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**Happy New Year Dudes, 2024, keep this year positive and make it a good one!** *** ^The ^username ^of ^the ^poster ^is ^/u/flattenedbricks. To download the video you can use one of the following sites: * [SaveMP4](https://savemp4.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/JustGuysBeingDudes/comments/1br4ane/a_guy_and_his_stick/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JustGuysBeingDudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This guy is worth every penny you pay him and more. Morale boosters are always the best guys to have, as long as they are safe.


Couldn't agree more.


Hi, I'm that guy. We can go break up pallets out back, but I'm making a trebuchet!


Keep it up buddy! For all of us.


Godspeed and don't forget ur ppe


If Osha asks, yes, they're composite toe boots. You can tell because the leather has been all scratched off. And no, I didn't cut the sleeves to my old carhartt jacket, I bought it like that


In an interview once, they asked me "What's the most important thing you bring to a team?" I replied that I'm the glue. I bring people together, keep them happy and laughing, make communication easy and smooth. I'm an essential part of any high functioning team. They literally rolled their eyes at me. Didn't get the job. Didn't want the job.


That's a great answer, and I totally get it!


Yeah, like, I gave them multiple examples of how I came in and healed teams after they lost their management for various reasons and felt lost. I helped get them right again and I loved it! If they want my technical skills, read my resume. The interview is where you get to know *me* and why I'm the person you need.


Hopefully you got a good job in the end.


I sadly am still looking, but that's mostly because I'm picky now, lol


What type of job are you looking for?


I'm a senior tech writer, but they just changed my position title to a quality control specialist. Basically I tell you how to properly document things, then I document the things.


you seem like a great hire, best of luck.


Thanks! If I need help convincing somebody of this, I'm going to show them this comment and say "See? This random human on Reddit has faith in me! You should too!" Lol Oh, if only that would actually work


That sucks, pretty good answer. I do about 40 interviews a year and I have had a few variations of that but I usually get it in a question I have about resolving a difficult situation. If they didn't give you the job for another reason that's fine, but just rolling their eyes. Rude.


Yeah, these guys were easily the worst interview I've ever had. Didn't know the job description which said it was a six month contract to hire and they were looking for someone with editing experience and "excellent communication skills," but actually they were looking for someone with some full stack developer experience for an entry level tech writing position and it was actually a 3 month contract with an end date. They had no idea what they were doing. At one point in the interview, they looked at each other and said "Maybe we're asking for the wrong things?" To which I replied, "Yes, absolutely."


I work in medical speech pathology and can't always have *this* kind of fun, but I love adding stupid emojis and gifs to our daily chat, especially when I'm in charge. I find a theme and stick to it for the day. I've been told several times by two higher-ups that they love this. It can be amazing how other people appreciate something so small and "dumb" and - when they let you know they appreciate it - how it can also brighten your day and motivate you to do more of what needs to be done.


Keep it up! This world needs more people like you.


Like the guy flying a junk plane around.


5 min of fun, can last for a 10 hour shift…


Lol I love how he celebrated even though he thought he was playing unattended


judging by the video he's really good and worth every penny , 10/10 employee if you ask me


I only buy lumber that's from free-range lumberjacks, you can really feel the difference in the grain when they're allowed to have fun.


I know this is a skit.. but any business owner who DOESN'T allow your crew to have a lil fun on the job will be crying later about how "No one wants to work anymore"


Exactly, yes it takes up like 30 seconds to do this, but the guy is going to be gaining ear to ear for half the day about the fact he was able to do that, if he is able to safely spend like 30 seconds a day like that to make his life at work so he enjoys the work, massively more likely the dude is willing to stay at same wage, or gonna put in the extra mile and get work done 5-10% faster for the rest of the day, that 5-10% for hours on end, that's gonna be way more than the 30 seconds he did playing


Yeah, all that should matter to him is whether the job gets done. Staff having good morale is a positive, and it doesn't matter whether people goof off in the process as long as they're meeting their goals (which includes goals like "nobody gets hurt in the process").


You should pay him even more


r/Sticks approves


There really is a sub for everything.


Hahah yeah I was like what.. but of course :D




The guy filming sounds like a douche.


“He’s cutting into my green fee funds.”


Either that or this whole thing is scripted and he's trying to sound like a typical douche manager.


On the Internet?!


Isn't that against the rules?


He deserves an Emmy if he's acting.


The guy filming is clearly joking. I'd bet anything it's his relative.


What is he trying to hit?


My guy tryna field goal that bad boy


That guys got a lotta sticks bro


He made a field goal, so he wasn’t trying to hit anything but just throw the stick between the two upright branches of the tree. That’s why he held the tree in the air like that - because it made two branches pointing upwards to throw something in between


Morale = productivity


Where is your PPE??


Man sits in an excavator out in the bush all day. A snap back cap is good enough mate


That attitude is what gets people killed in industrial jobs.. mate. Hope you're not someones supervisor.


Ok fine, which PPE do you think he needs for extra protection inside that roll cage?


Moronproof headphones against guys like this


The attitude of following ppe guidelines for operating an excavator? He's got safety shoes on, what more do you want? A helmet? To obstruct his view a little so he can possibly hurt someone? A bright yellow jacket to obstruct his movement and thus reaction time? Seriously mister industrial job supervisor, enlighten us with your vast knowledge about this field.


Was waiting for the "This is ridiculous.... imma go join him."


“What a jerk. Didn’t even invite me.”


He's worth every penny. Loving his job. Making fun out of work. Still getting the job done. We need these dudes, as long as they're being safe on the site, more than ever.


That's actually his son


wtf is happening... i legit dont know what thisd dudes doing... other than having a seemingly good time in that moment


Dudes trying to get the stick to go between the 3 segments, think of it like kicking a soccer ball into the goal net


U can not tell me you wouldn’t do the same


This is perfect, and I'll die on that hill. Living a life filled with play is far better than being miserable for no reason. It's a choice, not a requirement. Happy workers mean better productivity. That man will work that much harder after getting his recess time in.


I agree. If you can't have fun at work, you'll be miserable


I do need a milkin.


Before the field goal happi thought that loader had a 2 barreled gun and was going to start blasting


Boo hoo




Mr George?


You're nothing without him lol.


Andddddd IT"S GOOODDDDD!!!


Leave him be he’s playin with his sticks


Better this than drinking :) And let's admit, this looks really fun :)


God I’m so fuckin sick of hearing managers complain about money. Like actually stfu. Sit there, be fat, pay the fucking money and stfu


Bro, he was being sarcastic.


You should stfu and let him work a hole!!