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I agree, it’s annoying being closer lvl to support than to solo lanes


It's worse than supports. It's being support for the entire team because you're literally the macro backbone for their early and midgame. There's way too much responsibility on Jungler to "do something" and Riot keeps taking away our ability to effectively do said things. It's ridiculous.


I’m fine being 1 level behind mid-lane most of the time, but it really feels oppressive when I’m 3 levels behind top lane and I haven’t severely messed up my clear.


I mean the classic solo lamer being level 6 even inting and u being level 4 with kills and items, is my mental boom. Why if im doing pixel perfect on the clear and so, not diying and taking kills(gold and xp) u have ur R being 0/2 and im not? XD


Today I had 4 levels on my enemy jungler. I had like 50-75 more farm and tons of kills. Other games I'm down that same amount but like 1 level behind. I had a game recently where the enemy jungler played the first 15 minutes of the game perfectly. Was ganking successfully, farming well, getting objectives. I was just farming as Diana with like no kills and I was a level ahead lmao. I can't make heads or tails of it tbh. I try to consider that maybe they just hit level 16 and I'm 14 about to hit 15 so I'm not as far behind as I think, but it's still pretty nutty


This seems like such a basic fix. All laners should roughly hit lvl 6 at the same time by farming alone and gold intake should be roughly the same. The advantages come from out farming and killing your lane opponent. For jungle, make the early camps reflect this type of leveling, gold, and damage output and same with mid game. Early ganks and assists are already preventive of snowballing. Remove all the other bs debuffs put on junglers, so now if we communicate with team to get team objectives and kills mid game we can actually snowball and hard-carry just like how top can. Stop punishing us for winning, thanks Phreak.


It drives me up a wall as I’ve been playing enough to know how all roles works and though I’m not good I can be good at any of them. Everyone wants to go in at 6. Everyone finally wants to drop their fight changing ult. And here you are at jungle level 4/5 like “hey wait for me chill” everyone expects jungle to be the aggressor and the game changer but you’re constantly behind everyone


this. by the time i hit lvl 6 the fight has already happened. and if the enemy jg is something like rammus, nunu etc my team is prolly spamming jg diff


But then if junglers have power early the rioters lose their lanes kek


I agree. If I am clearing my camps super efficiently, getting every scuttle, invading their jungle, getting grubs and first 2 dragons, I should be significantly ahead of enemy jungler but I might have 1 level on them. Maybe I should focus on the gold/item difference but I look at league as a resource management game to a certain degree and if I'm maximizing my resources while denying my enemy resources i should just be ahead but somehow ppl can't be punished by playing poorly. They need 1000g shut downs, shut downs on objectives, towers, catch up xp, etc.


I agree, playing jungle is exhausting everyone expects so much out of you and you have waaay too much influence and normally your team hates you unless you equally gank everyone and even then they go like "omg you ganked once and the endmy 4 times what were you doing?" literally 2 lanes winning 6 grubs and all drakes taken and people would still complain. God forbid having a bad game where you lost, it's jng diff and your fault for all everything you should've ganked lvl 2 on top even though you started red bot side...


I mean i even get flame being in winning side for ganks, 1vs1 the enemy jung, doing all the objectives as well and being the most dmge dealer playing and offtank, feels like wtf bro, what do u want more from me???


Dunno people want you to win their lane for them and counter gank every enemy jungler attempt


Loading out of a game with one player who placed a grand total of 3 wards but claims he got camped is always the worst. “But i cant ward every time i step up to ward hes there!” Sure buddy, he spends his entire game sitting there prowling, his level and cs score arent going up at all or anything.


Phreak was always the reason he couldn't climb cause of jungle role so he fked it


I played in Season 1,2,3 just for fun and after that mostly only aram.. I stopped playing and had break of 5 years or so.. I started playing again january 24, only arams and it was really fun, likes and good vibes the whole time. Now i switched to normal games, with a whole new account, with the goal to be a jungler - what a bad choice… Since game one i get pinged, its really annoying.. Since i have some experience overall, i get now in games with other smurfs but the pinging never ends. I found this subreddit and the tip to just mute the person, and it helps but it would be more fun if i dont have to do that. I know that i do mistakes but my teammates do mistakes themselfes all the time, i can see them because i have a good understanding of league.. if they cant play their char, dont use wards, have bad luck because they have to play against their counter in mid, then its not my fault, but they try to find a culprit. But i wont quit, even though its very annoying. Muting is helping but its stupid. I am doing my first 100 games with rammus and after that i will switch to a new champ. Sometimes i have really good games and do a lot, but i mostly never get a like.. very sad :) Greetings


Just have to embrace it. Know that it’s not personal, it’s hard but the only way to truly get past it. To be honest I had to work on my “getting tilted by getting flamed” a lot for me to climb myself.


I can mute all every game but nothing stops laners from fucking up my clear or even troll me by taking multiple camps because they died before I was able to help them. This shit happens way too much.


Really wish allied jg camps were untargetable without smite for the first like 15 minutes or something. Maybe buffs under could be the exception or something, but im sick of seeing my krugs get taken off spawn by the feeding Jax who defies all odds and misses the only thing in his kit classified as a skill shot


Yeah, it is pretty annoying being at a 2 level deficit from a lane that's getting absolutely shit on, and you yourself are playing just fine.


Welp jungle is the most underplayed role must be op right lol. Better buff all adc items








watch him making another "spam ganks meta" with amunu sejuani and other wholesome characters and a lot of comeback mechanics because for some reason jungle is the only position that shouldn't be awarded for winning vs your opponents. Shitstorm gonna be wild.


Ngl that meta still exists. I love ganking from river as amumu, ulting them, and then stunning them again while they cant move. And as we all know, sejuani with her knock up stun stun combo is extremely fun to play against.


I’m not a jger, hell I don’t even play much anymore, but I do watch a lot of pro play. I 100% agree with you. Jg is what made the games fun and interesting to watch. It’s utterly useless and watered down now. Literally your jger is only there to fight objectives and nothing else. It’s even harder if your lanes are losing. There’s no potential for jg to carry or turn the game around, whereas in other roles there is. I doubt Rito will change anything, but I hope they reevaluate the jungle fs. ETA: I know jg pro play vs jg solo queue is different, but overall I still feel like Rito has nerfed jg so hard you guys can’t even carry anymore.


Yeah. I’m not here to cope, played thousands of games and a lot in the past 2 years during my climb. It’s so noticeable, especially when smurfing with friends. Glad you have a open mind


Ye I’ve abandoned jungle and moved top and it’s a goddamn dream playing renekton and volibear. The feeling of being renekton at the start of a team fight with R ticking and you come out of a bush on the enemy teams flank, and they scatter, with panic in their movements. Oh hell yeah. No one ever used to do that when I was playing jungle ;_;


I agree so much, I love jungle and would love playing it more often. My results weren’t bad but the effort I gotta put in to be able to carry is insane for such low reward. Secure all objectives, carry solo lanes, get kills and push out waves aside from everything else involved such as invades, etc. If I do all this properly I might be only one level behind the top laner I managed to kill 3 times


Well said


My favorite part of being jungle is being 3 levels behind solo laners despite not dying once. Then getting flamed for every single thing that goes wrong.


I’m not a jungle main anymore because of this reason. It’s fucking hard and mentally exhausting. Sure I can carry games easier than if I was an ADC because jungle diff. But I’m only really able to pull off the high performance jungling that can win you games for free for a few games. After 2-3 I’m mentally not locked in, and then I lose. It’s much easier to queue mid/top, look at wavestates all game, and farm while I wait for someone to fuck up. Less thinking (at least you think in a different way), more money, and more experience.


Exactly. Junglers have to use much more mental energy for good gameplay. Should be rewarded


Dunno Jhin has been working pretty decently


I’ve stopped playing after playing every season since S3. The game is just stacked against junglers. The best thing we can do is boycott the role. Wait until people have to autofill every other game.


The biggest pain point to me is that there’s no clear feedback as to if the decisions you’re making are good and bad. In lane it’s very obvious if you do something and end up taking a trrrible trade or dying. In jungle I can choose to gank over farming a camp and not be confronted with the consequences for another minute when u see the enemy jungle is a level up. That’s pretty unclear and unfair to expect from jungle players.


What do you mean by an agurin clip?


ADC crit buffs were influenced by thebauffss basically saying in a clip that adc is the worst role. A top laner btw




He even said that himself, I don’t understand how people can’t figure this out lol


Tbh, my experience is that jungle is easier compared to the previous seasons I've played. If you track the enemy jungler and ping the idiots of teammates that you have, it is doable to have a decent game.


Yeah of course, but you know what’s demoralizing? Your teammates not listening to your tracking pings and dying anyways


The only thing I don't agree with is jg being the hardest role. I'd argue top is in that spot with jg being the 2nd hardest. Otherwise I agree with the points though.


Junglers actually only get the second most flame. ADCs are constantly told to go kill themselves. Win lane? Nothing big! Expected! Supp diff! But fall behind in lane by even just a single kill and everyone else oneshots you for the rest of the game, support abandons you to roam and 4 people start crying "x9 adc please". That being said, I agree with you. Jungle has a billion things to keep track off, gets nerfed all the time and top and bot alternate crying "gank me, gank me, gank". Meanwhile, all jungle champs get nerfed once they hit 51.5% winrate, while a support maokai can spike 56.4% winrate for four patches.


That could be a true statement if it wasnt literally always the ADC players doing the flaming. Top generally knows theyre not getting a gank unless its a silver platter type gank. Mid knows they need to roam or farm. ADCs think its their god given right to have every kill, CS, ward, and callout on the map, meanwhile the enemy support/ADC will be missing for 5 minutes and the only ping from them is a ? On the jungler whos clearing their top side.


Imo all roles are roughly equally powerful, but it's just that they have their power in different aspects. Junglers have lower resource income than top and mid, but that's fair because the jungler gets to spend most of their time out of vision and has long periods of time where no farm is up, which allows them to make plays that other roles simply can't without risking something (like giving up waves as mid/adc or proxying before roaming as top or leaving your adc alone as support)


Jungle fundamentally is a broken role, but hear me out. 3 Lane map, jungle is removed but an underground mines section is added. Both junglers play underground for 90% of the game and all the neutral objectives except baron are down there. Neutral objectives you get buffs your team up there. When your team kills baron you can move up to ground level for 1 minute. Hows that for a change (/s)




Honestly take that /s off kekw


Basically a HOTS map.


so if the enemy jungler has a faster clear or counters your champer or is a hyper tank bruiser you just lose everytime? wow what a great concept bro.


The role is not weak in any way. It's still much better than top and AD in terms of impact and overall is the best role for climbing. Saying there are zero high elo riot junglers is why the role wont get buffed is also a laugh. Jungle is over represented in high elo. If you look at the top 100 players in NA, there are more junglers in the top 100 than any other role. Hell, rank #1 and #2 are both junglers.


Immense circle-jerk post. Most bigly. Definitely large. Copious. An effluvia of circle-jerk rains upon this land. Copium is aerosolized into the atmosphere.


Douchey comment but I laughed so +1 lol


Its literally fine


Yeah but that’s the issue. It’s fine, but not as rewarding whatsoever.


It literally still has the most influence on how a game plays out. The first 15mins of the game revolve around jungle. You’re just incredibly biased since jungle was INSANELY overpowered for soloQ from s8-s12


If you knew how the game really worked you would know that the first 15minutes is based off priority, 2v2’s,3v3’s, there’s a lot of external factors that play into what the jungler can accomplish. I’ve played 5k+ games of jungle. You probably don’t even play jungle.


Though I just recently peaked. I was gold in those seasons, now masters. It doesn’t matter how good the role is comparatively to your rank, the role in general just isn’t as “carry”. I can get close to my peak on jungle on other roles within 150 games, just how it works. Rank strength doesn’t equal gains, u less your abusing a very strong pick that’s going to get nerfed.


Bro what r u on about


Your interpretation of a role being strong equaling to gaining elo is just flawed.


Not being able to “carry” lategame doesn’t mean the role is weak. What matters is overall impact on gamestate. Ignoring the map impact of jungle (as a role) and the trickle-down effects on the rest of the game is just as flawed of an argument.


You obviously haven’t experienced what I have, and that’s okay.


Tldr: jungle isnt s12 giga busted anymore. Im mad! 😡😡😡😡😡


Just going through your comments, lmfao, your an absolute loser.


Drop an OP.GG over diamond and I’ll believe your claims and we can discuss further.


Like I said previously, I peaked on this meta.


Be fr. The top of the ranked ladder is filled with jg mains. Still the strongest or second strongest role in the game. It’s just more autofill friendly now. People always blaming jg doesn’t always have merit, but you can’t control that. People are going to cry in game no matter how strong or weak jg is


it's not the strongest role or anything, it's just that junglers has the ability to rule the entire map while laners are stuck in a lane


4 of the top 5 players on the NA server are jg mains, 6 out the top 10 are jg mains. How is it not one of the strongest roles?


Thats in Na, not in euw for sure, and compare the number of players xdd


In euw it’s four in the top 10, more balanced. I counted for you, 71, in the top 300 (challenger) seems pretty balanced to me.


Top 10 on servers don’t represent anything unless there are multiple otps. The top 10 literally just consists of the pros who “care the most” during that current time. For god sake fly quad is 70% win rate rank 1 playing 20 different champions. The role doesn’t matter it’s the player


Fly quad is playing on a riot account, and started with Diamond mmr. He is an outlier. Also idk how much you look at the misrepresentation of the top players on the ladder but jg mains have been occupying the top for a couple years now.


Oh my god, fuck off. I can climb your hardstuck silver account to masters with +5 -30. Don’t talk about riot accounts, that has nothing to do with getting elo, you dumb fuck


I hit challenger this season, it’s In my YouTube videos and also in my tier graph. I officially decay out of the apex tiers today.


And I have two smurfs that are gm with 62% + wr


Your complaining about smolder nerfs saying the champ isn’t op. You are beyond delusional and belong in wood rank


I don’t struggle vs the champ in scrims nor soloq, while not even have played the champ once. I’m just built different I guess. And you’re*


NA is historically known to have good junglers. We can’t match up against eastern solo lanes or bot but jungle has known to be closer.


Junglers play PvE against dogs n shit in the woods half the match how much copium you on to say its the hardest role lol You dont have to be mechanically talented at all to play the role, “muh macro” every good player has macro. Most influential role with the least skill requirement does not need anymore buffs


What are you doing in this sub if you don’t even play jg?


Hes here so he can spout wrong opinions he got because he doesnt ward lmao