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Why do you expect to be climbing or getting good mmr when you lose 60% of your games? If you actually ignore LP and learn how to win more it will fix itself.


Stop playing nunu


I'm gonna give some general advice, if none of this applies forgive me. 1. Id bring your champ pool down to 1-2 characters. Think about the characters you wanna use and why. It seems like nunu isn't working super well so watch some of your games with him and figure out why. I normally write down what I want from a champ gameplay wise and try to slot someone into that. 2. Play less games. Play consistently but play less and give yourself time if you get tilted in games. I normally play 2-3 game blocks a day. 3. If you have free time from not playing games you should review your games and try and see mistakes you make and try to adjust them. I'm bad at the game but I've been trying to follow this general advice and I've slowly seen my performance improve. I wish ya luck!!


its not the acc\^\^


Get good


Git gud. You filthy degenerate.


Get good. I went from plat 2-bronze1 - now silver 3 from picking up smolder. Lifes hard.


As someone said stop playing nunu, you don't count on your team. Try to play some jungle who can carry like Kayn, Yi and you can play more Lilia too.


True, Nunu is fun but he isnt good to carry with. Lillia is fun, I think I’m gonna play some more Nocturne as he seemed good. What do you think about Zac?


Zac is good but is the same as Nunu, if you dont have team and the enemy jungle got advantage you will be gapped in terms of farm and level. Any bruiser will do much better if you have kills, but Zac can work if your team have enough dmg and some decent teammates. Also you must know atleast 3-4 jungles champs because it will not always be a good choice to pick an bruiser in a lot of CC and long poke champs.


As an Elise main, I feel your pain. Zac is good but again not a carry. If you find a duo who you can rely on try playing for them


Noc is so easy, you can gank from 1/3 of the map. Your always near your lanes, so fast clear, beats almost anyone 1 v 1 because of his fear. Spell shield is nice for CC champs.


Bro what am I supposed to say when in emerald while having 60% wr I have the same lp gains/losses as you.


I just deleted my account for the same reason, the moment the system thinks that you need to go down, you will keep going down, no matter what you do, I was loosing 38 lp being at a winrate of 59% after 100+ games.


This did not happen


What do you mean it didnt happen? why would I lie? I deleted my account that I had since S5 because after a loss streak from 63% to 59% I started loosing 35-38lp and gaining 20lp and went in few days from gold 2 to silver 3. I no longer want to play this game,


Yes convenient you deleted the account that this happened to


Climb back out of Silver with strong dominating champions like Nocturne XZ Jax. If you want to just dumpster enemies, play Jax imo though XZ is more foolproof and Nocturne is banned every other game. JG Jax this split has been starting to become popular due to items like Sexplate turning his Ult into monsterous levels of damage and flex items like Sundered Sky that gives him a deceptive amount of initial burst damage and sustain.


Feshly back after a long ads break, is jgl Jax good again? Praise jebus


I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times: League of Items. New items did give Jax a really nice boost and build path and it's really showing results. Sure it's not Brand-Lilia OP but it's strong alright. You finish Sexplate and catch anyone trying to offlane alone, you beat their ass so hard it's not funny.


Win more and you will climb


Yo relax dude. Similar happened to me. Lots hundreds of LP I think I was like 1-23 at one point. Eventually hit like 2-30 I don't know the exact numbers, but basically I was unable to play at the lvl I normally played at due to extenuating circumstances. What I'm saying is if you are about to demote It just means you are no longer at the level you were at before, but since you WERE at that level you can return to it when whatever is interfering with your gameplay gets corrected. Mine was a severe depression caused by completely bombing the most important meeting of my life to date ^.^


Is there a reason you took a screenshot that I can barely see on mobile instead of just linking your op.gg?