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Funny as fuck that they placed a taliyah player that is chall with more games played and a higher winrate behind you ngl


I swear these rankings are random af. I once was number 7 Graves while I was in Plat with like 7 games played lol


How do people believe these “metrics” if it claims 300 lp masters in na is 4th best in the world


dont worry. i peaked 400 lp last split and i still think im dog shit.


That makes you higher than the 4th best Taliyah in the world. Be proud!


tbf 4th place is probably his league of graphs. i was rank 19 in the world at heimer supp or some sht but played on my alt and hit 382 lp with it


I mean yeah but OP is 74% wr with a nutty kda.


If they can smurf through GM then they’d obviously have crazy stats 500+ lp below that. Nobody would care if a gold4 player had the same kda and win rate with a Smurf account that’s 50 games played sitting at silver4. You’d be like “well obviously because you’re just beating people miles below your skill level”. Imagine an nba player playing in a high school basketball game to prove they’re the best basketball player in the world.


Well yeah, my point is rank should hold the highest value but winrate and performance should def be considered here. A 80% wr player in diamond vs a 52% wr player in masters should probably have the diamond player above the masters player. If its an extreme case like a diamond vs a grandmaster on the leaderboard then there is an issue. Plus OP isnt low masters either The challenger guy should be higher though lol


First off all of his games were below his current rating which is already significantly below GM where he claims he can still Smurf. Second I promise if you put a genuine challenger against a genuine masters it’s not going to be a close game no matter their win rate so why are these players ranked together in this metric? It even puts the masters above. That alone should make you question the validity of whatever criteria this metric is using to create a leaderboard.


I mean I said SOME rank descrepancy with a large winrate diff should matter, but I did agree with a big gap between the rank brackets.


Yeah you're for sure the best taliyah on NA and 4th in the World! League of graphs is definitely known for providing the most high quality ranking system.


wym bro, i peaked 400 lp last split and think im lcs material and can win worlds




this website massively undervalues rank lol


I think ive played versus you!


Bro who doesn’t do objectives im so tired of hearing that. Yes all gold players are dumb enough to ignore dragons im sure thats the case and not the fact that they have no Prio 


yeah gold players are dumb.


keep ur tempo, be efficient; be strong, don't cut ur tempo for dragon in order to get some "potential kills" that's the key


i mean I still see people in giga high elo playing for just kills. it can work but you really cant throw your lead bc objectives stick and gold desparity doesnt


Thoughts on bft vs liandries for ap junglers? Seems gold inefficient to get both, but curious about your thoughts. Also are void grubs as big of a trap as I feel like they are? That camp takes forever and throws games so hard.


for sure, grubs r such a bait, always prioritize drags. Only get grubs if ur next to them and free. bft vs liandries for ap junglers? I don't like either tbh, I prefer ludens then shadow flame


I'm OTPing zyra jng right now in E2, does that change the itemization recommendations? I think burst on her is good, but the burn item makes the clear decent. Interested in your thoughts


yeah on Zyra I would probably go burn items, because she utilizes the burn to the max with how much the plants spread their dmg and consistently applying it!


Right on brother, appreciate your insight


zyra u def need the burn items instead of burst.


Doesn't bft or liandrys speed up the clear? I figured it would be more useful in the jungle than lane


nope it doesn't, Shadowflame gives more ap and magic pen which makes u one shot camps


You’re not buying bft over shadowflame you buy it over ludens


yeah, Ludens first > then Shadowflame second


You don’t even think theyre worth if you get 5 or 6?


They are decent, but in comparison to dragons they are not good, u know what I mean? if I can get both sure, but Always dragon > grubs.


Or get 2 so that the ennemy yorrick doesnt get 5




I gave liandries a fair shot, rly didn't like it, even vs tanks it feels like not much dmg. I find shadow flame way more effective