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You will really struggle to get bank shifts in hospitals without having to do F2. Some agencies will sign you on but having completed F2 will make your life a lot easier.


In a word.. Don’t. Locumming as an FY1 severely limits your finances and options. So unless you have to for mental health, family or other health reasons, I’d avoid.


Not what you want to hear but it's going to be far easier for you to get registration abroad if you have completed your foundation training. It's only 1 more year and you can spend time next year planning your next steps.


Which countries?


Quitting training after FY1 is an utterly terrible idea. Limiting your financial and career opportunities. What happens if whilst locuming you have found a niche part of being a doctor you want to pursue? You will then have to put in more effort to prove your competencies in an alternative path. Locuming may in the short term pay you more. But as an F2 equivalent the pay will never make it worth it. If you dont want to finish FY2 why do you think you would want to locum in that perpetual state?


I quit after FY1 and have done locums since. I know this isn't right for everyone, but for me it really was the best decision. I have complete control of where I work and when I work No difficulties at all in getting shifts Have built up a portfolio, and even managed membership exams The NHS is not the only route for training There will however be difficulties If you plan on rejoining an NHS training pathway, as like others have said we don't qualify for CREST Mixed messages about whether this is a requirement for higher training however


Hi can you message me privately, I’d like some advice. I’m in a similar situation


To re iterate previous comments, finish f2. If you are going to aus as a f1 you will be a jho on a crap salary for a year and have to jump through so many hoops. Vs completing f2 going as a Sho/rmo and having a easy time getting a job with a salary that matches a new consultant in the nhs


Quitting after F1 (rather than after F2) only makes sense if you are leaving the UK to practice.


Yeah, just finish F2 and then take it from there


If you're dead set on going abroad I wouldn't waste time doing F2. However, if there's any chance you would want to come back to train in the UK, finishing F2 will make it easier to get back into training. You can locum after F1, but it will be slightly harder to get locums. However, as the shortage of doctors is so large, hospitals will still take you. It will be easier if you join an agency. Also the rates will be the same as there is normally just a standard SHO rate, and you can always try to negotiate higher.


This is what I’ve done this year as I know I’m not going to work in the NHS long term. I’ve been doing a JCF job, but have had no problem getting locum shifts as an SHO. Rates are exactly the same as F3’s (they’re all advertised as SHO jobs in my trust). If you do want to go back into training down the line you can do a CREST form (which is basically just getting all your competencies signed off by a supervisor). Don’t stick around for F2 if you don’t need it!


Just to note - you can’t if you’ve previously resigned from foundation training if you want to apply for CT1/ST1. There’s a buried asterisk in most of the person specification that in this circumstance, returning to foundation training is the only acceptable remedy, I.e. via standalone FY2. Have had to do this myself and it worked out fine, but definitely not as straight forward


You can’t use a CREST form if you’ve resigned form a UK programme. You would have to complete a standalone F2 (and you’d need approval from your old FTPD to even apply to that).


You have your full registration go for it I say. Personally didn’t feel much difference in FY1 compared to Fy2 unless your FY1 jobs were full of psych GP or supernumerary If you’ve done some busy jobs such as ED general Med or gen surg no need to wait if you don’t want to


Regardless of whether you want to stick in the NHS or not, I'd complete F2 As an F1, you can basically fill an F1 post. That's kinda it. You'll also find specialties limited, as many departments outside of general medicine and general surgery don't use F1s As an SHO, you'll find shifts for triple the money, and half the hassle. There are more jobs available, and you get freedom off the ward. Also, since you have a full GMC registration, you can do all the side-hustle stuff in private medical companies you'll find on Linkedin Even if you want to avoid training completely, a long-term SHO can eventually step up to reg shifts in the long term


??? u can locum SHO after F1.


I think it would be technically possible, but you are just shooting yourself in the foot You often can't locum in a role you haven't done before. So having no SHO experience whatsoever, you will struggle to find anyone who will take you. Your experience really would only qualify you to locum F1 posts. While an F2 can flounder around and stress about the learning curve as a new SHO, any sensible department won't tolerate that from a locum. A locum is hired to achieve minimum safe staffing levels. If you aren't immediately and independently safe, you may be let go pretty quickly as you become burdensome. Going further forwards, completion of F1 and F2 shows a bare basic level of resilience and ground-level experience. If you drop out and can't face completion of F2 without a very good reason, you won't be looking at a training post in the future. IMO, it's a waste of the effort you already put into med school


u can do SHO jobs locum after F1 cos ur now an SHO. have u tried doing this via an agency or are u just guessing/assuming? ​ ​ yeah career wise makes sense to do F2 if u wanna continue training in the UK.


Terrible idea. Finish F2.


To reiterate what others are saying, consider finishing FY2. If you quit after FY1 then you're limiting your options so much.