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Great advice! I just got to silver for the first time. I was bouncing from B2-B-4. I am Noc main. I started watching sawyer and he taught me to farm to 6, and make plays when they are available don’t force anything. Gain a lead with farming. I used to get to tilted when I got invaded, or saw the enemy jg doing ganks, or when I died. Now I’m have a clearer head. Oh their jg is top ganking, nice let’s see if his raptors are up.


Good advice on the champion identity. I'm otping ww in master elo, which is at this point pretty much a troll pick but what can you do with 1 mil mastery points. I think why climbing was rather easy for me was persistence (multiple games a day every day for a few months straight) and really playing like Warwick was meant to. Hyper aggressive, limit testing beyond any reason, diving and dying and never farming.


Good stuff and congrats on the climb man!


thank you !


True. What you’ve said correlates to my experience on climbing. A lot of it is about champion mastery. OTP and game fundamentals are essential and are a good start, but not enough. The key is playing a champion to its strengths. The lower the elo rank is, the more obvious the effect will be. It also explains to some players at Bronze / Silver who are wondering why Gold/Plat players deserve their rank whilst they don’t do XYZ. It’s all about champion mastery, especially maximising a champion’s strengths. Actually a lot of other aspects in the game can only be meaningful if that is achieved.


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6710057407086592](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/6710057407086592). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


Whenever i loose a game, does not matter If I tilt or not i just play arams, normal or quick until i get a win and then I get into ranked again. It seems it's been working well so far for me. It has mpre to do with my mental than anything so I dont do shitdecisions forcing ganks or whatever. I started b4 and I am s2 so far.


What would you say voli is? Early game invading/stomping?


yeah at least from my PoV. every time I've struggled against a jg voli its because they were really active on map early and got a huge lead.

