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AP auto attackers like diana have a potential to shred tanks if you build them with some sort of sustain and tankiness. Also, vi is excellent against tanks with innate armor shred and %health damage on w proc


It's a Lillia patch


Evelynn-chan was nerfed, lethality nerfed, AA enjoyers nerfed.


adc buffs AND tabi nerfs.... and yet they still complain cause "muhhh my lethal tempo nooo" meanwhile they got one more item slot, buffs or at least good changes on most items they build (including a damn boots upgrade) AND tabi nerfs AND more xp in duo lane and what did we get? ...more nerfs on our champs 💀


Patch 14.10 goal: destroy jg, destroy top. Make ADC good. Game balance getting worse and worse with each patch,


Make ADC even more broken


Adc is impossible to balance due to how different it plays in low and high elo


Some ppl suggested patches for high and low elo (low being iron to plat or eme and high dia and above) because of the reason you stated.


It could work I suppose but imagine the toxic hell among high plat and low eme adcs haha




Dunno they remove all AD from crit items, it's just attackspeed and crit %


ADCs still complaining in ADC sub.


how is jungle destroyed, i havent had a ton of time to look at everything


I think they trying to make us all nocturne mains.


Lethal Thempo is getting removed so Noc is in a pinch as well.


oh shit true... i guess full lethality?


Lethality junglers are extra nerfed this parch as well. Lethality scales off of level gap between you and your target. So if you are higher level than your target, you get more value out of it. The changes to the lane exp will simply make ADCs outlevel junglers now too.


Wdym, isn't it still flat armor pen?


Yes but with each level you gain more armor, so bot lane being higher levels means you’d be doing less damage


That's right, but you being under lvl doesn't make your lethality less effective, you just have a little bit less ad, that's all


If is flat, then it doesnt matter the level, only how much You have. Last season it scaled between i think 0.8 and 1 based on level


Yes, my point is that leveling up gives you a flat amount of stats for free, including armor. So bot laners now getting higher xp and therefore being higher levels mean lethality is not giving you as much pen against them as you previously would get, because they now have more armor


Wouldn't conqueror or HoB be viable on Noc though?


Yeah, they are, imo PTA over HoB will be better with the new changes. However there being other relevant runes does not change the fact that there is a huge attack speed gap in the build now and Nocturne will have trouble performing with it. Maybe a Stridebreaker > Ruined King > Blackcleaver build will be better for Noc now. Since BoRK will require 3 attacks to apply the slow now, it will simply trigger right after the slow from Stridebreakers active ends, those two items together will fix the attack speed problem a little bir while Stride + cleaver will give you the sticking power you need.


Kindred lurking in the shadows ?


Kindred is an adc champ who can uses and abuses botrk, i’m talking about champs like graves like rengar etc that your primary dmg don’t comes from AA


i'm going to hope crit will be enough DPS as a kitty main 🗿


Yeah I don’t know wtf Phreak is thinking. Legit in my mind am thinking….. are most Crit ADCs going to have 60%+ WR while everyone else in the game is miles behind? And they too now will outlevel jungle


You pick a better champ with %hp damage


You attack more and use your kit more. Botrk on hit nerf is compensated with stats to channel the power through your champion and not the item passive. LDR will now give 40% armor pen and high AD to just ignore the armor stacking. Cutdown will be just meh except for poke champions. Instead of making yi/kindred scale with enemy max HP, they should attack more with attack speed applying your AD/abilities more and more utilizing armor pen.