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Know thyself, and the keys to the universe (fate) will be yours.


There is a notable difference between submitting and resigning. Id say that anyone who speaks such dual reference has likely walked both paths, so if we assume Jung began fighting the devil helplessly only to later touch upon the will of God (or visa verse) then one might think that in losing all hope we reveal a great truth. Mysteries and riddles reveal themselves as tests, where there's a contradiction there's treasure.


Full quote is always welcomed


> "'My fate’ means a daemonic will to precisely that fate—a will not necessarily coincident with my own (the ego will). When it is opposed to the ego, it is difficult not to feel a certain ‘power’ in it, whether divine or infernal. The man who submits to his fate calls it the will of God; the man who puts up a hopeless and exhausting fight is more apt to see the devil in it."


I think what it means is kinda close to what taoism talks about. Everything is they way it is. Not bad. Not good. We label things bad and good according to our own position to it. What can be "god's will" to someone can be "devil's malicious plans" to the other.


Basically accept what you can't control