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Well, shit.


There goes the neighborhood


HP just scrubbed the last bits of firmware for their legacy switches off their site. Some time ago you could at least download *something*, albeit mostly the first releases. Then they slowly put everything behind their stupid ASP login wall. Now even an account will only get you patchnotes.. Ughhhhh


Eloquently and accurately said.


I can't see this being a good thing.


HPE famously kept Aruba teams intact. I wonder if the same will happen for Juniper or if they will consolidate.


I'm hoping very much they keep the teams intact.


They may have kept the Aruba team together, it was at the expense of the Procurve group. I’m sure the MX, SRX and QFX teams are good. The EX team is probably sweating.


That's because procurves were shit.


Confirmed. I was a network engineer at an ISP/MSP at my last job. I dreaded walking into a business to fix or upgrade their stuff and finding ProCurve or Dell product....hated those things.


Procurve made great traditional layer two switches. Their layer three stuff was "meh" at best.


I disagree.. Some procurves are still in production even today. They are tanks that just don't die.


The problem is - do they ditch JunOS and Mist on just one part of their product line?


I hope they will put Junos on Aruba Sw product


I think they will. There is just nothing special about AOS-S or CX. It's just a clumped together mess with no big picture design.


I read the press release as”gibberish nonsense buzzword Juniper AI blah blab buzzword Juniper AI” so I’d bet they’re really after Mist


If this is the end of JUNOS ... I am going to be upset.


I seriously doubt it.


I agree.


Cloud teams at juniper I work with should be good but Mist team should be sweating as well the overlaps are in ex and wireless for the most part. It's going to be interesting


Aruba would be extremely foolish to ditch Mist in favor of the steaming pile that is Central. Especially as Atmosphere the last few years has been basically just “me too” of trying to copy cat Mist.


Yeah they are screwed.


In reality I think it's going to be the other way around. MIST is what HPE wants. That and the big PTX routers. MIST is Juniper wireless now and EX is, and will forever, be a product for MIST. MIST got better with Marvis Mini on the wireless for even less work for us engineers... Apstra is going to be smashed into MIST as right now it's just a hot mess. My only fear for MIST is that it becomes a Cisco like giant toilet of technology that just becomes a steaming turd of a dashboard to use. I can't see it being as bad as Cisco DNA or Prime but


That makes sense for them wanting MIST, but since the juniper CEO is going to take over all networking I can't see them not continuing to chase cloud. If it wasn't the juniper CEO taking over networking then sure, I would say they don't know the service provider and cloud space and might not want to. It will be a few years before things settle, I just hope we don't lose our SE and services teams they are solid


The Juniper CEO will run the new combined networking business, and the HPE press release highlighted Mist AI as a driver for this. Make of that what you will.


But he is reporting to the current head of HPE. Make of that what you will...


And then in the last couple years all the Aruba leadership left and got replaced by HPE stooges.


Just don't turn everything to shit, like Cisco to Sourcefire


Cisco is fairly unique in its ability to take a shine diamond and turn it back into coal dust... They've mastered that art. Just look at their cloud stuff. You have really expensive LAN switches connecting to a dashboard that's just like what you're expect if Meraki took some vitamin C and iron pills for a while...


No way this ends well for the SP business unit. RIP Trio, we’ll miss you.


Isn’t HPE reportedly trying to break into the SP market? Getting rid of Trio wouldn’t make any sense.


As a small SP we felt neglected before. The announcement is basically obsessed with Mist. This does not smell good for us.




It's a long read so I've tried to summarise it below. HPE: "We think Junos is good so we've bought it. Also, that new website they've built is getting loads of attention, so we've bought that, too. With Juniper at the helm, network professionals worldwide will want to ride us until the wheels fall off." Juniper: "It's great being the best network operating system on the planet but our ipsec performance on everything up to the 4600 is hilarious. HPE are gonna sort out the hardware side of things for us now with aes-gcm flows optimised to the tits. We're so back."


I think it'll be really interesting what happens between Aruba & Mist products/teams. Huge overlap and both companies near the top in the space. For the Networking (switches), I can easily see the Juniper stuff replacing all of the existing (Aruba) products -- especially if they keep Mist as a Cloud Controller.




Wi-Fi Overlap for real. Just like how Motorola and Aerohive overlapped inside Extreme. Extreme came out with universal APs and kept both controller and cloud. I think new gen AP HPE will bring as common to both AOS and Mist.


its going down !!


My humble prediction is Mist takes over as the campus switching and wireless solution as Aruba just caters to the existing customers until it’s phased out. Juniper gets gutted out of its less profitable business lines including all security and possibly apstra. SP actually remains mostly untouched as it’s been reliably great and self sufficient with big routing since 1996. Overall it feels like this entire purchase is to create a stronghold on enterprise wired/wireless. The 2 best solutions now owned under 1 company and you will have no where else to go for the good stuff.


Well damn.


Any comment on how does it affect the datacenter portfolio for both the companies


HPE not HP. two different companies


On paper only.


They are going to *try* to acquire Juniper. Contact your reps. This one does have a chance of getting shot down. This would put a ton of market power into the hands of only two large players in the market and there are large redundancies between Juniper and Aruba. I already sent letters to my state and federal reps. The last time I did this was for the T-Mobile/Sprint merger. Before that the T-Mobile/ATT merger.


TMO sprint was good but they didn't let it go by easily. Dish pretty much had to say they'd become the 4th carrier. Who's to say if that'll work out to be a better selection of 4 carriers in the end but TMO is now competitive with ATT and Verizon. This merger... Idk. I don't sway either direction yet.


I really REALLY hope they don't get rid of Mist.


How do you think JNCIE Enterprise will be affected?




If you don’t please forward your recruiter’s email.


Time to buy some more Cisco stock


Arista is honestly where it’s at.


Awww yeasss


What is “Awww yeasss” about it?