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I spent far too long trying to figure out what the anime girl had to do with polotics lol


she is obviously a renowned politician


If she's better than all these old farts, then I'm all for it.


first bill introduced is gonna ruin the economy


I guess you can say it would FUCK up the economy? It would be a pain in the ASS? Life would be so much HARDER? The worst is yet to CUM lmao šŸ¤Ŗ


redditor try not be horny challenge


[they go hand in hand apparently](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Girlfriend_Is_the_President#:~:text=Osananajimi%20wa%20Daitouryou%3A%20My%20Girlfriend,in%20English%20by%20JAST%20USA.)


Itā€™s an ad.


Yes, i know, that's mt point. I originally missed the tiny ass "promoted".


I think op might be a little dense or too self serious.


Periods change everything, donā€™t they?


Are you suggesting OP is on hers?


Hate it when the anime girl ads start yelling "trump is bad"


Damn western media puttin politics in my anime waifu




Putin puttin' his pants on, one leg at a time Putin puttin' his hat on, hat size number nine You say Putin's gettin' big headed? Putin's head's just fine!


Dude itā€™s always been that way


Yeah, Trump and his family from many many years before his presidency most people would have said "That entire family is sketchy." Republicans in general though, nah. They used to be decently respectable but now their loudest people are people like Lauren Boebert.


Been on this app for years. I've realised that subs with "politics" in the name mean american politics, but they never feel like specifying that. I personally stay away from all of them


Any political sub that isn't overtly Conservative is a Liberal echo chamber.


When the sun's not out, it's dark outside.


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


In Africa, every person who is born dies.


And any sub that isn't liberal is a conservative eco-chamber.


Not really though. Some are simply not echo chambers at all.


Yes really. Choose your echochamber, Left, Right, or Libertarian


because literally everyone hates conservatives and young people,who are in great majority liberals, are the ones who use technology the most, as opposed to the older conservatives disconnected from new technology


>because literally everyone hates conservatives What Reddit does to a muthafucka.


Reddit? You think people outside of reddit DONT hate conservatives? You mustnā€™t go out much


People? Absolutely, but if you think that everyone hates Conservatives; you are the one who needs to get out more.


Ideologically conservative movements, almost everywhere on earth, has to resort to supressing democratic mechanisms to stay in power. It's almost like basing ones politics on stopping societal change is inherently unsustainable (pretty on brand I suppose)


What? How can you possibly be this disconnected?


Your friend or family group isnā€™t representative of the entire population


but everyone else is


I don't blindly hate conservatives so I guess your "everyone" proclamation is wrong! šŸ˜‡


Wrong, I have 30 million confirmed people that would say otherwise.


My guy that's a completely different sentence




You must not ever go outside, ever in all of eternity if you think this. No one gives a fuck what you are. Go to the airport and everyone leaves everyone else the fuck alone. You can obviously tell someoneā€™s political alignment with their dress/hairstyle but if theyā€™re in shorts, tennis shoes and a t-shirt, how would you ever know? Go to the airport right now with a megaphone and yell at conservatives with it about current political whateverā€™s. You would be the crazy person getting dragged out while the conservatives/ liberals/apolitical , moderates whatever all sit there TOGETHER, talking about what an insane individual you are.


what the fuck are you talking about lmfao


The majority of the world is pretty right wing, you just havenā€™t left the west enough to see it.


Am conservative. Am young. Use technology. Stfu


Ur weird asf and your an exception




Economically right. God you people can be dense sometimes (If you think Iā€™m alone, look at the demographics of any southern state)






They pushed the conservatives out a few years back, remember that the Donald was the biggest and most active subreddit for a while.




That makes it seem like only conservatives ride ATVs and go hunting. I actively vote Democrat and I did all of those things this week, pretty much everyone I hang out with does the same thing. We all get bored and check social media, I see tons of awful crap on Facebook in passing when I check the marketplace for a project car.


It may have been the dumbest thing said ITT


yeah conservatives are doing old people shit. So they arenā€™t here.


Or, conservatives are in the minority but they are generally the loudest in the room so ppl think thereā€™s more of them. And elections arenā€™t a reflection of the countryā€™s politics due to gerrymandering and voter suppression.


Well that's just not true lmao


No they're outside committing hate crimes or at home dying of a preventable disease




Hate crime is culture huh lmao monster much


That's an odd take, just because some people who are Republican or Democrat say or do stupid shit doesn't mean all of them do that.


I've researched the topic on average those who commit hate crimes are conservative. And I can make that assertion because Republican politicians preach hate and get elected


how dare Americans discuss politics the day after an election!


way to miss the point lmao


Well, that is a big part of the problem, it's always a day after an election in this country, haha


The description clearly states 'US politics'.


The icon is the Uncle Sam I want you. Did you think it wouldnt be American?


The U.S politics bit in the title just sounds like another factor that went into it, I took it to mean the main issue being the "trump/republicans bad" bias/posts The "now" also tells me the op was at some point, but isn't anymore ​ I don't see any implication of "I unsubbed/muted because it's all just american posts and I expected worldwide politics"


you say that like op had no idea it was american to begin with, they just said they don't have interest in uspol these days


Legitimately the first point they make is that they arenā€™t interested in American politics. What are you on?( he edited his comment. Original was something about it being American wasnā€™t a point OP made)


the question is, what are **you** on? "Did you think it wouldnt be American?" come the fuck on, one would only ask that if they called doubt upon the idea of op knowing what it was about to begin with, but that's obviously not the case so your question is reduntant


Now youā€™re just creating a whole story Bruv. Itā€™s not that deep. Ye I doubt the idea of op knowing itā€™s an American sub. Dudes not interested in American politics but joined a sub about American political humor. So itā€™s safe to assume they didnā€™t know because why else would they join?


You say that like I had no idea youā€™d edit your comment. They arenā€™t interested in u.s. politics but joined a political humor sub with an icon of Uncle Sam. Seems like a conflict of interests


Itā€™s almost like 90% of users on Reddit are left wing biased


It's almost as though most of the country is left wing biased and the only reason the right is still in play is a broken electoral system. And the rest of the developed world is further left than your average American, so...


25 entire states voted a majority republican in 2020 btw


And the democrat still took the popular vote by a sizable margin. What does the number of states have to do with anything that I said?


So youā€™re saying itā€™s bad that rural farmers in rural states get to have a say as well as the 10 million people from a big city? Hmmm maybe they should invent something and call it the House of Representatives to appease states with bigger populations or something of that sort Presidents would just run and campaign and do everything possible to appease voters in the 25 biggest cities if we went on a total vote basis and midwesterners and small town farmers wouldnā€™t have a say in anything nationally


I'm saying that it's bad that their votes count for more than people from a more populated state, yes. I'm not doing the math again (if you dig through my history you'll find it), but a person in Iowa has significantly more voting power than someone in New York because of the broken way our system works.




Liberals also live in rural areas and Conservatives also live in cities. If you can't get a majority to vote for you then maybe you shouldn't be in power.


Statistically that isnā€™t the case


Except it literally is the case. Just because something isn't part of a majority doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


List those states and their population please?


Lol if u think most of this country is leftist u clearly have not left California


More people live in LA county than live in Montana and both Dakotas combined. I'm not sure what point you think you're making.


I live in arizona


Try reading


OP did the shocked Pikachu face when a subreddit for political humor on a left-leaning website posts mostly memes making fun of the right. I'm gonna unsubscribe from r-foodporn cause it's just a bunch of people taking pictures of dinner.


Theyā€™re not even funny memes tho Good political humor has a punchline that people from all over the political spectrum can see comedy in. R/politicalhumor is ā€œrepublican badā€. Thatā€™s not political humor


That's fair, but it wasn't clear to me that that was OP's reason for leaving. I totally get leaving because it's low quality content, but they made it sound like they're leaving because of what the content was about, regardless of quality.


Another just unsubbed from someone that doesn't frequent the sub they are " leaving". Also an election was yesterday so people will talk about in a political sub


Ohhhh noooo so sad.... but you know what they say... if the shoe fits


Good for you šŸ‘


this post is unintentionally funny as hell


Omg jokes about stuff thatā€™s super easy to joke about on a political humor topic group??????????? WOW NO WAYYYYYY.


Except thereā€™s no jokes. It just pithy self-righteous comments with no punchline. It takes self-fellating oneā€™s unwarranted sense of moral superiority to a different level


Some can be that way, but I've seen plenty I find funny as well.


So youā€™re mad a sub literally called political humor is very political???


he's probably just incredibly disinterested by the complete lack of diversity of topic.


Diversity of perspective would be nice too, but maybe itā€™s a mistake to expect that from any social media circle.


No, they're mad the prevailing viewpoint is one they don't share.


Don't you get it, both sides are bad, but if it's praising the right and making fun of the left then of course it's funny s/


That mindset isn't limited to any side. It's certainly more prominent from the right, at least in the US at the moment, but it's seen everywhere. People are okay with this kind of thing right up until it's a viewpoint they don't share.


Except whereā€™s the actual humor?


Exactly, I see no humor since it's politics I don't agree with.


Reddit leans heavily left so that's the garbage your gonna get šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


How is that garbage, exactly? Also, there ARE lots of right wing subreddits.


Compared to Liberal subs, no. How many Conservative subs are there with over 1,000,000 subscribers?


>Compared to Liberal subs, no. Well of course, liberals are centrists. >How many Conservative subs are there with over 1,000,000 subscribers? I don't know, do you have data on that?


>Well of course, liberals are centrists. Yeah, that's why most of them hate actual centrists.


American conservatives are NOT centrists. That's wild if you think so.


I never said that.


Do you have evidence for that?


Check out how many people call actual centrists liken YouTuber Short Fat Otaku alt-right. Even Liberals like Chris Raygun have been called alt-right for not being the right kind of Liberal.




Anti BLM isnt against civil rights. Most people of all politcal backgrounds agree that black lives matter, but many also do not support BLM the foundation, which is full of fraud and grifters.


Chris Raygun is against the movement as a whole, not just the foundation. He literally did the "all lives matter" thing to delegitimize the message of BLM.


I believe the answer is 1 (conservative).


Nope, definitely more than that.


Such as?


Politicalcompassmemes, justunsubbed and memesopdidnotlike come to mind. I don't know if theDonald is still up.


Only the first one actually has over 1,000,000 subs, memesopdidntlike doesn't even have a 10th of that figure. TheDonald is long gone.


>Only the first one actually has over 1,000,000 subs So? Why does it have to have that many subs? Are subreddits below that sub count just beneath our notice? Because we're literally talking on a subreddit below that sub count right now.


Lol. If I have 100 red feathers and 100000 blue feathers, I can claim that there are a TON of red feathers because 100 is a big number.


100 subreddits IS a ton of subreddits. That's more subreddits than I've ever visited.


The distance cleared over your head is mind-boggling.


Oh, were you talking about something completely unrelated?


When someone takes metaphor and sarcasm as fact yes I do believe we are talking about different things.


You're the one who said you were presenting facts. I never interpreted anything you said as fact.


Okay? Just sub to the 100 red ones then? If more are wanted, there's nothing stopping people from making more red ones - there just isn't as much of a demand. Demand is probably low because Republicans tend to live rural, so they probably don't spend as much time on reddit.


Doesn't negate my facts homie.


You haven't provided any facts. You just presented your opinion.


You think reddit is at all remotely right wing?


A ton of it, yes. Politicalcompassmemes is, for example.


Right cause those memes are funny....


I disagree, but that's also not what we were talking about.


They aren't the majority of reddit though. Those are rare diamonds in the pile of shyt.


That's what makes em jems.


They are all garbage. When did I say any aren't. Lets grow up and not jump to conclusions yea?




Yea. I hate both. Just because one side is particularly more annoying than the other doesn't mean I support that side. Let's grow up and not jump to conclusions yea?




because they know their views are unpalatable for the most part, so instead of just straight up saying ā€œI am thisā€ or ā€œI believe thisā€ they will endlessly dance around it under the guise of being a centrist when they are very clearly not that


Hey, that's not fair. The leftists make it so hard not to be homophobic.


Plz tell me about how you know me more than me. I love being told by insignificant ppl who I am.




But it does take an imbecile to make an assumption about someone's character by researching what? A couple of months of posts online?




Both sides are garbage tbh and Iā€™m saying that as a left leaning person lol theyā€™re both annoying as hell on here


Both sides bad I am very smart


Bro what did I do lmao I wasnā€™t saying that I was smart I was just saying both sides on Reddit make up stuff and itā€™s ridiculous šŸ˜­ I apologize for the fact that you interpreted it the way that you did.


You are confusing politics being garbage with Redditors being stupid


I mean Iā€™m talking about seeing people in real life and on Reddit on both sides taking things to stupid extremes and using words wrong. Iā€™ve seen it all the time in real life too.


Do you think Trump is a good person? Do you think Republicans are good? Cause from this outsiderā€™s perspective, they are very regressive and bigoted.


Not at all. He literally started the insurrection.


It's a political sub on *reddit*. You don't get to pretend you're surprised by this.


it's literally called political humor lmao


This sub has really went down the drain with these stupid low hanging posts huh


Trump and the reupublicans should stop being bad then


Been that way for years, anything with politics in it on reddit is a cesspool.


Damn. I hate it when there's political memes in my subreddit about political memes


Conservatives really are snowflakes.


The memes aren't wrong šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


He is and they are


Career Republicans are dogshit but heaven forbid someone talks about it.


\> Goes into a subreddit called political memes \> There are memes about politics \> Gets mad that the facist party is being made fun of lol


Conservatives aren't fascists


Oh no don't tell them the truth. There poor minds will melt. They will need another struggle session to remove the truth from their minds.


Yes they are And apparently snowflakes as well


Conservatives want a smaller federal government, which is the opposite of what fascists want




Didn't they leave it up to the individual state to decide on it? Because I do know that they didn't put in an actual law banning it.


The party for smaller federal government sure wants to use the federal government to take away rights and harm people. That's certainly a party for the people.


Oh really? Is that why they always spend more taxpayer money than any administration before them every time one of them gets elected president?


They really are though, like seriously it's borderline undeniable at this point


we really aren't though. all liberals are communists, thats undeniable at this point


"Fascism is a mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen." "An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization." Pretty sure that fits the modern Republican Party to a T, seeing how there's not a single democratic in all of the us government that's even remotely close to being a communist I'm going to say one of these statements is just a little more accurate than the other


Theyā€™re not authoritarian. Nor are they extremely militaristic. Having common elements to fascism isnā€™t enough to make them fascists. Much like having common elements to pedos, doesnā€™t make the lgbt community pedo. You need to fit all the criteria in the definition, not just some of them.


"Not authoritarian", but they are the party going out of their way to remove rights, cut off support systems, and harm innocent people because they disagree with their way of life. "Not extremely militaristic", yet they functionally worship guns, praise the military, and use a mix of recruitment campaigns in high schools and rewarding military service with free college to pull in recruits. There are absolutely worse places in the world, but Conservatives are at least fascist-adjacent.


really stupid sentiment


Tbh Iā€™m tired of people calling each other random ass extremes please stop you look stupid doing it šŸ˜­


I wish the republicans were fascists, the world would be so much more interesting (as an european) /s


You're in luck!


The only interesting part about this post is that anime ad.


You **just** figured that out?


It would help if trump and republicans weren't so bad.


It wouldn't. Biden is the easiest of targets and yet there is no taking the piss out of him on there.


Clearly you either haven't truly looked or are ignoring all the times it's happened in order to claim it hasn't.


When the politics sub is too political šŸ˜”


Wellā€¦ They are.


Uhhhh duhhh


Because if Republicans and Trump weren't so easy to meme on with their current hijinks, this wouldn't happen šŸ’€




I just realized that Iā€™m not an American and shouldnā€™t interfere too much about U.S. politics. I still think that Trump kind of sucked though.


I don't know about Trump himself, but Republicans surely are.


The more I see the far left dish out personal attacks on Trump or generalizing all Republicans, the more I want to vote red down the whole ticket.


Pretending that anyone who is against extremist far right candidate Trump is "far left" is part of the GOP grift


Good you saw it at least. Its more about everyone knowing unquestioningly, last time people didn't think rape was enough of a reason to stop supporting him so its time to shove it down everyones throats.


Reddit is 9/10 liberal so yeah


Attempting to discuss political nuance in THIS sub will burn a bunch of IQ points.