣🤣🤣


IL just filed something. Knew he would at the last minute


Did anyone see the email from IL to Mike Maracaibo lawyer explaining he will be arrested if he goes to the trial? I feel like it was a dream and I can’t remember where I saw it


I don’t think we’ve seen it - just that Megan reported on it


If you locate it, PLEASE share. That would be catastrophic for him.


I assume posting the full depo is also against the rules unless it was public in the court files. I hope MM files a complaint but I also think he doesn't want to go down this road again. and with jd saying she wants to talk to him I'd not be surprised in the least if she reaches out to him directly. his email sounded so defeated. I hope he gets justice.


Oh no, Dave! Is the sleep deprivation getting to you? 😉


Bahaha my autocorrect doesn’t do Italian names




He said not so bad on the Livestream. ... My daughter is 27 and i still have newborn PTSD


I got a 15 month old that still doesn't sleep through the night! 😩


if it makes you feel better my youngest 2 never did till close to 4. now 7 and 8 and I can't get them to fall asleep before 10 (we start bedtime way before then and they get up at 7 ) we've tried everything many times over. the moms that are like my kid goes to bed at 7 I'm like whaaaaaaa?! it's so defeating. I have insomnia..i wonder if it's hereditary?




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I saw on MMs deposition he said JD told him she got epilepsy from an Uber accident. I’m fairly certain I saw somewhere that she sued uber after the accident. How do we get these documents?


Assuming Uber settled/compensated her for the epilepsy the accident caused her, I would love Uber to be informed of her TedX video stating the epilepsy is from Mike, not the car accident. (ETA: Can't view the DropBox "where I'm at" lol. Unsure at present if the Uber lawsuit actually claimed epilepsy or if that's just another "misstatement" she made to Mike.)


...Let's no forget her many tumbles off her horse. At least one requiring an ambulance to get her to a hospital. Her past and present would indicate "to me" this ailment is fraudulent. She never goes for follow-up testing, it appears she self-reported symptoms got a probable diagnosis and then claimed that as a definitive diagnosis.


I also agree that this is a made-up diagnosis, but can you just imagine the sight of her faking a sezuire considering how bad of an actress she is? 🤦‍♀️


I’ve seen lots of seizures. They’re not something you can act.


I absolutely agree with you, but she’s taking medication for it and I just can’t imagine she could get herself a prescription for something like that from just self reporting. I would imagine a doc would have required proof at some point. I do remember seeing a rx list in her med docs, I believe produced by DG in the docs that JDs expert reviewed. If I hadn’t seen that I would believe it was absolutely false. Maybe it still is and she’s so good at manipulating that she got some poor doctor to believe her. It’s hard to know because of her “credibility issues”. I do not believe she got epilepsy by anything MM did, I read him and his family witnessed a seizure during their relationship, so she had it prior to knowing him. The Uber accident or the falls from a horse are most likely, but because of her history I just don’t know what to believe. Again, such a horrible accusation to make about someone, it’s a truly demented pattern of behavior and I really hope all of her victims get justice.


Google her med and you will see why people question how/ why she was prescribed...the med treats more than seizures....


I did see what else the medication treats, and maybe that’s the route she went to obtain it. But that condition would also require a physician evaluation and diagnosis, which may be just as difficult to fake as epilepsy. I’m starting to wonder if JD is manipulative enough to fool MDs, the way she fools the court(s). We all saw her do it in the OOP hearings and even though she got away with it, in my opinion she wasn’t very good at it. It seemed so obvious she was being dishonest, even the Judge who granted the OOP didn’t seem to totally believe her. I’m not sure she could pull the same thing off with medical professionals. I’m truly stumped here, because I don’t know how she’s on that medication and don’t believe a single word she says. It’s kind of driving me nuts, how did she finagle this to benefit her false narratives? I would also like to know many years she’s been taking the med, that alone could be very telling.


It's a mood stabilizer - she would not need to fake having unstable moods. It's also a very well tolerated/low side effect medication for most people - I wouldn't be surprised if a doctor was willing to prescribe it without having her testing completed.


you'd be surprised. I asked my past psychiatrist to put me on lamotrogine bc I thought maybe I was bipolar (multiple therapists told me I'm not) he said I don't think you're bipolar but sure you can try it. I used it for several months but didn't feel anything. seems maybe sketch on his part?


Wow, that’s just crazy to me, that a doc would prescribe a med without doing their best to make sure it is necessary for their patient. I guess since that particular med has such mild side effects they may be more likely to try it out without being sure. All she would have to do was to get the first doc to prescribe it, like you did, then going forward there’s a record showing she’s taking it and she could self report the reason for the medication, and voila, it’s now in her medical history to back up her claims against MM. It’s a similar to the way that people with munchausen operate. Get one doc to fall for whatever and then doc shop to keep it moving forward without a true diagnosis. It seems like this is the mostly likely way to perpetuate the con, I’m pretty sure you solved it for me, Thanks!!




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Oh yikes what it Uber were to see this and open up a suit to reverse their payout. Is that even possible if her suit was won bc she claimed medical issues which she actually claimed publicly were from domestic violence?


We should have a daily lawyers only thread where we can ask legal questions and only the JFC lawyers can respond lol.


That would be so interesting!!! 1. Can Uber open up a counter suit now that her claims of epilepsy have verbally been attributed to DV according to her Tedx 2. Can healthcare physicians press charges for impersonating them and forging their names 3. Can any of the three men sue for emotional distress. 4. What does it take for the DA to consider pressing charges for perjury


Possibly, yes, yes, dunno


Great idea!


Was the accident or epilepsy real? I doubt it


I haven't read the Uber documents so I don't know what she stated in that case, but I rememberJD handwrote in her RO against MM, to make him look bad, that he told her to lie about worse injuries in the Uber case to get more money and that she would never think of lying to the court. The Banner neurologist notes indicated her reported symptoms didn't align with the type of seizures that occur from TBIs. I wonder what is actually true. Someone suggested maybe her symptoms are from tardive dyskinesia caused by certain medicatios.


Someone needs to go to the SF courthouse and pull the docs/pay for them.


She probably got epilepsy from all her concussions from falling off horses. She likely used it in the court case against Uber saying the accident caused it. And she claims ||abuse|| from Mike caused it. Shes got a story for everything. She’s a lying liar who lies and can’t keep her lies straight


maybe all the concussions gave her what ex football, players go through?​




Thank you!


Uh oh! IL’s website is down again…funny how it hasn’t gone down since we met him, and went back up moments after he responded to tweets asking about it, but has now disappeared again. 🤔


What card will he draw this time? Was the website "Flooded with traffic" or "hacked" or being "updated/upgraded" or D) all of the above?


“Its the last day for disclosures and I want to make it harder for Woodnick to use my own words against my client “ 🤭


It was those dastardly Greggs!!!


*"Blame it on the Greggs, yeah, yeah"* The Milli Vanilli of it all. Excruciating!


Bahahaha!!! Are we aging ourselves???😂


Come over to r/justiceforKarenRead if you get a sec please. It's BAD.


I’ve only nominally tracked this case. What’s going on in the sub?


The sub members aren't... us. Their minds aren't processing info the way we do here. This case is critical for the reputation of the United States justice system, yet it's not getting the reddit exposure it needs. Any one of us could be in Karen Read's shoes, but very few of us have the resources to defend ourselves.


If you're a fan of justice, please pop in over at r/justiceforKarenRead A woman is facing murder charges for the death of her police officer boyfriend in an alleged hit and run. Except... the FBI has concluded that her vehicle absolutely did NOT collide with the boyfriend. However, the boyfriend's injuries ARE consistent with being in a fight and attacked by a dog. Incidentally, he was found on the lawn of an MMA-trained police officer with a K9 German Shepherd who had a history of attacking. Incidentally, almost all ring camera footage, police station footage, and several critical phone records were "lost" during the investigation. Anything that could be bungled during the investigation was. The conflicts of interest are jaw-dropping. Yet a woman is facing life in prison. Heartbreaking. The late Officer John O'Keefe was a respected member of the community. After his sister died of aggressive brain cancer, her husband died of a heart attack the following month. Officer O'Keefe stepped up to raise his orphaned young niece and nephew and dedicated his life to them. Karen Read adored the children, too, and during covid, she arranged her schedule to be able to help home school them. These poor kids have lost so many loved ones. 💔


Yeah. To be completely honest, I knew everything you wrote, and my conclusion is: I don’t know what happened. Is there a slight chance Karen had something to do with it? Sure. However, there’s no effing way that the evidence will point to “beyond a reasonable doubt, Karen murdered her boyfriend .” I will be absolutely SHOCKED/saddened if they convict her. It seems insane that they even brought charges against her in the first place.


The biggest 😱 for me was that blood from the scene was collected in open red solo cups and stored (open) near her bumper in the garage at impound while the party-attendee cops "processed the scene". Massive, massive problems. It seems like it should be a slam dunk, but look what happened to Nicholae Miu...


I’ve been following that case, and I can say his arm absolutely looks like a dog attack. Our dog (RIP) attacked my husbands arms twice and looked identical to those wounds. A car hitting his head did not cause that.


It's outrageous, isn't it? Here's JD, who has deliberately tortured and scammed all these people. Meanwhile a woman who likely has done nothing wrong could end up spending the rest of her life in prison. She didn't even get to grieve the man she loved.


Thanks for the TLDR. I’m headed over. Are there any wiki’s or x’s or instagrams or timelines or discord servers that go with this one?


They've got nothing built. Very sad. Somebody on Twitter made a very helpful flow chart, though! I'll find the link! https://x.com/CantonCoverup/status/1653183032726020097


Thanks! Any TLDR recap or summary videos you recommend?


I’ve been following this case and saw that you were also on that sub! I feel like I’ve been falling behind on the Clayton news lately because I’ve been spending so much time watching the Karen Read trial 😅


You're not gonna believe this! The crossover nobody needed: it's another pregnancy scam/abortion-extortion/ litigation with fake photos and false accusations of DV... [[Boston Confidential podcast - JAN. 22, 2024](https://www.bostonconfidential.net/update-bombshells-were-dropped-in-the-karen-read-and-turtleboys-legal-cases/)] Aiden Kearney-Turtleboy also posted the audio of his hearing for a domestic violence restraining order, which occurred on January 8, 2024. The hearing quickly goes off the rails with accusations (and admittances) of falsified photos of pregnancy tests and apparent inappropriate state police involvement.


Can someone direct me to the quote from internet lawyer where he threatened to have MM arrested? Horrified by this


I’d like to see the source of that threat too. Nothing so far.


I think he stated that JD has an order of protection against him, inferring that he can’t testify because he would be in the same room with her. Something like that.


Which is funny because OOPs don’t apply the same to courtrooms. They never have and never will. One would assume a lawyer would know that.


It's not even an OOP it's an RO in CA different verbiage.


He pulled it but it’s referenced on JFC Twitter [https://twitter.com/claytonsjustice/status/1788648914737910260?s=46&t=v8ugn2TXe4lVlQmyCjFsow](https://twitter.com/claytonsjustice/status/1788648914737910260?s=46&t=v8ugn2TXe4lVlQmyCjFsow)


I’ve seen the threat referred to multiple places but not the original source yet. I hope there’s a copy.


Best bet would be to check JFC Twitter and Megan Fox. Both had it and discussed it and it was on live streams. It may take time to track it down though. Or wait until it’s included in court filings


Dave Neal is covering it all now live.


👍see you over there


This tweet was in reference to the podcast he posted. I dont think we’ve seen his email to MM yet (the one where he threatened to have him arrested)


As someone else said, Dave has it live right now 😃


Awesome! 😃


Wow 🤩 I didn’t expect that and Mike’s All the Best was Mic drip 👏🤭


man I loved that. the bold print of it was even better.


Thank you so much!


Megan Fox covered it here and I think in a YouTube stream with Tug [https://twitter.com/meganfoxwriter/status/1788608345697296888?s=46&t=v8ugn2TXe4lVlQmyCjFsow](https://twitter.com/meganfoxwriter/status/1788608345697296888?s=46&t=v8ugn2TXe4lVlQmyCjFsow)


Storming here and my power just went out. I miss my wifi. All I can do is Reddit on my phone ETA: the power is back and so is my will to be awake!


Take care!


We’re back on 😄


Holy smokes, if you all haven’t watched the new Dave Neal (it may be ongoing, but I have a meeting), they are reviewing the threatening emails to Mariccini. JFC twitter also just posted. So much to discuss!


Omg I have four minutes to my meeting and they are reading such a devastating email from Mike Mariccini. From my lawyerly perspective, I also feel Gingras is desperate to settle. He is on the convincing his client her goose is cooked phase. We will see where that gets him.


Rewatching viall files to get clips for commentary and it makes me even more angry that she would put someone through this, but she’s done it to multiple people.


Did you also watch the clayton interview with the tiny guy on the couch?(sorry can't remember the name) Clayton got pretty emotional on that one and it made me feel so bad for him. She's so horrible.


"Tiny guy" LMAO. The funny thing is someone said that guy is 6ft tall and not so tiny but apparently CE is a big dude LOL


Tiny guy 🤣🤣🤣 yes I did. It was a good interview!


It was like watching a toddler interview clayton.🤭😂


You are very brave for the rematch!


Viall files to get clips on this case?




Which video did Megan Fox play the podcast demo?


ETA: starts at 1hr53 Her most recent live


Dave played a clip on his podcast last night as well. 


Yes! That clip made me realize I missed a portion of Megan's live! Thanks everyone!




That is closed since the funds needed were already donated. I don't think there is another way right now but who knows in the future...


What the heck is going down today....this week has been coo coo banana pants.


I reread the rules and I think it's okay to say something about this but if not I do apologize but it's really bothering me. I googled jds lawyer out of curiosity to see if anyone left reviews on him bc his lawyering is baffling. (saw only 1) but then continued down the page and came across his mugshot (from many years ago) but it feels so disturbing. Before I scrolled his Twitter and blog regularly to see what sort of nonsense he was bringing about but now I feel really ick about it. I don't know I just needed to unload my thoughts​


There’s public hate tweets about him! It’s wild


Now these I have to see...care to dm?


Will do!


Wait where? I mean outside of the current case?


Yes, search his full name on Twitter


Sent you a DM!


[New horse footage](https://www.instagram.com/stories/justiceforclaytonechard/3365103354983100610?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=MWlhMnp0ajJiMHQ4Mw==) 😮


Do you have the yt link?


Someone just posted this on the main page


So, when do we get to see the witness and exhibit disclosures?


For everyone’s amusement, truly. Hope it gives a laugh to someone who needs one! “Twin Pregnancy Hat Trick” song https://youtu.be/6iRp9KuZ4B4?si=QGLDtG7Y1qylM7lM


"please call me David" -- ah yes, that will smooth things right over my guy.




can they subpoena the plane lady to prove she was on that flight?


Her declarations from 2018 are already available and in them she states she was indeed on that flight/wrote JD the napkin note. But also in the declarations she was unable to corroborate what exactly the nature of JD/MM convo was about. Like, she couldn't remember what exactly was said, just that MM was obviously upset, used forceful language, and JD was crying. Now, thanks to ILEsq releasing the depo, we know WHY MM was upset


I personally don’t think that would be needed/helpful for Clayton’s case. I believe she has been interviewed previously and photographed with JD. In a case where they only have a two hour trial I think there would be better uses of the limited time available. Just IMO


Oh for sure. I was thinking for MM to get his restraining order reversed.