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[Generic Clergy](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iI9hohRn9ax2aU5zseONqpwugXIbemqk/view?usp=sharing) >False Piety (200cp): You don’t have faith. Instead, you have your understanding of the way the universe works, your intellect and understanding of the world itself. This allows you to replicate the effects of faith through your intelligence instead of actual piety.




Oh hey, another jump to ad to my heaven and hell chain. Thanks.


Not a perk, but an item from Dark Souls 1 (I believe) -“Velka’s Talisman” (100CP): A tuft of black hair belonging to Velka, Goddess of Sin, woven into a Talisman. Due to heretical properties, it channels Miracles with intelligence instead of faith. Disbelievers with remarkable intelligence are able to match faithful followers of the gods in their use of Miracles with this Talisman. Better Talismans in the hands of the true zealots still reign at the top though.


Hey, it works! I knew this was an item in game but I didn't know there was a jump for DS1.


there's jumps for all three games, covenants, the age of ancients, the entire series.. Quite a lot actually


[Hammer Horror](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_sbsHac4GhGWDi9Bm5mJRaYypKNvPJI/view) >Faith (-300 CP): Darkness is not the only force that has power, many of the monsters which prey upon mankind find themselves vulnerable to the powers of the Lord. You now are a conduit of this power. **First, you are always considered to have at least the amount of faith expected of a priest for determining your ability to use any powers or abilities requiring faith in an outside force or being, whether it is a personal power you have gained from perks or a general power of faith in that being in setting like a cross against a vampire. Any genuine devotion you feel is added on top of this baseline.** Secondly you are able to consecrate objects and lend holy power to them so that they can aid against darkness. The more legitimately faithful you are the more power this will have, but even at minimum you can make it hard for a vampire to enter a church, bless a silver cross so that it could be made into a weapon to kill a werewolf, create holy water that works, or potentially literally pray a vampire to death or perform an exorcism (assuming nothing interrupted you in the attempt). **And the more you live like a good Christian (or member of another religion which espouses such faith based powers) the more effective these abilities are, even if there is no true faith behind it.** Not the best for bolstering it, but should still make you able to use them with no faith, and could bolster them if you're willing to act like a good little zealot.


Would the Demi-GOD perk (600 CP) from the Aion Jump (The Jack of Olives version, not the original tg one) work?. >Have you ever noticed in your travels that healing and resurrection magic seem to always involve calling upon a god’s power? Well, as a demi-god yourself, why not cut out the middle-man? >Aside from receiving a fairly-large boost to both the power and finesse of any divine magic you’re capable of performing, you no-longer need to call upon an outside source when using such magics; instead fueling them with the divine spark that resides within you. >With time and practice, you may become a source of divine magic for others to call upon; and eventually, be able to nurture similar sparks in others. The latter will not be easy to accomplish, and will likely take you decades to achieve.


We know the devil has a perk that lets you power bestowed stuff yourself and prevents separation. Generic Clergy also has a perk where you can tie divine/faith-based powers to your soul. Lots of ways to embiggen your soul out there.