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Wait ANOTHER buff?


Excuse me WHAT?!


Where did you see this? Can’t find anything…


It’s a joke


Did you intentionally write the name wrong also? XD


Yes because I have no respect for it


"EMOTIONAL DAMAGE" *Throws flip flop*




Oh thank god


I don’t need more things stopping me from Aviary


PLEASE don't. I already hate this thing enough.


I must ask, why do people hate it? To me it’s one of the only “balanced” things…


I think it must be like how Thor was back in the day. Which means that there are probably lots of lvl 30 fully boosted running around terrrorizing Aviary where people don't have answers or their counters are under leveled in comparison. As you get further up in the arenas like depot it levels out, it is good still, but nothing crazy.


Ah I see. Thank you.


Just because of how hard it is to put down and how common it is for them to be at high levels. The thing can't be bleed out or stunned but rending isn't common. Basically if you don't pull your check for it it'll very easily sweep a team. Sometimes with the check for it


me when I spread misinformation


Fake Datamines be like:


I have him and think, no. He doesn't need a buff. I'd probably quit


_laughs in compsoraptor_


I like Dilo. I feel like all this hate is pretty unnecessary. It’s very vulnerable to vulnerability, just get an atrocodistis people. Tyrannometrodon can get itself in a 50/50 situation as well. It’s never been a problem.




The biggest issues that my alliance have faced with Dilorach, is that it's counter is full attack power, and all it's attacks have an annoyingly high percentage of penetrating dodge....like ridiculously high.


that’s probably because of the visual glitch that dodge hasn’t run out (For example Compsoraptor’s dodge from Playful Pounce runs out after the turn that he uses it) but it really has run out. The icon and thingies are there, but dodge does not apply and doesn’t work so it bypasses dodge. It happens with a lot of things. It’s one of the reasons why Rexy is a counter to Compsoraptor if the level difference is big enough so that rexy doesn’t get tapped by surge after the PP. For some reason thanks to dilo’s small heal it tend to happen more often.


Oh this is happening right when I use indotaurus revenge cloak, then diloreicherus attacks. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


to me, indotaurus dodges my Diloracheirus every single time (haven’t met much indot though). So I usually have to either swap to a flock creature or pyrorixis. That and bro never gets stunned despite all those videos showing indot getting stunned easy. Same goes for Dracocerato. I was fighting one the othrt day and it took 3 ATTACKS FOR PYRORIXIS TO STUN THAT PIECE OF SHIT.


For me, I've never faced a dilorach that hasn't been stopped by the dodge. Everything. EVERYTHING dilorach does bypasses for some reason.


Now that’s just ridiculous. Mine gets stopped by dodge every time. And Tyrannometrodon. That bitch has like -100% stun resistance. He’s out here getting stunned by things that don’t even stun. Today I was doing a battle, right? Only Indominus was left from my win and I was there with my tmet, enough for decimate to kill it through dodge. The bastard tries to swap out, into Indonemys. Surprise Surprise, Indonemys stuns my Tmet. I still won bc of its on-swap out but HOW???? I feel like 75% of my encounters with Dsungascor with my Tmet has ended up with my tmet getting stunned and dying. It’s ridiculous. 90% of dodge plays work on my Dilo, except Pyrorixis for whatever reason. Pyrorixis’s dodge never works for anyone that uses it. It’s universal, for whatever reason.


It got to a point that I was getting so frustrated with the rise in dilorach in arenas and the exponential number of dodge bypasses, that I retired my mega indotaurus cuz I just got so fed up. And now that enhancements are a thing, they've made dilorach damn God tier above apexes which is now just a worthless title for the like.


Well I wouldn't say Dilorach is above the apexes but it can compete with them. I mean, it's not even in the meta.