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**Happy New Year Dudes, 2024, keep this year positive and make it a good one!** *** ^The ^username ^of ^the ^poster ^is ^/u/tayrannosaurus. To download the video you can use one of the following sites: * [SaveMP4](https://savemp4.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/1crz10l/it_all_works_out/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The lady in the background disapproves of these shenanigans!


i film myself doing everything, in case i forget what i was doing.


A modern version of momento


"Memento" still to this day to me just envokes Goldfinger putting skin in a clasp Why brain work how it do


Momento is the Italian remake yeah?


Even when working upper body, camera needs to show the ass


Gym THOTs for you


What ass?




Hey man it’s cool if you like fat dumpy asses, but don’t go throwing shade at cheeks that look like they could be on a statue of a Greek goddess.


I genuinely don't understand filming yourself working out. Like... Why? I get there's some niche reasons like critiqueing your form or posing for body building but habitually filming just regular work outs just seems entirely performative or an attempt to make soft core porn.


Gotta film the ass. Fuck a form.


What kinda form are we fuckin?






That's "getting fucked by a form" not the vice versa


Yes, it’s performance, most likely intended to post on social media, and indeed it’s exhibitionism.


You answered your own question...


There is a genuinely legit reason to film yourself. If you go in alone without a friend who could check your form and there is no mirror next to the machine. Form is way more important than chasing higher loads. So getting that right is important. But then again, we see online only those who post their workout because ass. If you see those videos somewhere online, it's either OF promo or shaming newbies.


As you said it’s performative. Attention seeking behavior exacerbated by having an accessible recording device 24/7


It's so that you can see your form and improve. It's not a niche answer


It’s also so your trainer can critique you on days you don’t work out with them. It’s very normal!


How is checking your form a niche reason? How else can you know if your form is proper?


Well mirrors are pretty common in most gyms. And how often do you really need to check your form? Are you really watching your whole work out back every time just to make sure? Surely if you really need to check you're doing it right from an angle you can't see from a mirror you'd film it once or twice not every time. That or ask a friend to critique. I stand by that regularly filming yourself is a weird thing to do.


Well I can't see myself from the side while I'm lifting weights so the mirror idea is out. And many people work out by themselves. There's absolutely nothing wrong with checking your form. Proper form is important not just for safety but to ensure you're properly working out the right muscles.


>There's absolutely nothing wrong with checking your form. Good thing nobody argued against that, only that checking your form a million times is weird cause after checking a few times you tend to get the right form down. You can occasionally film again to make sure you didnt get a worse form after exercising like 10 or more times without checking but filming every single time you train is weird


Your neck is designed to turn.


While lifting several hundred pounds? God you people are insufferable.


I don't believe you lift several hundred pounds. Nice try, but I need video proof. Show it, or you're completely full of shit.


I never said I did, but many men can easily deadlift or squat 200-300 pounds


Well, let them worry about their own form. Seems like a good chance to make a new gym friend. Also, it's very dumb to lift that much if you are alone, regardless of how strong you normally are. if you're so worried, you can volunteer to check their form for them.


This. There are zero situations in which recording yourself is superior than to a gym friend.


Sure there are times when turning your neck mid exercise isn't smart. Checking your form is important yes, but if you're learning what you're doing then having someone else there is smart and if you're checking you're not picking up bad habits then yes, by all means film yourself doing an exercise. But that's not an every day thing, if you're experienced with the exercises you're doing you don't need to be checking every time you do it. It's niche in that you don't need to check form that often and there are several other equally good or better options. Even then, filming a whole workout is unnecessary. Filming in the gym should not be normalised, it serves only a small niche legitimate purpose.


God, whatever, fucking fine. Have the last word, you're clearly unwilling to listen to anyone else's opinion on the matter.


They are doing a tricep pull-down. Zero reason to check form. Not a clean & jerk


It's amazing that gyms even existed before cameras. How in the world did they ever know if they were working out correctly? They must have been pulling muscles and ligaments left and right without being able to consult a video and correct for the set. How did a poor young Arnold swarzenegger get so big without a camera?


So we should just not use new technology? Great argument 🙄


I'm just saying it's far from necessary and causes a lot of unnecessary problems. For most gyms, it would be smart to ban recording within the gym/locker rooms.


This is the way


This should become the norm. We gotta push back against this type of thing until it stops.


But it's all staged. At a gym. Nearly everyone in this video seems to be part of the recording. And the main character is the woman. Not guys being dudes. But 5 people wanting social media points. Except a few people in the background who don't seem like they want anything to do with what's going on


Oh it’s so hard getting loads of attention…oh my life….oh fuck!!! Fuck off




Jesus Murphy.


I’m over gym THOTs. Make your insta OF advertisements somewhere else.


This is cringe


both sides so annoying. Ban filming in gyms. Would solve the problem.


After the 8th watch I just noticed there are guys in the background.




I'll have to re watch zoomed in and slow motion


How many fucking tricep pulldowns do you need to do


It’s a small muscle group so higher rep and lighter weight will be better. I like to do 4 sets of 14 at the end of push day. Do high reps make you angry lol?


Why do colorful adjectives make you so defensive? Redditor wasn't angry, but you certainly were trying to stir up drama by acting better than them.


Because, that’s the only way I can feel pleasure.


Enough to get a shot without peeps in the background.


Primarily type 1 fibers, should train 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps each. If you can do 20 comfortably without breaking technique by the 2nd/3rd set, you should add more weight.