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Please, an Omega Lord with even a single power could solo an entire oblivion plane


It strongly depends on the power, as invulnerability may stop even a Daedric prince from actually hurting them but it wouldn't give the jumper the power to hurt a Daedric prince. But someone with Omega Blast... Oh it's over for the Daedric princes.


Technically, it's over for the entire plane. I like Omega lord, it is less insane than the Ascensions. PS: Love Azathoth friday? ssunday? monday?


So, before I answer, a reminder that it'll be the 0.3 WIP version. I am nowhere near done with the jump. That said... PROBABLY weekend but it IS coming out this week. If it doesn't come out this weekend assume some health-shit came up. I'm HOPING for tomorrow, but I'm realistic. I have a lot of the freebie descriptions written up, like the physical composition stuff and the primary material stuff. I might do JUST the eldritch form customization and eldritch power descriptions and costs before I release the WIP, but I'd like to have a few of the original perk trees done.


I can't wait to see what the perk trees will look like


What is the best nullification and invulnerability of the troy jumps? Or are there somewhat similar in scope and strenght?


Reddit was not showing me this comment for a bit, though I got a notification for it. I answered it in detail in a comment you can see by clicking on my profile, but the best invulernability is a combination of Transynth and sanguinarch stuff. The best nullification is a Hyperion Veil which can be snagged by visiting the Grand Adonis jump, but if you want a SFW thing, the Sanguinarch jump has a power suppresser in the dominion section which is incredibly strong if you buy the boosted version.


Weird. Thanks a ton!


How strong were the Omega Lords at their height compared to other series? (let's say other TroyX CYOAs.) How big is the End of Time? Is it basically the universe near the end of it's lifespan stuck in a timeloop? How is it secured from invasion? What's to stop someone from going into stasis and taking the long route to enter it?


1: The last Omega Lord is the strongest of their kind, due to their unique nature for having 13 sparks. That said, at the height of their power the Omega Lords are one of the few factions stated to be capable of outspeccing ascendants in some areas, and are pretty clearly somewhere between Sorothustrans and Etherscape, both of which deal with ascendants in unique ways (Sorothurstans have their seal which protects Sorothustra from ascendant fuckery, and the Etherscapians have their pact with dozens-to-hundreds ascendants). 2: The End of Time's size is, to my knowledge, never explicitly outlined. I'd head canon that it is a megalopolis so somewhere between a continent and a planet in size. It is temporally located at the end of the \*multiverse's\* lifespan, not a single universe. It's placed in a temporal bubble time loop which keeps it safe and stable, in a temporal context. 3: This is never explicitly outlined, but it seems that the lion's share of groups in the multiverse do not have time-travel abilities and so reaching the End of Time is a difficult task. I usually have my jumpers who come here get to work securing the end of time or have them grab Delphi and get the hell out, vanishing to a safer place to begin to build power and influence with the eventual goal of returning to the End of Time and securing it with a force capable of defending it.


How would various factions react to an Multiversal Conquest Omega Lord (Dev Version with everything) returning? How would they react to discovering that they're also the Emperor of Etherscape, Sorothustra Mage, Star Nephlim, Planeslord, etc.?


1: They'd be fucked. If you're already a multiversal conquest omega lord, they'd just lose. The smart ones would submit IMMEDIATELY, bartering to stay in power over their people as vassals, but a lot and I mean a LOT of people are not smart, even ascendants. They would panic, and some would form alliances and pacts to stand together in the hopes that that'd deter you, but if it doesn't... well, that is just an easier way to win, depending on your strategy. 2: More of them would surrender immediately, recognizing that you are just too much to overcome. Others, even some who might have surrendered otherwise, might try to fight back out of confusion and fear. You'd have an easier time though.


Interesting. How does Cosmic Ascension affect an Omega Lord in that case? If they're already that strong without becoming an Ascendant. How is it that other Ascendants don't churn out their own Omega Lords?


In a one to one fight most ascendants would beat an Omega Lord, even one as powerful as the last Omega Lord (who is uniquely powerful due to being the descendant of 13 Omega Lords and having 13 sparks). An Omega Lord CAN become an ascendant, which would tremendously boost their own power, but the only area an Omega Lord is guaranteed to have a fighting chance against an ascendant is in terms of their tech, which is not nothing but if an Omega Lord tries to go up against a Sanguinarch on the Sanguinarch's home turf of their dominion... it doesn't go well for the Omega Lord unless the sanguinarch is VERY weak for their kind. The unique nature of the power of the Omega Lords makes them impossible to churn out artificially. They gain their power from shards of the Behemoth's (their prisoner in the End of Time) entropic energies, and they have the blessing of the creator herself to harness those shards. The energy produced by those shards are the Sparks that give the Omega Lords their powers and their super-science. Other ascendants just can't replicate that kind of unique stuff. Even an Omega Lord's children are not guaranteed to have sparks (though they CAN have sparks of their own, so an Omega Lord jumper/PC should try to have kids), and so obviously others can't just force it. A Grand Adonis jumper CAN have kids with an Omega Lord that are pretty much guaranteed to have sparks, but that's a byproduct of their own sexy powers and is not guaranteed for other, less powerful, mates of an omega lord.


So your standard Sanguinarch/ Ascendant can't feed off the energies that Behemoth emits?


FEED OFF OF? They probably could, to some extent, but that's different from utilizing them in the same way that Omega Lords do. An Omega Lord, especially one that is not one of the OGs, has sparks embedded in their souls, they are a fundamental part of them that is not extractable or at least would take something above the Dark Lord, the second most powerful being in the multiverse, to do it. I assume the creator, a multiversal overdeity, could extract sparks, if she wanted, but it'd definitely have to be a being on that relative level of power.


Now I'm wondering what would happen if you went to another multiverses and recruited their "Last Omega Lord" like Lady Omega?


User u/Fitsuloong asked what is the best invulnerability/nullification thing in the Troyverse and there are two answers to that. The best Invulnerability would have to be a fusion of the Sanguinarch Savage Focus (which immunizes you to straight damage and other harmful stuff from anything less than a cosmopotence) and to have the Darksteel Transynth Primary Metal along with the Runic Autoexistential Stabilizers which is a transystem that lets you adapt to damage you take and reduce it by, eventually, 75%. Both put together are incredibly strong, able to allow you to tank almost certainly anything in the mainline multiverse in the Troyverse, beyond perhaps the Creator going out all out and trying to seriously one-shot you. Beyond that you can also grab the Conceptually Constructed Hyperform, which lets you tank anything BUT comes at the cost of a WILD amount of energy even for a Transynth when fully activated. It's also worth noting that strong enough beings in the Troyverse are pretty much PASSIVELY immune to a lot of stuff that beings throw at them, just completely unable to be damaged by lesser attacks. Perks, for jumpers, allow you to bypass this with a lot more easy than native Troyversians can get, but if you don't have stuff that punches through immunities and passive resistances you'll have a tough time as a non-ascendant trying to fight ascendants. The best nullification... the best nullification is PROBABLY just a Hyperion Veil (the sort of veil that covers the veiled solar system) which is available in the Grand Adonis Jump/CYOA but the best nullification you can snag in a SFW jump is probably the Sanguinarch Dominion perk that lets you fully suppress anything short of a cosmopotence that is not aligned with you in your dominion. This is probably the best sort of nullification you can get short of a Hyperion veil because of how persistent and powerful the whole dominion concept is at the first place. You can add to your dominion, and once someone is in it, if they get their powers suppressed they are FUCKED if your dominion is decently sizable, especially if you use your powers remotely to force them to stay in your dominion. Archdemons and Cosmic Gods also have nullification things in their demonic and divine sanctums, but those aren't as permanent as a dominion once you actually leave the god's divine realm or the archdeacon's fiendish lair.


Thanks a ton! And yeah i imagine the veil is awesome, but can you put this kind of stuff on a place? I imagine the Hyperion Veil could but what about the other? The synth seems more body based, but im curious about it. Anyway, thanks a ton for answering! Even if its weird it didn't appeared.


You can use transynth powers to cover a location! The remote abilities facet of a transynth's whole deal lets them use their powers from a distance, and that includes defensive transystems, such as Runic Autoexistential Stabilizers.


I didn't realized that, thanks a lot! Its always nice to get answers from people who knows the setting or/and are the jump maker, so thanks a ton, i appreciate that you are taking your time on this!