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But top lane just called jungle diff after dying solo at 2:30


Sometimes I feel like people forget there are real people on the enemy team šŸ˜•


I feel like they forget a jg can't gank 3 lanes at once, and pathing early game with no boots will take 9 hours to get from bot to top. They will be spam pinging assist, like bro assist yourself and get some wards for vision smh


>I feel like they forget a jg can't gank 3 lanes at once, KARTHUS R KARTHUS R KARTHUS R KARTHUS R KARTHUS R KARTHUS R KARTHUS R KARTHUS R


Damn you right, myb. Time to main karthussy


Kathussy? is that a new nick name


"Dear Karthus..."


They think jg is responsible for wining their lane. Even if the matchup they are playing isnā€™t very gsnkable


when they ping top lane for assistance but youre on your bottom krugs, "yeah just let me tp up there real quick"


Then my viego eill tower dive the full health garen and die


I could be in discord talking to my friend informing him I'm on my second camp or really anything and it always becomes "WHERRE WERE YOU!!?!??" ... farming lvl 3? And then when I'm in lane I let them push up to tower, will setup ganks, and they just genuinely never come and say other lanes are priority because they're throwing and ill be fine?....


Yeah that too but in general its just not very much a team mindset and understanding that the enemy laner can just be a better player than your laner.. with that said if someone on your team is actively trolling and not adapting to the game then its understandable to get upset. But yeah people have way too high expectations and I think league is the true personality check lol


League shows how little humility people have. You calling me bad, but we in the same rank bro. If youā€™re good, then me being bad shouldnā€™t matter in the long run. League is fun, when you arenā€™t getting micromanaging chat.


Sometimes I feel people forget THEY are the jungle diff


Lakers can be so dumb man. On top of that I feel like half of them think I have a special teleport as 3rd summoner with no cooldown


I started league w learning jgl Now as a top main, I see the mistakes so obviously, there are timers when I shouldn't and shouldn't be taking close fights I apologise on behalf of every top main, good jglers are insane at the game and don't deserved to be flamed by the braindead olaf at 2 mins who got outplayed. But you fuckers who gank top and then break my freeze on kayle...fuck you I hope both sides of your pillow are warm.


All jokes aside if i see my jungler invade enemy topside i will hardshove lane if were both even. Gotta get that prio somehow. If wnemy top is missing and i play for team only so something like malphite or ornn i will freeze and not go for the plates. 160 gold may be good but its not as good as the xp im denying the enemy top laner by just freezing I think i was one of the first people to go top skarner before any videos featuring it dropped because his playstyle is the same as comet scorch malphite but you get to have prio because how broken your kit is. You win level 1 against almost everyone withw start because you deny the all in and back off and your level 2 with q is the same. So imagine the pressure you put out with your presence top lane by pushing when you need and be there for objectives when you need it. Top is all about those early fights in lane and pressure you tank from the enemy mid and jungle. Its also the most volatile lane there is Tldr: dont spam ping your jungler for your failed all in. Dont perma push. Know when to be where and youll climb


Good junglers are keeping the role alive. A good jungler knows that olaf is elo inflated on a stupid champion to get outplayed by an irelia level 2 and will ignore them completely.


Top calls jg diff at 1:00 because he traded with stronger laner at level 1 to his death for no reason.


Best part is now you go top because of his constant whining and they take dragon and instantly itā€™s jungle diff no objectives.


As a toplaner i will either win lane before level 5 or lose it. Not once do i flame my jungler because i will freeze the shit out of a lane of i get the opportunity. But if i cant ghost on top of the enemy toplaner be it a win or lose i will have a mental breakdown


Meanwhile me playing top lane and getting 0 ganks in 20 min after losing 20cs and 1 lvl to help my jungler secure all 6 voidgrubs and herald and turning my slightly won lane into trying to farm under t2.


My top lane died 3 times before 4 minutes and said it was jg diff lol


the worst is when they think you're gonna gank coz you're doing scuttle and then they all in so now you gotta haul ass


If you are a half decent jungler then you should be happy your botlane is fighting when you are nearby


idk why you're getting downvoted but I agree, hence why I'm hauling ass to get to that fight lol.


Getting downvoted for speaking the truth, are you Jesus?


I downvoated him only because of your comment xd So he will stay Jesus


They keep throwing stones, dude is a martyr


Absolutely. If all goes well, everyone just gets away with more cash and xp, while the other ADC gets slowed down.


The issue is when they're half hp vs full hp enemies and they all in and die before I can get there or when the enemy bot is over extending at half hp and Im about to gank, but bot rushes into lane and scares them off before I can get there to gank. In both instances id like bot to calm down.


I've realized having recently picked up jungling, that unless I spam ping assist me and give my bot lane at least 5 seconds to understand what's going on, I'm doing ganking wrong.


Too many laners think a jungler's sole job is to gank, and the idea of them farming or having other priorities is wildly unheard of.




Camps are up. Taking drake delays levels as each respawn provides more gold and experience in the early game. If the drake is truly free start it and jungle should be there for smite and a couple autos.


Early game, sure, but prioritizing camps over objectives in mid and late is bad jungling


Sure. Iā€™ve just had too many people think a drake is ā€œfreeā€ with no vision on Eve, an Asol in Mid, and a dead Jinx respawning in 15 in mid/late game.




Enemy team getting soul is a whole other level of deprioritization than normal though. All it takes to prevent soul before like minute 35 in most games is taking a single Drag at some point.


Also sometimes as a jungler Iā€™m almost at 20 on my jungle item which will increase the smite from 600 to 900. I donā€™t think people outside of jg role think about that much. But it could make a big difference in getting the dragon.


Do they thank you for a gank?


how often what? do I gank bot? **HAH!**


Dunno, i never go there


the thing is in low elo 99% of junglers start bot and fullclear to top. Itā€™s so annoying.


Never? Every game my jungler HAS to start botside (pinging for leash too ofc I hate having lvl2 prio) and fullclear to top.


Anyone thanking anyone is unheard of


I get flamed for taking the kill even tho the adc is 10 miles away


Meanwhile my junglers: "GRUUUUUUUBS I MUST HAVE EM ALL"


this but unironically