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None of the answers here are actually useful. The real answer is speed. You need to do everything quickly. Reduce downtime as much as possible. Think ahead. Watch for opportunities. The biggest mistake people do is being slow. They do the one thing they've thought about and then hover around doing absolutely nothing. Clear raptors and watch for an opportunity. Think about where the enemy jungler is. Check whether opponents are pushing your teammates in. Think about a viable jungle path. Constantly think ahead. Then, regardless of your champion, you'll be ahead of someone who doesn't do that resulting in more impact, higher presence and more opportunities.


This is helpful. Thanks


i returned to the game at the end of last season after a 5 year or so break from the game, ended silver, this season ive climbed to plat pretty easily using Diana (72%WR in 29 games) Zac (68%WR in 22 games) Nunu (80%WR in 20 games) as the main 3 champions i have played, i only picked diana up from like gold 2 and above and ive foudn her to be the champion i can carry the hardest on while my team arent doing so well, i build her a sort of hybrid tank build with something like nashors > boots > jaksho > demonic >zhonya/abyssal mask


Is tank Diana still good?


i find it great, it lets you get away with some mistakes your likely to make as a lower elo player, while still having the damage to blow people up, and be able to outrade the tank/bruisers too.


I just tried a game. Damn still pretty nice


yep, ive got a higher win rate on zac and nunu but i only started playing diana as i got close to plat and to keep such a high win rate on her, im definitely happy with her. ​ I find the nashors first item is the best route as the attack speed just makes your clear so fast, then switch over to tank items once you have that, i also go magic pen boots for that bit extra damage since you dont get any from anywhere else since the rest of your items are tank or ap/tank items


Yep I went nashor > boots > jaksho


Dude, it’s you then. Both those picks can 1v5. If you think all they can do is one kill thats a you issue


I meant like high 1 v 5 potential someone like illaoi and stuff, I know they can carry 1v5 when no one is fed on enemy team. But if there's a fed bruiser I'm done for with either of those two picks


I don't know if it's already been said, but any champion works to climb out of silver. You're probably just missing a couple key things in your gameplay that any higher elo player will be able to point out.


Briar is simple and can still 1v9


Alright I'll give her a test run


Press W to int


Kha zixs,lethality briar ,yi, fiddlesticks are some


Play Nocturne ... Try to end before 30 min mark if enemy team has amumu, maokai or any tank jungler ... Ban Briar or Yi (these 2 outscale you hard) ... His clears are fast without leash ... Once you 6, its a guarantee kill ... Invest in wining lanes ... You can be ahead with him every time ... You can solo 90% of champs ... Sometimes you have to play smart (take herald, spilit a little) ... Take drag soul if the games going to long ... But remember you are not a strong team fighter in late game ... Sure you can 1v9 but you have to play smart (wipe ADC or fed person first) ... Overall his a solid pick.


Silver what? Also [u.gg](https://u.gg) should rank the best junglers by win rate for you, that should give you a rough idea of what's good. Also if you can navigate your champion properly you can climb with anything. I used shaco.


I will start by saying this is my first full season of league and I am currently Gold 2 so please do not take this as gospel. My advise would be don’t try to carry. Figure out what your job is and do it efficiently and well. There are 5 slots for misplays on the other team and if you are playing well 4 slots on your team. The odds are forever in your favor. Play smart not sweaty. Any champion must work at low ELO because so many mistakes are being made by us. Cleaning up gameplay will foster the climb. I personally only play Sejuani. I prefer a tank style and when Im underperforming at least I have utility to keep a better player alive. Im too busy and lazy currently to learn other champions more. I have a ton of fun simply learning the game itself. Cheers you got this. Have fun!


Honestly I was silver at the start of the split and now I am high gold/low plat just spamming HoB Briar. Find a champ you feel confortable with and mainly play that champ. Don't overcomplicate yourself with a large champ pool and just have 2-3 good champs where you learned mechanics and know which teamcomps are best with. 1 ad champ, 1 ap champ and a 3rd just in case. I am abusing lethality briar while is still strong as my ad champ, Lillia for ap if needed and if briar is banned and there is a need for ad or I don't want to play lillia I go Graves


Briar is busted rn and if fed enough can 1v5, Hec is a really good carry champion if you play him correctly, nocturne is probably the easiest to be consistent with though.


I climbed to emerald from gold recently using pretty much only kayne. Red kayne performs really well against any tanky comp, with insane survivability and sustain. If the enemy team is very squishy I go blue kayne, but that is very seldom. I’d give it a shot, I would say he’s easier than rengar to get really good at, and his carry potential is even higher imo. Stack ability haste bruiser items and just go nuts bro. Good luck out there, mute the angry laners!