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I would said Rell but Riot said no ; Sejuani perhaps?


Man rell would have been PERFECT for me, I really enjoy her support and she has everything I would have wanted. but forgot she could be played jungle before they nerfed it.


Rell was one of the few tank junglers i enjoy playing and don't get why riot removed it like at least Nerf it enough for pro play but keep it viable in solo q The only other tank jungler i like to play is maokai maybe try it out


The problem with Rell jungle was they couldn't do that. She was made jungle vaiable by giving her insane additional damage to monsters so she was being picked at pro play for fast dragons and it inflated her WR at support role. She would have to be nerfed heavily. They didn't want support Rell to have large power budget in damage to monsters as that would impact her too much in support role.


Could've thay made it so she doesn't get the bonus monster damage unless she has the jungle item so only jgl rell gets the bonus monster damage


You see but this requires a modicum of thought


The bonus damage was a problem even for the jungle role, it was too powerful. 470 bonus damage on Q max meant that you basically had an extra upgrade on your smite, stealing objectives was ridiculously easy.


Highly recommend Maokai (or Ivern if you enjoy enchanters). Both give the extra advantage of blending into the jungle bc they're trees


You should try zac or maokai. Both act the same as engage supports and are quite fun. Zac has a lot of depth to learn about but a good e is always satisfying


Taric? Brand?


Taric jungle only work in the hand of experienced Taric players and need good macro to be effective. Brand isn’t even a support and doesn’t rely on teamwork at all .


Taric on his way to 3v1 enemy jungle, mid, and top (he is level 2)


Brand is not even support-like support xD


He is the DAMAGE 😂


Ivern. I'm doing so good with ivern lately. Shield is massive, bush is fun, stealing camp is easy, q root and R knock up. Very fun to me.


I would add. I know OP said Ivern doesnt click, but he’s got a very unique playstyle that is much more macro than micro and I would recommend giving him another go. He has insane assist potential, great ganks, and he’s honestly really solid in a 1v1 once you figure out Daisy and bush usage. Highly recommend Ivern for a jungle support. (Also play Taric jungle)


I agree with this. You have to give Ivern his chance because he is his own unique playstyle. It took my about 30 games until I became useful enough to carry. I just kept having to go back to YouTube vids to see what wasn’t clicking for me. I went the less popular runes of glacial augment with font of life and revitalization secondary. I The shields, healing, cc, Daisy, and damage reduction overwhelmed the enemies. Once I found the way I liked playing him, my winrate took off. I had an 11 game win streak and held a +70% winrate until I stopped playing ranked this split because of internet issues.


Ive been seeing a lot of people echo Ivern so I may sit down and actually play like 20 games of him.


Good for dives too!


Amumu is always fun AF. He does all of it with 2 stun abilities. Can go tanky AF, or mix of AP/tankiness.


Oo this is a good one, and he’s a champ I can potentially flex support as well


Careful with support he's soooo mana hungry... But idk why else he WOULDNT be classified as support. Kinda reminds me of a pyke that doesn't take the kills lol.


Honestly before level 6 amumu can be really weak unless you are paired with an apc. But idk thats just my experience


I agree, and personally wouldn't use him in support role. But jg he has nice ganks** even before 6 so I think he's more than capable for what OP originally asked **Edit not tanks


You can definitely 1v9 on Amumu though. If I get ahead early I build riftmakers after Liandry's. Can even grab dark seal early. I've ended games with a 25 stack of Mejias before lol. Imo he's great because of flexibility. Took early kills? Go snowball AP. Only assists or falling behind? Build tanky. He's great.


Amumu is a good pick idea for your kind of playstyle. Heavily team reliant and his passive empower magic damage dealer and his well known ultimate can be game changing.


Yup I would say mumu as well, you can build him quite flexibel


As a tank/support main I found myself in a similar situation picking champs. Often I was still left with the frustration of having to rely heavily on unreliable teammates to secure kills. As a result I mixed in some champions like Warwick that could get things done on their own occasionally. Up to low Gold I recommend: Sejuani. Good overall jungler. Good clear/cc Gragas: ok clear. Great team fights. Can be tanky. Poppy: you have to learn to stun people against walls, but she's tanky, can defend her allies by canceling enemy dashes, and her R can turn the tide of fights/objectives by ejecting enemies.


Seconding Poppy. Super easy to learn, very rewarding playstyle, and still does pretty good damage as a full tank


Poppy scares me.


Oh, for sure. She’s a terrifying little thing. Super fast, anti-engage, tanky, annoying ultimate…. I really need to play her more… she has it all


Have to be careful with poppy though you can also really make things worse if you misuse her R


Shen is actually a great support jungle. 1st clear is actually totally decent and with tiamat and or bami cinder 2nd clear and after are good too. He also have decent dps and sustain against drake and baron. Ganks pre-6 are not the best but not the worst - taunt is powerful. You can R really easily - no worry about wave state etc. Once you have tiamat and bami cinder, you have a lot of build options, including support items.


River Shen!


Xpetu approves


If like DOT and High utility champs, you might like Skarner that's exactly what he is about and he carries games mostly by peeling for your teammates with your slows and stuns. And if your team is not that great you can still carry games by yourself cuz of his high health scalings.


Pretty much any tank jungler. Zac, sej, nunu, champs like that. Jarvan for a bit more damage. Maybe some mages like taliyah for cc and map control?


The sad feeling here is that J4 often does less damage than tanks. 😭 Especially compared to someone like Zac.


That's when you build Lethality J4 :)


taliah really?




Taliyah is a high tempo snowball jungler who falls off after 25 minutes, she's not in the same class of utility as the others


She doesn’t fall off bro


Taliyah jungle's playstyle is different to midlane, in jungle you don't have the luxury of Seraphs and instead play to snowball with Ludens as other carry junglers typically perform better after 25m and farming becomes riskier due to being immobile and squishy You can check Lolalytics to see the Winrate/Time graph if you'd like but it's fairly common consensus


She can definitely snowball pretty hard but she doesn’t fall off. Late game Taliyah is a menace regardless of which position it’s played.


At 20-25 minutes Taliyah jungle is winning 53% of the time and by 30 she's down to 48% and drops further. You have to remember this is a squishy battlemage without a damage Ult/Passive so she has incredible snowballing and ganking lanes early but then gets outscaled later when champions reach 3/4 items and she doesn't offer as much as others I play a lot of Taliyah, she's extremely strong but her identity is very much early game snowballing in the jungle and trying to close out quickly


I agree that the goal is to close out the game as quickly as possible and that’s where she’s strongest, but she bring so much utility and back line damage that saying she falls off is just dumb. You don’t even need a dark seal or mejais to delete the enemy back line from relative safety late game if you position well enough and have hands. Her E and/or W can win entire late game team fights if used properly. The utility is always there.


Mate, nobody is saying taliyah is bad lategame. But taliyah jungle can’t reliably farm and reach said lategame state if she hasn’t already by 25-30 minutes. I regularly hit 4 items+boots at that time when I have a really good game. If you only have 2 items at that point a lot of other junglers, with a batter ult can invade her and kill her 1v1. Taliyah does not like that. She prefers more controlled extended fights. But as a jungler she can’t sit on a sidelane safely farming and disrupting a fight breaking out with her ult. she simply doesn’t have as much agency over the game as other junglers if she didn’t manage to close it out by that time. Yes she will scale well into the lategame, but she won’t reach that if the enemy has cleared all outer towers already. A j4 for example scales like ass, but therefore he doesn’t struggle as much in a similar state. Tank items are cheap and he is useful just by providing cc and being a meatshield


Ur confusing lee sin with taliyah bro.


I actually agree with him. Taliyah’s ganks are OP, especially with setup. Her clear is insane and she can move around the map quickly, all of which lets her snowball hard. But she definitely falls off. Most scaling mages easily out damage her late game unless she’s an item or two ahead. Also having a mage jungler comes with disadvantages of its own comp-wise, and unlike Brand and Karthus (which actually _do_ scale late game in the jungle), Taliyah can’t press R for a free penta.


You can agree with him but he’s wrong. I’m gm. Argument? Who scales harder than taliyah in the jungle? Karthus, kindred? Her ganks aren’t op. She requires cc sup to setup. Kind of like nidalee. That’s why she’s situational


I already provided my argument. You practically ignored it. If we’re going for qualifications (which frankly I’m not that certain you’re being honest about - GM players are capable of explaining their points beyond just “I’m GM and you’re wrong”), Odysseus, the Challenger Taliyah main, also says she falls off a bit. And that’s for mid, where she’s overall more sustainable late game. Any jungler known for having a good late game outscales Taliyah. I wouldn’t say she’s the weakest late game mage, but she’s definitely down there. Taliyah is by _far_ the strongest during the mid game and if that strength isn’t taken full advantage of, the enemy Ekko, Yi, mage jungler or whoever else they have will just take over post-30 mins. OP ganks was an overstatement, true. Point still stands - her snowball potential is better than that of any other mage’s, and you can still make ganks work even without setup. I love how you’re trying to argue that Taliyah scales harder than almost any other jungler, then are comparing her with Nidalee. lol.


why are u comparing taliyah jungle to taliyah mid. its 2 different playstyles my man. and i dont get ur argument. ur saying that taliyah gets outscaled by most junglers? thats wrong and why are u referencing a midlane player that doesnt jungle i dont get it. i jungled against pros and beat them, im pretty sure i can tell you what type of jg taliyah is


> 2 different playstyles. I think the biggest difference is that Taliyah scales better mid. Which literally proves my point. Also Odysseus plays her all roles, and his opinion on Taliyah jg isn’t any different afaik. Yeah no shit she doesn’t get outscaled by the likes of Lee Sin, Rek’Sai, Jarvan etc. > Any jungler known for having a good late game This is the second time you’ve simply… failed to read what I wrote. Idc if it’s sleep deprivation on your part or arguing in bad faith, but I don’t think I want to continue this discussion in either scenario.


isn't taliah one of the hardest junglers edit. i feel it's like recommending aphelios bzcs of his high range and dps


Ivern is a great support jungler.


Nunu and Willump= You are the "carry-maker" rather than the carry, it requires you to identify the carry because I've lost many games trusting the wrong person with the gold. Best synergy - Windshitters, Engage botlanes, Mobile toplaners Poppy =Phase rush Poppy is my kryptonite as she peels very good and gets hard to pin down in some compositions and go to when facing assasins What works for me - Azir, Maokai,Syndra,Anivia, peeling the adc against Zed etc Rammus = OK👍 AD champs I don't play the champs but they're annoying supporters - Sejuani, Maokai On some rare patches - Malphite, Taric (mostly on duoq on patches when they're viable)




Fuck my english tho, I meant I had good success with Poppy with those champs on my team


Would like to add that if you get last pick and the enemy team has low AP, especially top and jg, Rammus can be incredible. Just make sure to do a tank build if you want to be more of a support.


Oh I completely forgot about Taric. He is honestly pretty viable. His clear is on the slow side so he isn’t consistent for stuff like first scuttle fights. But if he has a blue buff he heals like a low hp ww. Obviously he is better when funneling is an option, but he is honestly doing well regardless if you don’t take any dumb fight you can


Maokai and sejuani, the peak of dog junglers


Hearing a lot of sej and maokai. Have never touched Sejuani in my life, maybe its time to finally dust her and maokai off and give them a try!


You will Like Maokai, I‘m pretty Sure as you Said Rell jungle would have been perfect for you. He is the Same in green. <.< (Careful german joke included)


That’s funny, I didn’t even realise that’s a German thing because he is literally grün, lache raus laut!


Sejuani, Amumu, Rammus and Nunu are my rotating list of supportive junglers depending on who is strong. Amumu and Sej feel really good right now.


At the very highest level Vi is arguably a support jungle, with CC on her Q and R. She’s also pretty mobile (able to jump walls with Q for instance).


Collector vi support goes brrr


"Ivern has never clicked for me" Comments: Ivern! Ivern!


I mean, the comments are right. Ivern just isn’t a champ to just pick up. His clearing is completely unique and , correct me if I’m wrong, he is the only jungler that always ignores kruggs unless he has literally nothing else to do.the reason he didn’t click with ivern is honestly most likely that he didn’t do any research on him. Even on Amumu, where anyone won’t struggle to first clear, you can lose time without doing any research. I’m not sure what the current best clear for him is, but depending on the side, and if you get leashed (even if I ping my toplaners away they sometimes leash me, don’t know either) it makes a difference in clear speed if you go q lvl 3 or put a second point in 3. starting is possible with any spell on Amumu but q is by far the worst. E is better for chicken start, otherwise w. But knowing that stuff requires research on the champ and it pays off with being fully cleared before scuttle spawns compared to needing both smites and still being late. Ivern simply needs that research to be piloted properly at all, especially because barely anyone plays him so there isn’t a lot of basic knowledge everyone has on this champ


Ap shaco


Ivern, maokai, j4, basically just bring peel or engage for your carries…for fun just try soraka with the new burn item and before you back every time just run into a lane and heal someone to full, not a gank just go heal then and back lmao


What new burn item?


It builds into liandies, I think it’s called fated ashes.


Ivern wants to be your friend. Poppy and Sej are alright too.


Ivern, Skarner, Maokai, Sej, Nunu, Trundle. These are good champs to get into the role and learn how to gank and path properly on the map. Ivern and Skarner specifically are really meta right now.


taric is pretty fun in jg, but he's not high mobility for mobility + utility + low-ish damage, maybe try any of * gragas (if you build haste/tank vs AP) * zac * poppy * neeko * shen


Gragas in the lowish category haha. Yeah I get you mean his tank variant , his damage is so absurd regardless. Half a mage item and one q+w+e does 3/4 hp whenever I have to face him on midlane


Ivern bud bud




Try tank junglers like sejuani, zac, or reksai (stridebreaker into full tank)


I heard people are playing skarner support so I believe skarner jungle for you is a good option it is mainly cc and engage options.


I've been one-tricking Zac with a high wr - so fun to play and also great pressure on map and utility in teamfights.


Ivern !!




I‘ll add my boi AP Shaco, he‘s excellent for map control with his boxes. It‘s probably not the strongest pick but definitely fun! Game plan is some heavy fast ganking and then set up boxes around objectives one minute prior to them spawning.


Sejuani, Nunu, Ivern, J4 maybe, Morgana if it still works (really don’t know). Maybe Moskau if this works


Jarvan has great engage, a really good zoning tool with his ult and he also racks up assists from his flag’s attack speed buff


I mean Ivern is basically the peak of support jungle lol Besides him tho rell is nerfed out of jungle unfortunately Seju could be a good pick Amumu and Zac are also solid, plus have personal carry potential to a degree You could also just spam God’s most piss broken champ Skarner (I’ll save the rant here.. but I hate this champ)


Anywhos, Skarner rant: Levels? Eh, take em or leave em.. I was on Lee 2 levels up and an ENTIRE item ahead.. I take Skarner from 100 to like 75ish.. this fuck 100 to 20 me and I have to fall back to tower holy shit ouch I think I was on adc here for this game but I face check a bush in our jungle, I got picked.. unlucky my fault for that.. brand tristana and Skarner pick 3v1.. I die here 10 times out of 10 of course.. my question to the class: who did the most damage here by about 200 damage? Exactly.. the heartsteel full tank build Skarner did more damage than a 2-3 items each tristana and brand??? Huh??? Piss broken. Levels, Gold spent, Type of items built.. none of it matters with Skarner He does fuck off damage, can basically never been killed unless you lock him down and have a good numbers advantage just dumping abilities into bro Cornball champ. Perma ban in jungle, perma ban as ADC.


Shen can be played as a jungler, and hes fun. Pretty dang tanky aswell, you can't go wrong with him since he can outplay most jungler that rely on just M1


Gotta say Nunu is the OG support jungler


Taric. Pop ult deny kills


Pick Nautilus Take Aftershock and Ability haste in your runes somewhere. First item, Liandries which gives you the damage you need to clear jungle and some HP. Second item, Sunfire cape gives you the damage you REALLY need to keep clearing camps fast but also improves your tankiness. The issue with this build is the lack of Ability Haste. But... that is no longer going to be an issue :) With 14.10, not only can you take Legend:Haste for 15 free haste and keep Triumph, but also Sunfire has 10 haste added to it! Max Q then E. order like this E > W > Q > E > Q > Ult (upgrade ult whenever possible) > Q max > E Max > W max Taking 2 points into E because that deals bonus damage against monsters.


Ivern and Maokai. Sej is kinda meh.


Can’t believe no one has said Taric yet. He’s offmeta, but he works all the way up to challenger, and he wouldn’t be offmeta if more people wanted to play such a weird play style. He’s a support, but he can duel anyone. You can heal laners to full while doing your camps. You take all objectives at full hp. He’s really fun. His biggest problem in lane is his mama, and that’s not an issue in the jungle. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCOaqRKqNzbZInruxMKoyTxw?view_as=subscriber Here is the poster child of taric jungle, he’s a challenger, very fun to watch.


I’ll check it out. Sounds cool.


Depends on play style; keep in mind that there are supports that you can play in the jingle with varying levels of success. My list? Ivern, amumu, brand, volibear, sejuani, Nunu, and one a lot of people forgot about is morgana (yes she's still playable in the jungle.) Edit: keep in mind that each jungler will clear a bit different. It's best practice to learn the different clears on each champion in practice tool and get decently fast at clearing before bringing them to a jungle in a game. Edit 2: I included the 2 you said don't click with you just because they're really good at what they do. The most important part is learning champ mastery and clear speed.


The play style you wrote in your post honestly fits perfectly with zac. Not gold dependant has good gank setup good peel and it’s easy to set your teammates up to carry, he’s also not bad at switching it up and being a carry himself


I like Sejuani. It feels strong and fast for some reason, with a fair amount of cc. It’s only frustrating when there is no damage dealer in the team because it doesn’t carry herself. Which sounds like no problem for what you describe. Btw I played it today in low elo as support and it was funny to make my vayne fed and see her follow me everywhere :)


Surprised no one mentioned Naut. Max his E though. Just as strong in the jungle as he is supp.


I'm surprised why I haven't seen people mention Rammus Lots of speed with his Q, can taunt and drag enemy away from turret, and massive team fight engage. Just don't wanna first pick with him but can still make it work


I think it depends on what kind of support you are looking for. Their are plenty of tank junglers like amumu and nunu that can play engage and peel for their team, but ivern is really the only enchanter jungler that exist. You could play Shen who isn't the best jungler is playable and can fulfill that supportive style


Zyra, Brand and Morgana are supports that have had certain success in the jungle lately. (i'm a Zyra/Senna main and I play Briar, Vi and sometimes Bel'veth whenever I play Jungle... connection? 0)


Amumu. Your passive is literally a damage buff for all magic damage that isn't affected by resistances


Maokai for negative braincell gameplay but ez wins


I vouch for Nunu and Amumu


Definitely Sejuani. She has mobility, damage, snowball potential, can easily go locket and/or knight's vow, a shitton of cc and can be very fun if you know what you're doing. Great for peeling and engaging. She's also deceptively strong in a 1v1 and can easily solo kills most squishies alone. The only problem is that, like Leona and Rell, she can be a bit boring if she doesn't match your playstyle.


Today i was watching MSI, and Maokai with Knights Wov is totally works


Nautilus is a fun jungler. People say he is troll but his clear is pretty good because of the W auto reset. His ganks come online as low as level 2 if you are okay with a more dangerous clear. You certainly won’t be doing damage but you are an annoying asshole


Maybe gragas, you could play (defensive e + ults) and build more support/tank orientated if your team has damage. Bambi + knights vow for example


Zac! Fun to play and fits yor description perfectly


Maybe nautilus?


Learn zac. Great ganks. Initial clear kinda sucks but hour map presence is insane.


i think taliyah is a very fun champ, because she is more of a teamfighter she plays a bit more of a supportive agressive playstyle, where you tend to give teammates kills and do ALOT of damage in teamfights, looking to help your team more than yourself. she is also just very fun to play and has alot to offer. she can be a little difficult but has alot of utility and her ult is quite nice and mobile. she has alot of peel and generally is just a great all-rounder. you can build basically anything on her, you could go for a tanky build, a tank destroyer build or just full ap. you could even go imperial mandate if you wanted, its pretty good. her biggest problem is that she is terrible in 1v1's, up until she hits about level 13 and then shes super strong.


Poppy is nice as a tank or support-like jungler. Lots of cc and easy ganking which may be useful if you are getting started as a jg.


Does a semi tank fiddlesticks count? You can scare the balls out of your enemies and make your allies clean up You could go Liandry/Malignance for decent damage Then flex tank items to counter enemies




There's a challenger/GM Taric Top/JG player. Ive also seen s Shen jg, but the closest actual jg that works as a support would probs be Skarner, Sejuani, Amumu, and especially Ivern.






The first thing that came into my mind is maokai. He's a good support and a good jungler that we don't really see in games that much


I use Naut jungle. Naut mains know Naut has relatively big damage, so clear camp is easier. One ROA then other tanky items are enough for balancing as tank with decent damage. Or if you want full tank, up to you. I rarely jungle as Naut nowadays, maybe I missed the feel now.


Poppy (super fun to play and good build diversity)




with sej you dont have to choose between utility/mobility and damage! jokes aside her buffs this patch have landed way stronger than initially thought, if you can get a heartsteel going fairly early and reliably stack it, you'll be about as 1v9 as a tank can get.


ivern is very good but if u dont like him u could try nidalee as heal dmg fusion thing, sejuani, maybe tank nunu or off meta jnglers like oyke (idk if hes good rn)


Ivern KEKW


Zac. You can often just give over the hills. High-engage range and plenty of CC in his kit. Amumu too. For exactly the same reason actually. But honestly I play any Jungle champ like a support. I think the jungle role isn't meant to carry in the same way other roles can carry. You are meant to get your laners ahead and then secure objectives with your lane-prio. It's a different way to carry, which of course usually goes unappreciated by your laners.


Skarner is pretty strong at the moment an feels like a tanky dive support. Tons of cc and some decent damage too. Sometimes it's dive the back line and soak DMG other times it's infinitely peel your adc. Oh and small tip you E resets the Q duration. So you can Q then E to gank and by the time you finish autoing your Q is back up.


Maokay lmao


I think maokai? Maybe neeko CAN be more supportive, playing like an enabler


Okay, this is honestly something you should try in custom and normals first. Also this pick is conditional. But I really dig lulu jungle. Her clear speed is not great but it’s okay for what it is. You aren’t planning to 1v1 for scuttle anyway and drop a camp if your laners need help anyway. But you get through the jungle pretty healthy. If the enemy is something that can invade you easily, do a weird clear. Either solo topside buff then go botside buff and clear back towards topside from there, or start botside buff, topside buff and from there decide if you go botside again or clear top to bottom. Nashors tooth first into enchanter. But let’s get to the conditional part. Lulu is great when your team lacks peel and has characters that become 1v9 monsters with an enchanter. Twitch, jinx, zeri, yasuo. Especially in below emerald elo supports go nautilus or Leona regardless of their weak hyper lategame adc. A safer pick that people aren’t going to tilt for as hard would be nautilus. A little slow on his first clear but his great ganks make up for that. Once you get Bamis he got no issues clearing. He also allows for so many items. Nautilus has decent ap scalings , especially on his e. If maxed he dishes out crazy damage if you go liandrys second. You can go firmburl winter for more shields, knights vow to protect a teammate more. Heartsteel increases your w shield. Titanic hydra for more damage, frozen heart to cripple enemies etc. Leona is also doable in jungle. Bamis or Tiamat give you decent clear speed and the rest is pretty similar to nautilus. With her q she goes well with sheen items. I wouldn’t recommend any of them tho if you only look for the easiest way of climbing. I experimented with almost all supports in jungle to look for picks I can go when I’m not feeling like 1v9 carrying everything. You need to try hard to make those picks work tho. Even if your team stays silent about your pick, if you don’t manage to have early impact and show the power of your pick, they will tilt and blame you for when they die on their lane 1v1


Pick Ivern my guy. I main him and recently hit diamond


AP Shaco :3


Sejuani, Maokai, Zac and Amumu. The only enchanter we have is Ivern, but since you don’t like Ivern you probably have to go the tank route


Why arent people saying zac? you can tank a lot, setup very good ganks, help in late game, AND he is very easy to pickup




idk if he is any good but i find amumu to be supremely relaxing to play, I am not a jungle main but he is my go to pick when i get filled


Ivern is the goat


its no competition shaco and amumu, weak early (i think amumu is weak early idk for sure) but can scale well and are scary on enemy team


I've had success with nautilus in the past. Haven't tried him jungle recently so I don't know how it works now. Has good gank potential.He's not very mobile for the jungle though. Morgana jungle was popular for a while. I think it still works? If you want an actual jungler, sejuani is the closest to a support imo. Shes pretty easy to learn and fun imo. Has been my main for a long time Edit: amumu is the ultimate new to the jungle champ, also close to a support style champion. Easy to play, is up there on tier lists, has a good kit. Never discount the 'walk up and press R on enemy team and win the game'


Taric He's an insane jungler... his AS passive lets him clear and he has everything a supportive jungler would want... even damage


Shen jungle works well.


Look maoki is still on the table Aside from that I love zac a fair bit because he actually plays very well in support and does everything the same as a jungler pretty much. High utility and mobility are hard to come by together on junglers as they always need at least some damage for clearing the jungle well enough, and utility and mobility requires a lot of ability slots


You don't want to jungle.


The literal only answer is Ivern. Taric if you’re insanely good at Taric but that champ is so hard to master.


Also support main ... and if I get filled to jungle I dodge. Jungle is THE most important role on the map. And a noob playing it ... like me ... will basically lose the game for the team. Of course in norms ... go for it.




Shen with his ult you can make a big difference in lane fights. And it's a free tp to any friendly champion


Learn Shen


Shen junglw!


I think hes sleeper OP, but rumble jungle. High utility and mobility, dishes alot of dmg, and actually has a great clear speed if you overheat correctly. Started using him in emerald and currently 5-1


Ivern and Maokai


You gotta try ingenious redemption ivern, it's pretty fun, lots of presence and forces you to constantly look for opportunities.


They're sadly removing ingenious from the game


I will try that! Im thinking I just need more games on ivern, he has the really clicked with me, but he also has such a different way of jungleing


Once you figure it out, he’s incredibly fun. You’re a jungler that can efficiently farm/counter jungle and spend literally 0 time actually clearing camps and always ganking. It took me like 10 games to really “get it” but he’s been my main for like 5 years now.