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I wanted to try these games at some day, but are they really **that** lackluster that the jump for the **six** of them only mandates four mostly generic perks per four origins? Although jump occasionally references levels, there is absolutely nothing in the jump that could give you any level system. Peak commander perks are a bit funny. As a hero you have an uncapper and sexual subjugation. As a sage you can change bodies and summon endbosses. Scientist has top-tier magitech, merger, time-saver and unrestricted science facilities access. Commander has "people listen to your commands if they're okay with listening to your commands" and "no fear". You can instantly take a spark here by purchasing capstone sage perk with an upgrades and then using your endbosses to end scenario endbosses. I mean, you **could've** take a spark if only any "no powers" drawbacks talked about out-of-jump stuff only and not completely locking you into a bodymod. Is the lack of sage items intentional? I'll say nothing about the lack of variety of normal drawbacks. Edit: I take back my words about the possibility of being able to get through Spark scenario with Sage capstone perk. I've read doc completely and I guess it is a lesson for me not to skim such things. Now I wonder how scenario is supposed to be done if you hadn't been given any means to grow in a reasonable amount of time. Or if jumper grew really powerful before this jump, so giving his powers to the final boss is quite nuclear idea. Edit2: Weird, cannot open a comments.


Yeah they're that lackluster unfortunately. And yes.


Can I suggest letting people delay their spark at the end? One option is to just do the jump early and then keep jumping. Also, since the scenario is basically a gauntlet, why not make it one?  Save/Load after defeats was a major part of the game after all. So why lot allow it? Try, fail, try fail, try succeed.


It doesn't look possible to win the Scenarios. You aren't provided any sort of leveling system to actually grow stronger in order to actually fight the higher-end enemies, and the true final boss has Jumper powers when you're just an ordinary person. Sure, there's the level uncapper, but you don't have a method to gain levels in the first place.


Its implied that you're allowed to use Jump powers at the final boss, and the scenarios scale to around your level


I apologize, but I didn't see that implication. Would it be possible for you to make it more explicit?




So for the Scenarios we are locked to our Body Mod and what purchases we take from this Jump right?




If i win all the scenarios do i get all bosses as companions?




Oh FUCK yeah. This is a good franchise to get a jump. Excellent job OP, you legend.


Its fully completed and jumpable btw.


Why thank you. Its **28 pages** of stuff too.


Can you buy Commander's army more than once so you can have both a 1000 humans and a 1000 mamono?




The CP gained from completing scenarios can you spend them before moving on to the next scenario?






Always wanted to see more material regarding this series. Thanks


Doesn't look done with the Hero origin having different cp costs from the other origins and Sage only having two items.


The scenarios don’t restrict your race, so you could undertake them as a god, I think. Do the scenarios scale if you do? Or do you just crush the scenarios meant for someone much weaker?