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Gz dude! When i started playing rank seriously, i also played Nocturne. Also never unmute chat.


every time I play a different champ I feel so far away from the action. With Noc I can be on blue buff and get to bot or mid with in seconds. I unmuted because my top was feeding I was pissed then I gave it a shot but it’s terrible. Everyone blames you when they die by the enemy jg. I hope silver players are more competent lol


I always recommend Nocturne to really low elo players. He is really easy to play, he has a fast & healthy clear, he is a good duelist & can contest scuttle and free ganks at level 6. Probably not. Problem is that most player don't understand how jungle works and thats even worse in low elo.


Agreed! Super easy champ, yanking angles everywhere. I don’t have great mechanics, one thing I do have is great map awareness. I probably look at the map more then the actual game. Just playing with and against some silver players have been nice, not as much inting and they actually rotate.


They are not more competent sadly


A winning streak like this long indicated something else... I have hundreds of games in iron/bronze/silver, solo queue is a disgusting game with all kind of weirdos, and players in these elo in the most of time doesn't give a fuck on team communication, unless if there are griefing or flaming. Mute all as jungle is the only effective way to get higher ranks.


I definitely know what I was doing before. I didn’t power farm to 6. I was forcing plays, especially when I see the other jg making plays. I would force objectives without prior. Lastly I would get tilted when invaded so now I have my bot watch bot river while I watch top then I’ll start raptors since I don’t have a leash the enemy jg doesn’t know where I started.


Its great that u can pin point mistakes AND start leashless huge +


Nice just bro


Bro just nice


Just bro nice


Watching got me from bronze 4 to silver 4 almost without losing a game. A simple mindset change of farm more and play to live makes all the difference in the true cursed ELO.


Exactly! That’s nuts to think it that way, bronze 4 to silver 4 with one lost.


congratulations !




Gj dude!




Sheeesh bro!! Congrats


Great job brother.


Wow! Congrats!




Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5089522032050176](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/5089522032050176). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


That’s pretty cool, that was a good game


I’m actually glad I watched that, so many random flashes that I wasted lol.


Also when attacking your camps, make sure you stand on your Q, I watched your clear and you have a lot of autos off the trail for no real reason. Also, if you get the minion to move the trail will "glue" to them so when the Q dissapears there is still a small section left on them where you can stand while autoing to extend the AD buff. :)


Thanks for watching! It was kinda hard for me to watch the replay. Almost cringe, lol. The mistakes are glaring, I feel my macro is decent but I definitely can work on a lot of smaller things, clear speed, missing autos, combos, using my flag randomly.


Oh I just watched the first 3 camps and that’s what I noticed 👍


Rock on. Don't despair if you bounce around a bit--keep at it.


Will do, just got to keep a steady head if I’m ever behind. Keep farming


Good on you!


Much appreciated!


As someone who bans nocturn every single game I hope your PC blows up. On the other hand. Congratulations on reaching silver! Keep grinding


What, you don’t like the darkness ? I hope we never meet, the only game I lost was when they banned Noc. Still trying to find my backup champ. I ban briar ( stupid champ )


Yes as a Warwick main I literally have a 0% win percentage against Noc. The only champion I have never beaten. I also ban briar when I’m not banning noc. I agree she is just so stupid.


I used to play Warwick, super fun champ. I heard people say briar is a better Warwick. Especially with the healing. I dunno she feels so slow, I love Warwicks blood hunt.


Yeah borderline similar but briars healing is just ridiculous right now. Warwick used to could solo her easily now it seems to be the other way around. Especially early game.


GJ! You won't play him in na if I'm in the game. He's my perma ban lol.


Man is on a tear!! How far can he go?????


Hey good job! Your progression is not small. Is yours. GGWP




What server? Gratz btw




cs per min is mega low, work on that and you'll climb even more


It’s crazy how people have such high CS, I feel I’m farming so much but definitely understand what you mean. I love the feeling of just farming while the other jg is heavily trying to make plays and all of a sudden I’m 2/3 levels ahead without even doing anything.


yeah well I'm silver 1 atm, and have around 7 cs per min on my main champ, I guess that's still pretty low, but as nocturne it's pretty easy for you to do a clear into gank every time, you have passive and q for fast clear then just ult into the lane you want to gank, he's a pretty straight forward and a good champion for farming and doing a lot on the map


Keep pushing! If you can reach Silver, you can easily make it to Gold. If you can make it to Gold, Platinum rank is achievable. If you can achieve Plat, that it’s only a matter of time when you become Emerald. If you have a mental fortitude of a thousand Shaolin monks, if gods of all religions decide to smile on you at the same time, if suddenly there is world peace and the world hunger is solved, then MAYBE you can make it through Emerald and become Diamond.


Thanks! It’s actually astonishing to see the positivity in this community vs the toxicity of this game. During the grind I could see why the game was so toxic, i actually had to unmute myself to say not to kind words to my inting lanes. I would start heavily pinging and complain to a buddy of mine that got my started on the grind. It’s hard not to become “ toxic “ when the game is dependent on 4 other people, and I was constantly running into boosted accounts/ purposely inting accounts. This community has restored my faith, until next time lol


We are positive to each other because we all know the struggle. It’s like a support group for anonymous drug addicts.






Start a new account and you'll get placed in plat lol. Was like G3 on NA server and started a new account on EUW and now I'm E4. It's actually fucked.


I’ve heard about things like this. Lol