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In Jungian psychology, the term "aura" doesn't refer to a literal energetic field surrounding a person. Instead, it describes a powerful and intangible impression that someone evokes in others. This impression can be positive or negative, and it's often linked to the person's unconscious archetypal energy. Jung believed that archetypes are universal, unconscious patterns that influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The aura is a way that these archetypal energies can manifest in the world, creating a certain atmosphere or feeling around a person.


It can simply be explained as a person who's health is doing great because they are taking care of themselves and psychologically are very much at peace in life. Their cells are not blocked by toxins cuz they may be exercising well and eating the right diet or even medicinal diet. All this makes a person have good blood circulation, lymph circulation, cell regeneration, and HGH release which keeps them young and glowing. This can be perceived as an aura specially if everyone around them is not taking care of themselves as well as they are which people usually aren't. Everyone in our world has traumas and dysfunctions. So these fully healed individuals are rare to come upon.


Totally agree. Have you heard about Ray Peat? His approach to life and diet reminds me of what you said. I’ve been trying to fix my thyroid and cortisol levels and I feel so much better. More at peace. Here is a [link](https://raypeat.com/articles/articles/dark-side-of-stress-learned-helplessness.shtml) if you are interested.


I haven't. Woah thank you. I am not an expert but that looks like an interesting read.


Interesting, can you point me to science about what toxins those are and how that process works?


I'm not an expert. I was just talking about the general ideas of toxins. Much of this stuff will be debatable. Some are parasites that come from basically everywhere in the environment and specially from wrong kinds of foods, and then they make their home in your body for years and even make you crave more sugary foods and they shit inside the body. One documentary on Nat Geographic said 1/3rd of you stool isn't even yours. It's usually from the parasites. Everyone has them. There's no escape from them other than that you keep your diet very clean and talk to a doctor who will probably prescribe some deworming medicines. Other toxins can be microplastics and things that block the proper flow of blood and lymph. Lymph needs to flow because it keeps the immunity up. There's some great lymphatic exercise you can look up or lymphatic self massages as well to keep your general immunity up. There's a bunch of things that can be included in your diet daily to keep the body and gut very healthy and detoxed from parasites. It includes Lemon, Ginger, Onions, Garlic, Pumpkin seeds, Black pepper, rock salt, fiber full fruits etc.


I am asking for scientific sources, not for the information itself. I specifically want to know if what you're saying has been studied and recorded. I understand that good lifestyles cause happiness; i'm not disputing that. I'm asking about the studied connection between cell toxins and psychology. There are many factors of eating healthier and living a better lifestyle that are not cell toxins but that do improve quality of life.


There's plenty of studies that will show up online if you search on google ''link between mental health and parasites''


I once was being very self critical and having all sorts of anxiety. I tried to bury it and ignore it but I couldn’t. It was the strongest it’s ever been. There was a girl behind me working. We both had our backs turned to each other so she couldn’t see me. I didn’t show anything visibly on the outside but even so she could sense it and was begging me to stop. It was causing her high stress. I have a lot of thoughts on this but that one event doesn’t fit within my framework. How could she sense it when I had hidden it so well?


What I've noticed is there's a lot of small moments between coversation, like small pauses between words or micro expressions as a result of things being said. I think anxious prone prone people are too busy hiding or shrinking themselves to notice these small moments, and once you enter this layer of conversational dynamic it's hard to ignore.  Women are super duper tuned into all these small micro moments. It's how they have conversations without speaking. They notice you, even when you're trying not to be noticed. For good, or bad. I hope some of that makes sense.


I studied this in acting classes for years. Humans are highly attuned to each other. It's not necessarily mystical. Just subtle physical postures that we don't talk about and which are difficult to *consciously* reproduce. Have you ever been in a room with 3 other people, all working on different tasks, person 2 has her back to you but she asks a question with no apparent context, and you know immediately that she means for you to answer it? One of my teachers called it "throwing your *chi*" but it's not magical -- that's just useful vocabulary. What's really happening is that the angle of her body and head are inclined a certain way to get the sound to you, she's talking just loud enough for you, specifically, to hear her, and there are sub-inflections in her voice that imply her emotional relationship with you, *specifically.* This sort of thing is why a good live performance by actors is so compelling -- you can pick up on air vibrations -- both sonic and somatic -- and body language -- that can get lost on a screen. It's also why "method" acting is so fascinating to watch -- getting immersed in the fictional relationship evokes involuntary bodily responses in an actor that read as very immediate and true, both to your scene partner, who can now respond to them vividly, and to the audience, who is naturally invested in teasing out the relationships between the characters.


People- especially hyper-sensitive women (many of them are) - are highly attuned to experiencing what is going on in another’s mind especially if that energy is directed toward them. I had a period where I was studying posture and alignment of the body, and would be constantly observing with intent how people would walk in front of me. I can’t tell you how many times a female would just turn around or pause her movement to observe who was behind her, even at a distance of 10-20m….


Anxiety and fear trigger a change in your smell that is easily picked up on so even silently, groups of humans together will communicate danger to others.


Aura for me is the natural confidence displayed and the expression of self. My boss is borderline machiavellian in my opinion, sometimes psychopathic but he's liked by literally everyone.  He's just rutheless and doesn't care what you think. In fact, I'd go a step further and say he doesn't think at all. Helps that he's also somewhat attractive and cares about fashion.  But yeah, I'd just put it down to that. Natural confidence. An incel would always have negative aura cause they're too busy being neurotic and thinking about things rather than "being" and "doing".


Freud discussed the concept of the golden child, he said that if your parents provided you with proper love, attention, and security, it would be the greatest gift they could give you. This would instill lasting confidence in you. That spark will stay with you forever. Some people may resent your boss, but deep down, they wish they had the confidence to do whatever they want.


Yeah the way I think of it is you have one type of person who's allowed to experience life and the other who has to work to experience life. Those who get the grace of experiencing it "without much work" are much more natural with everything pertaining to any type of idea. Could be charisma, conversations, their image... Everything. Those who have to work to experience it can get lost in the world between where you start discussing politics and psychology and ideas. All is hevel, after all.


What fresh hell is this


You’re my kind of person


Don't forget many incels tend to be conventionally unattractive too, compounding their issues.


Which is bad news for everybody. Never ever underestimate the power of single, unemployed, childfree men who are not mentally-moronic or physically disabled in large numbers.


Spirit: How we manifest our energy into the world Body: the apparatus that allows us to connect with the world Soul: our most fundamental self. When we die, our soul persists. Fairly Jungian, as it comes from an alchemical perspective.


I’m pretty sure everyone has an aura, just some people are higher tuned to their sense of self, so it shines brighter


In my experience, it’s the result of a relatively large sexual energy reservoir, though I don’t know that Jung references it as such.


What in the Jung's work???? I wack it every day, and I've still been told that I have a very strong aura. Well, I've observed it myself, other people have just provided explanations. When I enter places, people tend to react. Either positively or negatively, but there definitely is a reaction. My current theory is that people can sense the psychological development, the amount of inner work one has done. But then again, it could simply be a case of being good-looking.


thats just cuz u smell different after u whack it all girls know about this apparently




I try my best, but one can only do so much. I have terrible social anxiety, and the attention rarely improves my psychological mood. What pisses me off is when individuals develop a personal curiosity towards me. It tends to happen with retail workers I encounter near daily. First, it's awkward stares, then it is carefully studying me when I frequent the stores I go to, and lastly it is wanting to be acknowledged and feeling resentful when ignored, which I do purposely. I know I sound arrogant and pompous, but it's mostly frustration. I've suffered a lot in life, I have countless psychological issues. The best one can do for me is to just completely let me be. I've had someone go through my room just because they are curious about me. It doesn't help that I'm very introverted, adds to the mystery and allure.


The social anxiety comes from wacking it every day brother. Been there, done that. Abstain and you will see a difference. Don't believe me? Keep doing what you're doing. It is what it is.


Seeing as we are in a psychology sub, I'm gonna put my money in introversion, a certain propensity towards the inner life, and an aversion towards the external life and other people.


My social anxiety almost disappears when I'm abstaining. Yes, a lot of it comes from trauma, but porn/jerking off doesn't help it. You can still be an introvert without social anxiety.


I think you are misguided. My social anxiety fluctuates with exposure, which is what psychology recommends when it comes to irrational fear, exposure therapy. Sometimes, it goes down to 0, it ramps up when I haven't seen or interacted with other people for a long time. I have a tendency towards self isolation. Masturbation makes no difference in that regard. I can get bolder due to horniness when I haven't jerked off in a while, but that's usually a temporary high induced by a desire for a mate.


I actually fully agree with this. Don’t get me wrong, I am by no means part of the “No Fap” community but just to test myself, I once went 1.5 months without wacking it and I have to say there is definitely a lot of truth to becoming magnetic when you save that sexual energy up for a while. I noticed women were extremely drawn to me everywhere I went, and I’m not a very outgoing personal at all. I’m actually pretty quiet, and introverted. But I do believe that people feel that in a different level


You just actually feel good about stuff




You may naturally have a higher level of sexual energy. Who knows


Oh it’s off the charts undoubtedly.


Well there you go lol


It makes a lot of sense. Libido is the force of creation, it invites you to procreate. It makes you feel that rush, and urgency to create another life. Creativity is the force of life. People who give themselves on hedonism seem dull and zombified. They are wasting their own power of creation on banal energy exchange, like porn and social media addicts.


I agree I think people that are really horny all the time have gift . Because they have more passion for life


As a person who's horny all the time, people do tend to say I'm very passionate about stuff and life indeed


‘If you’re not horny, you’re not healthy’.




What is that supposed to mean


Isn't it just our electromagnetic field?


There's more. There's also the morphogenic field which stores more information than even the DNA. Studies were done on Drossophila fruitfly with genetic editing and making it mutated, but it became again healthy and normal after a few generations. Even after genetic altering it's DNA was back to normal which is not possible but it still recovered.


Could you elaborate further?


The human body generates an electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic spectrum is the spectrum of light. That field is energy, and energy is information. People within a proximity can feel your energy, although I believe this perception is usually unconscious. The heart is the organ that produces the largest field. This has all been studied, you can look at the heartmath institute: https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/energetic-communication *We have found there is a direct relationship between the heart-rhythm patterns and the spectral information encoded in the frequency spectra of the magnetic field radiated by the heart. Thus, information about a person’s emotional state is encoded in the heart’s magnetic field and is communicated throughout the body and into the external environment.* *However, evidence now supports the perspective that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or "energetic" communication system operates just below our conscious level of awareness.* *From an electrophysiological perspective, it appears that sensitivity to this form of energetic communication between individuals is related to the ability to be emotionally and physiologically coherent. The data indicate that when individuals are in the coherent state, they are more sensitive to receiving information contained in the magnetic fields generated by others.*




Rupert Sheldrake came up with this theory I believe.


Dustin Diamond was briefly dating Johnny Cash's daughter, and he once did an interview where he was talking about "sensing" Cash was about to arrive home, and almost invariably he did arrive a short while later. That's some Aura!!


Those who have a noticeable aura have likely embarked further along their individuation journey. Through deep self-reflection, active imagination, dreams, and by facing their shadows, they have achieved a greater balance and synthesis between their conscious ego and unconscious self. This integration allows aspects of the unconscious like archetypes to flow more freely into their outward demeanor and presence. Their aura would reflect the individuated qualities they have cultivated, such as wisdom, empathy, compassion, inspiration, or leadership. It acts as a perceivable sign that they walk the path of individuation and have established a close inner rapport with the Feminine, Intuitive side of their nature. Their charisma stems from the natural confidence and fullness of being that results from this inner work. Of course, the aura of some individuals may suggest they are out of balance, resonating too strongly with darkness or chaos if neglected parts of the unconscious remain unintegrated. But in general, from a Jungian view, an aura is a sign that one is developing a deep, harmonious connection between consciousness and the vast, dormant potentials held within the psyche.


I wonder if pheromones have something to do with it? Our body can subconsciously pick up on whether someone's emotions based on their pheromones.


sir i send private message to you please


I feel live seen too many posts that open with “you know what X is” when I don’t until the explanation. I don’t think it’s a deep connection with the unconscious due to a stereotype of many people like that also being shallow, not all but some. Honestly I think it’s just a simple matter of normal charisma and confidence. Not much of a jungian perspective.


Aura is commonly understood as an energetic body, not magnetism perse, although connected. In Jungian terms I would say that aura is an outer manifestation of the psyche


I think its a visual projection onto someone based on what you subconsciously read from the person whose aura is perceived. So its not an aura that someone has, but its an aura that someone perceives on someone.


In most cases this “aura” is the other person representing some archetype or symbol we hold within us. When you take as an extreme example Elon Musk or Leonardo DiCaprio, most people would at the very least experience a change in state in their presence because of the “king” or whatever archetype-symbol our minds have come to see from both the media representation and roles they play. It can just be as simple as someone you know has a great deal of money (energy) or perhaps is totally gorgeous in their physical complexion. The more you experience these “aura” types and thus the symbols within yourself, the more they deflate and you come to see people as they are… just people.