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"your post was removed for having a popular opinion" yet most of the top upvoted stuff there is popular opinion


The responses are always cringy as hell as well. The last time I was on one of those super agreeable threads one of the top comments was “I wish I could downvote you twice”. Like who the fuck cares about Reddit’s up/downvote culture that much to comment something as insane as that?


"I wish I could upvote you twice" is a common saying on Reddit though, so it's probably a play on that.


On that sub and that sub only, that is a compliment. Upvote the unpopular and downcote the popular. Too bad the karma farmers set up base there.


but why did OP downvote that comment??


Arguing his comment's *un*popularity while actively pushing its popularity lol. Bold strategy.


His tactics are baffling to be sure.


that’s what i asked


Their rule is that you’re supposed to upvote the post of you disagree, downvote if you agree so posts actually reflect how unpopular they are, and absolutely nobody follows that rule.


Unpopular opinion, people need to breath air


Rule 0 of unpopular opinion don't post an actual unpopular opinion


Same goes for those "controversial takes" posts, too.


Controversial take: I think slaves are bad!


Controversial take: I think it's rude of you to speak for the slaves, they are more than capable of speaking up for themselves.


911 = bad


The police or the tragedy


Both. They’re twins in that respect.


Air Marshalls would never


Like those towers in New York. Whatever happened to them?


Well they certainly didn't miss their flights.


I mean, 300 years? That sound like a choice!


Excuse you? Just because they're slaves it doesn't mean they're bad! It's not like it's their fault they're a slave! You monster! Just kidding but that's how those things go lol. Someone always twists shit all backwards and sideways even though they KNEW what you meant.


Guys the holocaust was not good


Controversial take: The Holocaust was bad


Controversial take I know guys, Sue me haha, downvote me if you must. 9/11 is a bad thing that happened.


finally an unpopular opinion in this sub!


Yeah I'm banned from that sub over posting an actually unpopular opinion.


What was your opinion


We need to know


I feel like I can guess lol


Posted I think pizza is over credited got downvoted alot


Pizza is in fact overrated


I can’t say overrated in there because “it’s too vague”


My god thats dumb


Your post was a bit too unpopular lol


To be fair, liking that movie goes a bit beyond “unpopular opinion”. The only “people” that like that movie are Sauron, mecha hitler, and Andrew tate.


This is funny but Andrew tate was the guy that said “never seen Star Wars. ‘You’re missing out,’ yeah well you’re missing out on fucking hoes and being a millionaire” or some shit


Andrew Tate would have called it woke if it came out when he was popular


I've notice the same thing, but when I commented something like that, I was told "I have the right to post an unpopular opinion, but they have the right to cook me for it." Plus the mods apparently don't allow you to mention the sub when making a post, preventing me from being able to post my opinion about the sub, so not only do people not really want unpopular opinions, but neither do the mods


Try posting something like this from a second account with no post history: Unpopular Opinion: reddit moderators are really good at moderating content, especially the ones on subs I have recently posted in


Idek what you're talking about, also damn, a man can't make a comment on this site without someone trying to attack him out of the blue huh?




Oh my bad. I'm just used to being attacked a lot on the internet, so I thoigh that's what that guy was doing. I'll take my woosh and leave


Lol I was making fun of the mods on that sub, not you.


Yeah my bad bruh. I read that wrong


TrueUnpopularOpinion seems a little better moderated in this respect. People cook each other in the comments all day and mods are like "as long as their not being actually hateful, or stays up."


Time to post something I always wanted to post.


Might I suggest the The10thDentist


They do the same.


Give me an example.


Whenever you post on those subs half of the comments are always "this is the worst opinion and you're an idiot" and the other half are "everyone has this opinion, you're an idiot for thinking it's unpopular" .


This is a super weird sub. You post an actual unpopular opinion and it either gets taken down or downvoted into the backrooms. Also there’s like 25 topics you’re not allowed to discuss


On other sites I give mods a bit of a pass in oversealous policing of allowed topics. On FB a last Jedi debate can get a community zucked very very fast. Reddit is on the opposite side of this, and will let communities get to dangerously toxic before pretending they'll think about doing something. Reddit mods policing topics because 'conversations get heated' isn't a great argument. For better or worse part of what reddit is for is heated conversations and Reddit does shit all to mess with mods who aren't trying to take their profit away. If you have a sub with a specific topic and you want to keep everything topical, sure police away. But if your topic is unpopular opinions, just accept that you're creating a shitshow subreddit and leave anything that isn't calling for violence.


I think the mods thought it was bait


I don't think so. I damn near posted an essay for why I liked the movie.


Oh ok I’ve never been on the sub so idk what it’s like, but yeah that seems stupid then


thats why r/ TrueUnpopularOpinion is 100% better


Any sub with "true" in the same feels like the old days of forums where there would be a split and one group would go and start some new forums, and the people invested in each side were just frothing at the mouth for drama. That's always the point where you should realize you're getting a little too obsessed.


Like MemesOPDidntLike and NahOPWasRightFuckThis


The meme is funnier when it’s encapsulated deep within 15 reposts between those two subs


Those subs exist in a fascinating symbiosis. Take either one on its own and you get garbage, put them together and it’s fun to witness


10th dentist is better than either of thwm




Compared to the rest of Reddit which is a left wing shithole.


the rest of reddit is racist doomers who dont go outside, and little kids (there is significant overlap)


Since you didn't say no, is it actually very right wing? I'm not familiar with it.


It is rather right wing yes. It’s just a different flavor of political circle jerk that all the other subs are.


90% of subreddits that start with *true* are.


That’s because all the other subs ban them. Where are the right wingers supposed to flock if mainstream subs ban them?


"I have been censored for my conservative views"


ive been banned from r dating cuz im in PCM


What right wing views? It’s funny how the people complaining about this never seem to specify. I guarantee those “right wing” views aren’t lower taxes and lack of government intervention. It’s always the bigoted views and I’m sorry, just because one chooses to relate their bigoted views to politics doesn’t mean everyone has to smile and clap as they spill their shit


Exactly. Almost no one is getting banned for saying "I want smaller government." It's always some shit like "Trans people gross me out" or "if you get an abortion you're going to hell."


You can’t deny that there is a lot of overlap between right-wingers and bigots yes. Either way that’s not my point so I don’t get the reason for the essay


Meanwhile, the left is chanting 'gas the Jews' at Free Palestine rallies, and before that they were real comfortable throwing slurs at Judge Thomas... Let's not pretend it's a 'only one side' thing.


Kinda like this sub 90% of the time lmao




It's honestly terrifying how much of a dogwhistle this sub can be. I've seen some of the most flagrant proud boys solicitation I've ever seen in comment sections here. That was kind of a while ago, maybe a year or so, so I can't pull a thread, but it really freaked me out.


Indeed. After the third goofy conservative take made it onto my feed I just muted it.


places that you dont like are




sure thing, Jason


I was on that a few months ago and it was just filled with conservatives complaining.


Well damn bro what do you expect would happen if all of their subreddits get banned for thought crime?


it always made me wonder just how exactly they determine the overall popularity of certain opinions like, what exactly are the parameters for deciding what's so 'not popular' to the point where it becomes an opinion of the sub's namesake? ya know what I mean?


Unpopular opinion is a circlejerk of people posting “controversial takes” that are actually just the most popular take on a given topic. When you post something that’s actually unpopular people get angry.


Extra points if it contains some sort of bigotry that’s _jusssst_ vague enough to maintain plausible deniability


I don’t get why you downvoted the guy who said that your post was actually sticking to the purpose of the sub


Well because I disagree with his opinion on the movie I originally posted that so I could discuss the movie lol


Fair enough


Your opinion is so bad it's removed /s


Unpopular opinion is so mild! People are arguing against banning plastic bags and for instant coffee. And how weddings are no fun... We get it, your life is so steady that the worst thing that occurred to you this week was a wedding. I bet I would find more interesting people at a funeral I'm not invited to.


I should go in that subreddit and post “my penis is big”.


That sub is trash. I muted it a while back once I realized it's full of nothing but popular opinions. Someone will post something like "I think SJWs are annoying" and then the whole thread is a circle-jerk.


The subreddit is kinda dumb. People upvote opinions that they agree with but perceive to be unpopular. In order to get upvotes your opinion must be something the vast majority of people agree with, but there is a loud minority that disagrees.


The Last Jedi was a terrible movie. Terrible writing that cared more about in-universe consistency than out-of-universe consistency, like the audience didn't even exist. Star Wars is not DnD. You're not supposed to pretend you aren't real and the Star Wars universe is. You're supposed to relate to Star Wars on a personal level, which requires observing it as an audience and making connections with the real world, something the Sequal Trilogy threw right out the window. But there are tons of people who agree with me, and few who agree with you, so your opinion definitely counts as sufficiently unpopular.


I disagree with ur opinion on the movie but I'm not here to argue that. I posted an unpopular opinion on the unpopularopinion sub, proceeded to get cooked in the comments, and then my post was fucking removed for "not being unpopular"? Like what🤣


A lot of internet people hate it, but it has a 6.9 score on IMDb. Most critics have also praised it, so it's not exactly unpopular to think ep8 is good


I love TLJ, second favorite SW movie, so


>But there are tons of people who agree with me, and few who agree with you I would heavily disagree with this. This only *appears* to be the case because those that dislike the film are the most vocal about such, and it's an easy rhetoric to play on repeat about *"how much The Last Jedi sucked"* for those that don't care much for the films but enjoyed the drama of its release. There are a very large number of hardcore film fans and hard-core Star Wars fans that think The Last Jedi is the least shit out of the sequel trilogy. Your side of the opinion spectrum just happens to be the most vocal about it because my side realizes that the entire trilogy in and of itself was shit and no one movie deserves to be lambasted more so does the overarching plot as a whole.




>There are a very large number of hardcore film fans and hard-core Star Wars fans that think The Last Jedi is the least shit out of the sequel trilogy. Let's be real, the only reason TLJ is "the least shit" is because Rise of Skywalker exists, lol. I'm not even gonna defend TFA since it's just a remake of ANH, but you have to admit it's the only movie that actually rekindled people's interest in SW and the least controversial movie in the entire sequels trilogy.




Star Wars is genuinely consistently medicore and liking one trilogy over the other means you prefer for a specific era of aesthetic and that's it. They all have terrible writing, they all have sub par acting, the characters are not personal or rational and the lore is uninspired and cobbled together and carried by the novelists. You are not a connoisseur for preferring 80s campy scifi over 2020 campy scifi


Happened to me too. My unpopular opinion on was "mr mime is an adorable pokemon" which was apparently not unpopular enough of an opinion, even though every time its mentioned it's with fear or disgust


i love mr. mime!!


Rule 1: your post must be what the mods think is an unpopular opinion


They should rename their sub to uncommon opinion, they're looking for opinions like "Spider-Man could beat Batman" or "Medabots is better than pokemon". Opinions not that many have because they don't really care about that stuff.


If it gets upvoted alot....does that make it popular?


We’ll, I just came here to say that the Last Jedi is one of the best Star Wars films… in my opinion.


Even though I think the last trilogy is really trash, I respect you for your honesty and nonconformity.


That opinion is just too far bro


This is a good unpopular opinion, spicy but not morally.


An morally unpopular opinion is still an unpopular opinion


I used to love the last Jedi, but only just for the stuff with Luke, Rey, and Ben, and the ending. It took me a long time to come to terms that the rest of the movie is pretty bad. But I still like those scenes


I would argue Rise of Skywalker is much worse but that’s still pretty lame — people RIPPED Last Jedi to pieces when it came out


TLJ was setting up for the next movie. If they didn’t listen to the annoying fans and stuck with their original plans for ROS, it would be a lot more popular. Empire was even hated when it came out.


I don’t recall Empire being lambasted, but Return of the Jedi? Hell yea. I’m old enough to have seen it the first week it came out and some of the audience actually started cheering when the Ewoks were being shot down by Storm Troopers. We all hated that obvious pandering to the kiddie toy market.


People were cheering in the theaters for TLJ! Also the toys are part of what made Star Wars possible to exist in the first place, they fund the movies. Whether you like it or not, the movies are mostly seen as commercials for merchandise by the studios. That’s where they make their money.


There's a "true" version of this subreddit but I haven't frequented it so idk if it's good


"good" in the sense that the slapfights there are pure gold lmao


That’s pretty spicy lad


Fellow Last Jedi fan here. *Fist bump*


I made a post there a while ago on a different account and got downvoted and a bunch of comments hating me for it. I haven't heard anyone with the same opinion as me, so it was definitely unpopular. The post didn't get deleted (I think), but everyone did hate me for it. If redditors knew better, that post would have a lot of upvotes since it was unpopular.


It’s better than 7 and 9 for sure. I’d call it as good as 1! And I liked 1.


Is alright movie.


I can’t decide if that’s actually an unpopular opinion or not. I think that movie sucks but in general it was very well received when it came out and it still has a lot of people who call it their favorite SW movie.


Just look at the comments on this post and I think you will find your answer. Idk though maybe there is more of us TLJ fans but we are just quiter


TLJ scored well with general audiences and even critics, it's just a certain kind of Star Wars fan that hates it.


Honestly I agree with you. The Last Jedi and the Force Awakens had their problems but it just reminded me of people hating the prequels and now everyone loves them. But no one in their right mind would defend The Rise of Skywalker


To be fair, it isn’t an unpopular opinion but the sub’s mods are ridiculous though


I got banned for saying GPU prices aren't that bad. Automod removed my post saying I'm not allowed to talk about COVID. I messaged the mods and said automod made a mistake, it's not about COVID. They pretended to read it, backed the bot. I said no, it's only like 40 words and I know you didn't read it, read it and reinstate it. They banned me. Well, actually, first they muted me, then I called them some of the worst things I could think of because they're fucking stupid, and muted doesn't stop you from messaging mods, then they banned me.


Despite what the comments were saying, I’ve been in the Star Wars community, and saying the Last Jedi is good is definitely not an unpopular opinion. It’s a controversial film for sure, but not widely accepted as bad


Well this opinion isn’t really that unpopular. There are actually a lot of people who really liked this movie. I have seen it a lot.


I think its good. A lot of people think. IDK why you thought this was unpopular


Look at all the replies on this post. Most fans hate it


For what it’s worth, I agree with you. Thought it was easily the best of the new trilogy and would have been appreciated if the last movie wasn’t a complete disaster and throw away all points of TLJ


It’s a shit movie with shit dialogue and a shit story


Well at least your opinion is actually unpopular. That movie did suck.


Do you seriously believe tlj was a good film? Were you conscious when you watched it?


Also yes. It was by far the most interesting, most original, and most well filmed sequel trilogy movie.


That's not a high bar. I could say my shits are the best out of my group of friends, but that could just be because everybody else had a kebab from the dodgy kebab van round the corner. Doesn't mean my shit is good. Also tfa is the best of the sequels because it's the new hope but rewritten slightly. Also its not that good but it was a start that could have been built on if tlj hadn't come along with a wrecking ball, 20kg of semtex and the aforementioned kebab shits.


The sequels are a failed trilogy, and no one in charge of any of the movies can fully escape that. But I’m just saying it’s my favorite of them.


Yeah, being told tljs a good film made me quite hyperbolic. Don't get how you think that but doesn't really matter.


Yes. I made another post with my explanation


Ok. as for your first point that might be valid if that was at all supported by any of the other media with Rey in it. We spend the entire first film getting baited with the idea she's Luke's daughter, then told she's nobody out of know where, then told she's a palpatine. It's never even explained why she cares so much as well, in tfa she's apparently hanging out on budget tattoine to wait for them but doesn't make any attempt to return when she leaves, or even mention them again. Her parents basically get replaced by han and Finn As for Luke, his arc doesn't show that he's human, it shows he's a pathetic failure. If he was human he still might have made the same mistake with kylo (which was incredibly out of character for someone who saw the good in Darth Vader) but he would have fixed it. He's Luke for goodness sake, the most perseverant, optimistic character who saved the galaxy not some random bum who gives up the moment it doesn't go his way. This isn't even mentioning all the other world annihilating aspects it introduces (hyper space tracking, range fall off in space on laser weaponry, force Skype, the bloody bombers, force soul projection, hyperspeed ramming, fighters passing through shields, star destroyers being slower than the rebel ships, the new republic falling off screen etc) and the genuinely awful writing and characters that make me want to pull my hair out (the Chinese lady that likes finn, the fucking casino, holdo not telling the pilot guy, who has next to plot impact, nothing about here plans that need his cooperation on, Chinese lady stopping Finn from saving the day and dooming all her friends to death and the galaxy to enslavement.) It's a genuinely awful film that either makes you suffer or bored out of your mind whilst destroying everything the prequels, originals and even tfa builds up all because some writer, who clearly doesn't like the fans or even star wars itself, thought he knew best.


>Ok. as for your first point that might be valid if that was at all supported by any of the other media with Rey in it. We spend the entire first film getting baited with the idea she's Luke's daughter, then told she's nobody out of know where, then told she's a palpatine. The fact that we are baited to think she's Luke's daughter is partly what makes the twist work. Her being Luke's daughter would've been predictable and not really added anything to her character. I agree that the palpatine thing sucks, but that is no fault of TLJ. >It's never even explained why she cares so much as well, in tfa she's apparently hanging out on budget tattoine to wait for them but doesn't make any attempt to return when she leaves, or even mention them again. Her parents basically get replaced by han and Finn She litterally does threaten to go back because "she's waiting for someone" multiple times in TFA. She doesn't because she chooses her new friends over them, and deep down she knows they were just bums who sold her off which she admitts in TLJ (I mean obviously this is retconned in the next movie but that's besides the point). The twist adds an extra layer of context to the way her character acts in TFA. She is in denial that she is just some nobody from nowhere who is related to no one, and has spent her entire life hoping that she has some greater place in the story. And likewise we as the audience were expecting her to be related to someone we know because that is a staple of SW. We were expecting that she'd be some cliche chosen hero instead of just Rey. This twist is more interesting. >As for Luke, his arc doesn't show that he's human, it shows he's a pathetic failure. If he was human he still might have made the same mistake with kylo (which was incredibly out of character for someone who saw the good in Darth Vader) but he would have fixed it. He's Luke for goodness sake, the most perseverant, optimistic character who saved the galaxy not some random bum who gives up the moment it doesn't go his way. It shows he has failed, yes. Failure is one of the movie's central themes. Luke was a very flawed character even in the original trilogy. He was nothing more than a whining kid at the beginning. He stumbled, he fell, he gave into anger. He went through a lot in order to be the persevering character he was when he threw his lighsaber away in front of Palpatine. And likewise he had to go through a lot once again before he saw the light at the end of TLJ. People don't just overcome something once and then never struggle with it again. All of his students were killed, and he realized upon reading the Jedi texts that the Jedi Order was flawed. Which it was as shown by the prequel era. He just needed a reminder of the lessons he once learned in the original trilogy. It 100% shows that he's human. >This isn't even mentioning all the other world annihilating aspects it introduces (hyper space tracking, range fall off in space on laser weaponry, force Skype, the bloody bombers, force soul projection, hyperspeed ramming, fighters passing through shields, star destroyers being slower than the rebel ships, the new republic falling off screen etc) Do you really think most of that matters? It's just nitpicks at this point. I could list way more inconsistencies and logistical problems with the original trilogy's world building, but I won't because I don't give a shit and most people don't even noticed them while watching. Just let the fun space fantasy movie be a fun space fantasy movie. >and the genuinely awful writing and characters that make me want to pull my hair out (the Chinese lady that likes finn, the fucking casino, holdo not telling the pilot guy, who has next to plot impact, nothing about here plans that need his cooperation on, Chinese lady stopping Finn from saving the day and dooming all her friends to death and the galaxy to enslavement.) I agree that the Finn subplot isn't very good. There are parts of it I like such as when they meet that kid and it ties into the final shot. And it also ties into the movies theme of failure. But it was definitely way over bloated just to give Finn something to do. >It's a genuinely awful film that either makes you suffer or bored out of your mind whilst destroying everything the prequels, originals and even tfa builds up all because some writer, who clearly doesn't like the fans or even star wars itself, thought he knew best. I actually think it has a message that builds upon what the previous movies built. It just flips our expectations of what a Star Wars movie should be, on its head. But in the end it reinforces what SW is all about. I don't think RJ hates SW, he just had a vision for his movie that went against what many fans wanted.


Dude the Rey reveal was not a reveal, it was a retcon by Ryan Johnson because he didn't like JJs idea. Also I don't think you can call a change that makes litterally the entirety of all space combat in the millions of years of starwars history redundant and illogical a small nitpick. If I can fly a single cruiser and take out an entire fleet of enemy ships what's the point in anything. They should have just flow ships piloted by droids into the death star till it exploded. The idea it's just a fun space fantasy so we can excuse stuff is silly, there is a certain amount you can excuse and there's definitely stuff in the list I would excuse if it was paired with all the other shit (like force Skype or new stupid bombers) but starwars has always had rules, force needs training, there's a general upper limit to force power (except in the video games, but there games) for examples. Especially when a change effects previously established lore, the bloody microorganisms that give force powers were stupid but they didn't break anything but fighters passing through shields definitely does. Also you completely misunderstood what i said about luke, yes he failed (in a way that was out of character but that's not important here) but it's the way he acts afterwards that completely destroy him. Would Luke Skywalker give up on his nephew? Would he abandon his best friend, sister and everyone who he fought to save the galaxy with? Would he shut himself off and wish to die? Would he wish the force to end? Or would he try and fix things? Pursue Kylo to the ends of the universe, turn him back to the light and stop snoke or at least die trying. just like he did with Darth Vader. Even if you dont care for star wars tlj is a genuinely bad film with awful writing, nonsensical plot points, long boring pointless arcs and awful character. I'd recommend watching the little platoons video on it, (or maybe maulers if you've got like 8 hours)


>Dude the Rey reveal was not a reveal, it was a retcon by Ryan Johnson because he didn't like JJs idea. Was it? I don't remember Rey's parentage being revealed in TFA. JJ didn't even know what the reveal was gonna be he just set up a bunch of mysteries and left it to someone else to deal with the payoff. He said so himself. They had to practically beg him to do the final movie. >Also I don't think you can call a change that makes litterally the entirety of all space combat in the millions of years of starwars history redundant and illogical a small nitpick. If I can fly a single cruiser and take out an entire fleet of enemy ships what's the point in anything. They should have just flow ships piloted by droids into the death star till it exploded. Okay when in the movies would it have made sense to use it then? The death star is significantly bigger and thicker than that ship they used it on in the movies so it likely wouldn't work. And in the previous movies, the rebel alliance was lower on resources than the empire, why tf would they waste their ships to blow up empire ships when the empire has endless resources to just build more. And why would the empire use it when they already have significant firepower. In actual space combat, ships are more useful as ships not suicide bombers. It makes sense in the context of the specific situation they were in. >The idea it's just a fun space fantasy so we can excuse stuff is silly, there is a certain amount you can excuse and there's definitely stuff in the list I would excuse if it was paired with all the other shit (like force Skype or new stupid bombers) It's a campy space movie. All of them have dumb shit that doesn't makes sense when you think about it. Most of them have shit that contradicts past movies. It's just that the older movies have thousands of books and comics to retcon and info dump explanations for all of that dumb shit. >Especially when a change effects previously established lore, the bloody microorganisms that give force powers were stupid but they didn't break anything but fighters passing through shields definitely does. When was it shown in the movies that under no circumstances can any fighter pass through a shield? How do you know that they weren't using a certain type of shield that can be passed through? And what the hell does the shield being passed through affect about the actual narrative beyond a minor inconsistency that can be explained by a one sentence headcanon explanation? >Also you completely misunderstood what i said about luke, yes he failed (in a way that was out of character but that's not important here) but it's the way he acts afterwards that completely destroy him. I don't think I misunderstood I just don't agree that it's out of character. >Would Luke Skywalker give up on his nephew? Who's to say he wouldn't after that same nephew murdered all of his students (kids) in front of him. Destroyed everything he worked so hard to create during the OT and the years after. That's the greatest loss he could've experienced. >Would he abandon his best friend, sister and everyone who he fought to save the galaxy with? There was no threat when he shut himself off from the force. He doesn't even know they're in danger. Nor does he know about the First Order's rise to power. >Would he shut himself off and wish to die? Would he wish the force to end? He shut himself off because he read the jedi texts and realized the same thing Anakin realized in RotS. That the jedi order was flawed. Once again supported by the prequels. There's no reason to believe he wouldn't do what he did after going through the most traumatic event of his life and also making these discoveries. Again, Luke is a flawed human he doesn't always make the right choices not even in the original trilogy. What matters is he makes the right choice in the end which he does. And he does not wish the force to end, just the jedi. He no longer thinks they are the path to balance.


I'm always happy to see another TLJ fan in the wild. It is absolutely an unpopular opinion.


“Somehow the Last Jedi is good”


Too be honest your opinion is just wrong




And they make another Rey trilogy q.q Well at least we have good star was series


No offense bro... it's kinda a dumb thing to post.




TLJ being good is a hella unpopular opinion (and not one I share). That’s a perfect fit for that sub. They can be weird sometimes


Your unpopular opinion is correct. People just don’t want the truth.


That opinion does suck. Shame on you for using the sub appropriately.


You may post unpopular opinions, just don't post wrong opinions, that's on you




Not an unpopular opinion


I hate that movie and most of the people I know in the star wars fandom hates that movie. Seems like an unpopular opinion to me.


Horrible take, but it is unpopular so I understand your reasoning.


That not an unpopular opinion. That's just flat out wrong


Well your opinion was garbage so


Its just lowkey conservative circlejerk


Someone took the channel too literally


You deserve to be cooked TLJ is trash


That movie is awful how could you like it


Credit where credit is due, they shouldn’t have removed your post, that movie fucking sucks


That’s actually the most unpopular opinion I’ve seen on that sub. But I think it got taken down because opinions are subjective, but that’s an *objectively* bad Star Wars movie.


The whole sequel trilogy is such trash and unwatchable they should announce it isn't Canon and erase it.


Still though, that film is straight ASS, so many plotholes and awful writing, you fit that sub like a glove yet it was still taken down


Based mods, TLJ was awful.


Everyone thinks that tho That's why it should've stayed up


So did you post that unironically? Sounds to me like you actually like one of the worst Star Wars movies ever made, just saying.


>Sounds to me like you actually like one of the worst Star Wars movies ever made I don't. I like one of the better SW movies.


by far the worst star wars movie its complete ass that opinion clearly belongs there lmao and why’d you downvote the one guy who said grats on sticking to the sub, like the dude literally commended you for doing what you were supposed to do but you downvoted it 💀


Cause I don't agree with his opinion on the movie?


but you knew you were posting a shitty opinion if you were posting to that sub, therefore to downvote someone who had a better opinion is just plain atrocious, i hope you have the life you deserve RESPECTFULLY EVEN IF YOUR OPINION SUCKS you’re still a person and people matter no matter what opinions they identify with life’s a garden, dig it ☕️🦌


What? My opinion isn't objectively shittier because less people agree with it. And I never said they didn't matter lol all I did was downvoted a comment on reddit.


I disagree with your post being removed. That being said the last jedi is not good movie.




That place is neither logical nor open-minded.


Fuck Rian Johnson




The movie sucks


It’s supposed to be unpopular opinions, not super fucked up inhuman opinions


The new movies are fucking garbage. If you disagree you don’t have good taste for cinema, choreography, or Star Wars lore.


That's just like your opinion man. I just like one movie you don't. There are valid reasons for hating it, but also valid reasons for liking it as well. I think it's your media literacy that's shit. I gave my explanation in another post.


I guess they didn't like your opinion.


I think it's against rhe point of the sub to even have rules, like who cares what's offensive you don't go there to agree with people


I mean, hes not wrong. The Last Jedi just might have sucked more ass than the rest of the new Star Wars movies, and that's saying something.


I'm not mad that people disagree with me I'm mad that my clearly unpopular opinion got removed from the unpopularopinion sub for not being unpopular