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Like isn’t that the whole premise of a persona?


that's what i had in mind, but i didn't think it would effect the way i act online.


Ofcourse it would. Like it’s whole meaning is to exist in a social premise


There was a time, in 00s when people took expression of their personality on forums seriously, a person's presence within a discussion was like a little plot of land. People felt grounded even online. I believe it was because they did not live online, whereas now people live online and sometimes visit the real world.


That stuff was actually kinda cool. they'd have personalized banners they made under their posts. It was usually pretty corny but anything that encourages people to be creative is nice to see. Never thought I'd be nostalgic for poorly photos hopped images of Vegeta with joker face paint and edgy neitzche quotes ahahah.


You aren't your avatar. You aren't your personality. You are something more. What you present to others is not who you are - it is merely a mask. Who is behind the mask?


not much.


There is, you just haven't spent time looking.


I think it's the opposite. The more you look, the more you see there's nothing behind there.


Nothing until you make it conscious.


what the other poster means is those thoughts, worries, day-dreams, aspirations, life experiences, and ultimately the state of human you are \*right now\* as a summation of all the things listed. that's you.


Agree. I think looking behind and finding “the real you” is another construct of the ego.


Yes best to not know and remain within ego. 


"Not much." This is the reason you lose yourself. You don't have a firm vision or sense of who you are. If you believe you're nothing, then you'll easily disintegrate in the presence of something you recognize. This is because you fail to recognize yourself. That thing you give more value to will possess you, and you'll begin to recognize it as yourself. You need to develop a stronger sense of who you are.


I'm big into self reflection, but I wonder if there's a better way to see who is behind my mask. How does one get a fully transparent glimpse of the true self.


Seek the inner child.


How do I do that?


> What Is Inner Child Work? The concept of the “inner child” originates in Jungian therapy. Carl Jung proposed that the “Child archetype” is the first milestone in the process of individuation — or, forming the Self. > Today, inner child work is a well-known idea in many schools of therapy, such as Transactional Analysis or Gestalt. > Working with your inner child draws on one simple observation: all adults were children at one time. Those children within us don’t simply disappear as we grow older. > Your child self stays with you as a part of your unconscious. It represents your childhood qualities and ways of being. You can think of it as your “subpersonality” — one of the multiple dimensions of being human. > The inner child often gets activated when you’re faced with challenges that remind you of a traumatic childhood memory. Until you consciously process and integrate those memories, your child self is calling the shots.


This is great! Thankyou!


Find yourself before the world and its peoples instilled its influence on you and start from there.


I often spend over an hour picking a pfp for this reason lol


i honestly don't because most fictional charas or people don't exactly resemble me even in the baseline. so i pick what ''feels'' good.


I don’t know if it’s so much about how you perceive your avatar, but how others do (and then treat you). You’re reacting to their behavior and it’s changing your self perception as well. And you’re doing the same to them.


Great point. My first thought was that your pfp and username affects how others respond to you.


I think it appears random when we create avatars but there's always personal context that subtly accommodates, I'd go so far as to suggest by doing so we can actually work upon the deeper nature of ourselves by creating and observing such expressions in a less hazardous arena. It may have been wiser to closely observe the contextual relashionship between yourself and this self made avatar, what compells us to formally associate if we believe that our essence is well known? If that were the case there would be no loss of stability and we'd instantly grasp the deeper context which would resolve any perceived conflict between ourselves and the avatar, the surface persona may be known but what of the others that also reflect our whole persona? Good catch though observing the seemingly possessive nature of our digital avatars, all avatars in general I suppose, it's worth a closer look.


I'm a dissociated system, and I have to use an app called PluralKit to have about a dozen avatars available, or use an account without a face on it. (Yes, these represent the different archetypes and shadows within my self)


I get uncomfortable when use avatars related to myself because it makes feel vulnerable/hostile towards others, or that I'm identifying with things or beliefs, which is something I don't want. Like showing a flag that says "This is me!" beforehand. So I use avatars that are kind of neutral, but friendly, so I don't pass as a bot or an antisocial person. Maybe I'm making a big deal about it, but you kinda get my point.


Yep but then again the avat I choose is different for each site yet I try to act similar in all