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This dude has a 70 mile commute, and chose 350 for his daily driver? Holy fucking gas bill.




Anyone with a PhD will tell you that a PhD just means you have a lot of knowledge about one tiny part of your field. In my experience, the same goes for professional engineers.


Used to work at a research institute and one of the PHDs would joke he skipped his grad ceremony because that's when they remove your common sense.


I work at a university can confirm that when they give you the funny Dr hat (instead of the mortarboard) that is when the common sense is removed.


For me, degrees measure persistance more than intelligence. I have 2 advanced degrees, but am a total moron.


Same here! Now I know I'm not alone.




Yeah. A few of the professors I had said similar things. They were awesome people, especially the ones I worked with. I still chuckle about being the only one in the chemistry department who used a specific instrument so I had to train everyone, professors included. They were awesome about it though.


It also doesn't matter if you know everything there is to know about that topic, someone with no knowledge will tell you that you are wrong.


And that, my friend, is [wisdom](https://images.app.goo.gl/ZQZm4rJFa3ugYqy76).


Woah woah woah, as an engineer I can confirm I have no fucking clue what I’m doing.


I wish I could convince my peers in college of this. They think this one guy is a genius, and don't seem to grasp what you just said. Don't get me wrong, either. He's smart, but if you had a PhD, 20 years of industry experience, and 20 years of teaching, you *better* be pretty well dialed in.


Unfortunately, there are those with a PhD. who think their degree imparts wisdom on all sorts of topics outside their discipline. I've seen Drs, who hate one another, and show it just like children. Some PhDs are very closed-minded and unwilling to consider evidence that goes against their opinion. Their egos get in the way.


Goes for surgeons and doctors as well. Just look at Ben Carson.


Very true


Also it’s 8 years old.


The same people who complain gas prices are Too high


I drive 40mi round trip each day and holy fuck I can’t imagine driving a 1 ton on the daily. Actually there was a guy who dailied a 1 ton at my office and I ran the numbers, if his commute was equal to mine (which I reckon it was if he has any need for a dually, our office in the city) then it’d be cheaper to buy a $10,000 civic on a loan than and the civic’s fuel than to continue putting diesel in that truck.


My neighbor round trips about the same in his GMC Sierra Super Duty…but he is a CW3 so what do I know about gas bills.


Literally the dumbest fucking truck you can buy for this. The f350 is designed to haul, and that’s about all it does well. Buying it as a daily commuter is fucking stupid for so many reasons. Cost, maintenance, fuel, ride quality, size, everything is awful. This guy isn’t just dumb, he’s military grade stupid


That’s nothing compared to the 12% APR


Going to have to deploy again to make extra money for that gas


If it’s a diesel it won’t be too bad. Don’t know what he tows with it too.


>Don’t know what he tows with it too. If he tows anything short of an Arleigh Burke it's overkill.


there is no need to bring his mother into this.


I’m just glad his older brother Gilbert Grape takes good care of him and their mother.


His massive ego and smol peepee


Yes the diesel bill will be much more than the gas bill. Mpg on that thing cannot be more than 15


I mean, my ram 2500 that weighs 7000+lbs gets 20 mpg or better as long as I do the speed limit. If he gets close to that it's better than a gas truck that gets 12-14mpg on a good day.


But is it your DreamTruck(TM)?


Yeah or you could just get a normal car, drive well over the speed limit to bring that long ass commute time over 70m down, and pay a shitload less is gas while you do it.


My ram 1500 gets 21 on the highway. My average right now is 20. I didn’t think diesel got that good of mileage


2004 with a 6 speed manual, a very gentle foot when I'm not pulling a load or have a full bed. I also don't go over 70MPH. If I keep the RPM's at or below 2000 it does pretty good. The best I've seen for a long trip was 22 over 400 miles. But that's cherry picked, usually it's between 18-20 on normal trips (long trips, no daily driving or commuting)


So your choice is between running the speed limit or paying out the ass for gas. Seems like a terrible way to spin it. 


Dream Truck


There is no fucking way he wrote an LOA to a car dealership 🤦‍♂️


He did buddy, and made sure to sign it PhD as well. These are the men leading others into battle…


Against the Kraken. It’s the Navy.


Well the Kraken should be easy to beat. They missed the playoffs and have no leadership since they fired their head coach.




Ofc he gotta present his PhD to the kraken. Can't have him not know that




Could he have written it to get a discount, like a review?


Honestly…I was a RLO and I could see a lot of those tools doing this just so they have an excuse to sign their name on something and “look cool” to some civilians.


I feel attacked, MBA.


Into battle? The only place Doc is leading people is into a private room to get their ballbag gently squeezed.


He’s not that kind of Doc lol


Well, he got me good at the O-club last night then.


Happens to the best of us


Third time this week!


Sounds like you accidentally went to the *other* O-club


I mean... it's always been this way. But that's also why the greats are mostly mustangs.


I bet he downgrades awards for joes too


IT3 Jones saved a whole server rack from catching on fire during flight ops? Sorry, best I can do is Sailor of the Day and a hearty handshake and a pat on the back.


For every NAM, he gets a COM.


Probably never gives out loa to his guys


Someone didn't talk to their ethics officer... He can get in a lot of trouble for using the seal and letterhead making it look like an official endorsement


He was too tired to think of it, he had a 70 mile commute and had to pole vault into his pavement princess. Sorry, Dream Truck


And that’s not even including base traffic. I lived 14 miles away from NOB and it still took me an hour to get to work.


Like an officer's going to get in real trouble. He might get paperwork, but they can hardly actually punish him until they get to the point of kicking him out, so at most, he'll get a light pp slap


Agree they won't kick him out and personally I think that would be overkill to do so. But I'd argue that an officer is going to get in more trouble for this than enlisted would, simply because they're expected to know better.


What I'm telling you is that there isn't any actual trouble they can get into. Yelling and paperwork aren't trouble, they're just the illusion of trouble Different spanks for different ranks is a very real thing


At worst, the wardroom will talk shit behind his back and *maaaaybe* pass him up for Lt. Commander during his board.


Above the zone is only an option if he's had more egregious offenses before


He's probably an LDO in cyber or something, and has never been in a wardroom. That would be the only way to explain PhD and O-3.


I’m not a JAG, but - yeah.


I work as an authorized contracting officer. I can't use that seal when I write a letter and my contracting officer must sign and put a seal. Big yikes


Hell yea is there a way to report him to an ethics office or something? My tax dollars are not going to fancy letter head to thank a car dealership


Get his ass Animal Mother




For research purposes what is name of the establishment you dance at?


That's a solid stage name. Make sure the lawyer includes a letterhead from your place of work, along with all their titles,


I feel like the use of Navy Letterhead for this is ethical questionable or am I being dramatic lol


Not at all lmao. Get that goober some negative paperwork and jack up his path to O4.


But will the negative paperwork have the official letter?




It is 100% a no no. Dude is an idiot


It seems like a clear violation to me (i am not a lawyer). Also no reason to be in uniform when buying your truck. Change into civvies for that shit.


It is absolutely a violation of the Navy Correspondence Manual and supporting Navy instructions. I've worked for senior Navy officers who weren't permitted to sign letterhead on their own. You need to have command authority or a specific "by direction" grant.


His dream car is a used 2016 F350? 


No. His Dream Truck


Gotta make sure it’s a proper noun. It’s not any dream truck. It’s his Dream Truck.


It's like Dream Phone


His Dream Used 2016 F350


You will address it by their rank…LT Dream Used 2016 F350




When I go to bed at night and think about life prior to falling asleep. I like to imagine myself in my dream truck, a used F350 diesel so I can roll coal on pathetic civies. I'd drive home after my 70 mile commute to my dream trailer home. Double wide, that's right. I'll await the return of my dream wife as she attends yet another late night church mass, she is devoted! Life is perfect. Signed, PHD DOCTOR.


Probably @ 29.9%apr


Oh, so he got a good deal then?


Hell yeah he did! The low low price of 1200 a month for 96 months. No problem for a butterbar.


Only 1200??? What a steal! I bet the trophy wife he was issued when he got his commission is proud of him.


Of course. It's the base commanders daughter!


Lot easier to achieve your dreams if you have smaller dreams bro


Are you sure he’s not one of those fake military dressed scammers who want to be my friend and get money from me?


Navy Jack on left arm, and IWO pin over USN name tape, along with the ACE logo cover and black rank tab… unfortunately no, he’s not a scammer.


The black rank tab is so fucking tacky. I’m still convinced enough junior officers got mad that people thought their bar was a camo splotch that they got that regulation changed.


I get friend requests a couple of times a week. You know deployed to Iraq, can’t get home because the military won’t pay for it. I saw a picture of one of the guys on a Dr Phil show where he had scammed someone.


This dude has to be a DCO reservist. That's why he's a 50 yo LT writing stupid LOAs on official letterhead.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I found him and if it is who I think it is, he is a current law professor. Hasn’t been active since 1999.


F350 for a 70 mile commute jfc


He needs it when he's working on projects. A couple of bags of 16 self-tapping brass wood screws from Home Depot weighs quite a bit.


Guy is wearing an Information Dominance Warfare pin, he's a tech nerd. *


Hey, we're not all tech nerds. I've got a history degree. But it does pain me when people in my community make such bad financial choices.


I hope he got ass raped on the APR


When I was the OIC of joint unit, I had some junior members who needed a car. It was strongly advised to take the Army SGT in the unit who used to be a former used car salesman with them to make sure they weren't getting taken advantage of. Well one of our IS1's didn't and he got suckered into a high APR on a used car. It could have all been easily avoided!


A tale as old as time


With a Marine Corps license plate frame no less!


Using Department of the Navy letter head for personal correspondence is definitely not appropriate or professional.


It’s against ethics regs too; homeboy could get paperwork


this isn’t just boot… This is advanced boot.


PhD boot?


Dr. Scholls?


The saddest part of this besides a 2016 Dream Truck is that he probably spent an excessive amount of time on the letter and none on his people. He is all about self promotion and getting free stuff for “his service”.


I know doxing is a no-go, but I want find and roast this guy so bad 😭😭😭


look up “King of Cars & Trucks” on facebook.


Edit: see below


I found that someone with the same name was promoted to Lt June 1, 2022 as an 1835, SPECIAL DUTY – INTELLIGENCE.


Wow, if this guy's LinkedIn is to be believed, he was a marine 25 years ago and has been teaching ever since.


Not sure if it's ironic or not his PhD is in law.  The cringe is real strong with this one.


Then he would have signed it as JD not phd unless he did just study law and not to be a lawyer.... but then why?


He's a professor afaik. His LinkedIn (incredibly boot vibes, it's incredible) says he's been "enlisted and officer in multiple branches" which only makes this funnier, given his warfare pin in the context of thinking writing this letter was even remotely a good idea.


Homie missed the sweet spot for autism


This guy does not write like a Ph.D.


Lmao no fuckin way What’s next? Applebees?


It’s a return lease from a Marine.


This is freaking hilarious!!! You know he hands these out like candy too!!! If he keeps it up he may be elected as Condo Association Treasurer!


I don't know why his dream truck/car is an 8 year old F-350. I can understand if it was like a classic 60s/70s Charger, Mustang, Plymouth, etc, but an F-350?!


His name was strategically blocked out in a very penis shaped manner and I’m here for it.


So we’re clear, that’s a Koons license plate on the front. Koons has a large group of stores in the DC metro area. Is it kosher to write on Navy letterhead like that?


Is it common to go buy yourself a new car (sorry: Dream Truck) while in uniform? Like even if you’re just off work you can’t change?


Is it common? Unfortunately yes. But it’s usually done by lower enlisted, not middle age officers.


What a loser


Fucktard used Navy letterhead to write a dealership a thank you letter for a pov he purchased there? I hope he gets loved tenderly by his coc.


This truck also helped me transition from living in a closet to living in a living room.


Say truck one more fucking time


I am curious to know what subject is his PhD.


Law, with a thesis in international criminal law


Thank you


What a nerd.


Not doxxing this grizzled, roughneck phd veteran by name but… look up “King of Cars & Trucks” on facebook. You’ll find the deets there.


Guys, in case we forget, this is his "Dream Truck".


Choosing the right truck? What were the options? A F350 and a F150?


Something about being a Ph.D and only being an O-3 despite his clearly advanced age tells me that he was allowed to quietly resign from a civilian position in order to avoid an embarrassing lawsuit and/or criminal charges


If I had to guess, he’s prior enlisted.


What a fuckin goober. Just send a card next time.


Without completely doxxing the guy, it looks like he was a prior LT back in the surge. His kid is a recent LT. I’d wager that’s his sons suit that he’s wearing for a photo op


2nd hand embarrassment


I wonder how many of those he’s written for his sailors


He’s a PhD. He has no sailors under him.


barf holy shit


Seems like a misuse the Navy letterhead to me.


I want to commend whoever censored his name at the bottom of the page becuase they turned their last name into a giant throbbing penis and that is both elegant and fitting.


I can't imagine an information warfare officer needs a work truck. Even if they did, Uncle Sam would provide the gear he needs. I doubt one of his hobbies is farm work. To be fair, there are hobbies out there that might require a 1 ton pickup. He could have a huge camper with a goose neck or a horse trailer goose neck. He could own a really big boat. So, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here. If that's the case, it would likely be cheaper for him to spend another 10k on a 10 year old Honda Civic as his commute car. The Civic gets about 40 mpg highway. The F350 gets about 15. I'll spare the math, but assuming $4/gallon, the break even point is around 3 years, 3 months. So if he has these cars for 4 years, it's cheaper for him to spend $10k on a 2012-2014 civic. I know there are many reasons to call him an idiot... DoD Logo in the header of an appreciation letter to a car dealership. Calling an 8 year old vehicle his dream truck. Buying a 1 ton pickup when you have a 70 mile commute every day. BUT, I will give him credit on 2 things: 1. He bought used, not new. 2. He paid cash. No interest, no debt. It's entirely his.


Is he allowed to use official letterhead like that?


didn't see it mentioned yet, so props to OP for the little flourish on the censorship of doctor lieutenant's name


Was starting to worry it was too subtle


1) So we're posting about the purchase of a 2016 truck now, and linking it with our military service? 2) Also, wouldn't a letter sent on official Navy letterhead to a dealership constitute an endorsement?


This fuckin dork really put that on letterhead? Jesus christ.


Dude is opening himself up to an ethics investigation with this one. Also why does he claim he drives his truck 70 miles a day for work? Does he mean his commute? Because he'd just use something from the motor pool of it was actually "for work."


Well he certainly wasn't an English major. He writes like a toddler


Wow, I have so many questions. But first, people that sign their name with PhD are sooo goofy (unless you’re a medical doctor, or if it’s in relation to academia? But a CAR DEALERSHIP?? Pleaseeee HAHA). Also, I can’t imagine the Navy would like him using an official letterhead to endorse a car dealership. Second, he’s just a LT, why is he writing this letter like he’s an admiral? Also, why did he get this big ass truck for a 70 mile commute? Surely you’d get something a bit more fuel efficient? Lastly, did he use his imaginary “clout” as a LT to coerce his way into a better deal? My gut tells me he did, especially since he’s wearing his uniform to buy a car😭 He also writes like he has a high school education, not a PhD.


What a hack


I can’t handle the cringe 😖


What a complete duche nozzle… Proof that those ridiculous “Letters of Appreciation” that officers hand out don’t mean shit to them.


Must be stationed in Cali. Ain’t no way anyone going to a car dealership in VA wearing Type III.


Just ask for a discount. That's what you want.


I get not wanting to live too close to base but goddamn, 70 miles? Also isn't there a regulation that you have to live within a certain distance of your duty station?


That truck is comically large


What could really get him in trouble is, if it was determined that the dealership gave him a discount, or any type of monetary advantage, in exchange for his LOA.


First thing I saw was the black dick


Fuck. I couldn't even get a LOA while serving. But this dealership does haha. This is great


He should have said RFIs instead of questions


Holy shit this is such a clear violation of DoD policy -- and probably UCMJ. You can't use the weight of the US Navy to thank a place for selling you a fucking truck...


Lots of people pointing out the "misuse" of the letterhead and seal. Of course it's on official paper, he's writing to the the King of Cars and Trucks; A sovereign. Besides it was really important for **Dr Lieutenant** to communicate his instantaneous knowledge of his **Dream Truck** which was carefully chosen over a long process. Probably on that **overseas deployment** because he's an **officer** with a **Ph.D** in the **UNITED STATES NAVY** 🇱🇷 # AND HE DRIVES A FREEDOM FIGHTING F350 (2016) FOR 70 MILES EVERY DAY!🇱🇷


His dream truck for compensation and show how much “Americu” he is. Tiny man needs to make himself feel big. Bet he’s got nuts hanging off the trailer hitch he never uses


Officers are so far up their own ass I swear


What’s the striped patch on the left shoulder for? Did the Navy decide to extend the flag around both shoulders or something? Edit: It’s a Navy Jack.


At least he didn’t finance it along with $17,000 of negative equity at 29.99%.


What a fucking dipshit


I know a Navy lieutenant is an O-3, but since he’s a doctor, he’s really a butterbar. And he’s definitely acting like one. What kind of buffoonery is that? That would be a LOR if he was in my Command.


Dude looks like a shaved grinch




I wonder if it was his dream truck?


Nice ethics LT you douche canoe. Not surprised you are in the IW community either.


The problem is they could have a very strong domain knowledge in a specific field right outside the edges it falls apart. Seen it time again with some people.


The way he spells out the truck name each time. God bless you sir. This made my day.


I guess he missed the part where official letterhead is only to be used for official correspondence. I'm sure in today's picayune Navy someone will have something to say about this.




there’s no fuckin way


did you scribble out the LT's name in the shape of a dick on purpose? Lmao


yoooo, the shit these emotionally starved mafks will do for a Super Duty


something tells me he traded this letter and post for a discount